Which X-Men cartoon you like better?

Which cartoon?

  • X-Men: TAS

    Votes: 36 46.8%
  • X-Men: Evolution

    Votes: 18 23.4%
  • Both are good!

    Votes: 22 28.6%
  • Both sucked!

    Votes: 1 1.3%

  • Total voters

Animation Otaku

Active Member
Dec 23, 2002
Planet Zi
Evo, the characters(except maybe Kitty but it isn't that bad) are pretty close to their comic counter parts, the voice acting is better, the characters are more likeable, the Brotherhood rocks, and the X-Men aren't overpowered(Sentinels, case in point). Plus the stories are better to, and the costumes look better.

Senbei Norimaki

A killer smile.
Mar 9, 2003
Miami, FL
I like the original series. The original series was more adult and more fateful to the comics. X-men Evo is OK but I really can't get into the characters. It seems weird to me seeing Cyclops and the rest as kids.

Animation Otaku

Active Member
Dec 23, 2002
Planet Zi
You praise TAS for being closer to the comics but criticize Evo for having Cyclops and gang as kids? Am I the only one incredibaly confused by that? They were kids in the comics for a long time, so wouldn't that make Evo closer?

Senbei Norimaki

A killer smile.
Mar 9, 2003
Miami, FL
Animation Otaku said:
You praise TAS for being closer to the comics but criticize Evo for having Cyclops and gang as kids? Am I the only one incredibaly confused by that? They were kids in the comics for a long time, so wouldn't that make Evo closer?

I read Marvel comics in the early 90's. The Jim Lee era they were adults. Since the original X-men series is based on the Jim Lee era I prefer it.


Active Member
Feb 16, 2003
In The Year 2005
I've only seen a few episodes of the Original X-Men, so I'm going to have to say Evolution on this poll. Besides, from the few episodes I've seen of X-Men:TAS, I would have to X-Men: Evo is a better series because of it has better animation, plot, and characterization (Remember, I've only seen about 4 episodes of X-Men:TAS so I may be completley wrong).

Mynd Hed

Holy blue on a popo!
Aug 5, 2002
Tucson, AZ
While both are enjoyable shows, I personally prefer the original X-Men: TAS over Evolution. While one can make the argument that the teen angst / high school drama aspect has been equally a part of the X-Men comics for a long time, personally I much prefer the more adult, political aspects that are explored more fully in the original series.
Also, Evolution is more than a bit uneven in the quality of its episodes. The first season had a lot of cliche plots, weak characterization, and especially bad music.
While the voice acting in general in Evolution is quite good, I find Kitty Pryde's valley girl schtick incredibly annoying. Part of that is the fault of the voice actress, but there's plenty of blame left over for the writers for giving her such awful lines. Nightcrawler suffers a lot of similar bad dialogue filled with cliche teen slang. And if I hear Lance say something like, "I'm going to rock your world" or "it's time to rock the house" one more time, well... I'll be even more annoyed with it than I am now, I guess. (-: Overall the show's dialogue could use a lot of work, especially early in the series.
I will say that Evolution has one clear advantage over the original series: the animation is nearly always superior, although for its time the original series' animation wasn't bad at all.

Floydian Slip

Jun 19, 2002
Dousman Wisconsin
plain and simple: TAS! evo is so unfaithfull to the comic book that it makes me sick. i remember on a old X Board i used to go to everyone was pumped to see the series, then we saw the first commercial and got scared. then we saw the first episode, with "Cowboy Wolverine" and imiddiatly new the rest was going to be bad. Evo isn't a bad series, it just doesn't hold true to the orrigonal comics.


May 14, 2003
The Big Easy.
Animation Otaku said:
Evo, the characters(except maybe Kitty but it isn't that bad) are pretty close to their comic counter parts, the voice acting is better, the characters are more likeable, the Brotherhood rocks, and the X-Men aren't overpowered(Sentinels, case in point). Plus the stories are better to, and the costumes look better.

So you mean to tell me rouge was gothic, kitty was annoying brat and kert was trying to act like he was a cool guy? Nor did I find the characters more likeabile. As for the voice acting, I can tell saw never the 90`s version. If you did, thne oyu would know the VA`s in evo can`t even compare to those in the original. Scott mcnail is OK but he will never come close to being a good wolvie as the guy in the original. I don`t know what you mean by the overpower thing? The storise are better only you like road rules. And the only one had had a better custume was wolvie.


Active Member
Apr 23, 2001
I just haven't been able to get interested in the new series. I can't identify with the abundance of teen-angst stuff, and I *really* can't get used to 'em all looking like anorexics.


Mar 24, 2003
tardis 07459-1701-a

i like both x-men series.but the i do not like the some of storylines in elovition

how ever the costumes that look like in evolition look like

they wer based from x-men the live action movie

what hapened to the old costumes from evolitions

when the older x-men series aired they. had new costumes


Active Member
Apr 8, 2002
Somewhere Apocalyptic...
Until the end of season 2, I would have said the first series without question, but at the same time X-Men Evolution has picked itself up. I still don't think it has the charm of the later episodes of X-Men, but they are still very good I do yell at Kids' WB for making people wait damn near a year to watch the end of Season 3, but right now I'm sticking with the original. As anticipated as Season 4 will be, I don't see it measuring up to the intense or "end of the world" type of stories that X-Men had in its fourth season.



Active Member
May 1, 2001
The Danger Room
jwl said:
i like both x-men series.but the i do not like the some of storylines in elovition

how ever the costumes that look like in evolition look like

they wer based from x-men the live action movie

what hapened to the old costumes from evolitions

when the older x-men series aired they. had new costumes

I can't understand what that means with all. With the odd spacing and even worse grammar, I can't get what you're saying, although I bet it is something interesting. Can't you post better or something so we know what you're saying. I've read many of your posts and they don't make a lick of sense, but probably would if you wrote them better.

As for the series, while both have their pros and cons, I enjoyed the original X-Men series more, especially during the latter part of the run. I found that while the earlier episodes had some good stories, the animation was rough at times, especially in the first season. The second season imrpvoed upon their animaiton, but it got really nice inthe third season. The third season had some of the best animation the series ever saw.

Episodes like Bloodlines, Weapon X, Lies, and Videotape, and The Phanlanx were animated really well, actually.

The voice work is where this series excelled, becuase they got it just about all right. Wolverine was great, and got perfect in the latter episodes. I like how, in flashback, they'd redo some of the dubbing in older episodes. Cyclops was perfect casting, same with Gambit, Beast, and Professor Xavier.

I also think it's unfair to compare the animation of both series becuase X:TAS was produced 11 years ago, when computers weren't used as much as they are now. Plus they had Saban on the series. Yuck. The animation of X-Men: Evo is pretty much it's only saving grace, being nice and fluid.

I found the first season to be such a horrendeus joke. They reduced Kitty to being an annoying Valley girl and made Rogue a goth. Lame. Their biggest crime was making a complex character like Kurt Wagner into a joke. My god, they just totally ruined his character in every single fashion. They turned him for a mult-dimensional spiritual man, into some cliche ridden kid who wants to be cool. Disgusting.

They did do a good job on Cyclops, Xavier and Wolverine. Granted, the current Wolverine voice actor sounds pretty lame, but they've done a good job with his character. Cyclops has had some of the best moments and actually acts near perfect. The best characterization of the series, believe it or not. Xavier is also nicely done.

I prefer the "adults" version of the X-Men, as I really couldn't care about all the teen angst garbage that the X-Men: Evo crew go through. Make me care about the characters, then maybe that'll change.

Animation Otaku

Active Member
Dec 23, 2002
Planet Zi
LEGACY said:
So you mean to tell me rouge was gothic, kitty was annoying brat and kert was trying to act like he was a cool guy? Nor did I find the characters more likeabile. As for the voice acting, I can tell saw never the 90`s version. If you did, thne oyu would know the VA`s in evo can`t even compare to those in the original. Scott mcnail is OK but he will never come close to being a good wolvie as the guy in the original. I don`t know what you mean by the overpower thing? The storise are better only you like road rules. And the only one had had a better custume was wolvie.

I can tell you never took english class or read the comics. Evo is more faithful to the comics than TAS was. Kitty Pryde's valley girl thing isn't that bad, and she was kind of an annoying teenager at first before she grew into a better character. And the voice acting in Evo is superior. Scott McNeil is a better Wolverine, and the others are better too. Trust me, I saw every episode of TAS, and I worshiped it as a kid, but Evo is just far and beyond TAS.

By overpowered I mean that Cyclops shouldn't be able to take a Sentinel out in one blow. It's just stupid, unless he has his visor off. The other characters were dramatically over powered as well. In the comics you didn't have crap where Scott was taking out Sentinels by the handfull, that's what I mean.

JLU Dude

Active Member
Jul 6, 2001
I like the old 90s toon better. It was more faithful. Rogue was never a goth. Gambit was never an member of Magneto's Acolytes. Nightcrawler was very religous. Storm and Wolverine were not teacher or Xavier's first students, Cyclops, Jean, Beast, Iceman, and Angel/Archangel were. I can hear the voice actors from the 90s toon for the characters when I read the comics, not the evo VAs. The team was taugh at the manor, not a school near by. Iceman (As he was one of the original five), Multiple Man, and Jubilee were not New Mutants members. Pryo and Avalanche were on the same team (The Brotherhood) and were friends. And unlike, Evo, the original didn't change Alavanche's and Toad's names.
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Thin Man Fan
Mar 2, 2002
I don't mind Evolution not sticking closely with the comics. What's the point of tackling say, the Phoenix Saga when TAS already handled it so well? Best for Evolution to do its own thing. I was originally turned off by Evo when I first saw it, because I had many happy memories of TAS and the Season 1 episodes really did not cut it. But Evolution has greatly improved every season. I personally enjoy the teen elements, being a teen myself (but yes, some of it was overdone), and I think the show has done a good job of capturing the basic essence of each character, i.e. what makes Scott Scott, Jean Jean, etc. But I will agree with those who don't like how Kurt was handled. His "party down" attitude and the total ommision of his faith hurt the character a lot. Overall I have to say that I prefer Evolution, though both series are good and it's far from flawless.


It's time to change.
Sep 28, 2002
Puerto Rico
I like the original ones wayy better! I only had read one comic of the originals so that isn't my reason to like them. I like them better becuase the plot and music were better than Evolution.

the original X-Men are better than Evolution.


Team Conan
Feb 2, 2002
new Logan sounds much better...and less forced than the old Wolverine

I like Goth Rogue. Her character is more complex on Evo than it was on TAS.

Besides, eveyone seems to love re-telling origins:
Year One, The Long Halloween, Dark Victory, Spider-Man: Blue, ORIGIN, Daredevil: Yellow, HULK: Grey, etc....and or couse Ultimate Maverlverse

Evo really picked up half way into Season 2 with "On Angel's Wings" , "Operation Rebirth", "Mindbender", "HeX Factor", and of course..."Day of Reckoning" Season 3 carried the momentum w/ "Day of Recovery", "The Stuff of Heroes", "Blind Alley", "Self Possessed", and "Under Lock & Key". "Dark Horizon" should be great..as well as the long struggle that lies ahead in Season 4.

Hopefully, when Evo runs it's course (Season 4), a new series will spin-off following their exploits as adults...then we can have characters such as Mr. Sinister, the Dark Phoenix, Bishop, etc...

Let's wait til Evo has concluded before fully comparing the two.

The Drizzle

Dec 23, 2001
New York
Anarky said:
Hopefully, when Evo runs it's course (Season 4), a new series will spin-off following their exploits as adults...then we can have characters such as Mr. Sinister, the Dark Phoenix, Bishop, etc...

I like that idea quite a bit. :D


May 14, 2003
The Big Easy.
Animation Otaku said:
I can tell you never took english class or read the comics. Evo is more faithful to the comics than TAS was. Kitty Pryde's valley girl thing isn't that bad, and she was kind of an annoying teenager at first before she grew into a better character. And the voice acting in Evo is superior. Scott McNeil is a better Wolverine, and the others are better too. Trust me, I saw every episode of TAS, and I worshiped it as a kid, but Evo is just far and beyond TAS.

By overpowered I mean that Cyclops shouldn't be able to take a Sentinel out in one blow. It's just stupid, unless he has his visor off. The other characters were dramatically over powered as well. In the comics you didn't have crap where Scott was taking out Sentinels by the handfull, that's what I mean.

Scoott Mcneil is a good VA but he just don`t have the anger,compassion or or scrame like the original guy do. In fact when scott scrame he sound like dinobot from BW. The same can be said for all the other VA`S.

in night of the sentinel Pt2 I recall cyke only taken out 2 bots. Other then that he only like shot off a leg or a arm of 3 other bots. Besides, His power is one of the most powerful abilty in the series. In fact in both comic and toon his powers was the only one that could harm Mr.sinster and Apocalypse.


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