"X-Men '97" Season One Talkback (Spoilers)

Rate & Discuss Season One of X-Men'97!

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I'm Just TheGuy
Sep 5, 2023
For someone who wasn't even around back in the 90s to watch the original series X Men, 97 goes hard and is fantastic. This sets a new bar for the live-action MCU mutants they better not screw up. Excited for season 2!


Defender of the Universe
Sep 7, 2004
At first I thought it was pretty cool to see Spiderman TAS MJ, but then I realized it meant that this happens either during the middle of TAS or after having found MJ, neither of which being ideal.

Everyone jokes about how Wolverine in the original show never stuck anybody with his claws, but I sort of feel the same about Cyclops and his optic blasts. Seems like everyone he hits either was Mr. Sinister or someone who could easily shake off the concussive impact.

I don't like cliffhanger season enders, but that seems to be a thing with modern TV. Pretty entertaining episode all around.
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Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
Season 2 is being worked on at the moment (there was a recent report about Lenore Zann recording again) so it will hopefully premiere sometime late next year, I presume. And it seems there were talks of a season 3 as well.

Thinking about it a bit more, it's another similarity to Wolverine & the X-Men given how that also ended with an Apocalypse related cliff-hanger. But this show has a better chance to solve the plots it set up.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
One last Opening Update! Charles and Erik fending off soldiers together, which considering their relationship was pivotal to the episode, was very on-point! I wonder if season 2 will have everyone in their new costumes o_O?

Once upon a time Erik and Xavier were two friends opening up to each other about themselves, their gifts, and their beliefs in humanity...but now it's just a projection as Charles tries, for the umpteenth time, to reason with Magneto. But it's too little too late because Magneto is too far gone and too caught up in his rage and pain to listen. So Xavier has to go for the nuclear option and a psychic blast to save the planet :eek:!

We didn't get bone claws Wolverine, but he's healing! And lost in the time stream :ack:.

Silver Samurai! 90's Iron Man (with his season 1 armor!?), The Winter Guard with Crimson Dynamo, Darkstar, and Omega Red! 90's Daredevil with Cloak and Dagger! 90's Dr. Strange! 90's Black Panther! Except...not :confused:?

Jeez, thanks Bastion's mom. She lied to him that Xavier wouldn't accept him when SHE was the reason Xavier couldn't have a chance to mentor and help Bastion. She's not only the source of Bastion's mommy issues but also why he ended up like he did :(.

Scott won't let Logan die! Xavier won't let Magneto die! And Jean has basically been upgraded to full mom status for Cable :).

Bastion and Cable discussing their mutual mommy issues, what a world :p.

Roberto coming into his own as Sunspot! And patching things up with Jubilee. Nice :).

Thank you Deus Ex Phoenix! Jean's power coming in just in time to stop Bastion's Prime Sentinels and save the Earth, as well as the man Jean has come to view as a son! And delivering the worst fate for Sinister...stealing all the Mutant genes HE stole and leaving him a withered husk who can easily be mocked by Morph. Just what he deserves :proud:.

Why was Black Panther T'Chaka instead of T'Challa? It makes no sense. That should've been Keith David's Black Panther from the 90's FF cartoon, they even used the same design. Why even use T'Chaka instead of T'Challa when everyone else is their normal selves? I just don't get it :confused:.

Bastion truly left his humanity behind to embrace being a machine, seeing that as the only path forward. And in the process he whacks Cable with his metal arm, absorbs it, and reaches his Second Coming Final Form to go and destroy Asteroid M. All the same though, it does kind of put into perspective how they all should've been teaming up to stop him from day one. Especially Rogue :mad:.

Nothing says Rogue is back then using card quips like Remy would have :crying:

Did Bastion really think he could beat Cyclops in a Beam War? Well, maybe when he starts blasting him from multiple eras...quantity, not quality :quinn:

Jubilee really showing off how powerful she can be! I love it! Even got a cool visor break visual :D!

Man, Beast REALLY loves piloting Sentinels! But good way to bring the entire team together :proud:!

Steve Rogers. Still trying to do the right thing. Still useless in an X-Men cartoon :sad: .

Morph transformed into Mr. Fantastic! Complete with 90's accurate design :cool:!

Bless the X-Men for still trying to reason with Bastion rather than fight him to the death. He's too far gone and is just a testament to humanity's inability to accept Mutants, but they still tried and Cyclops genuinely reached out to save him...from missiles humanity (in their infinite wisdom) launched at Asteroid M and just made everything worse. But Bastion would rather die than accept help from Mutants :(.

"I love you" - Morph confessed their love to Wolverine! As Jean, but still! Though I don't think Logan will return their feelings like that :(.

Who would have thought that the best way to get through to Magneto was to appeal to his need for a family? And make him realize that he hasn't lost a family again...he's gained one, in Charles and the X-Men, and that means he has to fight to protect them rather than destroy them. Though I did find it kind of funny that in his mindscape we had all his kids (including Polaris) but he only cared about Rogue :rolleyes2:.

Oh snap, it's Spider-Man: The Animated Series Peter Parker, Mary Jane, and Flash Thompson! Mary Jane is in the yellow sweater and purple pants! Does this mean Peter finally saved MJ :D!?

Cable deserved a real childhood with his parents and with the X-Men, but he still has parents who loved him and believe in him...and he finally gets to see his fathers' eyes he inherited in his last moments :crying:

Where were Magneto's actual kids during this? Off-world apparently! Is that where the rest of the Avengers are :anime:?

Bishop and Forge! Together again for the first time! And ready to hunt down the X-Men across time! Will they recruit Jubilee and Forge in the process :)?

The X-Men have been ported across time! Rogue, Beast, Charles, and Magneto in ancient Egypt with a young En Saba Nurr! Jean and Cyclops in the far future to meet up with Mother Askani (Rachel!?) and a young Nate Grey (Slim and Red!?)! And in the present-day, Apocalypse (voiced by Ross Marquand just like how David Kaye voiced Apocalypse in X-Men Evolution along with Charles) is in the ruins of Genosha and about to revive Gambit as Death :eek:!


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
I guess you could say Rogue was eager to fight Bastion and get payback for what happened to Gambit, regardless of which team she was on. Even with the extended running time for the episode, there was so much going on they probably didn't have enough time for another Rogue sub-plot of her coming back to the team. This and T'Chaka's presence are kind of the only nitpicks I really have in an otherwise pretty awesome episode.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
That's pretty high praise. I haven't seen X-men 97 yet, so I'm curious. How does it compare to Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (another great Marvel animated series)?
I think one advantage I would give EMH is the pacing where they were able to space out a plot of 26 episodes while this show clearly had to get through as many plot points as possible in 10 episodes.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
I do like the idea that the show only really covers the X-Men corners of the Marvel Animated Universe and all the other characters go through their own stuff, we just don't see them all on-screen. Kind of similar to how Young Justice operated, for lack of a better example.

As mentioned before, these cameos are fun (really, really fun) but they rarely actually affect the story.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Beau Demayo did explain why some continuity issues with the rest of the 90s Marvel Animated Universe, such as their were a few offscreen adventures that lead to Captain America escaping limbo. One tweet of interest implies that Disney vetoed T'Challa appearing.

I understand in the context of the MCU trying to be sensitive to Chadwick's passing in regards to using T'Challa...but that shouldn't extend past the MCU. So there really was no reason not to use T'Challa in this.

Ed Nygma

Active Member
Apr 27, 2021
After finishing it, I'm glad everyone likes it, but eh... just not quite for me. They're throwing too many random and disparate elements at the wall and airing them in whatever order they landed with no rhyme or reason, as if it's a race to adapt as many storylines as possible and get as much edginess in as they can. Fatal Attractions was a story in and of itself but it was rushed into a two minute segment and everyone laughably forgives Magneto *again.* I really do not like the guy, no one says we have to love Joker or Dr. Doom but he's the exception! In hindsight I kind of wish they had left it alone and made this its own continuity; they're just milking the designs and childhood memories for nostalgia points, though it's clearly working. I would've preferred if Xavier had just stayed "dead" like he was in Graduation Day.

Did anyone else think the end was going to be adapting Fall of the Mutants/Australian Outback storyline saga where the world thinks the X-Men were dead? I'm envisioning season 2 being all about this time travel story and not airing until 2026, and not relishing that thought. I think pacing themselves and going in order would have been best; maybe S1 covering Mutant Massacre/Fall of the Mutants (or something), S2 tackling Fatal Attractions and Zero Tolerance, S3 Onslaught, and S4 Morrison's New X-Men which I would still love to see as its own thing.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
Not to drag this out longer than it needs to, but if they couldn't use T'Challa I think it would have worked if they didn't show Black Panther unmasked and never mentioned his name. I don't think it would have been disrespectful if Panther was wearing his mask while discussing with President Kelly.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Not to drag this out longer than it needs to, but if they couldn't use T'Challa I think it would have worked if they didn't show Black Panther unmasked and never mentioned his name. I don't think it would have been disrespectful if Panther was wearing his mask while discussing with President Kelly.
Especially since just from the design he looks pretty much exactly how he did in the 90's FF show so everyone would automatically assume it's him.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
My final weekly review for Season One is now up on the front page of AnimeSuperhero.com.


X-Men ’97: “Tolerance Is Extinction, Part 3” Episode Recap

Previously, on X-Men! Magneto reactivates Asteroid M and is once again an enemy of the X-Men. Rogue quits the team and becomes one of Magneto’s acolytes. Cable is mind controlled by Mister Sinister into fighting Jean Grey. Magneto rips Wolverine’s adamantium skeleton from his body.

X-Men ’97
ends its first season with another action-packed episode that offers a satisfying conclusion to most of the plots set up so far. Bastion resumes his position as the big bad of this season, with Magneto once again put in a more sympathetic light after his villainous turn in the previous episode. It all works pretty well and there are plenty of engaging and suspenseful scenes to be found here. As well as drama, more cameos than you would normally expect and some teasers towards the end for what’s to come in subsequent stories. It’s been quite a ride so far and this finale didn’t really disappoint.

Click here to read the full article.

Christopher Glennon

Punch Drunk Flounder
Staff member
Nov 22, 2003
My Own Nonsensical World
Woo, and there it is! An action packed finale with great character moments and a hook or two for next season! Really looking forward to seeing the X-Men in time plus Bishop and Forge's new dynamic. It could be a while until next season, but hey...I can wait.

I enjoyed pretty much every bit of it. Maybe Rogue and Sunspot switching sides happened too quickly and Jean's Phoenix power kind of coming out of nowhere (one of my least favorite ways for the X-Men to win a hopeless battle), but it was great.

As for the ending... Another "Days of Future Past" poster. Ancient Egypt, En Sabah Nur, nothing bad can come out of this, right? And in the future, the Askani who missed out on appearing until now on the show. And in the present, Apocalypse on Genosha. They set up a few plots for the next season and there are still a few bits left over from this one (i.e., Wolverine among others).

A lot of people died in Genosha. Aside from Gambit becoming Death, I wonder who else Apocalypse will bring back.

I did have to think about it because some of the whole "okay you really trying to show compassion and connection to this guy" felt a bit off but not only was it handled well but it actually is part of the theme and point that this episode is trying to make. The whole title of this three parter is "Tolerance is Extinction" which based on how the arc's been going and where the characters have been pushed seem to imply "you know just trying to generally exist and be on the level with one another won't work you should be pushing for more" but that's not the lesson. Rather with Eric and Charles and even bleeding over into the end with Cyclops actually trying to talk through Bastion the lesson is actually trying to understand and connect with one another and see one another through the hardships you endured and rise to be better even if it comes at the cost of yourselves. Because the only way forward is to show you are willing at any costs to light that path forward as that what makes a hero. I feel this works unlike some other shows that try preaching that lesson is because this knows the complexities and hardships that ultimately sometimes make those path actually tragic.

Well said. We had to go through a lot with Magneto this season to reach this point.

I love AEMH too much to compare it fairly to anything but this is the best Marvel cartoon since it ended. Very TV-14, in the way that an anime airing on Adult Swim might be.

Maybe they're hanging out with the Inhumans or the High Evolutionary or something. Maybe the Avengers.

Is it just me or does Wanda's cameo here strangely have the same vibe as the one in Earth's Mightiest Heroes? The Scarlet Witch's last major animated role was in Wolverine and the X-Men, and we've had a ton of MCU since then. Wanda is more popular now than she has ever been. Will we ever get to see an animated Scarlet Witch who is just as important to the X-Men as she is to the Avengers?

At first I thought it was pretty cool to see Spiderman TAS MJ, but then I realized it meant that this happens either during the middle of TAS or after having found MJ, neither of which being ideal.

Given Gambit's presence and Jubilee's age, it would have to take place after Neogenic Nightmare. And if Storm never has the same hair/outfit combo again, it would have to take place after Secret Wars as well (which means Cap did find his way back). I like to think everything in X-Men '97 happens after all the events of the cartoons of those era (although, like Frontier pointed out, why is Iron Man wearing an early version of his armor?). And Black Panther...uh...this is a hint that the X-Men changed something in Ancient Egypt and it's affecting the present!

The X-Men have been ported across time! Rogue, Beast, Charles, and Magneto in ancient Egypt with a young En Saba Nurr! Jean and Cyclops in the far future to meet up with Mother Askani (Rachel!?) and a young Nate Grey (Slim and Red!?)! And in the present-day, Apocalypse (voiced by Ross Marquand just like how David Kaye voiced Apocalypse in X-Men Evolution along with Charles) is in the ruins of Genosha and about to revive Gambit as Death :eek:!

That's interesting about the Xavier/Apocalypse connection, I didn't even think of that. But I did have X-Men Evolution's finale in mind. I'm trying to remember just how much of Apocalypse's past these X-Men knew. Archangel spent loads of money researching him. Man, I am really hoping Warren plays a part next season.

Not to drag this out longer than it needs to, but if they couldn't use T'Challa I think it would have worked if they didn't show Black Panther unmasked and never mentioned his name. I don't think it would have been disrespectful if Panther was wearing his mask while discussing with President Kelly.

That would make sense. Black Panther is a regular guest-star on Spidey and His Amazing Friends. I can't recall if they confirmed him to be T'Challa on that show or not, but if they can use Black Panther no problem, this show shouldn't have to jump through any bizarre and ridiculous hoops to have him.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I enjoyed pretty much every bit of it. Maybe Rogue and Sunspot switching sides happened too quickly and Jean's Phoenix power kind of coming out of nowhere (one of my least favorite ways for the X-Men to win a hopeless battle), but it was great.
I also felt like the jump to Magneto ripping the adamantium out of Logan to being under Charles' telepathy was a little abrupt (especially when he had Magneto's helmet on him last we saw).
A lot of people died in Genosha. Aside from Gambit becoming Death, I wonder who else Apocalypse will bring back.
We need a War, Pestilence, and Famine...
Is it just me or does Wanda's cameo here strangely have the same vibe as the one in Earth's Mightiest Heroes? The Scarlet Witch's last major animated role was in Wolverine and the X-Men, and we've had a ton of MCU since then. Wanda is more popular now than she has ever been. Will we ever get to see an animated Scarlet Witch who is just as important to the X-Men as she is to the Avengers?
I'm just glad they're not trying to downplay her and Pietro as his kids.
That's interesting about the Xavier/Apocalypse connection, I didn't even think of that. But I did have X-Men Evolution's finale in mind. I'm trying to remember just how much of Apocalypse's past these X-Men knew. Archangel spent loads of money researching him. Man, I am really hoping Warren plays a part next season.
I definitely think it's notable that we don't know what happened to Warren.
That would make sense. Black Panther is a regular guest-star on Spidey and His Amazing Friends. I can't recall if they confirmed him to be T'Challa on that show or not, but if they can use Black Panther no problem, this show shouldn't have to jump through any bizarre and ridiculous hoops to have him.
The difference between Marvel Television and Marvel Studios?

Christopher Glennon

Punch Drunk Flounder
Staff member
Nov 22, 2003
My Own Nonsensical World
I definitely think it's notable that we don't know what happened to Warren.

It's also notable that the picture of the O5 was so prominent. There seemed like a bit of a retcon in the original series that Angel was ever an X-Man (but later we did get a flashback of him with the originals), and since they are going with that idea, they probably have plans for him.
The difference between Marvel Television and Marvel Studios?

Ugh, that is so unfair.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
Warren was a bit obsessed with defeating Apocalypse on the original show, and I imagine he will return if Apocalypse will get a new "Death" Horseman. I presume he's still alive and in the present timeline. Morph turning into Archangel in the season premiere was possibly a hint the real Warren will show up (and I can hope the same about most of the other such cameos).

On a semi-related note... still no Mystique by the end of season one.
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Rick Jones

Big Fan
Staff member
Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
Warren was a bit obsessed with defeating Apocalypse on the original show, and I imagine he will return if Apocalypse will get a new "Death" Horseman. I presume he's still alive and in the present timeline. Morph turning into Archangel in the season premiere was possibly a hint the real Warren will show up (and I can hope the same about most of the other such cameos).

Warren was on Genosha, I believe.

*edit* He flies around during the Gala.
Warren at Gala 1.jpgWarren at Gala 2.jpg
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