Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles "Secret Origins" Talkback (Spoilers)


One who loves naked Kagome
Apr 8, 2002
Image removed-Clockstomper​

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]EPISODE THIRTY TWO[/font]​

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"Secret Origins" Part One[/font]​

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Story Editor: Lloyd Goldfine[/font]​

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Senior Supervising Director: Chuck Patton[/font]​

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Written by Eric Luke[/font]​

The TMNT return to hear some revelations about their connection to the Utroms. Don't keep your opinions in your shell.​
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Dr Kain

Active Member
Jan 26, 2003
Ok, they have officially killed Shredder for me. He is an alien now? WTF? Is that how it was in the comics?


Truer Words Were Never Spoken
Feb 4, 2002
Baltimore, MD
Oh goodie. Triceratons came to Earth.

OK, I'm confused...

Now the Turtles have easy access from their lair and TCRI.

It's so weird seeing the Utroms as allies.

Baxter just refuses to die. And he's fallen far from Season 1.

I like Mikey's nervousness.

Return of Krang! I thought he wasn't supposed to appear in this series?

Heh, I like Mikey's reactions to the "movie," specifically to Krang and the crash.

Y'know, that's one of the few times we've actually heard someone puke instead of just seeing it.

Mikey has a really thick head.

ALL the Turtles have thick heads.

So...Shredder is really Krang!? Damn, I was hoping for Shredder to be some kind of god-like guy, not a Utrom...

Stockman better not still be working for Krang/Shredder.


Active Member
Jul 24, 2002
Defending the Sea
It's an interesting take that the Shredder is an ruthless Utrom criminal.

Baxter seems to be taking orders from someone, but who? Can't be the Shredder because of the fight they had.

Mikey's antics can be a little annoying.

So are we going to be told why the Utroms took Splinter and not told the Turtles about it in the first place?

I thought it was a good episode for the Turtles' return to Earth.

Rating: 4.5/5

Simpler Simon

Always in Style
May 14, 2002
Well, this episode just goes to show how useless the last few really were. Pretty enjoyable with all the revelations going on, but I'm starting to get annoyed with Mikey's humour and the clunky dialouge.

- So...nobody remembered to count and make sure *all* the Triceratons and Federation troops were beamed back?

- I can understand the guardians not telling the Turtles what was going on (for fear of having their secret exposed), but now that we know Splinter's friends with the Utroms, was there any real reason they couldn't have just assured the Turtles Splinter would be all right somehow?

- The National Guard is outside the TCRI building...you'd think some Utrom lackey would realize this and tell Mortu before part 1 ended.

-Exactly how long has it been since Baxter's battle with the Turtles and his transformation into a...spider? And how would he know how to reprogram the virtual device (unless his mysterious employer is another fallen Utrom)

-I like how the show has to spell everything out for us. "So the Utroms are going to wait centuries to return home?" "Yes they are."

-If this wasnt a kiddie show, the Shredder Utrom would crushed the other Utrom instead of just tossing him into the bushes.

-They might as well have just come out and told us Shredder was the criminal Utrom.

-Okay Mikey, we know this is just a movie. Just...relax.

3.5 stars

The Master Con

Dark Glass
Nov 15, 2002
New Jersey
It is possible that Baxter is still working for the Shredder, look at how many times in the Transformer series a traitor was welcomed back to his leader's side. It would explain why he knew who to crosswire their technology and how he was able to find a new body so quickly.


The Saturday Morning Kid
Dec 9, 2003
Latham, NY
I'm not crazy about the idea of Shredder being a rogue utrom. The traditional human Shredder is more my cup of tea. Otherwise, this episode was pretty good.


¡Mierda santa! ¡Ninjas!
Aug 16, 2003
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Yay, they called the Oots teleporter a transmat!! Another thing from the original is now "fixed", and the name change to Honeycutt's teleporter is now explained.

I'm not wild about Saki being an Utrom, but the story is being really well told (and obviously well thought out, with every fitting nicely into place), so I'll wait and see what happens. I really, really hope that Foot don't know about it, since that's the logical place to take the story.

Still, good episode, with lots of subplots brewing in the background. I wonder who Baxter's partner is, and when they made an alliance. Also, I like that they kept the "army appearing at the Oots' door aspect of the story"; all I can hope for now is that they carry real guns.

Oh, and now we know why Krang will never be on the new series.


a playa in a world of NPCs
Feb 24, 2002
Franklin Square, NY
Shredder's an Utrom? Sure, why not? I'm cool with it. They might as well do something interesting and unexpected, and this certainly explains all the stuff that happened in that last "Return to New York" episode. (Shredder talked about centuries ago, and he also survived decapitation... because only his stomach contains vitals!)

This was a good episode. I sensed a good new vibe from the Turtles in Space episodes, but I really did want them to get back to New York already. And now they have. And it's cool.

At first I thought it was stupid and repetitive when Mike tried to eat the rice balls, but then it was funny when Splinter said (not exact quote) "I know there is a lesson here... but I'm having too much fun watching this."

The Master Con said:
It is possible that Baxter is still working for the Shredder, look at how many times in the Transformer series a traitor was welcomed back to his leader's side. It would explain why he knew who to crosswire their technology and how he was able to find a new body so quickly.
Yeah, it is interesting how both the Shredder Utrom and Baxter used crosswiring to mess up the good Utroms' technology. Coincidence?


not like those other old guys
Feb 26, 2002
It's not Krang... but wouldn't be funny if that was his name?

They needed to come up with a way to keep Shredder from being killed off too soon. He was a very minor character in the original comics afterall. So I guess this works. I didn't like the idea at first but now that I've seen the evil red utrom and how evil he truely is... I'm starting to warm up to the idea.

The Ronin Michelangelo! I've got to write down that quote.


One who loves naked Kagome
Apr 8, 2002
Dr Kain said:
Ok, they have officially killed Shredder for me. He is an alien now? WTF? Is that how it was in the comics?
Not at all. He was human...normal aging and everything. Then a clone...then dead. And the theme was a generational cycle of revenge (Yoshi kill's Saki's brother, Saki grows up and kills Yoshi, Yoshi's pet is mutated and raises "sons", the Turtle "sons" kill Saki, Saki comes back and is killed again, The Elite seek revenge on the Turtles, and so on. It brings the point that fate may have made the mutagen accident happen because Yoshi had no one to carry on the cycle. The same goes for Shredder's ressurection.)

I'm not sure I like the changes, but I'll see what happens.

Interesting tidbit:
In the original time travel story, some of the japanese spectators were impressed by Raph's fighting, enough so to adopt it and start a clan about it. They named after the only thing Raph left behind...a footprint.

Although it's moot now that Shredder and the Foot exist when they meet the Turtles (Dogis had the Foot Symbol.)


Active Member
Nov 11, 2001
There was a pretty decent time jump from the time the red alien Utrom is last seen, and Shredder first appears in ancient Japan. Therefore, we are left to assume that the alien is Shredder in disguise.

This would epxlain how he seems to have lived for centuries, and is easily able to walk off once his head is chopped off in Return to New York. However, it dosn't explain why he seems to have Super Human speed, as seen in one episode as the Utrom Walkers have not yet d emonstrated that ability. Nor, why he seems to have adopted the Japanese Culture as his own, despite having lived among humans for years. One would think that there would have been a touch of Utrom Technology found in his temple, but none was seen.

One would also think, that he'd be keeping better track of his enemies, and would have KNOWN for a fact that they where in NY, yet he required proof of an Utrom Walker discovered at the bottom of the ocean to prove that his enemies where in fact in the city..

However, I don't think we can assume the Utrom is Shredder just yet. At least I hope they don't go with that storyline. As others have suggested, I was reallly hoping Shredder would wind up as an immortal or something.


Truer Words Were Never Spoken
Feb 4, 2002
Baltimore, MD
TheShredder565 said:
One would also think, that he'd be keeping better track of his enemies, and would have KNOWN for a fact that they where in NY, yet he required proof of an Utrom Walker discovered at the bottom of the ocean to prove that his enemies where in fact in the city..
That reminds me, remember when the Shredder's armor kinda glowed when it was near the old armor?


Feb 23, 2002
I was worried about Shredder being a Utrom, and now it's happened; it robs from the character's bodily abilities. Granted, so would the supernatural powers he would have if, as was conjectured, Shredder was a demon/god-like being, but at least then his advanced fighting abilities would be more closer to endowed than mechanical. (And this is coming from someone who has usually preferred the mind's abilities over the physical, i.e. a machine instead of a set of weights, Spider-man's polymerized web cartridges instead of the movie's natural webbing.)

As for pondering about why Laird and others working on the show said "No Krang" and yet we are essentially getting this character, keep in mind that this isn't technically Krang (maybe in character but not in origins) and that Laird wanted to ensure people would not consider the Shredder Utrom and the old cartoon Krang to be one in the same. (I’d still like a throwaway joke about some of the old cartoon characters; there are enough comic book arcs in which Bebop and Rocksteady could just be background characters.)

The glowing Utrom technology may be explained in this arc, perhaps showing how they forged the equipment for...something. Perhaps it was some of their work as they lived among the humans, as one would figure that, having gotten their exo-suits under control, the Utroms would take up the guise of humans and do something like sword forging (though they probably lived far enough away from civilization so that humans did not gather something amiss about their jerky, mechanical movements...maybe they pretended they were a colony of sickly humans living away from society).

In response to ClockStomper:

When did the turtles go back in time in the comics? Was it during this "Meet the Utroms" arc?

Somehow, I could see what you discussed as actually taking place in the show...although this is technically a VIRTUAL reality...


One who loves naked Kagome
Apr 8, 2002
It happened during some issue of the anthology book, I know that story was also the basis for Movie 3. They did several time travel things, so they all kind of blur in my mind.

In the comics, the only evil Utrom is one known as Doctor X (lame name, I know.) He was the basis for Krang. The fact that the evil pink Utrom wore a helmet makes me think he is Saki. Saki always DOES have his stomach bandaged (even in the game.)

But yeah, based on the mystic stuff he has around him, I thought he was an immortal or something. There was that strange jewel on Saki's helmet...

One interesting change from the comics in this episode is relating the mutagen to waste from the Transmat. In the comics, it's just described as wastes from expairaments. In later stories, we're led to believe the Utroms expairamented with DNA manipulation to become more humanoid, and thus the Turtles and Splinter became humanoids when doused with the mutagen.

The Triceraton escaping is important for later...in the comics, all 3 Triceratons got away, and there were no Federation soldiers. Wonder how he'll fair once his tank of Carbon Dioxide runs out....


Aug 18, 2003
I'm sorry, but the show has officially jumped the shark with the revelation that Shredder is Krang (whatever the evil Utrom's name was). I would've preferred the whole immortal angle that was speculated at the end of Season 1. Even the whole clone thing in the comics doesn't seem half-bad compare to this. It just takes away from the character and the fact that the Turtles/Shredder rivalry all comes down to a simple alien mutiny is just ridiculous.
Mar 20, 2002
Now I don't think we should assume the evil Ultrom and Shredder are the same just yet as the Ultroms and Guardians also thought Shredder died, but if they knew he was an ultrom, they would know he survived


Feb 23, 2002
Jundaunted said:
I'm sorry, but the show has officially jumped the shark with the revelation that Shredder is Krang (whatever the evil Utrom's name was). I would've preferred the whole immortal angle that was speculated at the end of Season 1. Even the whole clone thing in the comics doesn't seem half-bad compare to this. It just takes away from the character and the fact that the Turtles/Shredder rivalry all comes down to a simple alien mutiny is just ridiculous.
... :eek: HOW CAN A UTROM EXO-SKELETON HAVE THREE CLONES?! Maybe, just maybe, Shredder isn't a Utrom. There may be hope yet, but it would be such a stretch, such as the evil Utrom being the first Shredder, than one of the Foot (Saki) inherits the role because the evil Utrom is killed in battle. Then, perhaps Saki turns to mysticism (as has been established with the Foot Elite and the Foot Elementals) in order to attain the power his mentor-of-sorts had.

BTW, are the Guardians also Utroms? Again, if they were, it would take away from their physical abilities and endurance. I would prefer they were humans, as it would have expedited the Utroms' adaptation to Earth; the Guardians would be able to acquire supplies their jerky exo-suits could not easily acquire, thereby improving their suits.

Sigh...I'm too hypothetical tonight.


Nov 23, 2003
Batman's Biggest Fan said:
Now I don't think we should assume the evil Ultrom and Shredder are the same just yet as the Ultroms and Guardians also thought Shredder died, but if they knew he was an ultrom, they would know he survived
Dude, the model sheets for Shredder revealed he was a Utrom before this episode aired, you'll have to accept it.


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