The Spectacular Spider-Man "Opening Night" Talkback (Spoilers)

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Still thwipping!
Feb 22, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
Good question!

Also, did Spider-Man actually reveal to both Walter and Felicia Hardy that it was his Uncle Ben was murdered by Walter? If so, wouldn't it be easy for them to find out that Spider-Man's true identity is Ben Parker's nephew, Peter Parker.
I think that specific moment was Pete thinking to himself right there.


Greatest Poster Ever!
Mar 9, 2009
Long Island, New York
I have a question about Walter Hardy: He was in prison for killing Ben Parker along with, I assume, his many outstanding warrents for his career as a thief. Would his assistance in subduing all the escaped cons, thus helping to regain control of the Vault, earn him points toward an early parole or some such? Or would the murder rap just be too much to overcome?

Also, something just hit me: If I understand the timeline right, Ben Parker would have died around May. It is now roughly March of the following year. Is that enough time for Walter to stand trial and be sentenced?
All reasonable questions....
You should pose them on Ask Greg, and he should get back to you in 4-6 months:

Rick Jones

Big Fan
Staff member
Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
Good question!

Also, did Spider-Man actually reveal to both Walter and Felicia Hardy that it was his Uncle Ben was murdered by Walter? If so, wouldn't it be easy for them to find out that Spider-Man's true identity is Ben Parker's nephew, Peter Parker.
I think she might have been more reasonable towards Pete's grudge against her father if he did; though she probably wouldn't since she didn't seemed by the fact that her father killed, period. Hmm, I wonder how she didn't know why her father was put away or who put him away.

Bat-Fan Beyond

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2008
Philadelphia, PA, USA
I think that specific moment was Pete thinking to himself right there.

I thought that, too, but then without a doubt, Spidey tells Walter "This doesn't make us even" after Walter helps stop the other inmates. Wouldn't that statement at least raise some questions from Walter on why or what he might have done to Spidey for him to take it so personally?

If Spidey had said something like "This doesn't make what you've done right" then it would not have seemed so clearly personal on Spidey's part.


Greatest Poster Ever!
Mar 9, 2009
Long Island, New York
I think she might have been more reasonable towards Pete's grudge against her father if he did; though she probably wouldn't since she didn't seemed by the fact that her father killed, period. Hmm, I wonder how she didn't know why her father was put away or who put him away.
You make her sound so heartless! I hardly believe that the Black Cat's advocating murder, but this is her father we're talking about, and all she wants is for him to come back. Heck, the whole reason she became a cat burglar was to please him!


Nov 11, 2006
I'd say that this is the best episode of the series. The revelation that Black Cat's father is Uncle Ben's killer was a nice homage to the story arc about Ben Reilly's girlfriend from the 90s comics. The drama that unfolded after Spidey learned who Black Cat was trying to free was excellent and surpassed the emotional power of most, if not all, previous episodes.

Seeing Spidey and Black Cat reunited and fighting against a horde of rogues was fantastic. The way the episode was directed shone as well, with the fantastic animation showcasing how great the look of the show can be when it's animated well.

With the exception of "Shear Strength", I don't think there are any other episodes that are even on par with this one. It's a classic episode, and hopefully there'll be more in line with the quality of this outing if we get a third season.


Mar 24, 2007
Also, something just hit me: If I understand the timeline right, Ben Parker would have died around May. It is now roughly March of the following year. Is that enough time for Walter to stand trial and be sentenced?

Well, he seemed rather regretful about the whole thing, and was more than willing to stay in prison - I'd imagine he just plead guilty to the murder and theft and all that.


Greatest Poster Ever!
Mar 9, 2009
Long Island, New York
Well, he seemed rather regretful about the whole thing, and was more than willing to stay in prison - I'd imagine he just plead guilty to the murder and theft and all that.
There is a trial regardless of the plea - they need to determine specifically what the crime is (murder 1, murder 2, manslaughter, etc.) and what the sentence should be. My guess is that he'd get Murder 1 (killing in the process of another crime, if I'm correct), but the sentence is hard to determine - his willingness to reform could get him leniency....


Mar 24, 2007
There is a trial regardless of the plea - they need to determine specifically what the crime is (murder 1, murder 2, manslaughter, etc.) and what the sentence should be. My guess is that he'd get Murder 1 (killing in the process of another crime, if I'm correct), but the sentence is hard to determine - his willingness to reform could get him leniency....

Mmm, but if he confessed to the crime, I imagine they could make it through the trial and sentencing within a year or so. Maybe.


Team Conan
Feb 2, 2002
I have a question about Walter Hardy: He was in prison for killing Ben Parker along with, I assume, his many outstanding warrents for his career as a thief. Would his assistance in subduing all the escaped cons, thus helping to regain control of the Vault, earn him points toward an early parole or some such? Or would the murder rap just be too much to overcome?

Also, something just hit me: If I understand the timeline right, Ben Parker would have died around May. It is now roughly March of the following year. Is that enough time for Walter to stand trial and be sentenced?

Walter Hardy was genuinely remorseful for the death of Ben Parker. He likely pleaded guilty thus a quick trial. I suspect he was charged w/ manslaughter and not murder. As for parole, well, it is the comics. It'd be interesting to see if he is granted parole while Spidey stalks him, leading to a clash w/ Black Cat. The ep can end at Ben Parker's grave. Wishful thinking since I'm under the assumption that TSSM is done.


Greatest Poster Ever!
Mar 9, 2009
Long Island, New York
Walter Hardy was genuinely remorseful for the death of Ben Parker. He likely pleaded guilty thus a quick trial. I suspect he was charged w/ manslaughter and not murder. As for parole, well, it is the comics. It'd be interesting to see if he is granted parole while Spidey stalks him, leading to a clash w/ Black Cat. The ep can end at Ben Parker's grave. Wishful thinking since I'm under the assumption that TSSM is done.
But it wasn't manslaughter - that's when you kill someone after being provoked, I think, like a fight - and Ben Parker was not fighting him.... Plus, he's also a well-known cat burglar, so he'd have a loooooooooot of other charges built up on him. If he's lucky and the judge is lenient, I'd say 25 years min.

EDIT: Come to think of it, he's probably too old for 25 years.... Glad I'm not that guy!


Lord of the Vindaloovians
Mar 18, 2005
Way to go, Harry Morgan. You raised a cat burglar and a serial killer...


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2010
United States
Green Goblin's Revenge Arc, Part II

The 2nd (and my middle favorite) episode of Green Goblin's Revenge Arc. This is the 3rd episode written by Greg Wiesman himself and like the previous episode he wrote (Intervention) is the 2nd to last episode of the Season. These 2 episodes have something else in common...

*This is the only episode where we don't see Peter's face.

*Norman, Jameson and George (id, ego and superego), Peter's "role models" in 1 setting.

*I never thought Felica was the type to wear glasses. Not that I'm complaining. Nice Cat Woman reference.

*Johny boy as Puck? Uhhh...

*That's the way to bust out Spidey!

*I love Black Cat's alliteration.

*Ugh Sally. Sometimes, I just want to slap you.

*Silvermaine's episodes include Green Goblin.

*How ironic that the prison cells and the curtain open at the same time.

*Dang Mysterio! Are you ever going to get caught?

*Only 1 inmate stays in his cell, Black Cat's dad. Why is he hiding in the shadows?

*Fancy foot work Fancy Dan!

*Gobby breaks the 4th wall once again.

Black Cat's dad is backing away from our hero, hmm...

*Sha-Shan uses the play to declare her love for Flash. Aww, that's so cute!

*At last! At long last! Hobbie speaks! James Duckworth provides his voice.

*Anyone else notice that George appears in every episode Rhino (O'Hirn in costume) appears in *raises hand*?

*Mark is still geting pimp slapped by Gobby I see. Then again, he doesn't know where the Green Meany is exactly.

*Black Cat reveals her father to Spider-Man. HOLY CRAP ITS-!

*Someone suggested that Walter being Uncle Ben's Killer worked better then Sandman in the movie, because Walter was the same guy Peter left escape, I agree.

*One of the rare times we see Peter angry, who can blame him? Got to give Walter credit for excepting his mistakes.

*Walter Hardy is voiced by the same guy who voiced Hawkman/Shadow Thief in Justice League Unlimited and Vilgax in Ben 10: Alien Force.

*Black Cat is not too happy with the webhead.

*Green Goblin reveals himself to Spider-Man, the storm is coming...

Next episode is the (so far) last battle between the web head and his "evil Uncle Ben", who is unmasked... for relez this time.


Marvel Animation Age Webmaster
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Apr 15, 2002
The Marvel Animation Age
By Opening Night, we had nothing else to say to each other...

The Spectacular Spider-Man
Episode#25: "Opening Night"

Original Premiere - November 18th, 2009

To test security at the Vault, Spider-Man volunteers to try to escape. But the Green Goblin has other ideas, trapping Spidey inside Ryker’s amid a sea of felons he put away.



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