"Sailor Moon Crystal" Series Talkback (Spoilers)


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2004
After seeing this episode I rather liked it. I haven't had any real problems with the animation since Episode 3 (which was where I felt it was at it's worst). I did see a review online that pointed out some of the contradictions between Usagi's behavior here compared to the manga and I do agree the manga puts her in a slightly better light in terms of how she handles herself. Still this episode goes on to show why this version of the Usagi (Sailor Moon)/Mamoru (Tuxedo Mask) relationship works better here than in the previous incarnation. In civilian form Mamoru playfully teases Usagi but it doesn't elevate to the rude and blunt behavior he displays in the old anime and he also shows a more respectful side like when he offers his hand to Usagi to help pick her up.

I did have to use a little bit of suspension of disbelief when it seems once Usagi transformed into Sailor Moon she gained temporary ability to teleport herself to where Queen Beryl was attacking the girls and then used Moon Healing Escalation to float over the city and heal everyone. I also commend the anime for making the Dark Kingdom far more effective and threatening here which actually justifies the pacing of these events.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I thought that this episode was pretty good. It did remind me why I kind of like the relationship between Usagi and Mamoru. They both serve as emotional support for each other, even though Tuxedo Mask has primarily been the one to do that for Sailor Moon. Still, they both feel useless compared to others, which does tie in with Usagi's feelings over being the leader, so I thought that angle worked nicely. There's already a clear attraction, but that support also helps to setup their relationship and make it a bit nicer to me. It also reminded me how much more I liked Mamoru in the manga compared to the original anime series. He teases Usagi, but doesn't become a full out jerk. Usagi crushing on him when he isn't Tuxedo Mask also helps. In the original series, if it wasn't for their connection as Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask, I don't think Usagi and Mamoru would be together, which is probably one reason why I have more of an issue of how that was handled compared to the manga and by extension here in Crystal.

I didn't mind how Usagi ran away because of the idea that Tuxedo Mask could be their enemy, but I could see how that change from the manga could bother people. I thought that it was rather strange that Usagi admitted that she was the leader to Tuxedo Mask and then was surprised when he figured out her identity. I thought that she admitted that she was Sailor Moon by saying that or at least that she knew that he knew about her secret. I thought that the attacks from the other Guardians while they were fighting Zosite looked cool and Sailor Moon's new attack was pretty cool too. It was a nice cliffhanger with Usagi learning that Mamoru was Tuxedo Mask. I also thought that the preview being a conversation between the two of them was kind of refreshing.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
This episode was good, and necessary to explore and learn more about Tuxedo Mask, and I like how Venus is being foreshadowed already. I'm slightly disappointed next episode will also be Tuxedo mask focused and not Venus' introduction, but oh well, them's the breaks.
May 14, 2006
Episode #7


Toei Animation Philippines leads Episode #7. Paul Ano-Nuevo and Aries Nario are no strangers to the magical girl genre, having served as key animators and animation supervisors for the Pretty Cure franchise. I was wondering when TAP would lead an episode and it looks like this was it. Episode Director Kuroda Narumi recruited five key animators from back in Japan, likely to have some animators pick up slack or just so he could better supervise some cuts. Curiously, Character Designer Sakou Yukie is not credited as chief animation supervisor for Episode #7. I suspect this is so she can correct previous episodes for the home video release. Komatsu Kozue, who has acted as animation supervisor for Episodes #1 and #3. It comes as no surprise she has now taken on a heavier role, given this series cannot seem to stay on track. My guess is Ano-nuevo did the combination attack on Zoisite himself.

Mamo-chan it is. Oho.

I saw a white cat in one of the photos with Sailor V. Oho.

Umino is minutely funny. Oho.

Mamo-chan sniffs for Usako's scent. That's not funny so much as it is suspect.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I keep forgetting to comment on the previous episode and I figured that I could do that before the new one premieres in a little bit. I thought it was pretty good. I really do like how they handle the romance angle. While bits like Mamoru smelling Usagi's handkerchief was kind of strange and they do go into wanting to be together relatively quickly, it really helps that there was clear attraction from both of them, especially Usagi, and Mamoru wasn't being a jerk when he was teasing her. It helped to make the romance feel more believable and genuine. Plus, I always thought that their nicknames for each other were adorable and I can usually go for some nice fluffy romance in general too.

Sailor Venus showing up at the last minute to save the day was pretty cool. She'll finally get some attention and I am curious as to how they'll handle it. Overall, it was a pretty nice episode.
May 14, 2006
Episode #8


Shimizu Hiroshi of Space Dandy fame performed the role of animation supervisor and a key animator for Episode #8. That was a heck of a coup, although he already provided key animation for two early episodes of Disk Wars: Avengers so he obviously is not without connections at Toei Animation. It takes some heavy brass balls to work on a title that has so often suffered from a horrible schedule and a vehement amount of staff shortages. Speaking of which, Character Designer Sakou Yukie has once again not provided the role of chief animation supervisor. I wonder if she is now officially focused on correcting episodes for the home video releases? Episode #1 Animation Supervisor Komatsu Kozue is now performing the role of chief animation supervisor regularly, it would appear, so it shall be interesting to see if Sakou's name is added to the credits for the home video release of these latest two episodes or if they shall have any number of corrections as the initial two did. Shimizu's hand was felt heaviest in the early cuts of Sailor V, most obviously because she did not look hideous in those cuts. What is it with this series in that even with animation supervisors the characters still look hideous?

Aino Minako is Princess Serenity...or at least wants the others to believe she is. If Usagi and the others have a 'seal on their memories' it could very well be one of them is actually the princess...yeah, let's be honest, it's Usagi.

Modern clothes were promised for Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Crystal, but here we have Mamo-chan reading books to learn about crystals instead of the internet!


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
I liked to see more of Minako this episode, but it still didn't feel like she was the focus of the episode, she was more like the catalyst. Also, I'll need some time to get used to mancat (didn't watch the 90s show, so I didn't know Artemis was male).

Seems like next episode at least one Sailor is getting her memory back, shame it won't air for like 3 weeks.


deficit omne quod nasciture
Apr 9, 2010
Negative my friend. October only has four weekends so the next episode should air two Saturdays from now, which means we still got two episodes before the three week hiatus. Unfortunately that also means that were gonna have to wait three weeks for the 12th and concluding episode of the arc. Now that sucks.

A lot of exposition and not a lot plot. I almost threw something at the TV when I saw that the plot finally kicked in and there was only like five minutes left in the episode. Anyways that kiss was awesome. Just awesome.


deficit omne quod nasciture
Apr 9, 2010
Pfff, we should be getting introduced to Sailor Pluto, instead were barely saying hi to Venus. Still, it ridiculous to think that its gonna take Crystal less than a fourth of the time it took the original to get through the Dark Kingdom and Black Moon. Speaking of Black Moon, I can't wait till we get the anime version of the manga version, was never a fan of how the original explained Neo-Queen Serenity's ascension.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
Newington, CT, USA
(facepalms) you do realize that the manga is the original, right?...

EDIT: nvm, I see now that you mentioned the manga. Sorry.

Sent from my iPod touch using toonzone

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I thought that this episode was pretty good. We didn't get too much into Minako like we did with the other Guardians during their debut, but it probably helps that she was already a Guardian for awhile as Sailor V, while we saw the others gain their powers for the first time. Plus, as much as I like the manga, I don't think that the Inner Guardians got a lot of focus in this first arc. Artemis' voice made him sound older than I thought he would be.

The interactions with Usagi and Mamoru were still quite nice. I especially liked their scene near the end with Sailor Moon hugging him, telling him to go somewhere safe and then giving him a kiss. That was one of my favorite moments from the manga. It was sweet and showed that Usagi had become more confident in her role as Sailor Moon. Tuxedo Mask jumping in to protect her since he couldn't do that the last time was expected, but it did leave for a good cliffhanger. I'm also still disappointed with the bi-weekly release for the series. While that wouldn't fix all of the show's issues, I think it would have been much better if this was aired on a weekly basis. The pacing would be far better and we'd already be in the second arc. Taking a long time to just cover the basics of character introductions and setting up the plot really doesn't help the show out at all.


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2004
I don't comment on this thread as much as I do in the Classic anime thread but I thought this episode was worth sharing my thoughts on. It's been revealed that Usagi is the Moon Princess and we learn of all of her memories of the past. While I know many of us have had issue with the animation quality of Crystal I felt despite it there were excellent moments of characterization and storytelling. Comparatively to the old series I felt there was a more natural build up in this series to justify Usagi's subsequent depression and recovery, and this episode displayed the strengths of the manga's plotting. We also get some insight on Queen Beryl and Luna's characters which fell in line with the overall story structure.

Overall, this episode accomplishes coming off as more organic compared to the old anime. Even standing on it's own within this series it is still a strong character episode and manages to take advantage of all the character building from the previous 8 episodes. I look forward to the upcoming trip to the Moon which makes more sense than the Timey Wimey whatever we got in Classic.
May 14, 2006
Episode #9


Shida Naotoshi as the storyboard artist and Tanaka Hironori as a key animator? Good God. The episode was sub-contracted to a studio called Animation Planet, so the freelance Tanaka wasn't even called back to Toei Animation by a member of Toei Animation! I suspect he did much of the opening cuts of Usagi's hair and a few if of the early action cuts, simply with out any drawings to do anything worthy of writing home about. Hell, the rest of the episode was the usual stiff, horrible drawings.

This series is a hilarious train wreck. I am not sure I would have it any other way at this point, either. The other components of the work--the story, dialogue, and sound work--are hardly inspiring, so why not give it no time or talent to tell an interesting visual story, either? All the more resources for much better series.


Ravioli, Ravioli
Aug 3, 2002
Chiyo-chan's America
Shida Naotoshi as the storyboard artist and Tanaka Hironori as a key animator? Good God. The episode was sub-contracted to a studio called Animation Planet, so the freelance Tanaka wasn't even called back to Toei Animation by a member of Toei Animation! I suspect he did much of the opening cuts of Usagi's hair and a few if of the early action cuts, simply with out any drawings to do anything worthy of writing home about. Hell, the rest of the episode was the usual stiff, horrible drawings.
Tell me about it. While most anime fans are liking this episode for the story (given the major reveal that happens in it), animation wise, this pretty much came off as a "need to save money" episode from my POV.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
Moon road trip next episode? Sounds cool! As for this episode, it was a big ball of exposition really, but I liked it. It developed Usagi and to a lesser extent Luna and the scouts too.

So does this mean that Usagi won't wear her sailor scout costume from now on and wear the dumb princess outfit from now on? That would be... Disappointing.

EDIT: in the next episode preview she's wearing the scout uniform. Phew.


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