Episodes of series that made you quit watching a series

Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
Like Fone Bone I have also seen every episode of the Simpsons, but it is a show that I have "quit" temporarily but eventually did wind up coming back to. Same with something like Bob's Burgers, Family Guy or even South Park which quite honestly I don't know if that's fitting for a topic like this because to me when you say you "quit a series" that means you are full turkey not watching anymore because they did something that personally irked you to the point of never EVER giving the show a chance again which it is really rare for me to admit to a series that I invest a lot of time and care about. There are some shows who there are episodes for reason or another I haven't caught up on but still want to at some point but haven't due to my laziness like some of the later episodes of Adventure Time but it's not a show I've given up on. There's some stuff I know I will watch but am waiting to finish off a series like the last season of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic or the finale movie of Ed Edd n Eddy but that's not because of my dislike for the series but more not fully wanting to admit they're over so to me they aren't if there's content from them I haven't seen. I'm sure there's shows whose quality is so downhill I just won't check any more of it out, whether or not it ended but there isn't a specific example of it being bad that made me go full turkey. After season 7 or 8 of Spongebob Squarepants and somewhere in season 6 of Fairly Oddparents I stopped but it wasn't because of a specific reason. I rarely if ever fully quit a series because when I do I want that to mean something. Like I hated the Tim Burton Planet of the Apes movie so much I declared I would never EVER watch another Planet of the Apes movie and despite how much love the recent trilogy has gotten still have kept to that. However there is a show who had a specific point that I disliked so much and ticked me off I never EVER went back to that series that made me quit the series and pretty much the franchise.

And that is the finale of Total Drama World Tour "Hawaiian Punch" "Aloha Finale." Which is the last I've seen of the Total Drama franchise... okay I did check out the first episode of Total DramaRama if that counts just to see how inane the concept was, but I never checked out any of the main content ever again. Not revenge of the Island/All Stars/Pahkitew Island or even the new reboot that came out. I know they are things but quite frankly I just grew sick of Total Drama though... probably not the reason you may expect.

Not going to go over my full history with the franchise but to summarize when Island was premiering I thought it looked lame and didn't have any interest but... eh it was like the only thing Cartoon network was really playing of any time and I got into a couple of episodes and it striked I guess this inate desire we have for "reality competition" shows getting attached to certain contestants and wanting to see them win and a comedy and commradery with the cast I grew to like that I wound up becoming a fan enjoying that and Action (which yeah was a weaker season but still had it's moments) and World Tour. There were certain mean spirted and bad characterization I wasn't a fan of but what made me hate the ending and not want anything to do with it was seeing Ezekiel come back, take the suitcase full of money and get dunked into the volcano, meaning no one won the money that quite honestly felt like the first 3 seasons were building up and... just killed my interest in the franchise. Like I think with these realitiy series even these spoof comedy ones you still get invested in seeing someone actually WIN and be REWARDED with the prize as that's the ultimate catharsis and point of watching the rest of what happens. I didn't care if it was Heather or even Alejandro (I was more rooting for Heather and I do consider her offically winning and Alejandro just the alternate non canon ending) the main "villains" I just wanted someone to walk away with the money and even if other people came back in later seasons if someone had just won the money and had their happy ending I probably would have kept watching the other seasons. But no it was an ultimate screw you that showed they cared more about the comedy and seeing the characters suffer and... yeah I needed SOMETHING especially knowing next season wouldn't involve this cast again so the fact it couldn't give me that just sickened me to the point of being done with Total Drama. Like i could take the gross out, the betrayals, even again some off characterization here and there but... you needed to have someone win and get something for all that suffering after 3 seasons but they didn't and as a result I stopped wanting to invest in this series.


Mar 1, 2011
United States
I watched Adventure Time on and off until season 6 although I had waning interest in the show. I knew the show was not the same as it was in the first few season but I think the episode "Jake the Brick" is when I realized how different the show became in terms of tone.

The wacky silly childishness juxtaposed with perilous and sometimes scary situations is what made Adventure Time fun. Leaning in too much on being serious and deep seems contrary to what made the serious unique and what it was best at.

I lost interest in Total Drama since of the first episode of Action. Although I watched on and off in season 2 after then rewatching it years later I realized I wasn't interested the show because it isn't character driven. It became more focused on challenges and the characters were secondary to all the gimmicks it had. I also think the art style just got more generic over time into more of a generic flash cartoon. They got rid of a lot of the stylization that you see in the original season.

Red Arrow

ça va nog wel
Oct 22, 2012
When I started rewatching Dexter's Laboratory as a teenager, I was surprised at how awful season 3/4 were and pretty much immediately stopped after a couple of episodes in season 3. I never really noticed the difference in characters and humor as a child, only the art style was clearly different.

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends - I loved this cartoon when it started, but completely lost interest during season 3. During my rewatch as an adult, I again gave up in season 3. It's weird how it happened twice in my life around the episode "Foster's Goes to Europe". It's probably not the most mean-spirited episode, but it's just the last straw that broke the camel's back (well, two camels in this case).
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Perla Magica

Digital Love
Jul 29, 2016
Poland (Europe)
I don't think I have ever "rage-quitted" the series. Like even when I stopped watching series, it wasn't because of one episode I hated or even a string of episode I didn't like, but more so because... some stuff came into my life that made me give it less attention.
I feel the same, when it comes to shows I catch on TV and I couldn't finish them mostly because of losing interest in them.


Can't think of a title
Mar 23, 2009
Teen Titans Go! - I can't remember which episode specifically made me lose interest (and looking through the list of episodes didn't help), but I stopped watching somewhere in season 2 due to the show being unfunny, obnoxious, and mean-spirited. There were a number of later episodes I caught due to curiosity ("Let's Get Serious" and "The Return of Slade"), and they were both lousy enough for me to not bother with the show anymore. That is until their big theatrical movie which got surprisingly good reviews. I did watch it, and while I didn't care for it, at least it wasn't awful. The things I did like about the movie such as decent comedy and the Titans not acting like obnoxious jerks were things that should've been in any TTG story. The post-credits scene of that movie was teasing the DTV movie with the original Teen Titans, and I was also curious about that. Too bad that movie sucked, and I went back to not bothering with the show anymore.

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends - Again, I can't remember which episode specifically made me lose interest when I first watched it, but the characters being obnoxious (and in the case of Bloo, and Mr. Herriman to a smaller degree, being too jerkish) also caused me to lose interest. I'm not against a show being mean-spirited, but this show as well as the above don't have much of a reason to be mean-spirited. In the case of this show, being mean doesn't fit with its premise of hanging with a bunch of various imagined characters (unless they wanted to make a show where psychos created imaginary friends, but that's not what happened). I did try rewatching the show a few years ago, and the premiere was good, but things quickly went downhill with "Store Wars". At least the rest of season 1 wasn't that bad. I picked random episodes to watch, and I sure found plenty of stinkers such "A Lost Claus" (okay, that one wasn't completely awful, but Bloo sure caused a lot of damage), "Cuckoo for Coco Cards", "I Only Have Surprise for You", "Bloo's the Boss", "Bye Bye Nerdy", and probably more. I didn't really have much of a reason to bother watching the rest of the show after seeing all that.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - It looks like I'll also be taking a cheap shot at this show. There might have been a point where I could've stopped sooner (but I instead stuck around out of curiosity because I kept thinking each season would be its last as I didn't think the show would keep going for so long unlike most other cartoons), and I would mark the end of season 4 as such after some hindsight because of how much it disrespected the characters including Twilight whom the episode was trying to help. I think I was neutral about the episode after I first saw it, but I ended up hating it after thinking about the episode over time. I did like a number of episodes in season 5, though I don't know how well they would hold up after a rewatch especially with a tipped judgment, but the finale was unreasonably bad. I didn't really care for a majority of season 6, and I think I initially hated its finale more than that of season 5, but the season 5 finale ended up being the worse one for me over time. Yeah, I'm surprised I stuck around so long after hating more than plenty of what I have seen, but I kept thinking the show was nearing its end. And maybe on a subconscious level, I wanted to see how bad the series finale would have been. I finally stopped during early season 7 (at "Rock Solid Friendship") as I didn't care enough about the show to stick around for that supposed end. Apparently, the show got 9 seasons, but I sure as hell don't want to waste time looking at what I missed.


Gee, I never thought about that...
Dec 1, 2005
Michigan USA
To those who say they've watched every episode of The Simpsons, I just got one thing to say: I both pity and admire you. You're made of sterner stuff than I am.


A Little Meatwad
Oct 2, 2020
Miramar, FL
I don't think I have ever "rage-quitted" the series. Like even when I stopped watching series, it wasn't because of one episode I hated or even a string of episode I didn't like, but more so because... some stuff came into my life that made me give it less attention.
Yeah, that is a fair point. It kinda happened with me with Big City Greens after Season 2 from earlier posts,.
When I started rewatching Dexter's Laboratory as a teenager, I was surprised at how awful season 3/4 were and pretty much immediately stopped after a couple of episodes in season 3. I never really noticed the difference in characters and humor as a child, only the art style was clearly different.
Yeah, the later seasons of Dexter was a massive no for me. I remember seeing bits and pieces of Season 3 and 4 of Dexter through CCF promos on Youtube as a kid, and it really turned me off. Mostly because of the art style and the humor. It just looks so off-putting to me.

So, I never watched it and I never will.

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends - Again, I can't remember which episode specifically made me lose interest when I first watched it, but the characters being obnoxious (and in the case of Bloo, and Mr. Herriman to a smaller degree, being too jerkish) also caused me to lose interest. I'm not against a show being mean-spirited, but this show as well as the above don't have much of a reason to be mean-spirited. In the case of this show, being mean doesn't fit with its premise of hanging with a bunch of various imagined characters (unless they wanted to make a show where psychos created imaginary friends, but that's not what happened). I did try rewatching the show a few years ago, and the premiere was good, but things quickly went downhill with "Store Wars". At least the rest of season 1 wasn't that bad. I picked random episodes to watch, and I sure found plenty of stinkers such "A Lost Claus" (okay, that one wasn't completely awful, but Bloo sure caused a lot of damage), "Cuckoo for Coco Cards", "I Only Have Surprise for You", "Bloo's the Boss", "Bye Bye Nerdy", and probably more. I didn't really have much of a reason to bother watching the rest of the show after seeing all that.
I agree with all of your points about Foster's. Don't get me wrong, as much as I love the show's creativity, and the humor can be a bit funny at times, but Jesus Christ, the mean spirited tone and the characters (don't even get started on Blooergard), and the bad writing absolutely KILLED the show for me.

As for the bolded part, I hate that episode with a burning passion as a kid. Screw that episode! :mad:
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends - I loved this cartoon when it started, but completely lost interest during season 3. During my rewatch as an adult, I again gave up in season 3. It's weird how it happened twice in my life around the episode "Foster's Goes to Europe". It's probably not the most mean-spirited episode, but it's just the last straw that broke the camel's back (well, two camels in this case).
And screw that episode, too! As a kid, I feel like I was wasting my time. Honestly, it amazes me how these episodes even got approved, and say, "yeah, that's funny!"

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - It looks like I'll also be taking a cheap shot at this show. There might have been a point where I could've stopped sooner (but I instead stuck around out of curiosity because I kept thinking each season would be its last as I didn't think the show would keep going for so long unlike most other cartoons), and I would mark the end of season 4 as such after some hindsight because of how much it disrespected the characters including Twilight whom the episode was trying to help. I think I was neutral about the episode after I first saw it, but I ended up hating it after thinking about the episode over time. I did like a number of episodes in season 5, though I don't know how well they would hold up after a rewatch especially with a tipped judgment, but the finale was unreasonably bad. I didn't really care for a majority of season 6, and I think I initially hated its finale more than that of season 5, but the season 5 finale ended up being the worse one for me over time. Yeah, I'm surprised I stuck around so long after hating more than plenty of what I have seen, but I kept thinking the show was nearing its end. And maybe on a subconscious level, I wanted to see how bad the series finale would have been. I finally stopped during early season 7 (at "Rock Solid Friendship") as I didn't care enough about the show to stick around for that supposed end. Apparently, the show got 9 seasons, but I sure as hell don't want to waste time looking at what I missed.
I agree with you on FIM as well. I used to like the Season 5 finale, but overtime, I started to hated it. Like I stated before, I stopped watching the show after Season 6, and not really much else after that.

I always have nostalgic fondness for the first two seasons. Season 3 wasn't bad, but it's not that good. Season 4 and 5 did make up for it, but it have very mixed bag episodes. Season 6 was just bad all the way through, and this is where I put my hoof down by not watching the show anymore.

Here's another contender that is gonna piss so many people off, but I don't care. Codename Kids Next Door.

I already did a snarky commentary on the pictures thread, but I'll might as well say it here.

The Operation BUTT episode almost made QUIT this show! I hate this episode so much as a kid. I don't like the fact that the first half have to be so overdramatic and over the top. It's not ever playing for comedy, it tries to portray itself so seriously, that is just irritating to me. The second half is not much better. You can make the argument that Numbuh 1 left the KND because The Delightful Children blackmailed him over a butt photo, but it never explains why they did it. They just did it because......reasons. The fact that Sector V laughing at Numbuh 1's butt photo was just so gross and mean-spirited to me.

God, I hate that episode so much. That made me quit KND as a kid.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2013
2. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic in its 6th Season: Say what you will about Season 4 and 5, I'd rather watch those seasons than ANYTHING going on in Season 6. Season 6 of MLP makes Spongebob Season 6 look like a Annie Award-winning contender (and I HATE Spongebob Season 6, it's god-awful, and I wish that season never existed, but I don't hate it as much as other people were. But, I digress). On a personal level, it's seriously that bad.

The writing was atrocious, the stories either wasted potential, boring, or just flat-out garbage, and don't even get me started on the characters, especially Starlight and Flurry Heart. The episodes that really got me the most was 28 Pranks Later, Newbie Dash, and the Season 6 finale. Not only those episode were a complete waste of time, but it didn't really get their own characters right. I know MLP has bad episodes before, but at least they didn't make me quit the show (not even Season 3). Season 6 was the final straw for me and I just cannot take it anymore. So, I just quit while I was ahead.

I did catch up Season 7-9 many years later, but from the looks of it, the show had seen better days.
Yeah Starlight Glimmer kind of ruined the series when she was made a main character. The show got harder and harder to watch with each season after 6. There were a few gems hidden in those seasons, but they got rarer with each season. And let's not forget the cop-out with Grogar in the final season.
3. Fairly Oddparents when Poof came to the picture. I'm sorry, as a kid, I DESPISE Poof with a burning passion. I love Tara Strong, but my god, this character makes me wanna punch a hole in a wall. I don't care if you guys like Poof. That's fine. I just do not like this character at all. He makes Mushi Sanban from KND look like a perfect angel lol. Hell, Dil Pickles was better than Poof, and I don't like Dil either.

The last time I watched FOP was the Wishology Trilogy back in 09', and I stopped watching the show ever since.

Oh, and the less said about Sparky, Chloe, and Fairly Odder, the better.
Chloe was the only new character I actually liked. The season still stunk, but that wasn't the character's fault since the writers kept shoving in Timmy's Dad into every episode.
I think I stopped watching FOP the season before Sparky was introduced, but I did catch a few episodes with him and gave the final season a watch since Chloe didn't give Timmy access to more magic like Poof and Sparky did.
Thomas was the goat guy's name. He was a seemingly random minor character that first turned up in the season 4 episode "Exit 9B" and went on to become a regular for the next two seasons before being revealed to be a Russian spy in the season 6 special "The Real Thomas", though he defected to save his friends and then went into hiding. Thomas seemed like a weird addition to the show, but he never bothered me personally.
Wasn't a fan of the character after the spy reveal.


A Little Meatwad
Oct 2, 2020
Miramar, FL
Yeah Starlight Glimmer kind of ruined the series when she was made a main character. The show got harder and harder to watch with each season after 6. There were a few gems hidden in those seasons, but they got rarer with each season. And let's not forget the cop-out with Grogar in the final season.
Yeah pretty much. I'm really trying my best to pretend the later seasons never existed.

Red Arrow

ça va nog wel
Oct 22, 2012
Ed Edd n Eddy is another one. Season 1 is so nice and cosy. Sure, there are mean characters, but overall the series doesn't start off mean. But similarly to Foster's, at one point it becomes unbearable (anyone knows when exactly?). Ed Edd n Eddy is currently on my watchlist so I still have to find out when that tipping point is exactly. All I know is that I definitely won't make it until the end.

I do remember that Foster's mean-spirited episodes were almost all written by the same writers. Honestly it would be interesting to watch the series and skip the bad writers, because the others can still be incredibly charming and feel like season 1. Ed Edd n Eddy, on the other hand, became consistently awful, if I remember correctly. I think it will be a very clear tipping point for me, not just "somewhere around Foster's Goes to Europe".
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Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
To those who say they've watched every episode of The Simpsons, I just got one thing to say: I both pity and admire you. You're made of sterner stuff than I am.
Why? It's never been a terrible show, even during the Wilderness years. Yes, there are crappy episodes all throughout the run. There are also decent episodes all throughout the run.

Also should point out since the DVDs have stopped being made I have only seen many of these episodes the once, when they first aired.

This is another thing to prove to every single person who thinks I am too negative a poster that I actually ain't all that picky. Everything I rage against is basically failing some minimal ass standards there by someone who has seen every single episode of The Simpsons.

Ed Nygma

Active Member
Apr 27, 2021
Simpsons, I think the 300th episode where Bart had his own luzury apartment or whatever it was. Family Guy I vividly recall was the murder episode with the ridiculous ending or the one where Brian died- not because I cared, but because Seth trying to do the cringey sugary schmaltz was just too much to take. South Park I kind of held on as a casual viewer but was so done after 2016.

Classic Speedy

Alllllll righty then
Staff member
May 13, 2003
I didn't realize Starlight Glimmer was hated. I thought she was fine.

And there were some memorable episodes from season 6, like "Stranger Than Fan Fiction", "Spice Up Your Life", "28 Pranks Later", and "P.P.O.V.".

Ed Nygma said:
Family Guy I vividly recall was the murder episode with the ridiculous ending
I think you're referring to "And Then There Were Fewer"? I enjoyed that one myself.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
I think me having seen every episode of The Simpsons shows my age rather than my tolerance. It's not like I binged 700 episodes. I watched 1 a week, not counting reruns or DVDs. It just happened over the course of over 30 years.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2013
Yeah pretty much. I'm really trying my best to pretend the later seasons never existed.
Yeah probably a good idea, though I'd make an exception for the good episodes in those seasons. Pretty easy to do since the show wasn't heavily story based.

I didn't realize Starlight Glimmer was hated. I thought she was fine.

And there were some memorable episodes from season 6, like "Stranger Than Fan Fiction", "Spice Up Your Life", "28 Pranks Later", and "P.P.O.V.".
She has her fans, but I think there's just as many people that hate her too.
She felt forced into the show and it didn't help that the writers made her OP.


Can't think of a title
Mar 23, 2009
I always have nostalgic fondness for the first two seasons. Season 3 wasn't bad, but it's not that good. Season 4 and 5 did make up for it, but it have very mixed bag episodes. Season 6 was just bad all the way through, and this is where I put my hoof down by not watching the show anymore.
I'll admit I also have some fond memories of watching the first 2 seasons, and note that I didn't say I have fond memories of the first 2 seasons. However, I'm not sure those seasons would hold up after a rewatch. When I first started watching the show, I thought it had the potential to do something with the magic of friendship against villains, making a seemingly cheesy idea work with sincerity. However, the inconsistent quality of episodes as well as not actually utilizing friendship against the villains (standing together doesn't count) eventually made the show fall apart (not that it stopped me from watching, but I already explained myself earlier).
Yeah Starlight Glimmer kind of ruined the series when she was made a main character. The show got harder and harder to watch with each season after 6. There were a few gems hidden in those seasons, but they got rarer with each season. And let's not forget the cop-out with Grogar in the final season.
I didn't realize Starlight Glimmer was hated. I thought she was fine.
She has her fans, but I think there's just as many people that hate her too.
She felt forced into the show and it didn't help that the writers made her OP.
I didn't immediately hate Starlight, though I was indifferent about her, and I'm actually surprised I didn't hate her. I wonder if it's because I already figured the show was broken beyond repair, so what's another annoying problem going to be worth? Then again, I was still complaining about the 2-part episodes committing the same sins.

I do agree that she never earned her place among the main cast due to her stupid backstory, her force inclusion into the main cast, and her lacking presence in season 6. Funny I should mention her lacking presence because I also didn't care to see more of her, and making her more prominent wouldn't have made me like her more as her inclusion was also an unnecessary change. Damned if they did, damned if they didn't.

I suppose I should also mention my rewatch of Jackie Chan Adventures as I quit during season 2. I don't think the show is bad, and I think it can be fun with all of the physical comedy as well as referencing Jackie Chan's own films in the show. Really, I would say it's a character that made me quit, and that would be Jade's inclusion in every episode. I forgot how much I disliked her, and I hate her even more now since she was annoying, whiny, ungrateful, and overall unlikable especially with her catchphrases. The show needed to tone down her negative traits and just let Jackie do his own thing as a lot episodes didn't need Jade.


Back with a better image
May 13, 2016
United Kingdom
While I still like both shows, I haven't really watched any episode of The Simpsons and Family Guy during this year.

Not just because they're among the "overstayed their welcome" club but because I've been watching American Dad! more than those shows.


I don't really FEEL like it
Staff member
Dec 3, 2017
United States
I'll jump on the My Little Pony discussion!

I stopped watching after season 5. Season 3, in my opinion, was mostly terrible. Lauren Faust leaving really hurt the storyline and charm of the series. I didn't want to give up the show, however, so I watched season 4 and 5. Season 4 was a lot better, and season 5 was still good, but not as much as the former. I'm definitely not a fan of Starlight Glimmer. I didn't like her as a villain or a main character. I don't particularly enjoy when villains are redeemed, but I kind of like what they did with Discord's character arc. But Starlight, eh. After the season 5 finale, I just was no longer interested in what the series had to offer. I did watch the series finale, which was alright and had some cool moments, but MLP was truly the best in Seasons 1-2, and parts of 4-5.

Okay rant over


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Almost forgot to listen to this before the day was up.
Viper wrote on Light Lucario's profile.
Happy 4th of July, Light Lucario. I really hope you get to enjoy the fireworks tonight. Have a wonderful evening.

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