Primos (Disney Show From Natasha Kline)


Staff member
Mar 26, 2018

LA Times and Natasha now I need some Primos promos Disney Channel, get on that!

It's on The Disney plus on page
and coming soon
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Tangled Sparkle Duck
May 16, 2021

LA Times and Natasha now I need some Primos promos Disney Channel, get on that!

It's on The Disney plus on page
and coming soon

I hope Disney "fixed" whatever the "problem" was with Primos. :)


Staff member
Mar 26, 2018
Is everybody convinced now?
People wanted to be sure that it was the correct information. Remember there was already a June 6 date that didn't happen. Nothing wrong with people wanting to be sure the information they see is correct and verified, especially with how Twitter is a mess and there weren't any other information from other verified sources to make sure. It's good people wanted to make sure it was correct and be double sure, that's how people should be with internet information.


Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
Honestly, with all the hate this show has I don't see it lasting more than a season unless things change.
"All the hate this show has" is/was being spewed by a handful of angry trolls on Twitter, Reddit and YouTube's comment section who haven't seen the show and aren't the show's target audience making mountains out of ant hills because a few people got their feathers ruffled over a few misplaced words. I don't think Disney is sweating over those people. The vitriol directed at this show was being blown way out of proportion because the internet's gonna internet; that's just the world we live in.

They've removed the questionable names since then so things have changed.

Whenever someone makes a show featuring a particular ethnic group, there are always self-appointed "experts" and "gate keepers" who want to dictate the "right" way said group should be portrayed.

Honestly, this just looks like a harmless Disney Channel cartoon. Primos will likely just run the standard course and get the usual string of Theme Show Takeovers, Chibi Tiny Tales and everything else that comes with having an animated show on TDC, but because of the self-appointed haters, I now want Primos to get three seasons and a movie. The poster and images uploaded for this show actually look like kind of good. Does this one cartoon really appear to be the face of Satan?
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A Little Meatwad
Oct 2, 2020
Miramar, FL
"All the hate this show has" is/was being spewed by a handful of angry trolls on Twitter, Reddit and YouTube's comment section who haven't seen the show and aren't the show's target audience making mountains out of ant hills because a few people got their feathers ruffled over a few misplaced words. I don't think Disney is sweating over those people. The vitriol directed at this show was being blown way out of proportion because the internet's gonna internet; that's just the world we live in.

They've removed the questionable names since then so things have changed.

Whenever someone makes a show featuring a particular ethnic group, there are always self-appointed "experts" and "gate keepers" who want to dictate the "right" way said group should be portrayed.

Honestly, this just looks like a harmless Disney Channel cartoon. Primos will likely just run the standard course and get the usual string of Theme Show Takeovers, Chibi Tiny Tales and everything else that comes with having an animated show on TDC, but because of the self-appointed haters, I now want Primos to get three seasons and a movie. The poster and images uploaded for this show actually look like kind of good. Does this one cartoon really appear to be the face of Satan?
You took those words right of my mouth, dude. Thank you.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
"All the hate this show has" is/was being spewed by a handful of angry trolls on Twitter, Reddit and YouTube's comment section who haven't seen the show and aren't the show's target audience making mountains out of ant hills because a few people got their feathers ruffled over a few misplaced words. I don't think Disney is sweating over those people. The vitriol directed at this show was being blown way out of proportion because the internet's gonna internet; that's just the world we live in.

They've removed the questionable names since then so things have changed.

Whenever someone makes a show featuring a particular ethnic group, there are always self-appointed "experts" and "gate keepers" who want to dictate the "right" way said group should be portrayed.

Honestly, this just looks like a harmless Disney Channel cartoon. Primos will likely just run the standard course and get the usual string of Theme Show Takeovers, Chibi Tiny Tales and everything else that comes with having an animated show on TDC, but because of the self-appointed haters, I now want Primos to get three seasons and a movie. The poster and images uploaded for this show actually look like kind of good. Does this one cartoon really appear to be the face of Satan?
While I'm sure that there were bad faith arguments, I think that writing off all of the backlash as being the result of angry Internet trolls is rather dismissive, especially the notion that it was over a few misplaced words. I'm not Hispanic, so I don't have any room to say what is or isn't accurate about Primos in regards to representation, but I think that there were more valid/understandable reactions to the backlash than that.

Wanting the show to do well just due to the self-appointed haters also feels rather excessive. I don't wish for the show to fail, but considering that we haven't seen much of it, I can't really say that I want the show to be their next big hit just to stick it to the haters either. Personally, Primos doesn't really look appealing to me and I don't think there would be much excitement or anticipation for it if it wasn't for the backlash. It's way too soon to tell how well the show can perform regardless.

Shiloh Otter

Anxiety in the house
Apr 19, 2004
While I'm sure that there were bad faith arguments, I think that writing off all of the backlash as being the result of angry Internet trolls is rather dismissive, especially the notion that it was over a few misplaced words. I'm not Hispanic, so I don't have any room to say what is or isn't accurate about Primos in regards to representation, but I think that there were more valid/understandable reactions to the backlash than that.
I would say most of the backlash I've personally seen is people who aren't even in the show's target ethnic group calling it "racist" or something similarly dumb.

So what @Silverstar said is not without merit, at least in my opinion.


Staff member
Aug 14, 2015
I feel like some of the people complaining should take the time to at least try to understand what this show is trying to do. At the same time, I don't think any of the complaints I've seen were really in bad faith. They felt like legitimate concerns to me.


Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
FTR, I wasn't saying that some people's concerns about the show weren't legitimate; heck, the only Mexican I have inside me is what I ate at Chipotle, so I'm hardly an expert on the subject; but as soon as some people voiced their objections, the Internet fringe mob clamped on and cranked those criticisms up to eleven, labelling the show "racist" and "the worst thing Disney's ever done", "the creator's not a real Hispanic ", blah blah blah, fart fart fart. That level of backlash I felt was unwarranted, especially since I know that right now it's very fashionable to dump on Disney and many people are just eager to cast the first stone.

I don't think Primos is going to be revolutionary or anything, but based on what I've seen and read, Natasha Kline seems like a nice person who didn't deserve any of that, plus I give respect to any creator who's willing to stick their necks out and get their vision on the air, I agree with Ms. Kline that multiracial, multicultural families on TV are a rarity, plus for once it's not a reboot or a sequel to something else that already exists, so for those reasons I kind of want it to succeed.
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What up, dog?
Jun 4, 2007
Cartoon Country
I feel like some of the people complaining should take the time to at least try to understand what this show is trying to do. At the same time, I don't think any of the complaints I've seen were really in bad faith. They felt like legitimate concerns to me.
Back when the intro for Primos was released last year, a couple of YouTube producers, most notably Rebel Taxi (who is himself 2nd generation Latino) pointed out some of the inaccuracies and his own nitpicks in the intro, and then afterwards "The Mob" decided to use that as ammunition to go full Karen on Natasha Klien and attack her and her creation viciously, as if this kids' cartoon that hasn't even premiered yet had personality wronged them in some way. Calling Ms. Klein a "racist" and drawing art of the main character getting brutally injured or killed. Even if you didn't care for the intro, that sort of thing is a step too far. You don't have to vilify the creator and harboring that level of animosity towards a drawing is just plain stupid.

I had a brief discussion with someone on YouTube who claimed that Ms. Klein isn't a "rea" Latina because "she was born in L.A. and doesn't speak Spanish." Now, speaking as a black guy from Baltimore, I'm in no position to determine what does or doesn't constitute a "real" Latine, but if you read the article @Silverstar linked to, you'll see that the creative decisions that Ms. Kilen made for the show were done without an ounce of mean-spiritedness and "The Mob" was overacting. Grown adults who were way too passionate about a cartoon for children, while the other half was just attacking the show because spewing bile about something on the internet is fun.

To me, Primos looks to be a fairly standard issue Disney Channel cartoon, just with a Latin flavor. By painting a target on Natasha Klein's back, these people gave the show more attention than it ever would've received on it's own.
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Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I would say most of the backlash I've personally seen is people who aren't even in the show's target ethnic group calling it "racist" or something similarly dumb.

So what @Silverstar said is not without merit, at least in my opinion.
I didn't say that there was no merit to those claims. I just don't think all of the backlash could be so easily dismissed as being just angry haters.


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Almost forgot to listen to this before the day was up.
Viper wrote on Light Lucario's profile.
Happy 4th of July, Light Lucario. I really hope you get to enjoy the fireworks tonight. Have a wonderful evening.
BlooCNBoy02 wrote on 2 quid is good's profile.
Thanks for the following days ago. :)
Your avatar looks interesting.

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