Ghostbusters (Untitled Netflix Series) News & Discussion


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
I wonder if it'll be set in another location as an extension of the Ghostbusters in-universe franchise...or maybe follow up on the past cartoons o_O?
That's the question. Will it follow up on Real and Extreme Ghostbusters? Or will be it it's own canon? Will it be loosely based on the original movie canon? We'll see.

I wonder if Slimer will be in it (with either Frank Welker or Billy West reprising his voice), in a role similar to the original animated series and Extreme Ghostbusters.
Slimer would still be around in the future in theory.

stephane dumas

Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2006
That's the question. Will it follow up on Real and Extreme Ghostbusters? Or will be it it's own canon? Will it be loosely based on the original movie canon? We'll see.

Slimer would still be around in the future in theory.
If it'll be it's own canon, it could still do some nods and other Easter Eggs to the Real and Extreme versions then while we're at it, even a nod to the Filmation version. Too bad crossovers between these versions will only exist in fanfics and fanarts like this one by PotionsTeddy.


The Overlord

Staff member
Aug 5, 2002
That's the question. Will it follow up on Real and Extreme Ghostbusters? Or will be it it's own canon? Will it be loosely based on the original movie canon? We'll see.

Both of those cartoons ended decades and both those shows were supposed to be in canon with the movies, Real Ghostbusters mentioned Gozer several times and the 5th season changed things to try to be in canon with Ghostbusters II.

It would be interesting to see where they take this show. In Real Ghostbusters and Extreme Ghostbusters, the Ghostbusters assembled their own rogue's gallery, with ghosts like Samhain, Boogieman, and the Grundel being the most iconic. The Ghostbusters did lean into horror in animation, even if it was kids, the Grundel and the Vathek (the Vathek were like a Sat morning version of creatures from Hellraiser and the Grundel is just creepy and unsettling how it stalks children). I wonder if they could still have a good blend of horror and comedy in this new show. I wonder if they could bring back any of the old villains from Real or Extreme Ghostbusters, anything would be better than using Gozer again, Gozer is overplayed.

I wonder if they will bring any of the old voice actors back, Egon was the mentor character in Extreme Ghostbusters, but he is dead by the time of the events of Afterlife. So I wonder if Ray would be the mentor, they could always get Frank Welker back.

Slimer would still be around in the future in theory.

Yes, but in the movies he is just another ghost the Ghostbusters catch, he is only an ally in the cartoon series.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Both of those cartoons ended decades and both those shows were supposed to be in canon with the movies, Real Ghostbusters mentioned Gozer several times and the 5th season changed things to try to be in canon with Ghostbusters II.

It would be interesting to see where they take this show. In Real Ghostbusters and Extreme Ghostbusters, the Ghostbusters assembled their own rogue's gallery, with ghosts like Samhain, Boogieman, and the Grundel being the most iconic. The Ghostbusters did lean into horror in animation, even if it was kids, the Grundel and the Vathek (the Vathek were like a Sat morning version of creatures from Hellraiser and the Grundel is just creepy and unsettling how it stalks children). I wonder if they could still have a good blend of horror and comedy in this new show. I wonder if they could bring back any of the old villains from Real or Extreme Ghostbusters, anything would be better than using Gozer again, Gozer is overplayed.
Not really. It was its own canon since they never went out of business or given restraining orders from operating unlike in the movies.

Yes, but in the movies he is just another ghost the Ghostbusters catch, he is only an ally in the cartoon series.
He was Louis's ally by the end of GB2.

The Overlord

Staff member
Aug 5, 2002
Not really. It was its own canon since they never went out of business or given restraining orders from operating unlike in the movies.

He was Louis's ally by the end of GB2.

There were Real Ghostbusters episodes in the 5th season where they mentioned they fought Vigo recently, so they tried to weld those two contunities together, even if it didn't make sense.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
There were Real Ghostbusters episodes in the 5th season where they mentioned they fought Vigo recently, so they tried to weld those two contunities together, even if it didn't make sense.
Yes, I'm aware. "Partners in Slime." And also tried shoehorning in the term 'psychomagnotheric' from the mood slime in GB2 a couple times. And including Louis. And used GB2 Janine's hairstyle for a bit.


Staff member
Jul 14, 2010
In The Real Ghostbusters the events of the 1984 film happened, but also the 1984 film was released in their world as a film based on those events, with Murray, Aykroyd etc. being actors. (The same "gag" is used in the Men In Black cartoon) And unlike the films where ghosts only appear when they are attracted by a specific paranormal phenomenon (like the Shandor conductor or mood slime) they appear at random in the cartoons. However Vigo is alluded to, so I guess the events of the second film happened too, but we never see them, and it doesn't link up, so it makes little sense! A bit like in the TMNT cartoon where Tokkar and Razzor from Secret of the Ooze suddenly turn up out of nowhere, even though they were basically just off-brand Bebop and Rocksteady in the first place.

As for a new show, personally I'd like it if it were a new series that stars the four original characters, and to heck with "cannon", but that seems unlikely; current movie-based cartoons like the Jurassic Park and Fast and Furious cartoons are sort of "appendices" that (as best I can tell) do not explicitly contradict anything in the films, but also do not need to be watched to understand the film, featuring characters who do not cross over. I suspect this will be the same.

The Overlord

Staff member
Aug 5, 2002
In The Real Ghostbusters the events of the 1984 film happened, but also the 1984 film was released in their world as a film based on those events, with Murray, Aykroyd etc. being actors. (The same "gag" is used in the Men In Black cartoon) And unlike the films where ghosts only appear when they are attracted by a specific paranormal phenomenon (like the Shandor conductor or mood slime) they appear at random in the cartoons. However Vigo is alluded to, so I guess the events of the second film happened too, but we never see them, and it doesn't link up, so it makes little sense! A bit like in the TMNT cartoon where Tokkar and Razzor from Secret of the Ooze suddenly turn up out of nowhere, even though they were basically just off-brand Bebop and Rocksteady in the first place.

As for a new show, personally I'd like it if it were a new series that stars the four original characters, and to heck with "cannon", but that seems unlikely; current movie-based cartoons like the Jurassic Park and Fast and Furious cartoons are sort of "appendices" that (as best I can tell) do not explicitly contradict anything in the films, but also do not need to be watched to understand the film, featuring characters who do not cross over. I suspect this will be the same.

The thing is the Ghostbusters cartoon often just copy what the movies do, that's why Louis Tully and Vigo were crowbarred into Real Ghostbusters.

I would rather they copy the IDW comics, that featured the 4 original Ghostbusters and Kylie, but I bet Sony will want this series to be continuity with Afterlife, so Egon will dead and maybe Ray will be a mentor to Egon's grand kids. I hope they don't do something stupid like set in the future.


Staff member
Jul 14, 2010
The thing is the Ghostbusters cartoon often just copy what the movies do, that's why Louis Tully and Vigo were crowbarred into Real Ghostbusters.

I think that's unfair; both shows managed to come up with new stories and villains almost every episode, which is more than the two recent movies managed (To be fair the 2016 movie did come up with a new villain but rehashed a lot of other elements; Afterlife is the opposite). Vigo was just a brief mention and I believe that episode aired while Ghostbusters II was in theatres. I suspect characters like Stay Puft and Louis Tully were brought in partly due to merchandising commitments, which led to a symbiotic relationship between the second film and the cartoon (e.g. the Ecto-1A in Ghostbusters II became, and lets be honest was probably created for, The Real Ghostbusters toyline), but they're good characters, why not bring them in?

The Overlord

Staff member
Aug 5, 2002
I think that's unfair; both shows managed to come up with new stories and villains almost every episode, which is more than the two recent movies managed (To be fair the 2016 movie did come up with a new villain but rehashed a lot of other elements; Afterlife is the opposite). Vigo was just a brief mention and I believe that episode aired while Ghostbusters II was in theatres. I suspect characters like Stay Puft and Louis Tully were brought in partly due to merchandising commitments, which led to a symbiotic relationship between the second film and the cartoon (e.g. the Ecto-1A in Ghostbusters II became, and lets be honest was probably created for, The Real Ghostbusters toyline), but they're good characters, why not bring them in?

Regardless I think there is a good chance that Sony will make this show a spin off Afterlife featuring Egon's grandchildren, rather than the original 4 Ghostbusters or do something weird like setting it in the future.

I would like to see Real Ghostbusters villains like Samhain and the Boogeyman again.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Regardless I think there is a good chance that Sony will make this show a spin off Afterlife featuring Egon's grandchildren,
I think this is unlikely. I think it's likelier the show is going to try to hew to the movie canon like the Fast & Furious and Jurassic World cartoons do, and not contradict anything like The Real Ghostbusters did. And they won't use the characters from Afterlife because that would box in future movies. That's my hunch for how this show will work. I think your other guess of both a future setting and an entirely new cast is probable.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
I don't know about that. Trading on established IPs is part of why people are so upset with them.
This is essentially true, but c'mon man, it's GHOSTBUSTERS. That's basically good karma right in the bank. It's PR capital, is what it is. Low-hanging fruit yes, but lord Netflix could use it.

My question is if Netflix will even wind up airing it or if they'll preemptively cancel it, IP or not. That's how little I trust them. I expect them to screw up Ghostbusters. That's how low my opinion of them currently is.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
My question is if Netflix will even wind up airing it or if they'll preemptively cancel it, IP or not. That's how little I trust them. I expect them to screw up Ghostbusters. That's how low my opinion of them currently is.
Yes, this is my biggest concern much less the actual show. It highlight's one of Sony's weaknesses, not having a streaming service of their own like WB and Disney. The closest thing they have to one is the recent purchase of Crunchyroll but that is only specific to anime.

I bet Sony will want this series to be continuity with Afterlife, so Egon will dead and maybe Ray will be a mentor to Egon's grand kids.
I don't think 1:1 in continuity with the movies but yes, I think using versions of the characters introduced in Afterlife is entirely possible. They might even keep Egon around as a ghost continuing to mentor Phoebe. Like in this cartoon, Egon didn't disperse and move on in Summerville or maybe some event brings his spirit back to the physical plane and the mystery of that becomes a recurring arc of the series. Maurice LaMarche was the RGB/Slimer!/EGB voice of Egon and he can also do a voice pretty 1:1 version of the late Harold Ramis. And it could be the way to broach the subject of Egon's death in this animated series - well depending on what age group this is being curtailed to.

I hope they don't do something stupid like set in the future.
They already said it's set in the future but haven't gone into detail what that means i.e. later in the late 2020s/early 2030s to have the children in Afterlife being slightly older and more plausibly being Ghostbusters and the show doing their own version of an Afterlife fast forward much like RGB was a version of a GB1 fast forward at the time it came out (post-Gozer, in business, out on busts galore). Or is it skipping far forward into something like the 2060s with totally brand new characters led by elder Phoebe, Podcast, Trevor, and Lucky like Batman Beyond did for example.
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