Venom - Cartoon, Movie Or Comic?


Searchin' My Soul
May 16, 2001
Somewhere in the imaginat
From what little I saw of the cartoon's "Venom Saga" on tv a few months back, it was really campy and over-the-top. As much as it may have stayed true to the comics, it really doesn't win over a random person watching it...

...didn't read the comics...

...and really didn't like Venom in the movie. The build-up was better than the climax, but overall both supremely lacked. Topher Grace plus a big plastic helmet plus limited CG effects do not impress...

I think Venom will someday be handled well enough that he impresses the mass public. He is a good character, what with representing Peter's dark side and all, and has a great visual....but he's yet to really hit his stride.

I'm seeing him as a pre-B:TAS Mr Freeze, without the sympathetic overtones...


Marvel Animation Age Webmaster
Staff member
Apr 15, 2002
The Marvel Animation Age
DisneyBoy said:
From what little I saw of the cartoon's "Venom Saga" on tv a few months back, it was really campy and over-the-top. As much as it may have stayed true to the comics, it really doesn't win over a random person watching it...

It didn't really stay true to the comics. The symbiote effecting his emotions was an original idea from the cartoon, which was then translated into the film.

What made you think The Alien Costume was camp?


Searchin' My Soul
May 16, 2001
Somewhere in the imaginat
I'm not sure why you posted The Alien Costume in bold (episode title perhaps?) but the fast-cutting from scene to scene and constant narration from Peter Parker (including internal dialogue) was hard to swallow. Almost all of the music and voice acting was stilted and annoying. Truly, B:TAS ushered in a new era.


Feb 5, 2007
United States
I really enjoyed the 90's cartoon. But the problem with the Alien Costume in the show is that it is simply a plot device to give us an evil Peter. The suit wasn't unleashing Peter's darkside, it was simply making him to all the evil things. Peter is totally blameless in this because it was all the suit's fault. The thing I kind of liked in the movie is that the suit unleased the dark emotions in Peter that were already there. Peter was the one doing the bad deeds, remember when he chose to put on the suit again when he went to confront Harry. That's why in the end he said "I've done terrible things". Because all the darkness came from him, it was not the suit making him do every single evil thing.


100% Pure Robot!
Aug 27, 2005
:sweat: - I'm gonna go off the grid and say Marvel vs Capcom (2?). That was the best Venom portrayal ever. Second was comic, toon and then movie.

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Miyamoto Musashi

Law Enforcer
Nov 18, 2007
I think it's better the animated way that it made pete aggressive and empowers him than the normal one with just organic webbing and tires him of sucking his adrenaline. The spidey black suit looked in the movie much better than the comics and animation, but for venom it's the other way around. So in conclusion I prefered venom best in animation then in the movie, I deslike his progress in the comics especially since the symbiote bonds with scorpion


May 21, 2005
Wow...I'm surprised more people aren't saying the COMICS version of Venom.

I recently read the trade where Venom first appears...It's haunting, complex, scary, and, well, fun. Eddie Brock is actually a multilayered character. A catholic who goes to church to pray for FORGIVENESS for his anger towards Peter Parker. As Venom, every time he kills an "innocent" he feels remorse and asks God to forgive him.

The psychological tricks he plays on Peter, becoming friends with Aunt May and giving him all these subtle threats...It's a great villain. Not to mention the creative ways he uses his powers...

The movie was nothing. He did nothing, we didn't care, nothing was earned, he dies. Who cares? I have never felt more detached from a villain before. I just wanted to go home.


Miyamoto Musashi

Law Enforcer
Nov 18, 2007
I can tell you to things:
1- Spider-Man3 really sucked, not as excellent as the 2 before which on my
rating both gained 9.5/10, the 3rd gained 5/10. But Venom himself is cool
2- I hate Todd mcFarlane sketches, that's why I didn't touch the comic


May 21, 2005
I can tell you to things:
1- Spider-Man3 really sucked, not as excellent as the 2 before which on my
rating both gained 9.5/10, the 3rd gained 5/10. But Venom himself is cool
2- I hate Todd mcFarlane sketches, that's why I didn't touch the comic

I'm not a huge fan of Todd McFarlane, but he is more than suited to draw Venom. The more you read and get into the story the less you may forget that you don't like McFarlane!

There's also an interesting added notion that the black suit is angry at Peter for being rejected, and is actually in love with him. At one point in the story Peter strips down and seduces the black suit to come back home to him, his true love.

5/10 for a movie you thought "really sucked"? What do you think of movies you give a 1 to? I think that's too generous a score for SM3 personally.



Lord of the Vindaloovians
Mar 18, 2005
The movie version of Venom did more to hurt Peter in 15 minutes than Comic Venom has done in his entire existence, by killing Harry. He did something permanent and striking, which comic Venom never did.


May 21, 2005
The movie version of Venom did more to hurt Peter in 15 minutes than Comic Venom has done in his entire existence, by killing Harry. He did something permanent and striking, which comic Venom never did.

Yeah, well, a character we don't care about kills another character we've STOPPED caring about (when he died, someone in the audience behind me said "how many times is this guy gonna die?"....his death scene was met with HUGE laughter from the crowd.)

So Venom does hurt to Peter in 15 minutes in the movie, so what? He also DIES in 15 minutes. So I guess that cancels that out huh? I mean, at least the comic book Venom lasted for longer than one night?

...I don't count anything in Spider-Man 3 as...anything. None of it matters. It's just...not a movie. But that's my personal opinion...



Lord of the Vindaloovians
Mar 18, 2005
Venom in the comics never did anything really lasting or meaningful with anything of what he was given (he didn't even have to work for any of that power and still can't use it to its potential).

Honestly, compare him to Norman Osborn or Harry (comic version). Venom can't compare to that kind of villainy even though he knows Peter's secrets like they do and is immune to the Spider-sense like they are.

His origin also never made sense, seeing how everything he blames Spidey for is really his own fault and no one elses. At least the movie showed that Brock was a shallow enough guy (and was already sort of evil) that it made sense he'd hate Peter.

You wnat people to think higher of Venom? Have him kill of Aunt May or kill MJ or do something lasting and truly awful to Peter. Get rid of this "innocents" trash and make him the malevolent monster he really is.

Miyamoto Musashi

Law Enforcer
Nov 18, 2007
In the movies all villians (except SandMan) die, at least brock had a reason to hate Spider-Man in the movie (The dude broke his camera), but after bonding with the alien symbiote he should have tossed it away and hated it for it was the symbiote that actually broke his camera.
In the comics Brock is a victim, he get's confessions from the pretender to be a sin eater after long questioning and invistigation, but get's fired because Spider-Man caught the real sin eater, Eddy's boss should have given him a second chance.
As for the animated series Brock shows true evil before bonding with the symbiote, his evil mind showed up in the venom saga after Jameson fired him falsely (How the heck would other networks know so early? And how did they manage to laugh at Jonah so early) then Mr. Bushkin fired him before even hiring him, this is where Brock started evil.


May 21, 2005
In the movies all villians (except SandMan) die, at least brock had a reason to hate Spider-Man in the movie (The dude broke his camera)

That is the worst motivation I've ever heard. The breaking the camera thing was just another really weak example of "dark Spidey" taking over. So what he broke his camera? Who wouldn't? Was it seriously meant to illicit gasps from the audience? God I really don't like this movie...

Anyway, I think the comics Venom was good at psychologically messing with Peter, and had some good creative uses for his powers. That's all I'm saying. And just cause "every villain dies" in a Spider-Man movie doesn't mean Venom isn't a little weenie for dying in 15 minutes.

We were given no time to feel or care about Eddie Brock. And I even liked Topher Grace's performance, enough, to WANT to care. But he was like a total stranger. Had almost as much screen time as Bruce Cambell as Le French Waiter.

May 14, 2006
That is the worst motivation I've ever heard. The breaking the camera thing was just another really weak example of "dark Spidey" taking over. So what he broke his camera? Who wouldn't? Was it seriously meant to illicit gasps from the audience? God I really don't like this movie...

Anyway, I think the comics Venom was good at psychologically messing with Peter, and had some good creative uses for his powers. That's all I'm saying. And just cause "every villain dies" in a Spider-Man movie doesn't mean Venom isn't a little weenie for dying in 15 minutes.

We were given no time to feel or care about Eddie Brock. And I even liked Topher Grace's performance, enough, to WANT to care. But he was like a total stranger. Had almost as much screen time as Bruce Cambell as Le French Waiter.


I do believe you're missing the point, this Brock is a foul cretant that nobody is suppose to like, but Peter attempts to save him evenso, but Brock will do anything for his fix (the symbiot) and he just so happened to get his hind fried.

Miyamoto Musashi

Law Enforcer
Nov 18, 2007
The camera cost him big bucks, he had to hate hame for that.
Brock: "Hey Spidey, do some of your web tricks"
And the Black Spider breaks his expensive source of income
It's quite a good one for a hate, but still not a good reason to try to destroy Spider-Man's life at all, so I say your right in this one being a lame reason, I also agree on this movie sucks


Too close.
Oct 3, 2005
Merry old England
The camera cost him big bucks, he had to hate hame for that.
Brock: "Hey Spidey, do some of your web tricks"
And the Black Spider breaks his expensive source of income
It's quite a good one for a hate, but still not a good reason to try to destroy Spider-Man's life at all, so I say your right in this one being a lame reason, I also agree on this movie sucks

Peter did destroy Eddie's career as well, y'know. And (from Eddie's POV) steal his girl. I don't think he was that bothered about the camera, seeing as he pulled another one out straight after it got smashed.


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