Venom - Cartoon, Movie Or Comic?


May 21, 2005
Peter did destroy Eddie's career as well, y'know. And (from Eddie's POV) steal his girl..

Oh god...was Gwen Stacy shoehorned in as Eddie's girlfriend in the movie? I like BARELY remember that...I remember wondering if they were supposed to be a couple or not when I saw it. Everything is presented so haphazardly and rushed, I was perplexed the whole time...

May 14, 2006
Oh god...was Gwen Stacy shoehorned in as Eddie's girlfriend in the movie? I like BARELY remember that...I remember wondering if they were supposed to be a couple or not when I saw it. Everything is presented so haphazardly and rushed, I was perplexed the whole time...


Was it not obvious that he was stalking her?

Miyamoto Musashi

Law Enforcer
Nov 18, 2007
He didn't stalk her, he was wlking and saw Pete and Gwen together.
It's too lame for a guy to have a girl friend, and for a girl to have a boy friend

Gwen tells Brock in the festival that she only went out for a coffe with him, not something with sentimental value


Lord of the Vindaloovians
Mar 18, 2005
Both Gwen and Eddie were shoehorned into the movie, which is why they felt so tacked on. Originally the villains were going to be Harry, Sandman and Vulture. Vulture would've been Sandman's sidekick and basically exist to get everyone together for the final battle and get killed because he couldn't let go of his desire for vengeance on Spider-Man.

Then Avi Arad forced Venom and the symbiote plot into this, and Laura Ziskin forced Gwen Stacy into it.

Miyamoto Musashi

Law Enforcer
Nov 18, 2007
I believe the vulture plot would have done a much better plot as long as he didn't or doesn't learn the hero's real identity.
I believe hammer head should be added to Spider-man 4 as Robert DeNiro, what do you think?


May 21, 2005
Then Avi Arad forced Venom and the symbiote plot into this, and Laura Ziskin forced Gwen Stacy into it.

Hey..Raimi's the director, he has actual final say, otherwise he could just take his name off the credits.

"You could have said 'no' if you wanted to.."

I just blame him for this mess of a movie.



Lord of the Vindaloovians
Mar 18, 2005
Arad and Ziskin were the Exec producers, if he really objected that much they'd have taken him off the project and put someone more compliant in charge.

Producers are fully within their power to dictate to the Director, even if they say no.


May 21, 2005
Arad and Ziskin were the Exec producers, if he really objected that much they'd have taken him off the project and put someone more compliant in charge.

Producers are fully within their power to dictate to the Director, even if they say no.

Yes, and the Director could take his name off the product, or quit the movie all together.

Ultimately it's the "fault" of the director for how the movie turns out. It all boils down to that person.

Basically going by what you said, is that Raimi DIDN'T object "that much", or he would have been fired. So again...Raimi's to blame.



Lord of the Vindaloovians
Mar 18, 2005
Didn't he sign a contract binding him to three movies? I'd think that if he objected too much or quit they'd just sue his ***** for violating the contract, keeping him other work, and just finish the movie with someone else.


May 21, 2005
Didn't he sign a contract binding him to three movies? I'd think that if he objected too much or quit they'd just sue his ***** for violating the contract, keeping him other work, and just finish the movie with someone else.

Aaaaagain...He has free will. It's America! If he truly passionately objected he wouldn't have made the movie or left his name on it. That's all I'm saying. "You could have said No if you wanted to." That's all!

Bringing the topic back: I was surprised when I heard that the black suit turning Peter bad was originated in the FOX cartoon. For some reason I always thought that was just how it's always been, and it seemed like that's how me and my friends all remembered it...I guess the cartoon had a bigger impact than I realized.



Lord of the Vindaloovians
Mar 18, 2005
The cartoon had the advantage of knowing the whole Venom story in advance, so they were able to foreshadow and tie things together much better. With the comics they basically just made sh*t up as it went along (they didn't introduce Eddie Brock until after Venom had already been introduced because they had no idea who he was supposed to be to begin with).

Miyamoto Musashi

Law Enforcer
Nov 18, 2007
Aaaaagain...He has free will. It's America! If he truly passionately objected he wouldn't have made the movie or left his name on it. That's all I'm saying. "You could have said No if you wanted to." That's all!

Bringing the topic back: I was surprised when I heard that the black suit turning Peter bad was originated in the FOX cartoon. For some reason I always thought that was just how it's always been, and it seemed like that's how me and my friends all remembered it...I guess the cartoon had a bigger impact than I realized.


If he had his free will he mut've loved the concept. Now quit blaming Raimi for the lousy movie.

For the one who asked me:
In the case of Spider-Man 5/10 sucks, 3 or 4 must be recycled, less than 3 goes down the sewage system


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2002
The cartoon had the advantage of knowing the whole Venom story in advance, so they were able to foreshadow and tie things together much better. With the comics they basically just made sh*t up as it went along (they didn't introduce Eddie Brock until after Venom had already been introduced because they had no idea who he was supposed to be to begin with).
Plus they were able to weed out what didn't work in respect to Venom and offer an alternative and better solution. I still prefer the animated origin of the character over the mainstream comic version though overall I prefer the Ultimate Venom origin the most. I just prefer if all that alien junk stays out of Spider-Man regardless of giving us the used-to-be-awesome Venom.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2002
Excuse me, venom is still awsome
I guess I should rephrase that abit. I really enjoyed classic Venom, from when he was introduced up to around Maximum Carnage. But once Lethal Protector hit it was all down hill for him although Brock's latest appearance in Sensational Spider-Man was good and sort of redeeming. The new Venom with Mac Gargan and all that is not all that enjoyable but that is simply my opinion. Classic Venom will always be great.

And Anwar you make a great point about the superior quality of their Venom because of their knowledge of what worked and what didn't. It's true too. It makes me wonder how Weisman will handle him in the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon.


Marvel Animation Age Webmaster
Staff member
Apr 15, 2002
The Marvel Animation Age
I still think the cartoon version is by far the best. We had a great build up with Brock hating both Peter and Spider-Man from the word go, especially with Brock's obsession of blaming all of his troubles on Spider-Man and his mutual fondness with Jameson being broken not once, but twice by Spider-Man's antics.

The comics have faltered due to bone headed marketing desicions (let's take our most popular new villain of the last 20 years and make him into a hero!) but even they had a superior symbiote character - it originally bonded with Eddie as something of a rebound after being 'dumped' by Peter - Spider-Man defeated Venom in his second appearance by using the symbiote's love for Peter again him. Genius stuff from Michelline, perhaps the only writer to ever truly 'get' Venom?

The movie was good - from what we saw. He needed further developing but obviously got cut due to short running time. He looked fantastic though.

Miyamoto Musashi

Law Enforcer
Nov 18, 2007
I read yesterday issue 300 of amazing spider-man and figured that McFarlane is the only right one to draw venom cause he gave him good teeth and no drooling.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2002
I read yesterday issue 300 of amazing spider-man and figured that McFarlane is the only right one to draw venom cause he gave him good teeth and no drooling.
I agree with you on that. I found early Venom the best but Mark Bagley draws the definitive interpretation as far as I'm concerned. Actually there seems to be a bit of the Bagley influence in the Spider-Man: The Animated Series design it looks like.


Active Member
Dec 1, 2004
Los Angeles or New York.
Yes, and the Director could take his name off the product, or quit the movie all together.

Ultimately it's the "fault" of the director for how the movie turns out. It all boils down to that person.

Basically going by what you said, is that Raimi DIDN'T object "that much", or he would have been fired. So again...Raimi's to blame.


Looks like it's time for Real World 101 again.

As someone who works in the movie industry, I am here to tell you... you have no idea just how a movie is made, or what you are talking about.

The producers are more responsible for movies than the directors. They are in charge of everything, they hire every body. They develop the script. They also participate in the editing. The Director does also, but the producer can overrule him.

I went to film school, am still attending, plus I'm working as a producer. I know what I'm talking about. Really, the Director's main job is to direct the cast, he does a lot more than that, but that is his main job. He's not responsible for even the look of the film, though he does have influence... the look of the film lies with the Director of Photography (Or Cinematographer if you prefer).

And there exists something in the business world called contracts. Raimi signed on for three movies. If he walked, he could be sued for breach of contract. And let me tell you, it ain't fun.
Aaaaagain...He has free will. It's America! If he truly passionately objected he wouldn't have made the movie or left his name on it. That's all I'm saying. "You could have said No if you wanted to." That's all!

Are you even reading what you write? Say this out loud and listen to the words that are coming out of your mouth. Listen to just how ridiculous you sound.

The Real World is not like TV. Grow up and realize that. You can't just do anything you want, or not do anything you want. Actions have consequences. When you make a business deal, you sign contracts. They are so you get paid what you are entitled to, and so you can't just walk. This is so Hank Azaria doesn't quit voicing Homer Simpson mid-season just because he doesn't feel like it anymore. Welcome to the entertainment industry.

This has been another edition of Real World 101.


May 21, 2005
They are so you get paid what you are entitled to, and so you can't just walk. This is so Hank Azaria doesn't quit voicing Homer Simpson mid-season just because he doesn't feel like it anymore. Welcome to the entertainment industry.

Do you even realize how ridiculous you sound? Try reading what you said outloud. TRY IT!

Hank Azaria doesn't voice Homer Simpson, Dan Castelleneta does.


I went to film school too BUDDAY. As a Directing major.

You clearly did not read my original posts, or are at least inferring a LOT of things I never said. Being:

I never said there would be NO consequences if Raimi were to quit. I never said it would be EASY. I never said it would be smart, logical, or in his best interests.

I said he is a free human being and COULD HAVE if he TRULY TRULY passionately wanted to, and truly passionately objected to the movie being made under him.

Maybe he would have been sued. Maybe he'd never work in this town again!

But he could have.

Now try to have less condescending posts, you friendly, friendly person, you.



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