Near-Swearing On Justice League

What do you think about the near-swearing on Justice League?

  • Use it as often as possible

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • Use it sometimes

    Votes: 47 70.1%
  • Never use it

    Votes: 11 16.4%
  • I hate Justice League

    Votes: 1 1.5%

  • Total voters


May 1, 2004
nice rant though.. I ive it four out of five dennises

Anyway there are two ways they can go with this near-swearing thing: an exclamation point on an extremely emotional scene, playing off the shock value
Or a running gag aimed at blatantly poking fun at the censors (well, probably not actual censors in the literal sense but anyone who wants the DCAU "edited for kid freindliness") After 4 episodes and 4 instances, I know where my interpretation is at this point. That said: (Turns on conan voice) Run with it my babies!


Kikoutei Densetsu
Oct 24, 2003
If they not gonna have the char use bad words, then they should not tease it in the first place. It just make the characters and the series seems childlish.


a playa in a world of NPCs
Feb 24, 2002
Franklin Square, NY
They shouldn't use it in EVERY episode, which seems to be the case in JLU (I think "Kids' Stuff" was the only one that didn't use it so far). Or multiple times in an episode ("For the Man Who Has Everything"). And they have to make sure it doesn't sound like an abrupt cutoff, which is usually the case with "Go to--" lines. It's starting to get annoying now.

I did like Green Lantern's "Kiss my axe" in "Starcrossed", though. It seemed to work well as an action hero kind of thing.


Active Member
Feb 17, 2004
Teasing bad language and sex only annoys the adult audience it's intended for when it doesn't deliver. So JL should remember that it's a kid's show, nothing more, and cut it out.


Hawk Groupie
Aug 16, 2003
It's OK with me. In fact, I'd prefer that they go all the way with it, but that's another show for another network :evil:


Lean - Mean Green Machine
Apr 23, 2002
JLU Watchtower
I don't think they should actually have any of the JL saying a curse word on the show. the whole "almost" part makes it cool and funny. lol but hearing superman drop the "f" bomb would be kind of startling. lol. although I have yet to see this episode, it comes to my attention that Superman said something along the lines of "Go to .... " in the episode "For the Man Who Has Everything". That's not that bad guys - even for Superman. I think they are trying to run some of Supermans character from the comic into the TV show. In the comic, Superman would say something like that if Mongul were to screw around w/ him the way he did in the show.


a playa in a world of NPCs
Feb 24, 2002
Franklin Square, NY
Martianman606 said:
I don't think they should actually have any of the JL saying a curse word on the show. the whole "almost" part makes it cool and funny. lol but hearing superman drop the "f" bomb would be kind of startling. lol. although I have yet to see this episode, it comes to my attention that Superman said something along the lines of "Go to .... " in the episode "For the Man Who Has Everything". That's not that bad guys - even for Superman. I think they are trying to run some of Supermans character from the comic into the TV show. In the comic, Superman would say something like that if Mongul were to screw around w/ him the way he did in the show.
It actually happened in "Twilight", the JL season 2 premiere. Oddly enough, some believe that it was an edit of some sort because apparently the sound does skip a little. Who knows...

But "For the Man Who Has Everything" does have a similar line from Wonder Woman, I think. And it also has Loana saying something along the lines of "a bomb under your a--" if I remember correctly.


Kikoutei Densetsu
Oct 24, 2003
krazymed said:
Teasing bad language and sex only annoys the adult audience it's intended for when it doesn't deliver. So JL should remember that it's a kid's show, nothing more, and cut it out.

JL is not a kid show.


Active Member
Feb 17, 2004
JL is not a kid show.
TV-Y7/FV - It's a kid's show. If anyone else but the crew working the show were serious about it not being treated as such, it would have a TV-PG rating, be on at 10 p.m., and would allow the "bad" words to be added in. That way, older kids can still watch it, and adults won't be as annoyed. To me, the show is about as edgy as the Powerpuff Girls, which is clearly "a kid's show."

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
krazymed said:
TV-Y7/FV - It's a kid's show. If anyone else but the crew working the show were serious about it not being treated as such, it would have a TV-PG rating, be on at 10 p.m., and would allow the "bad" words to be added in. That way, older kids can still watch it, and adults won't be as annoyed. To me, the show is about as edgy as the Powerpuff Girls, which is clearly "a kid's show."
Actually Justice League's second season aired at 10:00 at night.

That said, I agree with you. I have NO idea why the idea that it's a kids show would be such a stigma but it really is all-ages. There's nothing wrong with enjoying a "kids show" in my book.


Hulk not good with words.
Jun 6, 2001
St. Louis, MO
For the most part, I don't really have an opinion on the near-swearing one way or the other. However, I do agree 100% with Max Nugget's remark that awkward dialogue is not the way to do it. I think that cutting off a character's cuss word at the end of a sentence falls into the realm of sloppy writing.

In my opiniion, it's use was most effective in "Hawk & Dove" when the curse was halted as it turned into a painful yelp.

It was also very nicely done in FTMWHE, when WW's "hell" wasn't cut-off as much as it was drowned out. Her "Go to hell" delivery was a very memorable part of the original comic book version of that story, and I thought the creative team handled the inclusion of that line very cleverly in the animated version. I thought that it was pretty obvious that under the roar of the plasma disruptor (they still make those?), she was continuing with her thought.

As for GL's "kiss my axe" in "Starcrossed", I didn't find that line nearly as distracting to the mood of the scene as I did his final jab to Talek. "That all you got? My grandma hits harder than that!" ????? That's the best he can do for a final piece of trash-talk? That playground insult is what sends Talek into a rage and results in the final blow to the entire Thanagarian invasion?

I would have thought a line that played on Talek's emotions about his love affair with Hawkgirl would have been more poignant. Something along the lines of "That all you got? No wonder she chose me over you!"

But that's just my opiniion.



Hawk Groupie
Aug 16, 2003
Toddman said:
As for GL's "kiss my axe" in "Starcrossed", I didn't find that line nearly as distracting to the mood of the scene as I did his final jab to Talek. "That all you got? My grandma hits harder than that!" ????? That's the best he can do for a final piece of trash-talk? That playground insult is what sends Talek into a rage and results in the final blow to the entire Thanagarian invasion?

Maybe Talak was sensitive ;)

jeffrey 228

Active Member
Jan 24, 2002
Well I don't mind, I mean having them Useing it sometimes I mean adds the action to this series itself but should lable that as a TV G type of thing because they come so close to that, for precautionarly reasons of coruse, but that is just my thought and stuff.

Merlin Missy

Cranky Old Lady
Mar 31, 2004
Toddman said:
I would have thought a line that played on Talek's emotions about his love affair with Hawkgirl would have been more poignant. Something along the lines of "That all you got? No wonder she chose me over you!"
Well, if you think about it, he did. GL had already implied that HG has chosen him over Talak earlier in the battle ("Anything I took was freely offered.") so insulting Talak's strength was all about impugning Talak's manhood. Which was really what the competition was all about to Talak. He had a misogynistic streak ("No woman's skirt to hide behind.") and I don't think I need to go into much detail about how he viewed HG as a possession as much as anything else. He commented at least twice on John's being smaller than he was, because to him (we don't know about Thanagarian society at large) the bigger guy wins the girl, end of discussion. Having HG quite clearly stand with "little" GL instead was a big blow for his masculinity.

So, yeah. I'm not surprised John picked up on that. Basically, he pulled an Ahnold and called Talak a girl. For Talak, this was the worst insult possible.

Not that I've overanalyzed this scene to death or anything.

To bring this back on-topic, I actually enjoy most of the near-swearing. However, they've got to get the timing better. H&D got it right in the barfight. FTMWHE had too much of a delay. And I was one of the ones who misheard GL the first three times I watched "Starcrossed."


Duke Psychology

Active Member
Aug 28, 2003
who wants to know?!?!
Fone Bone said:
Actually Justice League's second season aired at 10:00 at night.

That said, I agree with you. I have NO idea why the idea that it's a kids show would be such a stigma but it really is all-ages. There's nothing wrong with enjoying a "kids show" in my book.
i don't understand why people get all defensive about that either. JL/U is a kids show because that's what the merchandise is aimed at. we're just lucky we got a quality show in the process. nothing wrong with enjoying a "kids show" as long as it's good.

as for the near-swearing, i don't really like it cuz it sounds childish. but as long as they don't overdue it, i won't mind.


Flash's Stunt Double
Feb 8, 2004
Grand Forks, ND
Moderation and innuendo are the key. You can give a show an adult feel simply by implying adult situations and content. That way the adults can enjoy the show more and it still remains kid friendly.:)

I think Justice League seasons 1 and 2 did and excellent job of implying adult content. Sure, the near-swearing was part of it, but there were many other adult situaltions/scenes that were done very well without being graphic or obscene.

Oh, and I thought all the near-swearing in Justice League was acceptable, except for the "kiss my axe" line. That was pretty lame, IMO.:shrug:


Jul 7, 2004
Lame as it may be, after an entire season of near-cursing (coupled with watching Starcrossed around midnight), I thought they actually bit the bullet and let a curse word into the show.I agree that moderation is the key. It kinda gets on my nerves after a while.


Feb 11, 2003
I don't like real cursing but this fake almost cursing is even worse so it needs to go and fast because the dcau got alone fine without it before....

Neo PrimeStar

Mar 11, 2004
I think it's funny and fits perfect with the mature heros and how they use it and what tone.

A younger immature audience would be like "Oooo..heheheheheeh.."

An older would be saying pretty much what all of you have been saying

I love Hawkgirl's line thats a clascic.I seen that line useda few times in other cartoons.

The Detective

Active Member
Nov 18, 2002
As a general rule I don't like it. It's just sounds stupid and and is producing the opposite affect of what they're trying to do. If you're gonna curse, curse. If not don't dance around the fact that you can't or won't and keep up with this half doing it.


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