John Kricfalusi's thoughts on Japanese Anime

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Staff member
Aug 10, 2003
East Coast of USA
Actually, that's the one thing I have a problem with John K is that he's so arrogant that he's willing to bash other people's works. And for some reason, he reminds me of various hardcore fans of anything.

I hate that about him too. Especially because he started bashing this newbie to the animation field for his art style:

Yet not over the similarity.

HG Revolution

Truth (with crazy opinions!)
Feb 28, 2006
Needham, MA
That guy's art is good, very good. Why would John K hate that guy? He doesn't like any animation-stye homages to his work?

He liked Cow and Chicken, though.

My guess is that the Pinky, Elmyra, and the Brain picture gave him nightmares and he's taking out his anger illogically.


Active Member
Aug 22, 2006
St. Petersberg
If he's actually picking on TV's Kyle now then he's gone off the deep end. He could target you or I next.

Hmm, well I do have an idea for an animated action show. If he does have any bad criticism about what I came up with, well expect a little joke about his attitude towards other animators.


May 21, 2005
As a fan of John K, and an avid reader of his blog, I had to throw my 2 cents in here...

A lot of you are doing the exact thing that you say you hate about John K. You're jumping to all these conclusions about his opinions and ranting about someone you barely know, and getting really defensive and angry!

Stuff like "Because of that show? If that's the case then it's stupid that he would make a fuss over one show." is exactly my point. John K never did that, and throughout the couple pages of this thread I'm seeing him be misquoted and targeted for things he never even said...Some of you have done your "research" but I've been noticing a TON of wild conclusions here from people who never even READ his blog!

"That's true about John K. Apparently he has done this kind of thing before where he hates something for a small reason. I haven't read much of anything from his blog before."

Arrrgh! This is very frustrating. READ his blog, THEN say what John K is like. He doesn't "hate something" for small reasons. He always goes IN DEPTH with his criticisms, offers pictures and theories, evidence, and background knowledge. He has well informed opinions. Which can be VERY hard to find in the blog world. Know what I mean?

Anyway...I don't always agree with John K, but I find his assessment of animation throughout history to be VERY fair and VERY unique. And smart, well informed, and funny.

He is looking at cartoons from a PROFESSIONAL and highly critical (both positive and negative) standpoint. He is probably incapable of watching a cartoon without his brain going in 1000 directions about what could be improved, or what makes it great. He is a very very analytical person. He's not so much a "fan" like all of us here.

He has never bashed an entire show or genre...He points out positives and negatives. Like how he likes the color in anime, but hates the mouths. Hell, I agree with him. I'm not big into anime because every character looks the same and I don't see much variety of expression there.

He (deservedly) loves Bob Clampett...He has also pointed out weak spots in the old Looney Tunes, though there are few.

And yes, he criticizes his OWN work too. He's even left his name off of some of his cartoons that he wasn't proud of. However he is proud of his inconsistency, because that's what makes art human. That's probably his problem with anime, and with most modern cartoons in general: No growth, no evolution, no humanity. A formula is found and stuck to, and that's the end.



Active Member
Mar 10, 2007
I've never been a huge fan of John Kricfalusi's work, and developed a slight skeptism toward his opinion, but I've tried to keep an open mind to what he has to say a bit more.

A lot of my earlier preconceptions had to do with watching his R&S Adult Party cartoon and cursing his name for allowing such an abomination to exist. But as the experience started to fade more into my memory, I've tried to take in his opinion with a bit more objectivity.

Hiya Animation

Animation lover!!!
Sep 30, 2005
Arrrgh! This is very frustrating. READ his blog, THEN say what John K is like.

I read his blog... a lot, and while sometimes he posts some good stuff on there, a lot of the stuff he says comes across as over-harsh and arrogant.

He is looking at cartoons from a PROFESSIONAL and highly critical (both positive and negative) standpoint. He is probably incapable of watching a cartoon without his brain going in 1000 directions about what could be improved, or what makes it great. He is a very very analytical person. He's not so much a "fan" like all of us here.

And yet, he has not made anything even close to the artistic quality of most of the stuff he's criticized (such as classic Disney, modern Disney, Pixar, Brad Bird's stuff, Cat's Don't Dance, etc).

Once he actually does something close to anything Pixar does, maybe I'll respect his opinion a little more.


May 21, 2005
And yet, he has not made anything even close to the artistic quality of most of the stuff he's criticized (such as classic Disney, modern Disney, Pixar, Brad Bird's stuff, Cat's Don't Dance, etc).

Once he actually does something close to anything Pixar does, maybe I'll respect his opinion a little more.

We'll have to agree to disagree. "Stimpy's Invention", "Sven Hoek", "Firedogs 2", certain episodes of the Ripping Friends, and many others give me a lot more satisfaction and keep me in awe more than anything I've seen from modern Disney or Pixar, which I often have mixed reactions to.

AND he's done it all with like a millionth of the BUDGET/staff of Disney or Pixar.

And he has both praised and criticized classic Disney. John K is observational enough to see there are both good AND bad qualities in things. I've never read anything he's said about Disney that I disagree with...And again I stress the words "well researched"...He knows a lot about Walt Disney's philosophies and how he extended them onto his animation department, for better or worse.

I remember when he saw Ratattouille, all he basically criticized was it's dialogue and story structure. He wasn't "harsh" or "slamming" anything, it was pretty fair, I thought. People in this thread are acting like he goes on these insane rants...His blogs are very focused, well written and he OFTEN stresses that this is just his loud mouth opinion (he just said this in a post from last week.)



Classic Directors Cut Edition
Jul 26, 2003
The eye designs for Anime always struck me as extremely generic. You either get the giant huge Powerpuff Girl style or..that's pretty much it
In earlier animes alot of eyes looked more realistic as they were smaller and there were a few common cartoon eyes, just look up Tezuka. Also, I beleive I read that John K said that most newer animes in his opinion are "inbred" which is mostly true but so what, back in the 20's almost everybody wanted to be Disney!

Hiya Animation

Animation lover!!!
Sep 30, 2005
We'll have to agree to disagree. "Stimpy's Invention", "Sven Hoek", "Firedogs 2", certain episodes of the Ripping Friends, and many others give me a lot more satisfaction and keep me in awe more than anything I've seen from modern Disney or Pixar, which I often have mixed reactions to.

Well, to each his own :D

Don't get me wrong... I'm not saying he's a bad person or a bad animator, and I have respect for him as a very passionate guy who loves animation. Heck, I'd even like to meet him someday (maybe I will if I go to the Ottawa festival this year).
I've liked some of the Ren and Stimpys I've seen (Space Madness is actually a good cartoon in my book) and I also liked the Yogi Bear stuff he put out.
A lot of his Flash stuff is pretty bad (George Liquor, Weekend Pussy Hunt etc) but the Yogi Bear toons were well done.

I just think he comes across as very arrogant on his blog. Maybe he's not like this in real life but still...

And he has both praised and criticized classic Disney. John K is observational enough to see there are both good AND bad qualities in things. I've never read anything he's said about Disney that I disagree with...And again I stress the words "well researched"...He knows a lot about Walt Disney's philosophies and how he extended them onto his animation department, for better or worse.

I'm not saying each Disney film is great or anything but I certainly disagree that the classic Disney films (aka, from Snow White to 101 Dalmations) are "bland".

I also disagree that modern Disney animation is bland as well. I loved Mulan, he hated it for some reason. I loved Hercules... and he's constantly posting pictures of how poorly done it is.

I remember when he saw Ratattouille, all he basically criticized was it's dialogue and story structure.

He criticized Rat before it even came out. He seems to have some kind of grudge against Brad Bird.


Active Member
Oct 30, 2002
Dog City
I'm a big fan of John K, but I really wish he'd put up or shut up. Sure, the entertainment industry doesn't want to give him the time of day, but he could go back to making web cartoons. I want to see him actually do something than critique everything out there. It's kinda hypocritical coming from this poster, but I really want to see him doing instead of critiquing.

He's entitled to his opinion, that is, and I can respect his views. But it seems half the time it's bitter rambling coming from someone who was hurt by the industry one too many times.


Fourteen Years!
Jun 24, 2001
Glen Cove, NY
I'm a big fan of John K, but I really wish he'd put up or shut up. Sure, the entertainment industry doesn't want to give him the time of day, but he could go back to making web cartoons. I want to see him actually do something than critique everything out there. It's kinda hypocritical coming from this poster, but I really want to see him doing instead of critiquing.

He's entitled to his opinion, that is, and I can respect his views. But it seems half the time it's bitter rambling coming from someone who was hurt by the industry one too many times.

Exactly. Couldn't have put it better myself.

16+ years later and John is still most noted for a season and a half cartoon show that aired on Nick. Honestly, what has he really done of any substance since then? The Ren and Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon you say? Find me someone who is able to sit through most of that filth. That show crsyalizes everything that's wrong with John K's cartoons. Gay jokes. Genitalia and sex jokes. Manly men. Jiggling breasts on badly drawn women. I get the vague impression that he's trying to carry on Clampett's legacy. That makes it even sadder.

Maybe if he actually still put out interesting work I'd be able to tolerate his arrogant opinions. He's not. So to me he comes off as a creepy, bitter lunatic.


Active Member
Aug 22, 2006
St. Petersberg
Exactly. Couldn't have put it better myself.

16+ years later and John is still most noted for a season and a half cartoon show that aired on Nick. Honestly, what has he really done of any substance since then? The Ren and Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon you say? Find me someone who is able to sit through most of that filth. That show crsyalizes everything that's wrong with John K's cartoons. Gay jokes. Genitalia and sex jokes. Manly men. Jiggling breasts on badly drawn women. I get the vague impression that he's trying to carry on Clampett's legacy. That makes it even sadder.

Maybe if he actually still put out interesting work I'd be able to tolerate his arrogant opinions. He's not. So to me he comes off as a creepy, bitter lunatic.

Well said dude. I mean John K just has nothing better to do than criticise others. I mean come on man, make another cartoon already but don't try to carry on some dude's legacy, that's just sad.


Active Member
Sep 8, 2006
Well said dude. I mean John K just has nothing better to do than criticise others. I mean come on man, make another cartoon already but don't try to carry on some dude's legacy, that's just sad.
To me, the fact that he's trying to carry on Clampett's legacy of making entertaining cartoons isn't sad in itself. The sad part -and I believe this is what DarthGonzo is referring to as well- is that he's largely failing to make them appealing, and always for the same simple reasons.

Granted, there are lots of great things about his work (in particular, his original Ren and Stimpy shows) but I"m not a big fan of most of his stuff. If his creativity and animation talent could be channeled into an interesting project, perhaps a collaboration, with someone else more in control, and him as a sort of 'hired gun', I think the results would be awesome. I doubt that's going to happen though. And I'm sure people will disagree with me.. This is just my opinion, sorry if I offend anyone!


Active Member
Aug 22, 2006
St. Petersberg
Granted, there are lots of great things about his work (in particular, his original Ren and Stimpy shows) but I"m not a big fan of most of his stuff. If his creativity and animation talent could be channeled into an interesting project, perhaps a collaboration, with someone else more in control, and him as a sort of 'hired gun', I think the results would be awesome. I doubt that's going to happen though. And I'm sure people will disagree with me.. This is just my opinion, sorry if I offend anyone!

Actually, I'd like to see that happen actually.

Hiya Animation

Animation lover!!!
Sep 30, 2005
Exactly. Couldn't have put it better myself.

16+ years later and John is still most noted for a season and a half cartoon show that aired on Nick. Honestly, what has he really done of any substance since then? The Ren and Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon you say? Find me someone who is able to sit through most of that filth. That show crsyalizes everything that's wrong with John K's cartoons. Gay jokes. Genitalia and sex jokes. Manly men. Jiggling breasts on badly drawn women. I get the vague impression that he's trying to carry on Clampett's legacy. That makes it even sadder.

Maybe if he actually still put out interesting work I'd be able to tolerate his arrogant opinions. He's not. So to me he comes off as a creepy, bitter lunatic.

Well said :D Very well said!


May 21, 2005
16+ years later and John is still most noted for a season and a half cartoon show that aired on Nick. Honestly, what has he really done of any substance since then? The Ren and Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon you say? Find me someone who is able to sit through most of that filth. That show crsyalizes everything that's wrong with John K's cartoons. Gay jokes. Genitalia and sex jokes. Manly men. Jiggling breasts on badly drawn women. I get the vague impression that he's trying to carry on Clampett's legacy. That makes it even sadder.

You think the way John K and Spumco draws women is BAD? Compared to what? They draw the cutest, funniest, sexiest, most unique looking women I've ever seen in cartoons. AND they're animated beautifully.

Personally I love Adult Cartoon and think it's waaaay criminally underrated.

John K isn't "trying to carry on Clampett's legacy" (see how everyone started responding to what you said as if it's the cold hard truth, then criticizing John K for it?)

He's trying to do different things each time he makes a cartoon, and use inspirations from Clampett, and a wiiide variety of cartoons (including Disney, etc, etc) and cartoonists. Clampett is one piece of the puzzle, but it's mostly just JOHN. His personal P.O.V. and the way he sees the world. That's what a real director does.

No one's denying that he's a bitter guy...Personally I read his blog and laugh, not go into a rage about it...I think a lot of his blog is intended to be light hearted (it's about CARTOONS for christ's sake) and merely questioning why most modern animation has gone waaay downhill.

"Put up or shut up" doesn't even apply...What about all of you? You never criticize something that you yourself have not produced? People are allowed to have opinions and post them on blogs, whether or not they actively engage in creating the type of work they're criticizing (which John K DOES.)

Now I'd love to have some more John K cartoons on TV ("put up"), but as he put it, he will pitch a show to a network, they'll laugh their heads off, then say "sorry, not interested." This includes G rated material.



Staff member
Aug 10, 2003
East Coast of USA
The reason I don't really care about John K. and his opinions have already been pointed out by other members.

I don't care if he has experience in the industry. I don't care what a one -it-wonder to a series I don't even like with an unappealing art style thinks.

One of the things I like about Kyle Carossa (tvskyle), art style is that it's similar to Kricfalusi's, but better.
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