Why do you hate Max?


Apr 15, 2002
New Jersey
I didn't really mind the character. But it was obvious the writers didn't like her in the show. Really, has everyone seen "Wheres Terry?", As annoying as she occastionally was, Her "Understanding" with Bruce made it all worth it.

The Spirit

denny colt
Sep 8, 2006
I didn't like her. She was annoying, and if anyone outside of Bruce should know it should've been Dana, she deserved it.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2001
I had no problem with Terry having someone his own age to relate to, my biggest problem with her was how annoying she was. She just always seemed to be there and she took away from the relationship of Bruce and Terry, while mostly coming across as that character that is supposed to be cool but is just a pain in the butt.

Bones Justice

Bring on the noise!
Dec 29, 2003
Lots of places
Until I've seen the entire series (still waiting for the rest of the DVD's), I don't think I'll have a strong opinion either way. From what I've seen of Max so far, though, I thought she was alright.

The only thing about her that bothered me was that she knew Terry's secret and Dana didn't. But that goes back to the question I've always had about Terry not telling Dana. Because you'd think that after the umpteenth time of Dana being mad at Terry for skipping out on her, that he would just tell her that he was Batman. Terry's life would have been a lot simpler if he just told Dana the truth. The only explanation that I can come up with is that Bruce forbid Terry from telling her.

Peter Paltridge

Staff member
Sep 24, 2003
Stars Hollow
Bones Justice said:
Until I've seen the entire series (still waiting for the rest of the DVD's), I don't think I'll have a strong opinion either way. From what I've seen of Max so far, though, I thought she was alright.

The only thing about her that bothered me was that she knew Terry's secret and Dana didn't. But that goes back to the question I've always had about Terry not telling Dana. Because you'd think that after the umpteenth time of Dana being mad at Terry for skipping out on her, that he would just tell her that he was Batman. Terry's life would have been a lot simpler if he just told Dana the truth. The only explanation that I can come up with is that Bruce forbid Terry from telling her.
Well....we know from "Epilogue" that she WILL end up knowing everything, however it happened.

Yeah, Dana I don't get. They were never that serious on the show. When Terry met the girl from the Royal Flush Gang, he was more into her and didn't hesistate to cheat on Dana. And he spent more time with Max in the later seasons. Terry and Dana had this light relationship, where it obviously wasn't working yet they stayed together anyway, which is why "Epilogue" surprised me so much.

Something happened to them in between high school and Terry's thirties and I want to know what. There's a cool fanfiction that could be written to fill this hole--let's say Terry and Dana finally break up, and then Dana gets in huge trouble that threatens her life. Terry saves her, but in the process is unmasked, and they realize how they feel......yeah, something like Spider-Man 2.

I don't write fanfiction however, nor do I read it. So this plot's on the table for one of you to take.


Staff member
May 5, 2001
Martianinvader said:
Yeah, Dana I don't get. They were never that serious on the show. When Terry met the girl from the Royal Flush Gang, he was more into her and didn't hesistate to cheat on Dana. And he spent more time with Max in the later seasons. Terry and Dana had this light relationship, where it obviously wasn't working yet they stayed together anyway, which is why "Epilogue" surprised me so much.

I don't think it was a case that he didn't 'hestiate to cheat', more that the pressures of his duality, particularly in keeping up a relationship with Dana, were so much that it became uncomfortable for both of them and unenjoyable. When other more simple attractions (that proved later to be not so simple) came his way, he was drawn to them. Not saying I condone the human behaviour that induces partners to look elsewhere, but as I recall, both had virtually split under the pressures that were very realistic.

Something happened to them in between high school and Terry's thirties and I want to know what. There's a cool fanfiction that could be written to fill this hole--let's say Terry and Dana finally break up, and then Dana gets in huge trouble that threatens her life. Terry saves her, but in the process is unmasked, and they realize how they feel......yeah, something like Spider-Man 2.

I think you are understimating their bond. We didn't see much of them prior to BB. From what we see - they seem like a fairly teen strong couple with no unrealistic expectations. They also seem strong enough to get through Terry's duality.

My guess it would be less to do with some Spider-Man fantasy macho rescue, (that's just not Batman), more that Terry comes to terms with his responsibilities (as he seems to be doing in ROTJ) and from there can actually validate what's important to him and what's not. While he's treated Dana pretty poorly in the three seasons, he's not left her and the fact it seems they are close to getting married in Epilogue would imply that this isn't just because it's easier to string her along, simply that he's been unable to balance the responsibilities of his lifestyle. Past ROTJ it would seem likely he understands what he wants - or needs - from life and the relationship is built from there.

I don't write fanfiction however, nor do I read it. So this plot's on the table for one of you to take.

Which makes your offer fairly pointless. :p Someone should spend time writing a fan fiction explaining what happened that you are sure not to read. That's certainly motivation to get stuck into the idea.

The Spirit

denny colt
Sep 8, 2006
I always liked Dana, it seemed terry had a good healthy relationship with her on the show, I didn't like the way he started lying even more to Dana once max came onto the scene. Epilogue to me showed that Terry and dana stood the test of time and had a good thing.

Maybe someday they'll revisit Batman Betyond in another feature length cartoon.

I can only hope.


WF Old Man
Apr 24, 2001
Gotham, New York
Alex Weitzman said:

TOM's editorial on target characters explains a good deal of the problem of Max. In effect, Max represented every element of the show that pulled it in more immature and useless directions. Her presence emphasized high school, Batman-as-a-hobby, callousness towards the riskier emotional elements of the series, and villains who are comic annoyances rather than deadly threats.

That's why Max isn't liked much.

No, it's because Max was 'bad, rad and never been had.' Make a note of it.

Actually that's the reason right there. Afirmative Action jokes get rolling. :p They'd be deserved, because this decision was made by brainless network execs.

I'm with all the Dana talk. She was really cool, but I just don't completely sit with you on the argument that Dana should have been told. How would she have reacted? I don't know, because in each and every episode which was of less writting quality, Dana's attitude toward Terry's "job" for the Wayne house always changed. At first she's understanding, because it all just happened and she saw how Bruce came into Terry's life the exact same night that his actual father left it. And then from there it's all too hazy to remember. She hates it, she understands and accepts his excuses, like a yo-yo.

James said:
I think you are understimating their bond. We didn't see much of them prior to BB. From what we see - they seem like a fairly teen strong couple with no unrealistic expectations. They also seem strong enough to get through Terry's duality.

Prior to BB they didn't even really know each other. They certainly weren't dating. I think you're overestimating their bond, just a tiny bit. I feel like it's hard to establish what kind of person she is sometimes.

As far as Max, I'm cool with her when she isn't bad rad and never had. You're a kid. You're the furthest thing from bad rad and never been had. :p HEY CURARE! Give me a hand with this kid will ya??! Someone needs a lesson in humility!


Hmm, so, yeah
Jun 23, 2006
Gotham City
all this Dana talk is makin me hungry..... um i blame that statement on low blood sugar levels.

Anywho, Dana i always thought was somewhat of a pain (not in any way a Dana fan) but i do believe that she is important to Terry even if he couldnt show it until that episode in Rats. i think that was the point when Dana really was convinced of how much Terry meant to her.

now enough of this talk, back to Maxie....

she's still annoying


Active Member
Jan 6, 2002
Bones Justice said:
The only thing about her that bothered me was that she knew Terry's secret and Dana didn't. But that goes back to the question I've always had about Terry not telling Dana. Because you'd think that after the umpteenth time of Dana being mad at Terry for skipping out on her, that he would just tell her that he was Batman. Terry's life would have been a lot simpler if he just told Dana the truth. The only explanation that I can come up with is that Bruce forbid Terry from telling her.

Hm. Sounds a lot like Smallville :sweat:. Clark (Terry) not telling Lana (Dana) his secret and the only friend Clark's age that he can confide in that does know is the too smart for her own good Chloe (Max).

I always liked Max. I figured they made her character slightly annoying on purpose. The only thing I didn't like was her hair color (didn't match her shirt).


Staff member
May 5, 2001
Nightwing said:
Prior to BB they didn't even really know each other. They certainly weren't dating. I think you're overestimating their bond, just a tiny bit. I feel like it's hard to establish what kind of person she is sometimes.

I would have to rewatch Rebirth then, which is sitting deep in closet. From memory I thought I recalled Dana and Terry being together prior to the events which occur within the show. If I'm wrong, fair enough - I'm wrong, however the issue doesn't really dent my general angle so I'm happy to let reality take a point on that one.


Hmm, so, yeah
Jun 23, 2006
Gotham City
James said:
I would have to rewatch Rebirth then, which is sitting deep in closet. From memory I thought I recalled Dana and Terry being together prior to the events which occur within the show. If I'm wrong, fair enough - I'm wrong, however the issue doesn't really dent my general angle so I'm happy to let reality take a point on that one.

Hold on, Terry and Dana were together before rebirth. it was after rebirth that their relationship got rocky


Staff member
May 5, 2001
SilentBat18 said:
Hold on, Terry and Dana were together before rebirth. it was after rebirth that their relationship got rocky

That's what I thought and was also my point. Tell that to Nighty boy over there, he seems to think differently!

The Spirit

denny colt
Sep 8, 2006
Yeah, Dana dropped him off at Wayne Manor in "Rebirth" and in subsequent episodes was always bummed he was alwyas working late for Mr. Wayne.

Primal Slayer

Jul 10, 2005
I always liked Max, she didnt seem to annoy me any. And it makes sense IMO for his best friend to know his secret as opposed to his girlfriend that he has only been dating so long and wasnt totally commited to.


Stop that or you'll go blind!
Sep 7, 2004
I have to say I don't agree with the notion that Dana should have been the "friend in the know" instead of Max. For starters it immediatly eliminates allot of potential drama and conflic between the two characters, which is after all is a prime source of storytelling.

Of course as wee see in Epilogue she dose eventually find out and has seamingly come to terms with it, but at that stage in their lives the greater source of drama would be larger issues like responsibility, long term commitments and other such adult subjects, so her knowing what he's upto most nights adds to that drama.
When they're in their mid-to-late teens such things are a little too far off (seamingly) to think about so her knowing adds nothing as most of the conflict was derived with them hardly spending time together and Terry being unable to come up with an acceptable excuse other that "Mr Wayne needs me".

P.S. Terry & Dana were definatly together before BB. If you recall the first time we see them they're already together, indeed she's cheering him on during a wrestling match and later they're out on the town together right before the Jokers attack causes him to end up at stately Wayne Mannor.

Mad Mod 49

Active Member
Jun 2, 2004
United States
Compare Max's presence to Batgirl's in The Batman. Be grateful for Max.

But Batgirl's annoyance stemmed more from a bad use of her character and that seems to be getting fixed in Season 4 now that she and Robin are both on the team to balance each other out. Max's annoyance to me came from her personality as well as bad character use...and her voice was annoying as well. :sweat:


WF Old Man
Apr 24, 2001
Gotham, New York
The actual relationship between Dana and Terry had mostly just started around the first episode. In "Rebirth" you hear Terry's mom let him know "that friend of yours, Dana, called. She left a number."

Not that I'm a fan of assumptions or implications, but that implies they weren't as solid a couple at the start of the first season.

That, plus the fact that they're only teenagers, doesn't give me much reason to believe their bond is a strong one, unless there is a very thought provoking story element that provides character development to the contrary.


Stop that or you'll go blind!
Sep 7, 2004
Well lets see; I'd say the fact that when we last see them, they'd alread spent half their lives together shows a pretty strong bond to me.

As for when they became an item, you can split hair all you want but the implication that they've been together at least a little while prior to Rebirth is pretty clear, at least the fact that we never saw them "fall in love" on screen speaks fairly loudly to that fact.


Magneto was right
Jan 27, 2005
Cleveland, usually
But doesn't Big Time recognize Dana as Terry's girl? Wouldn't that imply that they have been dating or at least close friends for several years before Terry became Batman?


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