"Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's" Toonzai Talkback: Road to Destiny Arc (Episodes 65+)


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2003
That's what I thought. Why not write a big sign that says, "We didn't finish the series! Go look at what we decided to skip over!"

That's not exactly what I meant. I meant the fact that they didn't advertise the subbed episodes beforehand, even the others they skipped. I thought it was because some of the content might not be right for the kids who watch the TV dub.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Well, that was a very satisfying duel, and if I didn't know any better I'd call it worthy of being the final duel of 5D's. Ah well, at least they advertised the rest of the episodes online, despite the fact that they'll probably never get dubbed here in America. Compared to the last dubbed episode of GX, this at least has finality to it and can really be considered a finale.

Aporia's "End" was very well done, and when 5D's really uses its animation budget, it really uses its animation budget well. It's a shame some of the later battles won't ever get a chance to air on American televisions.

So we aren't actually going to get a dubbed Zexal? Well that's monumentally dissapointing. The whole point of finishing 5D's early was so that they could air Zexal right? Or is the rights dispute thing preventing them from doing so? Who knows now if Zexal will ever air here in America, let alone dubbed by 4Kids.

I'd like to say how overall it's been a real fun ride watching this series from start to finish, from awesome monsters and characters, to enjoyable duels and stories. If this is the last dubbed Yu-Gi-Oh! for a while, at least it went out on a relative high note like 5D's. Now I guess the only thing Yu-Gi-Oh! related that we have to look forward to is the Bonds Beyond Time DVD release here.


Active Member
Sep 13, 2008
That's not exactly what I meant. I meant the fact that they didn't advertise the subbed episodes beforehand, even the others they skipped. I thought it was because some of the content might not be right for the kids who watch the TV dub.

I don't know. Maybe it was the Jack episode that might scare kids (I know I would be if I was 8 years old). I don't know about the rest though. It's anyone's guess.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
- If it wasn't 6 AM I probably would have started laughing loudly when Yusei lead Aporia from New Domino to Satellite. While I understand the safety concerns (and I enjoyed him saving that kid) it's kind of funny how Yusei leads them to a place where there are a lot people and it's the place he once tried to save from destruction. Not to mention that people could just as easily get hurt.

I thought that was kind of weird too, but I think he was mainly trying to finish the duel during the stretch between New Domino City and the Satellite. Plus, the Satellite wouldn't be as populated as New Domino City, especially with the bridge connecting the two of them together.

Golfkid said:
-Once again, Crow and Jack make this pathetic miracle recovery. While I get it's for the dramatic effect, it still doesn't explain how they could barely move a few episodes ago, were in cast, and could barely sit up at the beginning of the episode. Not to mention that they leave the hospital, get their Runners (which I thought might be slightly damaged), and ride them without pain/any sign of injury (including casts) to the Satellite (despite probably being in New Domino City Hospital). While, like I said before, it's for dramatics and finishing off (sort of like the Dark Signers End) it's terribly written. If Jack and Crow were so badly hurt, they should have used a phone, radio, or some other way to communicate with Yusei. Driving their runners makes it look painfully bad and stupid.

A part of me thinks that the scene of Jack and Crow getting out of the ER was edited out for time since they were barely able to sit up just a few moments before they reappeared on their Duel Runners. I don't think that they had casts. Those were bandages around their heads and chests. Though, I don't think that their appearance was written that terribly since they were there for mostly moral support for Yusei. They could have done that through contacting him through a phone or something, but it wouldn't have been as dramatic and the writers probably wanted all three of them together along with their signature dragons.

Golfkid said:
- Going with the above, I absolutely cannot stand the end with the show practically saying that we have to worship Jack, Yusei, and Crow. While I get they were dueling, did most of the duels, and worked really hard, the announcer said TEAM 5D's won. Even though Leo, Luna, Bruno, and Akiza did hardly anything at all, they deserve SOME recognition. At least put their pictures up instead of just the big three. Their part of the team, so give them some credit.

I didn't get the impression that they were practically worshiping Jack, Yusei and Crow. They had made a big deal out of his tournament and this final battle was pretty intense, so it made sense that they would be excited for their victory. While Leo, Luna, Bruno and Akiza are part of the team too, I think that they were mostly focused on the duelists themselves who had won the last duel of the WRPG. I'm sure that they are given some credit though.

Golfkid said:
The only problem is the Yusei, Jack, and Crow God-like vibe I got from them/team. I liked how Jack said, after the 3 girls confronted him, said, "I'll cash that in later." I'm going to guess that he was following Martha's advice that he was given quite a few episodes back ;);).

If only that would happen with Jack and Carly, then I'd be only extremely happy fangirl.

4Kids4EverFandom said:
Just heard that Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's is continuing online. They said so after the final scene and in the final promo. But what confuses me is that are continuing it dubbed or subbed?

Things might get very interesting in the next weeks folks!:)

Like Golfkid mentioned, the 5D's dub is done. At best, they were just referring to the subbed episodes. Although, I don't think that's what they meant with the promo. I just thought that they were talking about how kids could still watch 5D's on their website since it's off the lineup starting next week, but I didn't hear the whole promo. Considering that they haven't reached the start of the WRPG subbed yet, even though they have all of the skipped episodes from the middle of the tournament up on Hulu, and there's still the legal situation they're in, I think we would be lucky if they uploaded the entire series subbed at this point.

sabrewolf said:
So we aren't actually going to get a dubbed Zexal? Well that's monumentally dissapointing. The whole point of finishing 5D's early was so that they could air Zexal right? Or is the rights dispute thing preventing them from doing so? Who knows now if Zexal will ever air here in America, let alone dubbed by 4Kids.

They probably wanted to finish 5D's in case they lost the license and so that they could put their focus on dubbing Zexal. 4Kids isn't in any financial condition to dub three shows at the same time. We haven't heard any official results from the trial yet, although it was suppose to have ended yesterday, but we still don't know anything about Zexal airing in the U.S. At this point, I'll be quite surprised if 4Kids gets Zexal ready to air by the fall. I'm sure that Zexal will eventually air though. Even if 4Kids doesn't get a chance to dub it, I'm sure that TV Tokyo/NAS will give the license to a new distributor to work on Zexal and find a channel for it to air on. The card game is too successful for them to not want some more promotion and the Yu-Gi-Oh! brand itself has too much money for another company to not want it.

Golfkid said:
I don't know. Maybe it was the Jack episode that might scare kids (I know I would be if I was 8 years old). I don't know about the rest though. It's anyone's guess.

I sincerely doubt that they thought that the Jack episodes would have scared the kids. If that was the case, then they wouldn't have shown much of the Dark Signer arc were characters clearly die, despite 4Kids' attempts to sugarcoat it, and they probably wouldn't have dubbed this episode since all of the destruction of the city could be scary for some kids too. Although, there was really only one scene from those episodes that would have scared me if I was an eight year old and they would have easily cut it out if they had dubbed it. I think that they skipped those episodes in order to reach the end of the WRGP arc sooner. They could have had double premiers to cover them, but I don't think that they would be able to dub that many episodes in their current financial condition, especially with wanting to focus on Zexal should they be able to keep the license. Since they wanted to use this duel as the end and what happened to Sherry was only going to come up in the next arc, I guess that they thought that skipping those episodes would help them get to the end faster.

Anyway, I thought that this was a pretty good episode. It was kind of nice to finally see the crowds react to this duel more appropriately with running away after seeing all of the destruction. Although, I still would have run away after seeing the three emperors merge into Aporia. I was kind of surprised that Lester, Primo and Jacob were three different versions of Aporia, but that would explain why they could merge like that. In a way, it still feels kind of weird that they would be the same person, especially considering Primo's behavior with the Ghost robot attack event. I have to admit that Aporia's backstory made me feel bad for him. He was one of the few survivors of the world and he along with those other people were just trying to prevent that destruction. Plus, thinking about the psychological damage of seeing his parents and girlfriend murdered and walking around for years all alone just felt way too depressing to think about. It still felt kind of weird that Yusei would deny that future even after that second vision, but I just rolled with it.

It was nice that Jack and Crow came by to help Yusei, although it did feel really jarring to see them struggle to sit up to being about to ride their Duel Runners. I liked how they were able to help Yusei out with their support and Jack reminded him of the face-down card he left behind. I really liked seeing the three Dragons being out at the field at the same time. The animation with the characters and the destruction of the city looked really nice and I was nice to see them being able to overcome the Meklord Emperor with the strength of all three Dragons in order to defeat Aporia. I had a feeling that 4Kids would have the Divine Temple just disappear since that was for the next arc that they're skipping. It was nice to see everyone cheer for Team 5D's and the few pictures Carly took were nice, although I wish that there was one of just her and Jack. I thought it was kind of weird that Yusei said that the future was saved forever, but I guess that they didn't want to end the dub with the kids wondering if that event from the future could have happened.

All things considered, it was a fairly decent way for them to end the dub. At least it ended on a better note than their dub for GX and had a slightly better sense of closure as well, which I thought would happen given where the 5D's ends compared to where they stopped GX. It is a shame that they couldn't finish the whole series, but hopefully we'll be able to get legal subs for the rest of the series to see what really happens in the not too distant future.

Chaos Yoshi Mage

The Lonely Raven
Jul 19, 2009
Now I guess the only thing Yu-Gi-Oh! related that we have to look forward to is the Bonds Beyond Time DVD release here.

Well, Viz still has the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's manga to release and the TCG is still running. It's just the anime that's dead in the water over here in the U.S. and we might still get subbed streams for 5D's and GX.

As for the episode(s) itself, well it was okay. Kind of funny how only a few turns transpired over 2 and half episodes, but that's Yu-Gi-Oh! for you. I found Aporia's dub voice ridiculous and the crazy situation traps even more so. Oh, and the whole Luciano/Lester, Placido/Primo, and Jose/Jacob being Aporia at different ages? Called it! Despite the fact that these episodes aired in Japan forever ago, so it just looks like I was spouting spoilers...

The promo at the end did leave me thinking that 4kids might be releasing the rest of the series subbed, but as Light Lucario said they might just have been referring to the series in general. Although, 4kids never did call this episode a finale (Despite my facetious post about them using it as one). I guess we'll find out in the near future, if that future hasn't been prevented by Illiaster's time traveling exploits.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
The promo at the end did leave me thinking that 4kids might be releasing the rest of the series subbed, but as Light Lucario said they might just have been referring to the series in general. Although, 4kids never did call this episode a finale (Despite my facetious post about them using it as one). I guess we'll find out in the near future, if that future hasn't been prevented by Illiaster's time traveling exploits.

4Kids has never referred to the last episode of Sonic X as a series finale. Despite how many times they've gone through the series, they've only referred to the last episode as a season finale. So, I wouldn't put too much stock into 4Kids not calling this special event a finale. I'm still thinking that they were referring the series itself with that promo at the end. Nothing about the ending to this special makes me think that they wanted to leave enough room for their audience to know that there is another arc in the series.

Chaos Yoshi Mage

The Lonely Raven
Jul 19, 2009
4Kids has never referred to the last episode of Sonic X as a series finale. Despite how many times they've gone through the series, they've only referred to the last episode as a season finale. So, I wouldn't put too much stock into 4Kids not calling this special event a finale. I'm still thinking that they were referring the series itself with that promo at the end. Nothing about the ending to this special makes me think that they wanted to leave enough room for their audience to know that there is another arc in the series.

Yeah, but they also rerun Sonic X all the time and I doubt they'll be rerunning 5D's anytime soon. Still, it's most likely that promo was just telling kids they can watch the show on their website as opposed to there being new episodes on the site. They still might release the episodes though, as they did with the previously skipped episodes.


Apr 4, 2005
4Kids has never referred to the last episode of Sonic X as a series finale. Despite how many times they've gone through the series, they've only referred to the last episode as a season finale. So, I wouldn't put too much stock into 4Kids not calling this special event a finale. I'm still thinking that they were referring the series itself with that promo at the end. Nothing about the ending to this special makes me think that they wanted to leave enough room for their audience to know that there is another arc in the series.

Actually that's a tad false Light Lucario, when the final episode of Sonic X aired for the first time it was called "The Season Finale" and nothing else. I think in one airing of the final episode after they did call it the series finale however.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
Yeah, but they also rerun Sonic X all the time and I doubt they'll be rerunning 5D's anytime soon. Still, it's most likely that promo was just telling kids they can watch the show on their website as opposed to there being new episodes on the site. They still might release the episodes though, as they did with the previously skipped episodes.

Considering that they've already taken 5D's off the lineup and it never brought in the kind of ratings that Sonic X has, I agree that they won't be rerunning this series in the near future. Depending on what happens with their legal and financial situations, I could see them uploading the last arc subbed online since they have continued uploading the subbed version. Although, since they only put up two subbed episodes online per week at the most, it would take them awhile for them to get to the last arc of the series.

RockmanDash said:
Actually that's a tad false Light Lucario, when the final episode of Sonic X aired for the first time it was called "The Season Finale" and nothing else. I think in one airing of the final episode after they did call it the series finale however.

I've only heard them referring the last episode of the series as a season finale during the times I've heard the promo for it, but I haven't kept up with all of their airings for the show, so I could have missed that one time they called it a series finale.

D Dubbs

Wish Upon A Star
Mar 23, 2007
Update on the situation:

Toonzaki said:
All 5D's episodes will be made available subbed. We are finalizing the production schedule now and may skip to the final episodes so that they are available sooner.

If you want legally subbed episodes of 137-154 available sooner, I would suggest letting them know that on their Facebook page.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
Update on the situation:

If you want legally subbed episodes of 137-154 available sooner, I would suggest letting them know that on their Facebook page.

Well that's good news. At least they're working on subbing the whole series and hopefully they can upload the last arc sooner rather than waiting until the pre-WRPG and the rest of the WRGP arcs are subbed. That would be better than waiting that long to see how the series actually ended and getting more explanations for certain characters and events.


Beauty is only fur deep.
Mar 4, 2009
Campbellsville, KY
Awww, man. First they don't dub the Toei Yu-Gi-Oh! series, then they leave the final season of GX undubbed, and now they leave the final and unaired episodes of 5D's undubbed. Well, if they don't dub either the final season of GX or the final episodes of 5D's, then I'm going to start losing my faith in the franchise altogether.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
Awww, man. First they don't dub the Toei Yu-Gi-Oh! series, then they leave the final season of GX undubbed, and now they leave the final and unaired episodes of 5D's undubbed. Well, if they don't dub either the final season of GX or the final episodes of 5D's, then I'm going to start losing my faith in the franchise altogether.

I don't think that 4Kids could dub the Toei Yu-Gi-Oh! series even if they wanted to. I was under the impression that the rights to the series were in legal limbo due to how Toei didn't want the series to be dubbed when it didn't do that well in Japan. Not to mention that there might have been some legal problem for them to get that series when TV Tokyo/NAS weren't involved with the Toei series like they have been with the other Yu-Gi-Oh! series. Besides all that, it doesn't promote the cards like the DM series does and it would have just ended up confusing kids who had watched DM, so why would 4Kids want to dub that series? I don't think that the amount of violence in the series was much of a factor since they could have tone it down like they did in other series and I don't think that it was too violent for them to touch. There's just no marketing value in the series, so I don't think that there was any motivation for them to dub it.

As much as I would like to see them dub the last episodes of GX and 5D's, that's unfortunately isn't going to happen for either series. 4Kids isn't in a good financial position to dub three or four series at the same time. I don't see them putting either series back on their block and I don't think that just putting them up online would make the amount of money, which they might not have, to finish dubbing those series worth it. They'll be lucky to finish subbing 5D's at this point due to their financial and legal situations, so I wouldn't hold out for a finished GX or 5D's dub anytime soon.

Chaos Yoshi Mage

The Lonely Raven
Jul 19, 2009
Awww, man. First they don't dub the Toei Yu-Gi-Oh! series, then they leave the final season of GX undubbed, and now they leave the final and unaired episodes of 5D's undubbed. Well, if they don't dub either the final season of GX or the final episodes of 5D's, then I'm going to start losing my faith in the franchise altogether.

The Toei series has been locked away forever. Or at least until a certain youth can solve the puzzle and release "The Shadow Games"...


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