"Young Justice: Targets (2022 Mini-Series)" Talkback (Spoilers)

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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003

Very intriguing this was all just for Kryptonite? Wild to think back to that seemingly innocuous conversation between Martian Manhunter and Hawkwoman in "The Lady, or The Tigress?" about the Justice League verifying all known Kryptonite on Earth and the galaxy was known and accounted then J'onn pointing out that they know have -- rears its head in Targets. So the question is, Lex Luthor had to go through all this planning and subterfuge just to secure a sample of Kryptonite because the League has such a lockdown on it at this point? Or is the greater danger that this Kryptonite was a big enough sample worth stealing - to power Metallo? Or some device that will be revealed in the closing scenes of #6? Hmm. Still it was good in typical YJ fashion, to have some of the heroes break down and connect the dots. Even the reveal in one of the back ups that Perdita called up Oliver for his and Dinah's help had a bigger purpose, to help facilitate a transfer between Perdita and Roquette. And even the same purses wasn't just a joke and callback, but it was going to used for the swap.

Tod Donner! Pretty cool he showed up in a tie-in comics first, before his appearances on the show proper, and now he's in another tie-in comic. It was sweet seeing Lian refer to Oliver as "Uncle Ollie" and wanting to let them all know they weren't alone. Also a nice surprise with Ray Palmer and Karen Beecher's cameo but helped confirm the item in question was Kryptonite.

Oof, timestamp mistake. But glad to see the narrative finally "caught" to the scene in Issue #1 with the Gorilla Squad departing to Bialya but the reveal was Cyborg aided them with a Boom Tube direct to the Lexcorp Robotics factory. Like Zatanna in "Early Warning" aiding the Outsiders using glamour, it was great seeing Cyborg figure out a way to skirt the line as a Justice Leaguer to help out his contemporaries.

Another interesting detail is we're only really seeing the full strength of the Outsiders since they weren't really seen in action all together in season 4. But idk why, but just I guess seeing them all in action, I got the realization, that oh yeah, the Outsiders' roster has gotten so big - wait, they're bigger than the Team at this point. And with the action moving into the factory, I wouldn't be surprised if we see a squad from the Team get boomed in by Halo for more back up.

Match is in Onslaught now? Shrug, ok. Was a little surprised the whole roster wasn't there. Would've hoped Holocaust would be there. And the debut of Metallo. Ah. Intriguing. More so he's got a new name - so either a new version entirely or an alias as Juan Cordero sounds a lot like John Corben. Should be 'fun' to learn what Metallo's role is here. On the other hand, it is somewhat surprising he's only shown up for the first time historically in 2020/Team Year Ten. Like has there been other Metallos that Superman fought in the 2000s or is Juan the first in Earth-16? Is he the next level. Luthor's moved on from Cadmus and Super clones and is going for super cyborg that exploits the Super-Family's big weakness?


And as stated by others, yeah, fun to notice the differences like Green Arrow hit with 2 arrows instead of 1 in the calf like in the DC Showcase short, Perdita offering her a piece of her skirt as a bandage instead of clothes in her back pack after Arrow asking her, Arrow not firing off arrows back, Merlyn using his flaming arrow on the baggage car's hood rather than the tanker, the shorter fight with Henchy, Merlyn talking to them after the fall out whereas in the short he just fired first. Basically covered the 4 to 8 min. mark of the short. Which leaves about 3 minutes for the last 2 back up stories. Yeah, as some of us suspected, definitely feels like there will be new content like coming from Black Canary's POV as she races to the fight and takes out Vertigo.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Another interesting detail is we're only really seeing the full strength of the Outsiders since they weren't really seen in action all together in season 4. But idk why, but just I guess seeing them all in action, I got the realization, that oh yeah, the Outsiders' roster has gotten so big - wait, they're bigger than the Team at this point. And with the action moving into the factory, I wouldn't be surprised if we see a squad from the Team get boomed in by Halo for more back up.
At least in a comic they can get actual dialogue since they don't need to worry about their VA budget :).


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Issue Five of a six issue DC Universe Infinite digital first comic! Based on the upcoming DC Universe animated series from Warner Bros. Animation!



Written by: Greg Weisman
Art by: Christopher Jones
Colors by: Jason Wright
Cover by: Christopher Jones and Jason Wright
Variant Covers by: Meghan Hetrick (Variant)

"Metallic Aftertaste"
Just as it seemed that Superboy was about to make some headway, enter a Kryptonite-laced Metallo! Will the team be able to finally achieve their goal and rescue Perdita, or will the Lexcorp robotics factory be their final resting place? Check out this penultimate chapter to find out!

Digital Release Date: October 11, 2022 (DC Universe Infinite), November 10, 2022 (Full version, all digital retailers)
Print Release Date: November 22, 2022 (Local comic book shops)


Related Links:

-Young Justice: Targets #5 comic at DC Universe


Scientist Supreme
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May 13, 2006
Advanced Idea Mechanics
Admittedly, this issue's a bit of a step-down from the previous one. It's mostly some exposition about Metallo's backstory with some information about Perdita's whereabouts and the set-up for the big conclusion next issue.

Metallo/Juan Cordero's backstory is interesting, to a degree. I guess it shows how Lex can successfully manipulate people by exploiting certain aspects such as Cordero's family and his yearning for a father, as well as twisting certain events (Match, Superboy's UN expose) to his favor. It gives some meaning to his line about Superboy's "ungratefulness" and makes him an effective foil. It kind of reminds me of how the show made Ma'alefa'ak into Ms. Martian's nemesis rather than Martian Manhunter's. However, I don't buy that Cordero's devotion is so deep to agree to have most of his body mutilated like that. It feels like we're missing some steps for him to resort to that.

The other major plot involves The Team sneaking into the factory while the Outsiders fight the robots. I do like how Static is the squad leader for the mission and some dialogue for characters who didn't speak in the past season like him and Blue Beetle. The Team finds Perdita, but not before being ambushed by familiar faces: Psimon, Count Vertigo (with a new costume) and Queen Bee. As before, I was happy to see Queen Bee back after barely showing up anymore, as she "enthralls" Red Arrow, Arsenal, and Halo into killing the other Team members. I guess that's one way of confirming/debunking sexual/romantic orientations. ;) It's a nice cliffhanger, even if I think M'gann's pulling off another fake-out.

The "memory" essentially concludes the airport incident without any major surprises. Only changes were Merlyn's victories being 16 instead of 8 and two additional jokes: Merlyn thinking Green Arrow made a joke when he mentioned the "limelight" (and GA denying it), and Perdita saying she'd accept Oliver's marriage proposal if Black Canary said no, changing the meaning behind her "Every Queen needs a consort" line. I do wonder what the next memory is about, since we need an extra title to provide the Y in CHOSEN FAMILY.

I don't think I've praised the work of Chris Jones and Jason Wright's work enough on this book. I really like the opening page with Perdita. The shadows and lack of color are a great contrast to the previous opening pages featuring her.
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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Metallic Aftertaste

Cordero is just another in a long line of youths used as pawns by Lex and manipulated towards his and the Light's own ends. Superboy, Match, the Runaways, Infinity Inc., etc. Lex found a metahuman with an ability to suit his plan to make a cyborg designed to kill Supers and one that needed a father figure and dug his claws into him hook line and sinker. I was also reminded of how a supervillain was shifted to being a protege's arch in Earth-16. And Queen Bee's use of her ability. Clear remainder of how heinous these 2 members of the Light are.

lol, never get tired of Scarab's pragmatic solutions. But it does have a point, it seems like the Lex-Bots are rolling off the assembly line as soon as they get destroyed outside so eventually some of the Outsiders will likely head inside and take out the machine spitting them out, imo.

Alpha Squad making a noisy entrance immediately got me suspicious that Weisman is hitting us up with another rug pull like the season 4 finale using almost the same thing. I'm fairly certain it's a combination of Miss Martian's telepathy and Halo's hologram generation (that's she's mastered a bit more) to trick Psimon, Queen Bee, and Vertigo to draw the trio out. It was already suspect those three where no where to be seen in the previous issue. I think the Team was smart enough to know Perdita wasn't going to be left alone to guarded by Bialyan soldiers and came up with plan to make them play the villains play their cards prematurely. Plus, it feels like there's going to be a third Team squad in play next week since Nightwing, Mist, Orphan, and Spoiler aren't present yet.

Intimate Connection: Memory Five

Ok, cool. Black Canary gets an extra scene and a few lines were slightly changed. But great to see the adaptation is over and Memory Six will seemingly be something new like the first one was.

Amusing Chris Jones is slipping in a Vietti reference every issue.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I guess I can see now why this guy isn't John Corben since he's so different...one with being a Metahuman instead of a normal human (and it's implied his self-healing is why he survived the process?), being so slavishly loyal to Lex Luthor, and focused purely on killing Superboy in revenge. His belief about Lex is so patently wrong that his fervent loyalty and willingness to literally throw his life away from him just feels...like a bit much. Guess he never planned on starting a family :sweat:.

It's nice to see the Outsiders getting more screentime and dialogue that they didn't get in Phantoms, although man Bart is so easily tagged. This series really wants to put Speedsters on the same level as the other heroes when it suits the plot :sweat:.

Holy crud, Shimmer actually did something useful! But wait, did she actually destroy the Cosmic Staff!? Those don't grow on trees :eek:!

Dang, all these years and Cassie still can't beat Devastation :(.

I'm almost getting kind of tired of Psimon appearing all the time because he just does the same stuff every time...ooh look, he has someone under his control! Ooh look, a new partner! But he'll still end up getting beaten and trounced by M'Gann in the end :rolleyes:.

Queen Bee finally showing up was satisfying in the sense that she hasn't done anything in, like, two seasons but I'll only really be satisfied if someone finally wipes that smug smirk off her face that she's been asking for in four season :mad:.

Well, dang, I guess Halo being bisexual actually worked against them here! I guess this also confirms Artemis, Arrowette, and M'Gann are all straight...in case anyone cared. Unless Arrowette's just not sexually attracted to any gender but I feel like they probably haven't thought it out that much :p.

The back-up...I mean, it's again basically just a 1-to-1 adaption of DC Showcase Green Arrow, but did you want to see what Dinah was doing in her airplane? Well there you go. Like, I dunno, could've expanded on her history and romance with Ollie or add a little more to the history, but I guess they only had so much pages and they really wanted to adapt everything...and did they actually marry? Though Perdita growing a crush on Ollie was cute :anime:.


Scientist Supreme
Staff member
May 13, 2006
Advanced Idea Mechanics
Now that I think about it, maybe the final memory will be about Ollie receiving the call to help Perdita. I get that the previous issue sort of covered how he and Dinah helped Perdita, but it would be weird if they transitioned from that scene to the airport incident and then never cycled back again.

Also, Metallo's a bit of a hypocrite in complaining about Superboy and Superman's alleged lack of compassion for Match, yet he never shows any empathy towards the guy as he's getting poisoned by his Kryptonite.

I'm almost getting kind of tired of Psimon appearing all the time because he just does the same stuff every time...ooh look, he has someone under his control! Ooh look, a new partner! But he'll still end up getting beaten and trounced by M'Gann in the end :rolleyes:.
To be fair, I don't think he's gotten any spoken dialogue since season 2, unless you count him being disguised as Vertigo. I guess Alan Tudyk is very busy.

Well, dang, I guess Halo being bisexual actually worked against them here! I guess this also confirms Artemis, Arrowette, and M'Gann are all straight...in case anyone cared.
I don't think M'gann counts since according to Greg, Queen Bee's phermones only affect humans. That's assuming it's not a fake-out, of course. :p


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Now that I think about it, maybe the final memory will be about Ollie receiving the call to help Perdita. I get that the previous issue sort of covered how he and Dinah helped Perdita, but it would be weird if they transitioned from that scene to the airport incident and then never cycled back again.
I guess that might be our best bet for some "new content" to tie everything together :).
Also, Metallo's a bit of a hypocrite in complaining about Superboy and Superman's alleged lack of compassion for Match, yet he never shows any empathy towards the guy as he's getting poisoned by his Kryptonite.
I mean, the dudes' kind of dumb. He threw away most of his humanity just out of pure spite because he thinks Superboy disrespected Lex Luthor without any proper context :p.

At this point I just want to see him get wrecked.
To be fair, I don't think he's gotten any spoken dialogue since season 2, unless you count him being disguised as Vertigo. I guess Alan Tudyk is very busy.
Oh yeah, Tudyk was only in, like, one episode of Outsiders and then wasn't there at all in Phantoms.

I think there was also a rumor that Bruce Greenwood didn't want to be in the show any more? I don't think that was ever confirmed.

I wonder if replacing them like they did George Eads as Flash or Rob Lowe with his brother was ever on the table. Remember when Wentworth Miller was Deathstroke for, like, one episode? Wild times :p.
I don't think M'gann counts since according to Greg, Queen Bee's phermones only affect humans. That's assuming it's not a fake-out, of course. :p
Come to think of it, you'd think they'd have precautions in case something like this happened knowing who they're often dealing with.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
At this point I just want to see him get wrecked.
Considering she mind blasted Lor-Zod, hope to see Miss Martian tk crush the Kryptonite.

Come to think of it, you'd think they'd have precautions in case something like this happened knowing who they're often dealing with.
The more times I reread the issue, the more suspicious I get of that last scene. Could very well just be a scenario Miss Martian planted in Psimon's head and isn't really what's happening similar to what she did for Artemis at the end of season 3 and in this case tricked Psimon into revealing what he did to Perdita and in reality, Miss Martian is already working on cleansing Perdita's mind. I mean, there's no way, Weisman is going to immediately repeat a Miss Martian fake out in the penultimate issue...


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2002
Intimate Connection: Memory Five

Ok, cool. Black Canary gets an extra scene and a few lines were slightly changed. But great to see the adaptation is over and Memory Six will seemingly be something new like the first one was.

Amusing Chris Jones is slipping in a Vietti reference every issue.
Does this mean the Green Arrow shorts are ending or is he still the focus for the last one?


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Does this mean the Green Arrow shorts are ending or is he still the focus for the last one?
Recall the first back up was a new story starring Red Arrow only and was set right before the Earth-16 version of the Green short that comprised the back ups from #2 to 5. So I'm just speculating the last back up will be a new story set after it. Should be since #5's back adapted right up to GA proposing to BC and her accepting. 50:50 it will still involve Green Arrow and Black Canary or something new like what Artemis was up to btw the Gorilla City mission and "Revelation" or both or something else entirely.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Issue Six of a six issue DC Universe Infinite digital first comic! Based on the upcoming DC Universe animated series from Warner Bros. Animation!



Written by: Greg Weisman
Art by: Christopher Jones
Colors by: Jason Wright
Cover by: Christopher Jones and Jason Wright
Variant Covers by: Meghan Hetrick (Variant)

"Last Rights"
You've witnessed teams across the globe band together in the name of a shared goal--through twists and turns, friendships and betrayals, they have held steady in their goal to rescue Queen Perdita from the foul conspiracy she has been ensnared in. And now, in our final issue, we ask the question…will they succeed? Find out in this dramatic, action-packed, and heart-wrenching finale!

Digital Release Date: November 8, 2022 (DC Universe Infinite), December 8, 2022 (Full version, all digital retailers)
Print Release Date: December 27, 2022 (Local comic book shops)


Related Links:

-Young Justice: Targets #6 comic at DC Universe


Scientist Supreme
Staff member
May 13, 2006
Advanced Idea Mechanics
And so it all ends... for now.

I got to admit, the weakest part of the issue is how everything quickly resolves, starting with the fake-out deaths from the last issue. I guess it's more tolerable to get it out of the way. And while the recap is unnecessary, I do like that Count Vertigo outlined exactly how he's benefitting from Markovia's shadow rule and this scheme and I was amused by the cure to Queen Bee's powers. Equally amusing was Stargirl's rage at losing her staff and knocking out Shimmer, which ends up leading to the Outsiders defeating Onslaught. It is kind of odd that the Cosmic Staff being destroyed isn't as big of a deal as it should be. I still think the same of the fact that Kryptonite was found on an Earth mine, but okay.

Speaking of Kryptonite, a shame that the heroes couldn't secure it without killing Metallo, but you'd think they'd try to find a way to keep him alive without it, rather than just dismissing it as him making his choice. At least they managed to save Match, and hopefully they'll find a way to help him. Maybe he'll be a new resident in Geranium City?

It was nice to see the remaining members of the original Team (plus La'gaan and Cyborg) scare Lex and officially place Perdita under their nuclear option. I'm surprised they never did this sooner, but I guess they had to drive home the theme of the heroes being her found family (or, "FOUND FAMILY", as the comic's secret code finally forms). A bit disappointed that La'gaan is barely visible, so it's hard to spot if he had any uniform changes as the third Aquaman.

With everyone formerly in a coma awake, we get a predictable, but happy ending, or rather, never an ending. However, it's the final memory that'll probably keep people talking. Artemis flashes back to her life with Wally during his birthday, with him promising Perdita to keep her safe. Only, he wasn't able to keep that promise and it cuts to something I've always been curious about: Wally's funeral. It's a touching scene and an effective foil to the Conner and M'gann's wedding from the season 4 finale. We get multiple cameos of heroes and civilians throughout the series. The most notable ones are Freddy Freeman, who FINALLY makes his YJ debut, his chair Plastic Man, a younger Mary Bromfield, and the civilian appearances of Hal Jordan, Katar Hol, and Shayera Hol. And of course, we also get Garfield and Perdita's first meeting that would blossom into their now-ended relationship.

Overall, this has been an entertaining series. While it lacks the excitement that the other YJ comic tie-in stories had and I think the memories wasted some potential (except the first and the last) and were lacking execution, it was still a pretty solid follow-up to season 4. It fleshed out the world and characters a bit more and ended things on an emotional note. I also really enjoyed the artwork and how faithful to the show it is while also being distinctive. Even if there's no more show to support, I hope DC considers more comics set in this universe.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
<exhale> That was another satisfying finale.

Lex Luthor actually got scared. :D "YES." Props to Kaldur.

I feel so dumb for not realizing sooner it ends on Wally's birthday. Somber, bittersweet, but another great full circle moment.

I got to admit, the weakest part of the issue is how everything quickly resolves, starting with the fake-out deaths from the last issue. I guess it's more tolerable to get it out of the way.
Yeah, on one hand, we knew it would be a fake-out and on the other hand, we knew it would be a fake-out. :p Yes, it was one nitpick of mine, too, but it didn't phase me at this point. The other was, Metallo deserved worse than his fingers being broken off and temporarily gasping from losing the Kryptonite.

It is kind of odd that the Cosmic Staff being destroyed isn't as big of a deal as it should be.
Not enough room, just the panel of Stargirl knocking Shimmer out.

I still think the same of the fact that Kryptonite was found on an Earth mine, but okay.
Just goes to show the Justice League doesn't have every piece accounted for yet as they though and there still Kryptonite meteorites left to be discovered potentially.

It's a touching scene and an effective foil to the Conner and M'gann's wedding from the season 4 finale.
It was. Bittersweet though. For a second, I thought the last page would transition to the present with some of them visiting Wally's grave.

The most notable ones are Freddy Freeman, who FINALLY makes his YJ debut, his chair Plastic Man, a younger Mary Bromfield, and the civilian appearances of Hal Jordan, Katar Hol, and Shayera Hol.
And Guy and Icon, too, I believe. It was touching to see who came to the funeral the entirety of that Year Six's era of the Team, JL, ex-Runaways, extended family of certain JL'ers, ex-members of the Team like Garth, Troia, Mary, Freddy, and Blue Devil. Even Dr. Fate showed up. So Nabu does have a heart.


Scientist Supreme
Staff member
May 13, 2006
Advanced Idea Mechanics
A couple of other points I forgot to mention:

Vertigo's speech and his specific use of "revolution" made me think about how revolutions in general in this series have a negative connotation, from Vertigo's opportunistic attempt at one to Ma'alefa'ak and his quest for A'ashenn liberation, to the failure of an uprising in Apokolips, and Ocean Master's constant schemes. But I wonder if the heroes have ever considered sparking or aiding a revolution in countries controlled by Light-affiliated tyrants like Bialya or arguably Markovia. It would be an interesting grey moral area to explore in future stories, I think.

A bit odd that the Markovia side of the story doesn't really get a conclusion. I'm assuming Geo-Force is filled in on what happened to Perdita? And will he figure out that Everyman and other operatives are conspiring against him inside his country? It didn't seem like Fury's talk with him in "Ego and Superego" had any impact.

I guess we'll never know if Roy has a crush on Perdita or not, but I did notice him asking her if she's okay.

Just goes to show the Justice League doesn't have every piece accounted for yet as they though and there still Kryptonite meteorites left to be discovered potentially.
Meteorites are another source of Kryptonite to account for, yes. I wonder if this continuity ever had plans for their version of Kryptonite Man. Also, if there are other versions of the material such as red, gold, or black.

And Guy and Icon, too, I believe. It was touching to see who came to the funeral the entirety of that Year Six's era of the Team, JL, ex-Runaways, extended family of certain JL'ers, ex-members of the Team like Garth, Troia, Mary, Freddy, and Blue Devil. Even Dr. Fate showed up. So Nabu does have a heart.
Nabu's distant, but not completely cold. He probably wanted to honor one of his former hosts. Though the funeral attendance made me wonder if Wally had actually made any civilian friends during high school or college.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
In retrospect, one thought was, why didn't Perdita just turn over the Kryptonite to the JL from the get go? Just have Cyborg or even Halo boom to Vlatava or her private jet, and take it for safekeeping and bam done. Yeah, would have a been a short story for us but...

And I suppose those hoping for more of a reckoning for Queen Bee would be disappointed.

But the back up did also provide one more rare glimpse into Team Year Four when Wally made Perdita the promise in his and Artemis's Palo Alto home.

Vertigo's speech and his specific use of "revolution" made me think about how revolutions in general in this series have a negative connotation, from Vertigo's opportunistic attempt at one to Ma'alefa'ak and his quest for A'ashenn liberation, to the failure of an uprising in Apokolips, and Ocean Master's constant schemes. But I wonder if the heroes have ever considered sparking or aiding a revolution in countries controlled by Light-affiliated tyrants like Bialya or arguably Markovia. It would be an interesting grey moral area to explore in future stories, I think.
Feels a bit too Anti-Light. I don't think Black Lightning would ever allow it either.

A bit odd that the Markovia side of the story doesn't really get a conclusion. I'm assuming Geo-Force is filled in on what happened to Perdita? And will he figure out that Everyman and other operatives are conspiring against him inside his country? It didn't seem like Fury's talk with him in "Ego and Superego" had any impact.
It led to me to conclude my theory when "Ego and Superego" came out that it and its part in Targets was to seed something they got planned for a hypothetical season 5, imo. I think it was in part the Light's move to keep some tension between the JL and Markovia so the latter isn't invited to the Reserves system by publicly embarrassing the latter for rescuing a fake Perdita or inviting speculation they had some role in the kidnapping or took advantage of the kidnapping to try to up their rep on the global landscape.

Nabu's distant, but not completely cold. He probably wanted to honor one of his former hosts. Though the funeral attendance made me wonder if Wally had actually made any civilian friends during high school or college.
True, you wonder if this was a private funeral and they held a public funeral for just the West family and Wally's school friends.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Considering this is quite possibly the last bit of YJ content we are likely to have for the forseeable future, I appreciate that the ending was generally pretty clean, effective, and happy without any last minute twists like season 4's ending. Even if it also meant the table turn quickly and efficiently in the heroes' favor like it usually does by this point (I'm starting to notice a trend) :p.

Honestly, it wasn't seeing Queen Bee put in prison, but watching the heroes overcome her powers and actually knock her out is better than we've gotten in three seasons so I'll take it, especially in a finale sort of way. Although it's kind of funny that the one time Queen Bee actually gets personally involved in, like, forever she loses pretty hard :rolleyes2:.

Man, Courtney took Shimmer breaking the Cosmic Staff personally! Honestly that made me just want to know more about this version of her, the one major drawback I feel for the series is the cast is so expansive and interesting but we can only really get 1-2 moments with certain characters, especially in comparison to anyone who gets the main character treatment versus others (and this show can be very picky and inconsistent about it). Like Arrowette for instance :sad:.

Just a casual reminder of how overpowered M'Gann is, especially when she's angry. Like her only weakness is the Martian weakness of fire at this point because she could probably wreck everybody on a good day :oops:.

Would M'Gann have just left Metallo to die if Devastation hadn't guilt-tripped her...although, honestly, I can't believe the League couldn't have him in custody and do something to him instead of just assuming he'll continue to be a problem with his Kryptonite heart and Lex acting like he's still something they can use :shrug: .

It was nice to see Lex squirm for once, although the fact that he's more intimidated by the Team than Superman is kind of funny. What's Earth-16 Superman even good for sometimes :sweat:.

At least Match is finally getting the care he deserves :).

I'm glad Gar seems pretty okay with the fact that things are over between him and Perdita. I don't think we need a "Garfield tries to get back together with Perdita" sub-plot after the Beast Boy depression sub-plot...which I still maintain was one of the biggest failings of season 4 in terms of execution and resolution :(.

The redundant DC Showcase Green Arrow flashbacks were...really not necessary, yet the Wally cover wasn't just for show in that we got one dedicated to Wally to end things on a happy and memorable note. I still maintain the show ultimately wasted Wally in more ways than one, but I appreciated the reverence they showed him in this backup (although other than Perdita it seemed to rely on a lot off-screen interaction and adventures to really cement the entire hero community mourning him, but that's just me). We even got Freddy finally showing up, which just astounds me. Like he finally shows up at a funeral of all places o_O.


Scientist Supreme
Staff member
May 13, 2006
Advanced Idea Mechanics
Would M'Gann have just left Metallo to die if Devastation hadn't guilt-tripped her...although, honestly, I can't believe the League couldn't have him in custody and do something to him instead of just assuming he'll continue to be a problem with his Kryptonite heart and Lex acting like he's still something they can use :shrug: .
I'm sure that would've created an international incident, especially if Devastation calling Metallo "the new guy" implies he's part of Onslaught, and especially if Onslaught is under Bialya's protection.
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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Man, Courtney took Shimmer breaking the Cosmic Staff personally! Honestly that made me just want to know more about this version of her
I interpreted the destruction of the Cosmic Staff tip to be Weisman's way of seeding a future sub-plot. It certainly begs the question, is Ted Knight still alive and can he repair the staff? Or will Stargirl end up using the staff's predecessor the Gravity Rod from here on out? More so with the voice debut of Sylvester and Pat in the Team Year Zero story, feels like Weisman was setting something up for Stargirl in a hypothetical future season.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I interpreted the destruction of the Cosmic Staff tip to be Weisman's way of seeding a future sub-plot. It certainly begs the question, is Ted Knight still alive and can he repair the staff? Or will Stargirl end up using the staff's predecessor the Gravity Rod from here on out? More so with the voice debut of Sylvester and Pat in the Team Year Zero story, feels like Weisman was setting something up for Stargirl in a hypothetical future season.
Granted we say that about a lot of characters :p.


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Oh, it's my birthday!
The New Woody Woodpecker Show was just removed from Peacock... Can this show just take a break from being screwed over?
TVLand, CMT, MTV2 (as well as Nickelodeon channels) will be simulcasting Kids Choice Award 2024 according to zap2it!

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