"Young Justice: Outsiders" Season Three Talkback, Part 2 (Spoilers)

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Mar 8, 2009
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Use this thread to continue discussing Young Justice: Outsiders!


Continuing with the most recent episodes released...
Young Justice: Outsiders
Tuesday, July 2, 2019 - "#60 Influence"

Synopsis: The team reassembles while the Justice League faces a new threat in space.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019 - "#61 Leverage"
Synopsis: A new Gamma Squad sets out on its first mission.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019 - "#62 Illusion of Control"
Synopsis: The team gives thanks for what they have... and might lose!

Previous Talkback thread:
"Young Justice: Outsiders" Season Three Talkback (Spoilers)


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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
I think if any GL could end up joining the Team, it would probably be Kyle if only because he's the only GL who was ever on a Titans team.

Simon and Jessica I could see them using to incorporate that idea Weisman had a for a GL training-focused episode (if I remember right).
I'd love for Kyle to appear and be a GL on the team but it's a tricky slope because a new Lantern would be trained on Oa then assigned and not spend much time on Earth even during peacetime. As for the unused story, Weisman had a comic arc (I think) planned to spotlight some rookies in the Corps. I don't think he ever specified which rookies. But Green Lanterns Corps are definitely on my wish list of spin-off series.

Maybe Beast Boy's team of public heroes will call themselves... the Titans?
I seem to recall in an article before the season premiere Weisman and Vietti denied that the Teen Titans were operating but some TT characters would appear. It be amusing if they were bending the truth with the former.

I've been so used to this show not giving it's teen hero group a proper name that giving them a name from the comics would actually be kind of weird :p.
Wouldn't a new hypothetical public team of super heroes, in theory, need a name?


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2005
Gar's team could take on the Young Justice moniker or the Outsiders maybe Teen Titans but i don't think that's as likely. I guess we will see in a few weeks.
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Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I'd love for Kyle to appear and be a GL on the team but it's a tricky slope because a new Lantern would be trained on Oa then assigned and not spend much time on Earth even during peacetime. As for the unused story, Weisman had a comic arc (I think) planned to spotlight some rookies in the Corps. I don't think he ever specified which rookies. But Green Lanterns Corps are definitely on my wish list of spin-off series.
True. Maybe...I dunno, the GL's are so busy fighting Apokolips that they think it wise to start sending rookies back to patrolling specific sectors, and Kyle's left as the only 2814 Lantern.

You could probably make 10 or more believable spinoffs from Young Justice ;).
Wouldn't a new hypothetical public team of super heroes, in theory, need a name?
Would be kind of hilarious, if confusing, if they also call themselves "the Team" :p.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
True. Maybe...I dunno, the GL's are so busy fighting Apokolips that they think it wise to start sending rookies back to patrolling specific sectors, and Kyle's left as the only 2814 Lantern.
Better than leaving the sectors vacant of any Lantern? Unless the Guardians start getting dangerous ideas like Alpha Lanterns.

You could probably make 10 or more believable spinoffs from Young Justice ;).
No doubt. Would love a Wonder Woman and All Star Squadron one. The latter they could replace the timestamp FX with the sound of a typewriter.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Young Justice: Outsiders continues today at 5am (PST)/ 8am (EST) on DC Universe! Show your support for Young Justice: Outsiders on Twitter by live-tweeting #YoungJustice and #YoungJusticeOutsiders to @TheDCUniverse during today's episodes!


Young Justice: Outsiders
Tuesday, July 9, 2019 - "#63 First Impression"

Synopsis: The Reach are back, terrorizing smalltown America... unless the Outsiders can stop them!


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Discussion is encouraged, but please keep your posts civil, relevant and insightful. Feel free to comment as the episode streams, too, providing your own running commentary, though AVOID successive posting or posts with only three words and under. However, do not post any improper or inflammatory material, as we will issue warnings if we believe it necessary. And please remember to keep the discussion ON-TOPIC! Any mention or implication of viewing an episode through illegal means will not be tolerated - the post will be deleted and/or an infraction will be issued.
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to discuss the one-shot tie-in comic to Young Justice Outsiders!


Nov 11, 2006
I loved "First Impression"! So nice to see some members of the Team step out into the public eye as their own group. Whatever happens later this season, I hope that this group (or some version of it) will remain on the scene and won't disband. Very excited for the episode "Elder Wisdom" now as I suspect that it will involve the Outsiders seeking advice or input from other heroes.

I was starting to wonder what was going on with the Anti-Light as we hadn't seen them since "Triptych" - I guess now we know that they have a plan. Hopefully they know about Terra and maybe even Dr. Jace as well. It will be interesting to see who comes out on top out of the Light, the Anti-Light and the forces of Apokolips.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2005
Spoilers from First Impression.

I called it on Gar's team becoming the Outsiders with Static, Geo-Force and Wonder Girl joining Beast Boy, Kid Flash and Blue Beetle.

Outsiders get a cool new Tower HQ in Hollywood thats a cross between Titans Tower and Mount Justice with Helga Jace as den mother. It's possible Vic will be joining the Outsiders as well.

The Outsiders gets a Super Friends' type "Troublealert."

We get Newsgirl Legion with Tommi, Gaby and Big Words/Antonia who seem to be the daughters of the original Newsboy Legion of which Thomas Tompkins and Srapper/Patrick MacGuire appear as Mayor and Chief of Police.

The Reach doesn't return its just 3 Warbugs operated by Intergang and a giant automated ship.

Terra seems to be reconsidering her mole status i guess time will tell on that.

Batman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Miss Martian and Robin consider bring Gar, as leader of the Outsiders, into their shadow council but decide he is not yet ready.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2019
You know, I never understood what people meant about the voice acting being terrible this season outside of Halo, until I saw this episode. Wow. The "Newsgirl Legion" and the mayor were awful to listen to. It made me wish I was listening to nails on a chalkboard. Sidenote: anyone else get the feeling that they and the sheriff were a reference to Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated?

But other than that, pretty decent episode. Loved that we finally know what Lagoon Boy is up to. As for the secret council thing, there is no way that will end well if Gar was ever brought in, whether it be him finding out Kaldur threw the fight just for them to establish their profile or them asking him to keep the rest of the Outsiders in the dark.

Here's a question. When promoting the season, Weisman and Vietti have said there was one character going in that was retired, but while writing felt that his story wasn't over, or rather he told them his story wasn't over as they put it. I always assumed it was Beast Boy given his arc, but given how integral he is to the plot and the changes that have taken place as a result of his arc, I wonder what this season would've looked like if Gar stayed retired?


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
The League not wanting to put it's underage members in the spotlight feels kind of pointless when teen heroes as sidekicks is as commonplace in that universe as it is. If they were that concerned about minors then the Team wouldn't even be a thing to begin with :shrug:.

Y'know, as much as it relied on marketing and social media buzzwords, I think Beast Boy actually made a compelling case for the need for a public teen Superhero team. At first I thought he might be biting off more then he can chew but he seemed to go the extra mile to make this work and serviceable to the greater good/Team. It makes me hopeful this group might actually work out and prove a valid new element of The Team :).

"The Hub." Well, probably more realistic then Titans Tower, but I still love me a giant T-shaped building ;).

On-paper the Outsiders roster is actually pretty compelling. I mean, we've got a shape-shifting celebrity, the daughter of Zeus, a Speedster from the future, a kid with an alien death machine, a prince with earth powers, a relatable kid with electric powers, and an alien ball of adorableness (and a literal alien ball). You have your own new compelling spinoff cartoon right there :cool:.

I kinda hope Cassie can rope Tim into the team so we can get more of the Young Justice generation together on this. I was actually kind of hoping Conner would agree to oversee the group as well for the same reason :sad:.

I kind of feel bad for the Team that they're now severely understaffed, even more then when Batman Inc. took a few of their people away. I guess with Terra, Superboy, and M'Gann they have enough "muscle" left, and Halo and Artemis can handle the covert elements well enough, but they might want to start looking for new members again :eek:.

Look at Artemis making fun of Conner and M'Gann for how much "fun" they had while unsupervised :oops:.

Is it just me, or does all of Dr. Jace's talk about family sound more creepy now? I'm not sure how comfortable I am keeping her around a bunch of kids :ack:.

The Reach invasion did feel kind of staged, but at least the main heroes were in on it and the Outsiders got a genuine win against the big Reach ship :D.

I was wondering "who the heck are these girls that they're spending so much time on?" and then it turns out to be a gender-flipped version of the Newsboy Legion. Who saw that coming :p?

Do internet bloggers really narrate their videos that much? I guess that is kind of reporting, but it still feels a bit much :confused:.

Whisper O'Daire has her own female band of criminals that she runs around with? Cool :cool:.

I'm kind of surprised nobody in the general public knew about Wonder Girl until this point. I mean, apparently people have mistaken Bart for Wally (which makes me wonder how much the Robins get conflated), but I guess Cassie hasn't been actively seen with Diana much (if at all) and hasn't been in the limelight much because of her time with the Team. But she feels very at home on a more typical and public Superhero team :anime:.

It's easy to just take for granted that heroing or vigilantism is basically legal in this setting until our teen heroes all end up in handcuffs. I mean, the League gets sanctioned by the UN (although the Team doesn't), so I guess it's really depends on the city how much they approve of or allow a hero to operate, but it seems for the most part there's no problem with it o_O.

So they setup the same "Young Justice" namedrop from the comics but then Beast Boy just goes ahead and calls the team "Outsiders." I mean, I'm glad that season title is finally officially relevant, and I can see that as a name that would catch on with social media, but I kinda wish they had finally used the Young Justice name or saved the Outsiders for the classic team...but I guess that's not happening :(.

Tara still has no lines, but at least we get some good character moments with her in-spite of that, as she seems to genuinely bond with Lian and remember life with her parents. If nothing else it seems like she has a genuine soft side. Also makes me think she might take it harder then Brion if she learned about what Gabriel did to her parents :eek:.

What's going on with Joan Garrick? I think I remember her having cancer in the comics...could it be the same here? Oh, Jay :crying:.
You know, I never understood what people meant about the voice acting being terrible this season outside of Halo, until I saw this episode. Wow. The "Newsgirl Legion" and the mayor were awful to listen to. It made me wish I was listening to nails on a chalkboard. Sidenote: anyone else get the feeling that they and the sheriff were a reference to Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated?
The female Big Words definitely felt like a nod to Velma, especially when she lost her glasses :rolleyes2:.

Although come to think of it, I guess Gabbi was supposed to be Daphne and Tommi Fred? And the mayor did resemble Fred's "dad" from that show.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2011
I liked this episode. The voices on the Newsgirl Legion were annoying. It's nice to know other people noticed this and it wasn't just my imagination. But it's pointless to complain about this stuff. It's obviously a budget issue. About Terra... in the comics, Tara is a sociopath without an ounce of remorse for the horrible things she does to other people. That does not seem to be the case here. So, it begs the question, why is she working for Deathstroke? Does she have a bomb planted in her skull or what? Finally, why was Jay Garrick in this episode? Was it just a case of seeing what he's up to? Or, does Jay have a larger role to play in this season? Maybe he will be a player in "Elder Wisdom"?
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