"Marvel Cinematic Universe" News & Discussion, Part 5 (Spoilers)

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Master of MAGnets
Staff member
Dec 31, 2013
Spider-Woman seems like a suprise, I'm kind of hoping Sony and Marvel come to an agreement so we can get a full adaption of Jessica Drew. Sony owns the character name and powers while Marvel owns everything else.

Also yes please to She-Hulk but nothing on Nova, that seems to be the only one missing.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Spider-Woman seems like a suprise, I'm kind of hoping Sony and Marvel come to an agreement so we can get a full adaption of Jessica Drew. Sony owns the character name and powers while Marvel owns everything else.

Also yes please to She-Hulk but nothing on Nova, that seems to be the only one missing.
Yeah, Sinister Six looks like big surprises too. I hope Marvel and Sony work out a deal for the latter to air as a TV show too.

The way there's a secret Namor Facebook page now, Marvel might've finally worked out the rights situation with the character.


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Jul 13, 2003
Considering the source, my gut reaction is this is all bull. It could just Marvel buying up names so people don't use them in the future and has nothing to do with the movie or TV side of the company, it's just to protect intellectual property. Given these are titles that have been reported on before or made headlines, the timing is right during the week of SDCC also makes me even more suspicious. But to be fair, I'd say maybe a few may pan out to be real.


Master of MAGnets
Staff member
Dec 31, 2013
Well maybe someone should make a facebook page with Nova and see what happens since he's the only one missing.


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May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I think Joe was joking but a 6 movie adaptation of Secret Wars sounds about right...
I could kind of see it as a two-parter. The first part focuses on the beginning, the heroes grouping, and the fight with the villains, and then end on Doom getting the Beyonder's power and setting up Part 2 :cool:.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
I could kind of see it as a two-parter. The first part focuses on the beginning, the heroes grouping, and the fight with the villains, and then end on Doom getting the Beyonder's power and setting up Part 2 :cool:.
Maybe it's the next 'Endgame' to close out this new saga that starts with Phase 4. ;)


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May 28, 2010
Temecula California

Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
Pretty clear Marvel is announcing only the FIRST HALF aka the stuff they have more concrete info and data to talk about thus why they're only giving their plans through 2021. There's other Phase 4 stuff I'm sure they'll announce, hell pretty sure we'll get an annoucement of some of that at least in the D23 panel next month as I'm sure the big specific Disney event will have something from Marvel to announce to hype things up so some of the projects that Feige only teased at here we'll probably get stuff for then. For now though like how I did with the announcement of Phase 3 in October 2014 (yeah remember when that was announced all the way back then? I sure do) Allow me to give my thoughts on these projects, in as much chronological order as possible, for these films and shows being talked about.

Black Widow: I admit I am still annoyed at the idea of this being a prequel even if at least it is a point where most of Black Widow's character development through the MCU has been more or less finalized and I admit I do like the idea of this being a more visercial kind of "mission Impossible" esque movie as that IMHO makes sense with the character; you don't need galactic states to tell good story. Though I am glad we are getting confirmation of Yelena seems like most of the rest of the cast is still either more obscure or playing things close to the vest. I am glad Taskmaster even if we don't know whose playing him is confirmed as the villain as he seems like an appropriate challenge for Natasha... of course this being a prequel we know how it ends but uh hope this does have ties to something going down the line of the MCU. For Instance...

The Falcon And The Winter Soldier: Yeah pretty clear this will deal with Sam taking on the Captain America Legacy and how to balance that with his own to push the character. And I admit seeing a few more details of these Disney+ series is actually making me more seriously consider getting that extension to see them since yeah I am interested in how these connect with projects going forward. Granted this one didn't exactly tease how it plays into the movies but as see with others shows we know that will be a thing and if this is the first one out you know there will be important bits in it the films will have to pick up as well.

Eternals: I kind of thought this would be the first major movie project the MCU would try pushing through for LBGQT+ Diversity but that's coming to something else in 2021. This one seems instead just to be pushing not only having female characters be the lead of a society and a super diverse cast of various different ethnic backgrounds, but also with having the first major deaf character in the MCU trying to push for handicapability which is also important. We knew most of the cast already but glad to see them matched up with who they are playing and more of a general premise of what the movie and point of the Eternals is about. Of course at this point Marvel can market near any movie and make i a hit but still good to seem them always pay attention to making the movie look as big and appeasing on actually delivering on it's thrills.

Shang Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings: As many suspected the Shang Chi movie is finally going to deliver on the TRUE take of a villain many have been anticipating/annoyed hadn't been in the actual movies and was more just referenced or "joked" about being the Mandarin. Which again I think is cool that Marvel is finally comftortable fully showing off this character and making sure to do it properly by embracing the Asian heritage to have him fight the obvious big Asian hero they're pushing for the MCU. Now granted neither actor playing Shang or Mandarin I've really heard of (it's weird to see an ensemble movie cast and go "oh hey I know I've seen Awkafina before even if I haven't seen those other guys" with it) but from what research I did do they seem like popular choices plus it makes sense for Marvel to skew with a younger hero for Shang Chi especially since he's going to be a pretty active hero so yeah this looks like the start of another solid probably trilogy of films for this guy.

WandaVision: We've seen a lot hinting at this show and I am glad they are leaning on the fact this is going to be a weird out there experience. Probably like Legion except now that we're working with MCU feature character money probably more out there. And yeah though seeing hintings of it Wanda from the comics is probably best known for how out there and incredibly uber her powers can get you can't really do in the films. I mean you probably wouldn't ever see a "no more mutants" sort of scenario in the MCU even when they got mutants around so glad that focus is going somewhere. Plus hey cool that of all things they're introducing grown up Monica Rambau here. IMHO pretty sure Photon is going to be in Captain Marvel 2 (along with Miss Marvel Kamla Kahn) but I like the idea of introducing another major hero here. Also like the idea that the focus on Wanda here is going to lead to...

Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness: Yeah the MCU is making sure people watch these Disney+ shows by having them actually impart stuff on the continuity so likely whatever happens in WandaVison will make the events of this Dr. Strange sequel make more sense. Plus people have wanted to see Scarlet Witch actually involved in the more magic side of the MCU even before the first Dr. Strange movie so glad that is happening. And that yeah we are getting a Dr. Strange movie also fully embracing that multiverse the first movie talked about that Far From Home

Lied about

now coming into this. Like with New Mutants though I have to wonder how serious they can really push a horror super hero movie especially as this is suppose to still be in the MCU which yeah can have intense moments but Derrekison can't turn this into like another Sinister or something. Still curious on exactly where he's going with it and if the villain of this is Nightmare then at least there's good justification for this being really horror based.

Loki: Yup the trickster ice giant god is getting his own show that we now know yes really does delve into what happens after a variation of Loki with the Tesserect now has his own version of earth to play with. Nothing else was really revealed about this one but yeah like I said before the appeal of a Loki series for everyone is Tom Hiddleston so having him come out like that shows there's certainly still a fanbase eagerly awaiting this and seeing exactly what sort of tricks Loki is going to try pulling off.

Marvel's What If: Any doubts I had about whether or not Marvel was ready to do a What if series were quelled not only by showing how this would likely be narrated and focused on by the Watcher but man the guest list of all the voices and characters they're going to bring back to tell all of these various what if stories which I am curious to see how they play out. Plus hey also curious on what exactly the animated style will be for this series considering they'll likely want to keep the look of the characters but well will have the freedom to have them in more comic accurate source material to play with so again be curious what direction they're going with here.

Hawkeye: I do find it sad people are still shafting on Clint Barton who yeah even if he isn't getting his own movie is at least getting his own series even if the only thing people seem to be talking about it is Kate Bishop which yeah sure there's other stuff Clint's going to be doing worth focusing on. Still glad to get something from Hawkeye though to be honest a lot of this is stuff we guessed before and kind of figured was coming. I admit the big surprise of this for me was...

Thor; Love And Thunder: This movie. Not the idea of Thor 4; even before the annoucement it was clear Chris Hemsworth working with Tailka Watiti on Ragnarok reignited a spark on how he wanted to play the character going forward and well with MIB International sinking so much clear hemsworth is more motivated then ever to continue playing the god of thunder. What I'm surprised about is what's happening with the other characters. It makes sense to bring Tessa Thompson back (and honestly again MIB International flopping would give her all the reason to come back) but seems they actually are having this be the MCU movie/project within the canon that finally fully tackles the LGBTQ+ issue by having this new King looking for her Queen. I mean I know Valkyrie was meant to be bisexual and Tessa kept teasing shipping herself with Brie Larson's Captain Marvel but didn't think they'd have a whole plot about it. Then again doubt she's the queen unless there's somehow another special guest. But it'd be hard to really top the actual other big announcement: not only revealing that Natailie Portaman is coming back to the MCU in full but having her play Lady Thor. Thinking about it likely a big problem Portman had with the MCU that made her want out of her contract after Thor the Dark World was the executive meddling and BS with then president Ike Perlmutter. As yeah Perlmutter was the reason Patty Jenkins was booted off Thor and Jenkins being on Thor 2 is what got Portman to want to make that movie. However now she seems like she has good ties with the MCU and getting to play her own super hero instead of a super hero girlfriend seems like a good reason to come back to the fold.

Besides that though not a lot of super shocking reveals but good ones but again this is likely only half of Phase 4 as I doubt they would end the phase on a Thor 4 movie and not any sort of Avengers movie. We'll see if D23 reveals the rest of this line up but still a lot of solid films and even shows to check out in the next two years.


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Jul 13, 2003
And 4 slots left un-assigned so looks like February 18, 2022 for Black Panther 2; May 6, 2022 for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3; and July 29, 2022 for Captain Marvel 2.

I'm kind of surprised they didn't mention a new Spider-Man movie, but maybe they'll save that for D23.
Perhaps. But I'm pretty sure it's Sony's right to announce it like they did for Far From Home.
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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
I had a strong feeling once Feige started moving Marvel into "TV" they were going to start distancing themselves from from what has already been done. Pretty smart.
Groan. Ali's casting doesn't mean the Netflix shows aren't canon. That's too much of a leap to make! Not until the words come out of Feige's mouth they aren't, it still is, imo.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
I’m not sure there needs to be an “Avengers 5” to end this part of Phase 4. The first two films take place in the past. The third may be in the multiverse. The fourth may be the only in the current timeline and world. Maybe. Not sure unifying threat would bring heroes together. Also we would be seeing some heroes before their sequels.

I’m really surprised BP2 isn’t in Feb 2021. $700M domestic and they’re waiting four years to do the sequel. That’s patience. Of course, Shang Chi could be huge as well.

The existing Marvel TV shows aren’t connected enough that it’s necessary to say they are or aren’t canon.

I’ll say this because nobody else is. I don’t see Ali as Blade. I’ve never seen him to pure action like I assume we will are in Blade. Also I really assumed they’d go young for Blade when they finally did it.

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the greenman

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Jul 24, 2006
the point of no return
Groan. Ali's casting doesn't mean the Netflix shows aren't canon. That's too much of a leap to make! Not until the words come out of Feige's mouth they aren't, it still is, imo.
No. I didn't intend for this casting particularly to mean the distancing. I'm just spouting petty stuff for my belief eventually, they'll start partitioning stuff, especially if they do begin using some of the television characters.

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