Will Marvel ever do another X-Men animated series?


Jan 25, 2014
Was just wondering will marvel do another X-Men animation series. With motion pictures or movies doing fairly well. Dont you think it time for another X-Men series.
U can either introduce new players and villians and also do flashbacks on old X-Men. At least give them another chance just like the avengers.
Plus you can bring them in on a avengers show episode and give them the adveritse that they need. What do U think ALC24/7


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2010
The Tardis
Because he's popular with the writers.

And the fans. The original 5 were never actually that popular. It was the All-New, All-Different roster (Nightcrawler, Storm, Wolverine, and Colossus) that got the book brought back after the original five's was canned for low sales.

As for the original question, probably not any time soon. It's been discussed before but it seems like in general, Marvel is making a conscious decision to downplay the X-Men and Fantastic Four in their media since they don't own their film rights. The obvious exception being Wolverine, who if you'll notice, is almost never referenced as an X-Man whenever he appears in someone else's show.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I'm sure that another X-Man series will happen at some point. It might not happen anytime soon, but I think that with as much history as it has in the comics and the live-action movies being so popular that another X-Man series is bound to happen sooner or later.


Wing Commander
Jun 2, 2010
I'm sure that another X-Man series will happen at some point. It might not happen anytime soon, but I think that with as much history as it has in the comics and the live-action movies being so popular that another X-Man series is bound to happen sooner or later.
Yeah, there's bound to be another one eventually.


Jan 25, 2014
Here a question that i hope the forum can answer why hasnt marvel ever did a X-Men animation dvd movie? It seem that by now some story about this super heroes group should of been done.
As for a new collection of X-men i would love to see something differnt than last offering. I would like to see some new blood put in this group. A collection of new students taken on the mantle of being a X-men. Such as a new leader leading them into battle and that would be Storm.
Wolverine and beast would still be from old guard but maybe 3 new xmen with new found mutant power. Helping in the fight for equal rights. These X-Men would be a bit in the future. But villians like inner circle would reform with the help of emma frost. Plus the scarlet witch would be on a path of destruction to avenge her father magnito. And a new ally with Apacolis.
Wolverine would be part of this group but he wouldnt lead. Thus the interaction between him and storm and her leadership ablities would make good drama. Thus when he decide to miss U would see the real side of storm.
Plus by wolverine being as old as he is he would have memory flashbacks about X-Men that are no longer around. Just a thought on this. ALC24/7


Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
ALC24/7 said:
But villians like inner circle would reform with the help of emma frost.

But isn't Emma good now? She's been an X-Woman in the comics for the past few years.

Plus the scarlet witch would be on a path of destruction to avenge her father magnito.

Magneto. And what happened to him to lead Wanda on a rampage?

And a new ally with Apacolis.

'Apocalypse'. Check the scriptures. :D
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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2011
United States
I also wanted another TV series for the X-Men, although because Marvel doesn't have the rights to the X-Men movies, it might take awhile before we actually see another X-Men animated series.


Jun 12, 2009
Colorado, USA
I hope so!

Recently I've been re-watching X-Men Evolution. And I'm making time to re-watch the original 90's series and Wolverine and the X-Men this Summer. If they do decide to make another series, I hope they try to do new story lines, rather than do the Sentinel/anti-mutant story lines and the Apocalypse one...


Sep 20, 2011
They'll make another series eventually.

Whether or not it will be any good is a completely different issue.


I see you!
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
And the fans. The original 5 were never actually that popular. It was the All-New, All-Different roster (Nightcrawler, Storm, Wolverine, and Colossus) that got the book brought back after the original five's was canned for low sales.

As for the original question, probably not any time soon. It's been discussed before but it seems like in general, Marvel is making a conscious decision to downplay the X-Men and Fantastic Four in their media since they don't own their film rights. The obvious exception being Wolverine, who if you'll notice, is almost never referenced as an X-Man whenever he appears in someone else's show.

This is the answer to "will Marvel ever do another X-Men animated series" right here.

Marvel does not have the rights to the X-Men movies. They're not going to abandon the X-Men by any means, but they're not going to push a lot of money towards the X-Men when they can push it towards properties they own 100%, or use the X-Men to promote those properties. Like the recent "Avengers vs. X-Men" storyline in the comics. Yeah, it was an X-Men story, but it paid a lot of attention towards the Avengers as well, if not more so, and the Avengers came out looking better than the X-Men did honestly. That's going to be the plan in the comics going forward, use the X-Men to promote the franchises Marvel has complete control of, but the X-Men will never get anything better than that until Fox loses the movie rights in all likelihood. As Rory says, the only X-Man to show up in the recent toons has been Wolverine, and he's almost never been referred to as a member. Wolverine is a popular character, though, and they're using his popularity to promote the properties Marvel has full rights to.

"What about Spider-Man?" you ask. "He's got a cartoon, doesn't he?" Yes, he does. And it's about as far away from a Spidey toon as you can get. Spidey's traditional supporting cast has been shuffled to the sidelines or has yet to appear at all with the exception of Osborn and Doctor Octopus. The vast majority of the episodes have Peter encountering characters from the Marvel Universe that Marvel has full rights to, with the exceptions of X-Men favorite Deadpool getting one episode and Wolverine getting another couple. Hell, the upcoming season 3 premiere is a crossover with the "Avengers Assemble" Avengers and they have virtually the same lineup as the movie lineup. The goal with this Spider-Man cartoon is not to tell Spider-Man stories, but to use Spider-Man's popularity to promote the characters Marvel has full rights to. Cynical, yes, but it's a business strategy designed to give Marvel's 100%-owned library of characters maximum exposure.

It would be much harder to do this with the X-Men. You can't have the X-Men dealing with the Avengers or Doctor Doom or Red Skull every episode. People would wonder what the hell is going on, when there's villains like Apocalypse, Magneto, etc. Plus the traditional "discrimination" storyline, with all of its layers, politics, and violence, probably hits much too hard for Marvel to want to deal with, since they want everything light-hearted. Plus, the X-Men, ironically, have a ton of women on their roster and Marvel's mostly shooed women out in their cartoons as well other than a token in every show.

In other words, making an X-Men show the current Marvel Animation division would actually want to make would be a serious pain in the ass to create and it would likely be worse than all of the current three toons out right now. That's why it's not being made.


Dec 30, 2013
Here a question that i hope the forum can answer why hasnt marvel ever did a X-Men animation dvd movie? It seem that by now some story about this super heroes group should of been done.
Just a thought on this. ALC24/7
I believe Marvel doesn't have the rights for a X-Men animated movie. The film rights remain at 20th Century Fox, and I believe that is for live-action and animation. You might be asking how was Wolverine in Hulk Vs. Well, Hulk Vs. Wolverine was 37 minutes long. It wasn't considered a full-length movie, so Marvel managed to include characters like Wolverine, Deadpool, Sabretooth, etc. without any legal trouble.

I also would like to see some variant in the X-Men team, and story-lines. They should bring in different villains, and members like X-Men Anime. I don't think X-Men Anime was amazing, but I enjoyed it. More so than Wolverine Anime, which I still enjoyed to a degree.

I agree with macattack in terms of a new X-Men series at this point.


Jan 25, 2014
Thanks to everyone that have respond to this post. Never really knew that the X-Men was a fox product i just thought they were a marvel cartoon. Now i do see why we havent seen anything from them in quite a long time. Still it a shame that they are now relagated to second rate heroes. ALC24/7


Peace Loving Shinobi
Mar 8, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Another X-Men animation is bound to happen at some point. But X-Men got two fairly lengthy shows plus there was the anime series and Wolverine and The X-Men. I'd like to see other characters get their own shows and get the spotlight now, hence why I want to see a Guardians of the Galaxy series.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Would I love another X-Men cartoon? Most definitely yes. Do I see it happening anytime soon under the current regime of Marvel Animation, when Fox still has the X-Men movie rights? Not really.

And with how Marvel is currently handling their cartoons, I don't think I even want an X-Men cartoon from them, especially if it would reflect any of the current Marvel shows :shrug:.


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