Ultimate Spider-Man "Snow Day" Talkback (Spoilers)

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Rick Jones

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Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
90'sCartoonMan said:
You mean Flint Marko. AKA William Baker. Sandman sure is big on the multiple personality. I think this episode was based on a Spider-Man comic from about ten years back where Sandman split into a bunch of different people with different personalities.
Heh, can't believe I goofed on the name.

So this ID crisis happened to Flint in a comic story? Interesting...

Christopher Glennon

Punch Drunk Flounder
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Nov 22, 2003
My Own Nonsensical World
So this ID crisis happened to Flint in a comic story? Interesting...

I went back and double-checked, it happened in Peter Parker Spider-Man #56 and #57 (2003). In addition to the adult male Flint Marko and the kid, there was also a deranged Sandman monster and a Sandwoman. All were different aspects of Sandman.

Both that story and this episode reminded me of the TNBA episode "Growing Pains" where Clayface creates a little girl to go scout for him, and she develops a personality of her own.

Rick Jones

Big Fan
Staff member
Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
90'sCartoonMan said:
I went back and double-checked, it happened in Peter Parker Spider-Man #56 and #57 (2003). In addition to the adult male Flint Marko and the kid, there was also a deranged Sandman monster and a Sandwoman. All were different aspects of Sandman.

Both that story and this episode reminded me of the TNBA episode "Growing Pains" where Clayface creates a little girl to go scout for him, and she develops a personality of her own.

Thanks for the info.

Growing Pains definitely came to mind especially since it's a favorite episode of mine.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2011
Hammond IN
Yet another disappointing episode, I give up. I want Spectacular Spider man to return.

That was not going to happen even if this show was never made. there were many factors that sadly killed Spectacular Spider-man early. I may not like it but I deal with it because complaining won't change it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2012
That was not going to happen even if this show was never made. there were many factors that sadly killed Spectacular Spider-man early. I may not like it but I deal with it because complaining won't change it.

That is very true and we have another year after this so complaining wont help.

But I hope things change in the next season and if it does that would be kool.

The Dark Lord

Active Member
Feb 15, 2012
So he just has to touch solid ground and he'll become all powerful?

Holy crap, this Sandman is scary. O_O


Staff member
Oct 21, 2010
Silicon Valley
Y'know, I watched the episode, and while it wasn't nearly as good as the last episode, it was nowhere near as bad as the worst of the season's beginning. Aya is less abrasive, even if Sam is still a complete dweeb jerk write-off. The jokes, while worse this episode than last, were also not painfully bad - just not funny. Fewer fart jokes. All in all, the series seems to be improving - which is the best one can ask for, given what a complete cluster-horkle the series started out as. My son still won't watch it, because it formed such a bad initial impression, though.

Granted, only someone with a complete lack of knowledge of natural science would buy into Sandman being trapped on an island as actually working, but comics have always had to wink at science (worst moment ever from comics - Hercules pulling the island of Manhatten back into place. Islands aren't rafts, idiot writer!). This is one area where "Its for kids" I actually accept as an excuse, if not a particularly good one.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
Sandman, another one of Spidey's classic rogues, makes his debut in this episode. I liked this take on Sandman - he has gone crazy from being trapped all alone on an island, exiled there by Nick Fury years ago (apparently - based on the hieroglyphs seen in this episode, which show Fury with lots of hair). Apparently the fact that Sandman created a new identity from himself, a kid adequately named Sandy is based on a story from the comics, which unfortunately I never read. Though that's one thing I like about not reading that many comic books: sometimes cartoons really surprise me despite being based on older stories.

Animation-wise, this episode looked great. I liked seeing the Sandman in action as well as the heroes trying to escape from his island prison. Supposedly the Sandman couldn't escape from the island since it is obviously surrounded by water; I'm pretty sure he would have figured out a way to leave even without Spidey and his friends unknowingly taking him with them off the island. I'd say the story could have been better, but that sounds like a comment I had for all the episodes of this show so far.

Nova continues to be my least favorite character on the show. He's always portrayed as an idiot and none of his jokes are ever funny. He's the least developed member of the team - he's the only one who hasn't had an episode focused on him, like the others. Sure the episodes which focused on the other heroes weren't spectacular either, nor did they offer tons of character development for them but at least they tried. Nova hasn't had anything like that, and I'm starting to think not even an episode focused on him would really change my opinion at this point.

Despite some pretty bad moments, this episode was actually good. It had some great action scenes and a decent enough story. But more importantly, it was entertaining. Either the show is slowly starting to improve, or I lowered my expectations just enough to enjoy it.


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Almost forgot to listen to this before the day was up.
Viper wrote on Light Lucario's profile.
Happy 4th of July, Light Lucario. I really hope you get to enjoy the fireworks tonight. Have a wonderful evening.
BlooCNBoy02 wrote on 2 quid is good's profile.
Thanks for the following days ago. :)
Your avatar looks interesting.

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