"Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's" Toonzai Talkback: Road to Destiny Arc (Episodes 65+)

May 8, 2009
New York State
Only tuned in at the last 4-5 minutes, so I can't speak for the rest of the episode yet, but I was actually surprised they didn't keep the "VS" screens in. It couldn't be that hard to either edit the names to their US counterparts or edit them off, right? At the very least, they could at least add the 4000 LP counter to the shots of the two duelists before and after the screen, since it shows how much they start with. And yeah, the scoreboard in 62-64 kept the duelists' names, just doing the usual "DUELIST" and "SPC" edits, so it makes their going back to removing the names seem a bit off to me. Also, seems like Yusei's still in out-of-character trash-talk mode, and they're still up to their annoying tricks with the useless Interruptions. Ah, well, maybe in a few weeks...

At least the script seems to have improved, so I'll give 'em that. I find it odd, yet unsurprising, that they didn't give We Ride to Survive some usage and give some variety to the show for once, but yeah, can't say I'm surprised, given the trend in the last two series. Admittedly, I think I had my hopes set too high...D:

And here's a list of some stuff from the episode, courtesy of Siliva from Janime, unspoilered because I'm failing to do it for some reason:

See ya, Japanese music. Toonzai home for all things of epic anime! Right...

The narration by Yusei is more or less the same in the Japanese version.

The opening song is still Hyper Drive. There are new scenes added from FREEDOM added in. Off the top of my head, there's Nitro Warrior from FREEDOM, A shot of Jack from 69 (QUALITY). There's also parts from Kizuna that didn't make it into the other openings. The 10th Anniversary shot of Yusei got in there, and one of the parts from Last Train got moved. Then you see the split-screen shots of Crow/Jack/Yusei from the beginning of FREEDOM, and just seconds later, the shot of the Tenor Trio with the Infinites from the end of FREEDOM. (They use the version where only Wisel is unblacken--doubt they'll change it come 77) AND THAT DAMN NITRO WARRIOR CARD ERROR STILL ISN'T FIXED. >___>

The voices of the Tenor Trio (The new directors for those who don't watch the Japanese version) aren't that bad. No idea if the names were kept at this point. Placido sounds obviously evil, but it's not bad. Luciano sounds nothing like a little kid, but not exactly adult sounding. I'd think Jose's would be a little deeper, and I don't think they used a large enough sound filter for his voice. Good start, though.

To note, the Tenors were all name-dropped by Placido in the Japanese version. In the dub, he has no mention of their names. Just says something about a plan he came up with. (Thought Jose was the leader? lol)

Note that the part when Placido puts a sword to Lazar's face, it's not cut.

The WRGP Poster has the "Riding Duel Acceleration" and the Japanese text erased off. The Duel Lanes, like in the preview, still keep their text.

The text "Blackbird Delivery" goes bye-bye from Crow's jacket.

Jack refers to himself in the 3rd person. Glad they kept that. Crow sarcastically calls him the "master of faster" and "the sultan of speed"...thanks for reminding me of those, guys...

When their house goes kaboom, the sound effect is changed, as for every other explosion in the episode. It actually sounds more like a real explosion than the Japanese sfx though, so the edit seems kind of pointless...

Zora (Might be Zola, didn't hear it too well) is voiced by Bella Hudson (trust me, I can tell) and still has a thing for Yusei...

No mention of the WRGP being held in a year.

Note that that computer voice 4Kids loves to use so much alerts Trudge that The Ghost is coming behind him. Same thing with Yusei, later in the episode. The whole "Ushio VS Ghost" thing at the beginning of the duel was cut. As was "Yusei VS Ghost". I suppose we can expect that throughout the season.

Trudge says it feels good to have a Duel Disk strapped on...even though he's on his Duel Runner. lol4kids

Scoreboard text is gone. Which just makes it inconsistent since 5D's 64 had them. (I think 62-63 had them too?)

Sound effects were added for The 4 + 2 = 6 thing, for some reason.

With the new Stat Counters this season, the levels are kind of hard to read. Since the dub uses an unsheathing effect, by the time you see the level, it's gone...it's also probably going to make a lot of stat errors in the future...

Trudge's final words are 'Synchros are useless..." Which is pretty much on point. Glad he didn't say something less stupid. XP

For some reason, when Yusei/Jack/Crow's Duel Runners go out to find the Ghost, the "vroom" sound effect is kept the same, but they added a louder one on top of it. Okay...

Wise Core gets a useless Card Interruption. Only one in the episode, though.

Gold Guy

Two is always better than one
Staff member
Dec 14, 2008
New York City
This was a pretty solid way to start an arc. A new villain arrives, stronger cards are used, mysterious characters are around. Can't wait till next week.

kuja killer

May 9, 2009
Lake Havasu City, AZ
I like it. :) the only thing i was disappointed with was just the opening theme.

i felt like there were hardly any images/scenes used from the original japanese opening theme at all. Well i know they're there, but it seriously made me feel like it was hardly different at all. :( still the same ones from the first 2 english openings.
I just think it should have been more heavily changed ..maybe not fully but more like the "freedom" JP opening. :(


Active Member
Sep 13, 2008
No offense to anyone, but can we try to not make most of the posts about, "Well, in the original, (blank, blank, blank,) happened. In the dub, (blank,blank,blank,) was changed. Gee, the original's better."

No offense, but I'm really tired of having to deal with that. I'm not saying "absolutely no posts about it," but lets try not to make it the "main point" of this discussion.

Hope no one attacks me for saying that. :sweat:
May 8, 2009
New York State
No offense to anyone, but can we try to not make most of the posts about, "Well, in the original, (blank, blank, blank,) happened. In the dub, (blank,blank,blank,) was changed. Gee, the original's better."

No offense, but I'm really tired of having to deal with that. I'm not saying "absolutely no posts about it," but lets try not to make it the "main point" of this discussion.

Hope no one attacks me for saying that. :sweat:
If this is at me (which it kinda has to be, since nobody else posted anything of the sort, lol), I'm throwing it (and the comparisons) out there for whoever wants to see it. Kinda like how the DBZ episodes/chapters that were combined into a DBKai episode are mentioned each week in the Kai threads.

And I don't think anyone said the Japanese version was better (neither me nor Siliva; and while I do think somewhat like that, given that 5D's was the first YGO series I saw in Japanese from the get-go, I still hope the dub can improve, and there's been some improvements so far). Besides, the way I see it, an episode gets edited, an edit list goes up for those curious, and people can discuss the episode [in either version] and have the edits done there to add to the discussion if they like. Doesn't really have to be one or the other.

[Plus, I would've put that edit list in a spoiler so it wouldn't take so much space, but I couldn't get the spoiler tag to work. XD;]


Active Member
Sep 13, 2008
If this is at me (which it kinda has to be, since nobody else posted anything of the sort, lol), I'm throwing it (and the comparisons) out there for whoever wants to see it. Kinda like how the DBZ episodes/chapters that were combined into a DBKai episode are mentioned each week in the Kai threads.

And I don't think anyone said the Japanese version was better (neither me nor Siliva; and while I do think somewhat like that, given that 5D's was the first YGO series I saw in Japanese from the get-go, I still hope the dub can improve, and there's been some improvements so far). Besides, the way I see it, an episode gets edited, an edit list goes up for those curious, and people can discuss the episode [in either version] and have the edits done there to add to the discussion if they like. Doesn't really have to be one or the other.

[Plus, I would've put that edit list in a spoiler so it wouldn't take so much space, but I couldn't get the spoiler tag to work. XD;]

Sorry, but I wasn''t pointing it directly at you.

If you look at the post above what I said before, it said, "They hardly used any scenes from the original Japanese theme." That lead me to say what I did. It felt like we were going to just make a million posts about comparing the two, which, I think, is good for a little while. Once it goes overboard, the topic is tiring.

I'm just saying that every time I look for a Dub Talkback thread, the thread turns into a comparison thread. Which gets boring.

I don't have a problem with you using comparisons. I just gets tired when 3/4ths of the posts are talking about the original and not the dub. Which, if the word "dub" is in the thread title, that's what it should be about.

Sorry for the confusion. Again, sorry.
May 8, 2009
New York State
Sorry, but I wasn''t pointing it directly at you.

If you look at the post above what I said before, it said, "They hardly used any scenes from the original Japanese theme." That lead me to say what I did. It felt like we were going to just make a million posts about comparing the two, which, I think, is good for a little while. Once it goes overboard, the topic is tiring.
...Oh. Well, now I just feel silly. :sweat:

Yeah, I forgot about that one, lol. Still, it's a valid gripe: I was actually hoping they'd revamp most of the opening, but it's still a good deal of footage from the first two arcs' openings. It'd have probably been better had they chosen to use "We Ride to Survive" as a second opening for once, just to give the show some variety. I mean, not that it's stopped them before, but if we have to hear a song for 120+ episodes and they had some other stuff in reserve, why not just use that and touch things up? It's a decision I won't really get with them.
Golfkid said:
I'm just saying that every time I look for a Dub Talkback thread, the thread turns into a comparison thread. Which gets boring.

I don't have a problem with you using comparisons. I just gets tired when 3/4ths of the posts are talking about the original and not the dub. Which, if the word "dub" is in the thread title, that's what it should be about.

Sorry for the confusion. Again, sorry.
Well, I understand where you're coming from. Still, as a dub talkback, there's probably also going to be some people who've seen the original version (this goes for movies or TV shows, as well, not just anime) who're going to want to compare what's different between the two, be it voices, dialogue, footage, etc. You just kinda have to keep that in mind, I guess.


Active Member
Sep 13, 2008
Well, I understand where you're coming from. Still, as a dub talkback, there's probably also going to be some people who've seen the original version (this goes for movies or TV shows, as well, not just anime) who're going to want to compare what's different between the two, be it voices, dialogue, footage, etc. You just kinda have to keep that in mind, I guess.

Yeah, they'll be some, but I just don't want it to be most.

Anyways, let's forgive and forget. Back on topic.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I thought that it was an interesting new episode to start off the arc. While I still enjoy the opening them Hyper Drive, it was kind of weird that they still had a lot of images from the previous opening. Some of the new images from FREEDOM worked well, but it also didn't flow as well as previous versions of the opening. Though, it might grow on me as I see it more often.

I was surprised that in just six months, they were able to create more parts to the bridge to allow Turbo Duels and all of the social tension between New Domino City and the Satellite sector was gone. I can kind of believe that they were able to get all of those advancement in technology in that amount of time, but it seems kind of weird for the social tension to be gone. Although, to be fair, I pretty much forgot about that social tension after Yusei lost to Kalin back in the Dark Signer arc. So, New Domino City hasn't had a director for six months? Lazar was talking about meeting his new boss, but I wonder who was in charge of the city before now. Having the apparent villains become the new directors was an interesting twist.

It was nice to see that Trudge got a higher position in Security, along with Mina. Jack referring to himself in the third person and Crow poking fun at him was great. Zora definitely likes Yusei the most for some reason. I also thought that most people didn't know about the Dark Signer events after the city was saved, but I might have been mistaken. It was kind of interesting to see Yusei, Jack and Crow focusing on a new tournament, but I also thought it was pretty harsh for Crow to just kick Trudge and Mina out when they asked them for their help. Yeah, preparing for the WRGP is important, but I know that it is a year from now, in their universe anyway, so they did have some time to help them out. Though, at least it gave Trudge time to reflect on where he came from at the beginning of the series.

I already knew about the effects of Speed World 2 from playing Reverse of Arcadia, but it still had some useful effects. Man, Trudge's injuries from that last attack were brutal. Even Jack didn't get injured that much from Yusei's Stardust Dragon back in the Fortune Cup finale. At least Crow did feel guilty for turning down Trudge and they were actually going to do something about it. The start of the duel was interesting with the Ghost summoning out the same monster. Even though I usually don't mind the dub, I still find it annoying that they have that card explanation segment, especially when we could already tell what the card's effect was or how strong a monster is. It just feels unnecessary. Still, at least it left on an interesting note with Yusei facing off against that Wisel monster. Given Trudge's warning that Synchro Monsters are useless, I wonder how Yusei will defeat this monster.

Overall, it was a pretty solid episode. I am curious about who voices the twins and I believe that they appear in the next episode. So, hopefully next week's episodes will be enjoyable too.


Active Member
Sep 13, 2008
I agree that the card interruption is dumb. I wish it would only be for important card effects and not telling me how many attack points and what level it is.

I though it was a interesting and good episode. Can't wait for 2 episodes next week (even though I have to wait)! :(
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May 8, 2009
New York State
I agree that the card interruption is dumb. I wish it would only be for important card effects and not telling me how many attack points and what level it is.
Fix'd. :p (That reminds me of when "Jagger" told "Chazz" back in early GX to only use monsters that had 500 life points, lol.)

Yeah, it would be less annoying if these Interruptions were just used in Riding/Turbo Duels, since it'd make sense that the duelists would see it through their visors. If it was only used there, I'd mind it less, but getting it used even in Standing Duels, and them being as useless as they have been in the last 10 or so episodes, just kinda grinds my gears a bit.


¡Mierda santa! ¡Ninjas!
Aug 16, 2003
San Juan, Puerto Rico
One thing to note: the VA credits remain pretty much unchanged from season 2: all the credited actors from that arc remain (even ones like Suzy Myers [Misty Tredwell] who would have severely reduced roles this season) and there's only one addition--one Victorio Cole--with no mention of actors such as Jason Griffith. While 4Kids' credits aren't terribly known for their accuracy or their completeness, the fact that season 2's had indeed reflected the addition of all the new characters doesn't bode terribly well.


Justice must be served!
Nov 11, 2003
Odessa, TX
I'm going to be honest. I have watched the Japanese version, and I have watched the dub today. I actually prefer the dub over the original, with the exception of the music. The voices seem to blend in more with their characters so far. They didn't spend a lot of time trying to build up the suspense with Ghost, which I felt the Japanese version did try to do a little more. I liked all the voices and actually have more hope for this season than I thought I would.

The only thing I was hoping for was more updated screen graphics. I didn't mind them keeping the ones for Leo and Luna because of the role they have in upcoming episodes, but I did feel they could have used better graphics from the openings or endings for Yusei, Jack, Crow, and Akiza. I was also hoping they wouldn't necessarily keep the annoying card level numbers for when they synchro summon, but at least it shows they are trying to be more faithful.

D Dubbs

Wish Upon A Star
Mar 23, 2007
Well, since Darren Dunstan is the ADR, that means he's also in charge of writing the script. And both Dinosaur King and Pokemon have always had pretty faithful translations (outside of comic relief...which is somewhat understandable to a certain degree anyway), so I think you can expect the same level of quality here in 5D's as well as long as he's in charge.


Active Member
Sep 13, 2008
Fix'd. :p (That reminds me of when "Jagger" told "Chazz" back in early GX to only use monsters that had 500 life points, lol.)

Yeah, it would be less annoying if these Interruptions were just used in Riding/Turbo Duels, since it'd make sense that the duelists would see it through their visors. If it was only used there, I'd mind it less, but getting it used even in Standing Duels, and them being as useless as they have been in the last 10 or so episodes, just kinda grinds my gears a bit.

Thanks for the fix. I went back and changed it. I had to type it fast, because I was in a hurry. :sweat:


Justice must be served!
Nov 11, 2003
Odessa, TX
Personally I don't mind the pauses as long as the news they give is accurate. The reason they have them is because in Japan they have a new card that is the featured card each week. Those pauses explain the new cards abilities and after the episode they typically show people how they can get that featured card. The problem is they can't advertise how to get those cards in America while 5D's is on because of FCC Regulations on toy series toy promotions. It's not as annoying when you know why they have them, but without that knowledge it is probably the most annoying thing the series has.
May 8, 2009
New York State
Personally I don't mind the pauses as long as the news they give is accurate. The reason they have them is because in Japan they have a new card that is the featured card each week. Those pauses explain the new cards abilities and after the episode they typically show people how they can get that featured card. The problem is they can't advertise how to get those cards in America while 5D's is on because of FCC Regulations on toy series toy promotions. It's not as annoying when you know why they have them, but without that knowledge it is probably the most annoying thing the series has.
I don't think that's it. Well, completely, anyway. I mean, yeah, 5D's started having a Key Card each week back in the Fortune Cup, but it was shown during the sponsor bits after the opening, and there wasn't any explaining for it or how to find it (unless you count commercials for the packs). Now, the one with the twins starting in the Dark Signer arc could probably work (though they still don't explain how to get them), but it's still not exactly the same as the showcases done in the dub. Most of the time, those have been there to explain effects that the characters originally explain and replace said explanations with, in most cases, out-of-character trash-talking.

Hell, Japanese GX had a featured card segment starting in Season 2 where a card's stats and effect(s) are explained, but they didn't do anything like that or 5D's showcases for the dub.


Active Member
Jul 27, 2009
United States

That should have been the case, it could have worked during GX (the original had a similar concept) but in 5Ds it just doesn't work. First of all the cards they pick don't always make an impact. Most of the time it is just a random monster card that gets it (useless btw). Yes after some time they did turn to the key monsters, such as Stardust Dragon and Majestic Star Dragon, but in all honesty, this ruins the mood which takes time to come back.

In short, great idea, but not executed right.

Forgot to add, but Janime user Mockingbird actually did a small portion of the comparison.

I did a brief comparison of The opening monologue by Yusei and Illiaster's introduction, and from what I did, it'll probably be about as long, but just not as painful to do.

By the way, anyone can see those two scenes compared here, and Lance, you can use my comparison if you want. And if everything goes accordingly, I should have 52 done by this next weekend.

Also, since I forgot to tack on my own final thoughts, I put some remarks regarding 51's comparison here.


Active Member
Sep 13, 2008
I want to ask a question (and to bump this for Saturday :sweat:), since Leo and Luna are suppose to air this week and they got a new voice actor/s.

So, if you had to pick a voice actor/s for Leo and Luna (4Kids actors most likely), who would you pick and why?

I ask this, because some people might not have liked the old one or wanted someone else for the roles.


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