"Ultimate Origins" Mini-Series Talkback (Spoilers)

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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2002
Everything is coming together.


WRITER: Brian Michael Bendis
PENCILS: Jackson Guice

THE STORY: This is it! The story that finally reveals the conspiracies behind the entire Ultimate Universe! When they first met, Bruce Banner mysteriously warned Spider-Man that "Everything is connected." Now it's time to discover the jaw-dropping secrets that men have fought and died to protect. From the dark days of World War II to the frightening present, journey through history to learn what's really behind the Super Soldier and Weapon X programs–and how heroes such as Captain America, Nick Fury and Wolverine have more in common than codenames and costumes. The dream team of Brian Michael Bendis and Butch Guice unite for the first time for the Ultimate series of the year that is a must-read lead-in to ULTIMATUM!


Jin Kazama

Staff member
Jun 26, 2002
Somewhere Around Here..
Wasn't a big fan of the direction they went. Other than that, it was OK, but I'm not sure I like where this is going.

The big one being that the mutant race didn't evolve, but was created. The only real "out" of this is that, with the wording, the Weapon X scientist did some experiments, checked the blood, and thinks he made a mutant based on the blood. But, then again, any good scientist working that way would take a blood sample before the experiments, then after, and compare. So who knows. Either way, it's a stupid move.

The other being that Nick Fury was the original Super Soldier. Not cool. Not that there was an original Super Solider before Steve Rodgers. That's been well established in the mainstream Marvel U, so even as an Ultimate idea, I'm cool with it. But that they used Fury.

Ultimate Fury was such a bad-a** because he was just a huge bad-a**. He didn't need that to be a huge threat and major force. If anything, this revelation actually takes Fury down a few pegs.

I'll keep reading, because despite all of that, it was a pretty good issue. But I just hope the entire series isn't like this.


Active Member
Mar 21, 2007
Bendis wrote this?! This is the guy who wasted a full issue showing Aunt May talking to her psychiatrist! This is the guy who milks even simple stories into multiple issues. I am kind of surprised...This issue was quick and to-the-point...Actually, a little too quick for my taste. I am not saying Bendis is a bad writer. He might make stories longer than they need to be but he manages to entertain along the way. Only sometimes he fails. But this issue had about 5 different scenes taking place at different times. They were like mini stories that are part of a bigger story.

Either way, decent issue. Mutants being created by humans seems like a bad twist. But it all depends on how it plays out in future. Nick Fury, a super soldiers? That's not bad. We are a step closer to finding out why Fury wears an eye-patch.


Brand New Day on Toonzone
Staff member
Mar 22, 2002
Springfield, MO
Is anyone still buying this mini-series? If so, what are your thoughts on it?

Ultimate Origins #3

(click to enlarge)

Cover by Gabriele Dell'Otto
Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Pencils by Jackson Guise

The Story:

Wolverine…Nick Fury…Captain America…Magneto & Professor X…how are they all connected? Witness the first meeting between Charles Xavier, leader of the X-Men, and Eric Lehnsherr, the mutant who will come to be known as Magneto!
From the muddy battle fields of World War II to the steaming shadows of the Savage Land, Brian Michael Bendis (Secret Invasion) and Butch Guice (Captain America) continue the shocking story that finally reveals the buried truths of the Ultimate Universe!

Comments? What are your thoughts?


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
I'm still reading this! Though I only read the third and fourth issues a few days ago...

I thought the scenes with Magneto and Xavier in issue #3 were alright, interesting at least. As was Wolverine's cameo. Issue #4 has me confused though - was it ever hinted at that Peter Parker's mother [and father - that wasn't made clear?] was killed by a Hulk incident? And how did Bruce Banner already become the Hulk waaaay back then? Reading the first volume of Ultimates, it seems pretty clear that he didn't become the Hulk until then, right? :confused:
So I thought the whole team working on the super-soldier serum was an interesting story, albeit a confusing one which seems to be inconsistent when compared to the current continuity of the Ultimate Universe.

I wonder how they're going to conclude this story in the next issue... the whole plot with that mechanical eye thing that's popping up everywhere doesn't have me very interested, so seeing as this is sort of a prelude to Ultimatum, I hope the final issue can set things up for that mini-series to be more interesting.


Marvel Animation Age Webmaster
Staff member
Apr 15, 2002
The Marvel Animation Age
Xurk said:
Issue #4 has me confused though - was it ever hinted at that Peter Parker's mother [and father - that wasn't made clear?] was killed by a Hulk incident? And how did Bruce Banner already become the Hulk waaaay back then? Reading the first volume of Ultimates, it seems pretty clear that he didn't become the Hulk until then, right? :confused:

I haven't read this (will probably get the trade, as Bendis still sucks at single issue pacing) but to anwser your question, Peter (and Eddie Brock's) parents were both killed in a plane crash when they were small children. If you remember the Ultimate clone saga, the clone of Peter's dad told Peter that he never got on the plane which eventually crashed, so his Mother died while he didn't (which also didn't turn out to be true, as it was merely a clone of Peter's dad, not the original - he did die in a plane crash).

The Ultimates also would lead us to believe that Banner hasn't been the Hulk for a decade as the super solider formula was only re-instituated because of the threats Magneto and other super powered people eventually became.

Unless, this is Bendis trying to be clever with one of his BS retcons he loves to use, despite how little sense they usually make!


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
I just read the conclusion to this mini-series and in its whole, it wasn't anything too special.

In the final issue, once again, we're submitted to go through a great deal of flashback scenes. And that's okay, seeing as the title of this book has the word "origin" in it. But the problem is that through-out almost all of the mini, I've been more interested in the "present day" scenes. It wasn't any different here [save for the yummy irony in the Magneto flashback scene], seeing as the revelation of those weird totem pole thingies was that they're Ultimate Watchers! I prefer the 616 Watchers, but still, it was an interesting turn of events. And picking Rick Jones as Earth's herald? Hmmkay, strange choice but I guess we'll find out why he was picked, in "Ultimatum".

As this mini-series was just about average, I'll reward it with three stars.

Jin Kazama

Staff member
Jun 26, 2002
Somewhere Around Here..
Reading "Origins" has officially made me give up on Ultimatum. I was teetering after Ultimates 3, and Loeb being on the mini really turned my head, but if this is the direction they're going with? No. Sorry.

I thought the exact same things about Spidey's parents and Banner going Hulk. The Spider-Man thing is inexcusable, since Bendis has written the entire Spider-Man series. Come on, man.

The entire reason I even kept up with the Ultimate line was because they took modern ideas to classic concepts. Not "Hey, Let's See How Far We Can Mess With Marvel Concepts!"

I'm reading Ultimate Spider-Man in collections. The rest of the universe, I'm done with.


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