"Star Wars: The Acolyte" (Disney+ Series) Pre-Release News & Discussion (Spoilers)


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
2/6/23: Charmaine DeGraté will write at least one episode.

2/28: Kogonada and Alex Garcia Lopez will direct for the series.

3/8: Producer Karyn McCarthy is suing Lucasfilm for wrongful termination after being fired from the project weeks after being hired.

3/12: Iger confirms it will premiere in 2024.

3/16: Each episode will reportedly be 1 hour long.

3/27: Comments from Turner-Smith.

3/28: Adelaide Waldrop has been hired as the Lead Intimacy Coordinator.

4/7: Headlund reveals she pitched the show to Kennedy as Frozen Meets Kill Bill, it is from the POV of the villains, a time when the bad guys are outnumbered and are the underdog, there are lots of Jedi, there is no war at this point in the timeline but there are "personal wars" in relationships between characters, Lee Jung-jae is a Jedi Master, Joonas Suatamo is playing a new original Wookie character, and Jodie Turner-Smith is playing an original character.

Will premiere in 2024, new logo, and trailer description of a Jedi temple, Carrie-Anne Moss's character fighting Amandla Stenberg's, a gold lightsaber, and multiple Jedi igniting their lightsabers.

4/8: Photos from panel. Wookie is named Kelnacca.

Vernestra Rwoh confirmed to make live action debut and played by Rebecca Henderson.

4/14: Headland on portraying the Jedi in a different light.

Keen seemingly confirms her character is a Jedi.

5/5: Jacinto says his character is "just a regular guy, trying to have a good time, who gets swept up into the High Republic world and the Jedi, whether he likes it or not."

5/12: Keen reveals her character is Jecki, a "bi-species" human/alien hybrid and is "David Bowie meets Star Wars: I have a little mullet, I have horns, it's cute." Jecki will be the same species as Rystáll Sant, a human-Theelin member of the Max Rebo Band in Re.

6/21: Abigail Thorn has joined the cast as a character named Ensign Eurus.

7/16: New comments from Headland.

7/18: EW feature with Leslye Headland, Amandla Stenberg, and Lee Jung-jae.

7/22: Kelnacca was inspired by Solo and Joonas Suotamo who places Chewbacca. Headland ushed for the inclusion of a Wookie Jedi on the show despite initial doubts. SFX artist Neal Scanlan embraced the concept.

7/25: Turner-Smith teases she plays a powerful person who can use the Force but isn't Jedi or Sith.

7/28: Rumored to premiere between April 1 and June 30, 2024.

9/5: Likely to be delayed.

10/3: Description of a leaked teaser.

11/4: Order of writers looks to be:
Ep. 1: Leslye Headland
Ep. 2: Jason Milcallef and Charmaine De Grate
Ep. 3: Jasmyne Flournoy and Eileen Shim
Ep. 4: Claire Kiechef and Kor Adana
Ep. 5: Kor Adana and Cameron Squires
Ep. 6: Jocelyn Bioh and Jason Milcallef
Ep. 7: CharmaineDe Grate, Jasmyne Flournoy, and Jen Richards
Ep. 8: Jason Milcallef

12/27: Insider claims Stenberg will play Force-sensitive twins, both of Sith origin - one becomes a Sith Assassin, Sith, while the other will be taken by and trained by the Jedi. The assassin is tasked with taking out Carrie Anne Moss' character, a Jedi Master - a formidable warrior known to defeat her enemies without using her Lightsaber so the assassin vows to learn martial arts and kill Moss' character using only her hand-to-hand skills. Jacinto will play "both versions of his own character - one good personality, one bad.
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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
2/26: Comments from Amandla Stenberg and the article mentions the show is 8 episodes.
In the context of the Star Wars universe, it’s a time of great peace, theoretically,” Stenberg says. “It’s also a time of an institution, and it’s a time in which conceptions around the Force are very strict. And I think what we’re trying to explore within our show is when an institution has a singular conception of how power can be used…we try to provide a lot of different perspectives and answers to that question. The idea is to kind of honor the ethos of Star Wars and ideas around the Force and also challenge them, hopefully harmoniously.

3/6: Trailer rumored to be coming soon and episodes are reportedly 30-45 min. in length.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2012
Kimberton PA
Just caught the new trailer. Wecome back Carrie Ann Moss! Superb choice as a Jedi (or Sith, or Dark Jedi, whatever she turns out to be).

I have a good feeling about this one. Much stronger premise than Ashoka, and nothing to do with Rebels, which was a clumsy series anyways. I'd love to see something the same quality as Andor with actual force-users in it. This is could be that series.
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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Great trailer. Been looking forward to this show and exploring pre-Phantom Menace SW. Sol's training session with the younglings was nice nod to Obi-Wan training Luke in New Hope.

Hmm, seems to delve into a commentary about one group monopolizing power, in this case the Jedi and there being an imbalance of the number of Jedi and Sith. Definitely matches with what's been said about exploring the Jedi from a different perspective which I get will perturb some fans. Aniseya doesn't seem to be either and represents other groups that use the Force, she doesn't look like a Nightsister but definitely a witch of some sort.

Breakdown of the characters in the trailer.

Headland confirms episodes are 30-35 minutes in length.

Headland reveals she made more Expanded Universe/Legends material canon.

Poster/key art released.

Headland hints a little about multi-season plan.


Brand New Day on Toonzone
Staff member
Mar 22, 2002
Springfield, MO
"This isn't about good or evil, it's about power, and who's allowed to use it."

I don't think I like where this is going.

Great trailer. Been looking forward to this show and exploring pre-Phantom Menace SW. Sol's training session with the younglings was nice nod to Obi-Wan training Luke in New Hope.

Hmm, seems to delve into a commentary about one group monopolizing power, in this case the Jedi and there being an imbalance of the number of Jedi and Sith. Definitely matches with what's been said about exploring the Jedi from a different perspective which I get will perturb some fans. Aniseya doesn't seem to be either and represents other groups that use the Force, she doesn't look like a Nightsister but definitely a witch of some sort.

Trailer looks promising, but I felt the same way about Ahsoka, and that turned out to be a disappointment.

Yes, there is a concern about them portraying the Jedi as greedy power mongers and the Sith as "just a different path". I think it's too early to pass judgement. I don't mind portraying certain individual Sith's as sympathetic (Anakin was sympathetic), but the choice still needs to be the wrong choice. Embracing the Dark Side can never result in a positive path in life.


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Almost forgot to listen to this before the day was up.
Viper wrote on Light Lucario's profile.
Happy 4th of July, Light Lucario. I really hope you get to enjoy the fireworks tonight. Have a wonderful evening.
BlooCNBoy02 wrote on 2 quid is good's profile.
Thanks for the following days ago. :)
Your avatar looks interesting.

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