"Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's" Toonzai Talkback: Road to Destiny Arc (Episodes 65+)


Active Member
Sep 13, 2008
Since we all know what happened with me (sorry if I overreacted), I'll give my review early.

WARNING: Spoilers.

While this episode was enjoyable, mostly due to the fact that we get a better explanation (although it's not complete), I'm kind of confused about a couple of concepts the Trio described.

While I understand the bad energy=bad reaction=explosion, I still don't understand how people using Synchro's is bad? I mean, even though their world has card games as a big deal (if you noticed a lot were standing duels in their flashback), how are two kids, dueling a friendly duel, becoming evil by using the cards? Sure, you want to beat your opponent, but I don't get how that makes you an evil person. Plus, if I was dueling, getting to Synchro Summon would make me happy and good that I was able to complete it. While you might get that by being evil, I still don't get how that makes me evil? :confused:

With that in mind, it feels as though the writers are trying to make kids not buy the cards. Seriously, a kid watching the show wants to use the cards that, generally, the good guys use. However, with them saying, "Synchro's are going to destroy the world!" what kid wants to buy them after that? At least for me, that's sort of a turn off. Not to mention that it feels as though the writers are saying, "These cards are bad. Don't buy them! They're evil!" It almost feels as though they are saying to screw this series and go for the next one.

How did Mecklord (sp) Emperors come about? In their flashback, the Synchro's are destroying the world and then suddenly, the Mecklords come, and Primo and Jakob are suddenly shooting at them! How/where did they come from and why are they there? :confused:

Why is Yusei so denial of what happens? Yes it's not very happy. Yes it doesn't make total sense. Yes I don't like to hear that all people are evil. Yes Synchros=evil cards sounds terrible. However, if they are from the future, wouldn't you think you should at least listen to them a little bit?

Plus, it's the reason why Yusei becomes a scientist and saves the future. So, he must save end up listening to them a little bit.

Finally, although this is small and insignificant, did anyone notice they gave Crow some abs ( a brief shot during the flashback), with his short cut shirt? Seriously, I love that Yusei barely gets any fanservice (no abs and there's a good amount of episodes that they don't give him armservice. Plus, I don't believe he even has muscles, since he has no workout bench and is never seen working out.) I think the only thing he truly has is a tight black and red shirt. Yet, his friends get more than he does. :p

Anyways, pretty good episode.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
While I understand the bad energy=bad reaction=explosion, I still don't understand how people using Synchro's is bad? I mean, even though their world has card games as a big deal (if you noticed a lot were standing duels in their flashback), how are two kids, dueling a friendly duel, becoming evil by using the cards? Sure, you want to beat your opponent, but I don't get how that makes you an evil person. Plus, if I was dueling, getting to Synchro Summon would make me happy and good that I was able to complete it. While you might get that by being evil, I still don't get how that makes me evil? :confused:

I don't think that they were saying that people became evil by playing Synchros. Jacob was talking about how so many people enjoyed Synchro summoning so much that they wanted to summon them all of the time. It seemed like people were obsessed with Synchro summoning, especially the image of all of those Turbo Duelists on the bridge trying to Synchro summon. It wasn't even Synchro monsters themselves that destroyed the world, but the Ener-D, or momentum in the Japanese version I believe, that lead to all of those Zero Reverse-like events happening and causing reactors to explode. I guess it goes back to what Jacob was saying about last week with Synchro's representing the evolution of humans. Since they were advancing too fast due to their constant use of Synchros, their technology couldn't keep up with all of the energy that was released from those summonings.

Golfkid said:
With that in mind, it feels as though the writers are trying to make kids not buy the cards. Seriously, a kid watching the show wants to use the cards that, generally, the good guys use. However, with them saying, "Synchro's are going to destroy the world!" what kid wants to buy them after that? At least for me, that's sort of a turn off. Not to mention that it feels as though the writers are saying, "These cards are bad. Don't buy them! They're evil!" It almost feels as though they are saying to screw this series and go for the next one.

While I can definitely see why you'd see that as a turn off and it did feel kind of odd to make it sound like Synchros themselves were the problem when it was mainly the Ener-D that caused the world to be destroyed, I don't think that the writers are trying to say screw this series and go to the next one. Zexal wasn't even announced in Japan when this episode aired and I'm pretty sure that there weren't any signs of Xyz monsters at that time either.

Golfkid said:
How did Mecklord (sp) Emperors come about? In their flashback, the Synchro's are destroying the world and then suddenly, the Mecklords come, and Primo and Jakob are suddenly shooting at them! How/where did they come from and why are they there? :confused:

Yeah, I was really confused by that too. I understood that the Ener-D causing the reactors to explode was what destroyed the world, but I was totally lost with the Meklord Emperors attacking the ruins of the city, especially when the three emperors clearly prefer using those monsters over Synchros. There might have been an explanation for that either in the Japanese version of this episode or in the arc that 4Kids is skipping.

Golfkid said:
Why is Yusei so denial of what happens? Yes it's not very happy. Yes it doesn't make total sense. Yes I don't like to hear that all people are evil. Yes Synchros=evil cards sounds terrible. However, if they are from the future, wouldn't you think you should at least listen to them a little bit?

I didn't like Yusei being in denial either or how he says that he puts his faith in Synchro Summoning. I thought he put his faith in the bonds with his friends, or is that basically the same thing at this point? While the vision of the future didn't make a lot of sense, I'd be open to seeing that as a possibility after seeing the destruction of the planet.

For me, I thought that this was a pretty good episode. I liked how Yusei was trying to keep Black Wing Dragon out on the field for Crow. That monster as well as the face down card Crow left behind really helped out Yusei, which I thought was pretty cool. The vision of the future was seriously intense. I don't really understand why Leo and Bruno were included though. Even if Luna and/or Akiza's marks engulfed them, that didn't happen back in the Fortune Cup when Luna saw Yusei defeat Jack, but I'll just go with it. I was kind of surprised to see so many people trying to Synchro summoning at once. Yeah, it's fun and its a much easier way to get a strong monster out compared to Fusion and Tribute summoning, but considering that many scientists knew about the Ener-D and knew how too much of it could be dangerous, one would think that they'd either prevent people from Synchro summoning that often or develop better technology to hold the energy.

I was kind of surprised to see that the three emperors were human at one point. So, I guess that they're really cyborgs instead of robots. I have to admit that the vision of the bridge being destroyed, people being attacked by the Meklord Emperors and Jacob wondering alone in a desolate world was pretty dark. Despite how I've seen him as a pretty weak villain, I kind of felt bad for Jacob since feeling all alone like that would be seriously depressing. At least that backstory explained why they were willing to do whatever it takes to stop Team 5D's. Although, I'm still left with a lot of questions that I'm sure aren't going to be answers in next week's episode.

Like I mentioned earlier, Yusei's denial seemed kind of forced. After seeing all o that, I'd have a hard time saying that the future wasn't set for certain and that isn't going to happen. Still, at least the duel was still kind of fun. While getting five Tuners in a row might be seen kind of cheap, I still think it works given the situation and how the mark of the Crimson Dragon probably shows off their connection to each other through getting the five Tuners. It was pretty cool to see Yusei take down that Meklord Emperor, especially when I find them annoyingly overpowered in the anime compared to how they are in the actual game.

I was not expecting them to merge together to form a new being called Aporia. That just leads to more questions. It did look kind of cool though. Even though the promo looked kind of cool, I have a feeling that the ending they'll try to give 5D's will be something along the lines of what happened at the end of World Championship 2011 Over the Nexus:

Basically, after you defeat the three Emperors in the last match of the WRGP, which was ironically ridiculously easy for both myself and a good friend of mine, you disappear with the emperors who say that the future is uncertain and its up to you to face an unknown future to make it your own, or something along those lines. Except I think it will be even more confusing and much less satisfying than it was in the game.

Even with my confusion, I thought it was a pretty good episode. I liked the duel, the vision of the future was dark and intense and it was fairly engaging. Next week's episode will certaintly be interesting, if only to see how 4Kids tries to finish up the series with all of these unanswered questions. Though, I think that it has a good chance of being more of a decent ending than what they did with GX, if only because they are giving the dun finale a full hour.


Apr 4, 2005
So I'm just curious but is there any word if 4kids is going to edit the "final episode" to make it well..the final episode? Or are we just going to get some cliffhanger that doesn't resolve much?

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
So I'm just curious but is there any word if 4kids is going to edit the "final episode" to make it well..the final episode? Or are we just going to get some cliffhanger that doesn't resolve much?

Well, I think that they're combining episodes 135 and 136 into a one hour special with the first few minutes of episode 137 since I've heard that finishes up the duel right before the last arc of the series begins. I don't think it's going to resolve much, but they might be trying to give the dub some sense of closure, although I don't think that's going to work out too well in the long run.


Savior of Mankind
Mar 17, 2011
In a place
Yeah, I was really confused by that too. I understood that the Ener-D causing the reactors to explode was what destroyed the world, but I was totally lost with the Meklord Emperors attacking the ruins of the city, especially when the three emperors clearly prefer using those monsters over Synchros. There might have been an explanation for that either in the Japanese version of this episode or in the arc that 4Kids is skipping.

It wasn't explained much more in the Japanese version, but basically someone had the Meklords built in case of an overload of Ener-D, or Momentum. In that case, they were meant to go contain or destroy the source of the excess energy. It wasn't explained much, but that was basically their purpose.

I didn't like Yusei being in denial either or how he says that he puts his faith in Synchro Summoning. I thought he put his faith in the bonds with his friends, or is that basically the same thing at this point? While the vision of the future didn't make a lot of sense, I'd be open to seeing that as a possibility after seeing the destruction of the planet.

In the Japanese version, the line was nothing like that, lol. He was stating that there was no way a thing such as that could happen. He was still in denial, but only because he believes that everyone makes their own future, which is expanded upon in the Japanese version.

I don't really understand why Leo and Bruno were included though. Even if Luna and/or Akiza's marks engulfed them, that didn't happen back in the Fortune Cup when Luna saw Yusei defeat Jack, but I'll just go with it.

Lol, I'm not going to spoil anything, but Leo has a lot more importance in the matter of the Signers than you think, as does Bruno. It's all explained in the final arc, which unfortunately, 4Kids doesn't want to dub. :(


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
I pretty much giving up on yu-gi-oh due to the skip episodes i was one of the people who prayed the lawsuit would not ruin the chance to see all of 5ds dubbed but 4kids greed ruin it for all of us as least the had the deceny to put the missing and end episodes of the dark singers arc on thier website and I sad it won't happen here.

i not even gonna bother watching Zexal when it starts either things will be skipped or 4kids will lose and it goes to another company who might start things over again.

parting with the series is a sad thing to do but i can't stand any more dissapointment i like subs in small dosages for spoliers and things but to get full impact of the episode i pefer the dub.


Active Member
Sep 13, 2008
I pretty much giving up on yu-gi-oh due to the skip episodes i was one of the people who prayed the lawsuit would not ruin the chance to see all of 5ds dubbed but 4kids greed ruin it for all of us as least the had the deceny to put the missing and end episodes of the dark singers arc on thier website and I sad it won't happen here.

i not even gonna bother watching Zexal when it starts either things will be skipped or 4kids will lose and it goes to another company who might start things over again.

parting with the series is a sad thing to do but i can't stand any more dissapointment i like subs in small dosages for spoliers and things but to get full impact of the episode i pefer the dub.

I agree that I'm not sure if I'll watch Zexal at this point. It'll end up on cable, almost a guarantee, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to follow it.

I agree what you said about the impact of the episode. It's way more fun and intense (for me) to watch the show in English and not have to worry about staring at the bottom of the screen (especially if I miss something/didn't catch everything they said). Not to mention many (although there's hardly any in Yu-Gi-Oh!) Japanese things I don't understand and I don't always prefer some of the violence/scenes/things of the original. So, I'm up in the air on my future with Yu-Gi-Oh!

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
It wasn't explained much more in the Japanese version, but basically someone had the Meklords built in case of an overload of Ener-D, or Momentum. In that case, they were meant to go contain or destroy the source of the excess energy. It wasn't explained much, but that was basically their purpose.

Well, that's kind of weird. Considering how the population much have been extremely reduced and there probably weren't a lot of duelists left, I didn't think that they would keep attacking like that.

honorableninja said:
I pretty much giving up on yu-gi-oh due to the skip episodes i was one of the people who prayed the lawsuit would not ruin the chance to see all of 5ds dubbed but 4kids greed ruin it for all of us as least the had the deceny to put the missing and end episodes of the dark singers arc on thier website and I sad it won't happen here.

i not even gonna bother watching Zexal when it starts either things will be skipped or 4kids will lose and it goes to another company who might start things over again.

parting with the series is a sad thing to do but i can't stand any more dissapointment i like subs in small dosages for spoliers and things but to get full impact of the episode i pefer the dub.

To be honest, I think that 4Kids would have skipped the ending of 5D's to move onto Zexal even if they didn't have the lawsuit to deal with. They were about fifty episodes behind 5D's by the time the series ended in Japan and since they're obviously aren't in a condition to dub two Yu-Gi-Oh! series at the same time, or three series altogether counting Tai Chi Chasers, I think that the chances are pretty good that they would have rushed through the rest of 5D's to get to Zexal regardless of their legal troubles.

I can understand that you wouldn't want to watch Zexal if you think that 4Kids will skip episodes, which they probably will if they are able to keep the license, in order to avoid further disappointment. That's one reason why I was so upset that they're leaving another Yu-Gi-Oh! series with an incomplete dub. It just shows that they haven't learned from their experience with airing GX and it really doesn't make me want to follow their dub for Zexal when the chances are great that they'll just repeat the same process all over again. I don't think that another company would do that though. I'm pretty sure that the next company to get the license, if 4Kids does lose it, will be in much better financial shape than 4Kids is right now and I don't think that they would do the same thing that 4Kids is doing, at least in regards to leaving a dub incomplete. I don't think that happens too often, even with some of Viz titles and especially with toyetic series. While I do prefer dubs over subs for the most part, watching a couple of series on Hulu and Crunchyroll subbed have made me a bit more open to watching legal subs if a satisfying dub isn't available.

Chaos Yoshi Mage

The Lonely Raven
Jul 19, 2009
Well, uh, I kinda didn't get any sleep the night before, so I sorta slept during the episode and had to watch the sub episode an hour ago.

Yeah, this show just decided to stop making any sense at some point. Synchros are evil and Momentum/Ener-D destroys the world somehow, uh sure. Also, the Meklord Emperor's appear out of nowhere, because, why not? Well, also, those three guys are like one guy now. See they were different aged versions of the same guy or something...

Well, at least the card game is using well thought out strategy. Oh, Yusei's using Shooting Star Dragon, again, and he drew five Synchros, again...

Tune in next week for an episode that'll make even less sense. Especially seeing as it's going to end the show 18 episodes early. Speaking of which, if 4kids releases those episodes subbed, should we just use this thread as a talkback or should we do a new "Ark Cradle Arc" (See what I did there?) thread? I know there's already a thread from the Japanese airing, but that one's filled with spoilers.


Active Member
Sep 13, 2008
Well, uh, I kinda didn't get any sleep the night before, so I sorta slept during the episode and had to watch the sub episode an hour ago.

Yeah, this show just decided to stop making any sense at some point. Synchros are evil and Momentum/Ener-D destroys the world somehow, uh sure. Also, the Meklord Emperor's appear out of nowhere, because, why not? Well, also, those three guys are like one guy now. See they were different aged versions of the same guy or something...

Well, at least the card game is using well thought out strategy. Oh, Yusei's using Shooting Star Dragon, again, and he drew five Synchros, again...

Tune in next week for an episode that'll make even less sense. Especially seeing as it's going to end the show 18 episodes early. Speaking of which, if 4kids releases those episodes subbed, should we just use this thread as a talkback or should we do a new "Ark Cradle Arc" (See what I did there?) thread? I know there's already a thread from the Japanese airing, but that one's filled with spoilers.

I could not agree more with the fact that this season fell off of the "making sense" point a long time ago. I also agree with the Shooting Star and 5 Synchro thing. It just makes Yusei look overpowering (and more).

Not to mention that, didn't they say that each card represents a friend of Yusei/the Signers? Which one goes with each character?

Next week, I would have been more thrilled to be the first (probably in the country) to see the episode...if it was 154. However, I don't think I'll feel that way after 137.

As for the talkback/ other episodes, just keep the talk here. It's for dubbed people that want to see the end, so I don't feel that we need a new one.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
Yeah, this show just decided to stop making any sense at some point. Synchros are evil and Momentum/Ener-D destroys the world somehow, uh sure. Also, the Meklord Emperor's appear out of nowhere, because, why not? Well, also, those three guys are like one guy now. See they were different aged versions of the same guy or something...

Well, I think that the large number of Synchro summoning affecting Momentum/Ener-D that leads to Zero Reveres that destroy the world kind of made sense, but the Meklord Emperor coming out of nowhere is where this flashback lost me. Plus, it just makes me wonder why the three emperors are using these cards if they were attacking them and responsible for killing their friends and families. I didn't think that Lester, Primo and Jacob were different aged versions of the same guy. I guess that might make the whole merging into Aporia make slightly more sense. Slightly being the key word.

Chaos Yoshi Mage said:
Tune in next week for an episode that'll make even less sense. Especially seeing as it's going to end the show 18 episodes early. Speaking of which, if 4kids releases those episodes subbed, should we just use this thread as a talkback or should we do a new "Ark Cradle Arc" (See what I did there?) thread? I know there's already a thread from the Japanese airing, but that one's filled with spoilers.

I'm already expecting it to make less sense and be quite unsatisfying to watch. If 4Kids is able to release the last arc subbed online, I think it would be better to make a new talkback thread. 5D's will be off of the Toonzai block after next week and this thread is for the dub. I know that we talked the subbed episodes that 4Kids skipped, but that was inbetween the discussion on the dubbed episodes. But, if everyone else is fine using this thread if they do upload those episodes, then that's fine with me.

Golfkid said:
I could not agree more with the fact that this season fell off of the "making sense" point a long time ago. I also agree with the Shooting Star and 5 Synchro thing. It just makes Yusei look overpowering (and more).

Not to mention that, didn't they say that each card represents a friend of Yusei/the Signers? Which one goes with each character?

I usually don't expect a Yu-Gi-Oh! to make sense, given their general premise, but my sense of disbelief can only be stretched so far and they still lost me with the Meklord Emperors. I still don't mind Yusei drawing five Tuners for Shooting Star Dragon. Yeah, it looks kind of cheap and makes him overpowered, but if it led to the destruction of an even more overpowered Meklord Emperor, then I'm fine with that. I don't think that they specifically said that each card represents one of Yusei's friend this time around. They just showed the mark of the Crimson Dragon after he drew each card.

Next week, I would have been more thrilled to be the first (probably in the country) to see the episode...if it was 154. However, I don't think I'll feel that way after 137.

As for the talkback/ other episodes, just keep the talk here. It's for dubbed people that want to see the end, so I don't feel that we need a new one.


Active Member
Sep 13, 2008
The problem is that my mind can only be stretched so far, until I'm willing to believe it to be true/reasonable. While this is a cartoon/animated show, it still should have some boundary of realism/relate-ability. 5D's does not do this.

5D's has gotten so far offline that it's not funny (as it normally might be), but just flat out insulting and it makes me angry. All I need to do is think about what I just watched/am watching for 2 seconds, and it instantly makes me go, "This doesn't make any sense!" (as you have probably noted in my reviews).

I usually don't expect a Yu-Gi-Oh! to make sense, given their general premise, but my sense of disbelief can only be stretched so far and they still lost me with the Meklord Emperors. I still don't mind Yusei drawing five Tuners for Shooting Star Dragon. Yeah, it looks kind of cheap and makes him overpowered, but if it led to the destruction of an even more overpowered Meklord Emperor, then I'm fine with that. I don't think that they specifically said that each card represents one of Yusei's friend this time around. They just showed the mark of the Crimson Dragon after he drew each card.

I was actually wondering which card represented which person. I was curious if anything connected the monster to the person ( like them having similar traits).

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
The problem is that my mind can only be stretched so far, until I'm willing to believe it to be true/reasonable. While this is a cartoon/animated show, it still should have some boundary of realism/relate-ability. 5D's does not do this.

5D's has gotten so far offline that it's not funny (as it normally might be), but just flat out insulting and it makes me angry. All I need to do is think about what I just watched/am watching for 2 seconds, and it instantly makes me go, "This doesn't make any sense!" (as you have probably noted in my reviews).

I'm not sure if any of the Yu-Gi-Oh! series have some sense of realism. Maybe part of the DM series had that, but I think that the basic premise for both GX and 5D's kind of throw any realism out the window. Even from the start of the series, 5D's had duels on motorcycles, duelists with psychic powers to create real damage, energy to power, or even destroy, cities that comes from dueling, Signer marks and a god in the form of the Crimson Dragon. I don't find the lack of realism in 5D's insulting per say. There are some moments where I do question the logic within the series, like the whole Meklord Emperors appearing out of nowhere thing and wondering what's the point of the three emperors being the directors of New Domino City if they didn't really do much, but I don't feel like my intelligent has been insulted just yet. I usually question it or I just roll with it until my suspense of disbelief can't be stretched any further. The lack of realism hasn't really prevented me from relating to some characters in 5D's in some cases either.

Golfkid said:
I was actually wondering which card represented which person. I was curious if anything connected the monster to the person ( like them having similar traits).

Even though Yusei didn't focus on his friends during that moment, I guess that each Tuner could have similar trait to their respective Signer mark. If they ever decide to upload the dubbed episode on Hulu/Toonzaki, then you could double check that scene and look up each monster to see if they could represent each of the five Signers, instead of just each mark of the Crimson Dragon.

Chaos Yoshi Mage

The Lonely Raven
Jul 19, 2009
I have no clue if the three Emperors are really different aged versions of the same guy. It just seemed to make sense to me. We see Luciano/Lester when the Meklord Emperors first attack, then when people are actually fighting back we see Placido/Primo. Last we see Jose/Jacob refer to himself as "the last survivor" (This is in the sub). So, I'm not sure, I'm just putting two and two together and making that assumption.

As for whether Yu-Gi-Oh! has ever made sense, well it made "more" sense, I suppose, lol. I always felt the manga series were grounded a bit more in reality, especially the original manga series. It mostly bothered me because we've been going with this plot thread since GX Season 4 and it was major point in the Anniversary movie. To finally get an explanation and for it to only make less sense is disappointing.

Anyway, new thread or this thread, I don't know, I just figured we'd need a new thread eventually anyway, might as well make a new one for the new arc that won't have a dub. Might be a bit redundant to make one if they don't stream the episodes though...

Chaos Yoshi Mage

The Lonely Raven
Jul 19, 2009
This week there's a brand new 1-hour episode of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's on Toonzaki at 11 (Local listings, etc.):

Episode (I lost track of the numbers!): Fight for the Future

In the exciting series finale* of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yusei must defeat Aporia in the final match of the WRGP. With the faith of his friends and his Shooting Star Dragon, can Yusei save the future?

*Not the actual series finale. May also lack excitement. Results may very.

Well, we're finally here, the last episode of...wait, there's 18 episodes after this one? Well then, hmm, enjoy 4kids noncense ending so they can make room for ZeXal...wait, they aren't premiering ZeXal next week? Or this month? Well, um, enjoy the final episode of our prematurely cancelled anime dub!


Active Member
Sep 13, 2008
Warning: Spoilers

Well, it's over and I must admit, 4Kids did a pretty good job with what they had to do. Is it the real ending? No, but it went better than I thought. A few things of note:

-It was painfully obvious that they sped up the destruction scenes (granted we don't need 5 minutes to get it), so I think that's how they saved some time for the end. I didn't mind it, since I don't need 10 minutes of showing everything being destroyed.

-I found it kind odd how Team 5D's stayed there, while everyone left, without even flinching. I thought Yusei might encourage them to leave or find a safer place and them saying "no." Not to mention, with the announcer still announcing the duel, I think they would still be able to follow it. But it's a minor detail.

- If it wasn't 6 AM I probably would have started laughing loudly when Yusei lead Aporia from New Domino to Satellite. While I understand the safety concerns (and I enjoyed him saving that kid) it's kind of funny how Yusei leads them to a place where there are a lot people and it's the place he once tried to save from destruction. Not to mention that people could just as easily get hurt.

-There was something else funny, that I don't seem to remember, but oh well. It might have been Yusei's helmet looking different, as the episode went on, despite not being attacked for a long period of time.

Now for what I didn't like:

-Once again, Crow and Jack make this pathetic miracle recovery. While I get it's for the dramatic effect, it still doesn't explain how they could barely move a few episodes ago, were in cast, and could barely sit up at the beginning of the episode. Not to mention that they leave the hospital, get their Runners (which I thought might be slightly damaged), and ride them without pain/any sign of injury (including casts) to the Satellite (despite probably being in New Domino City Hospital). While, like I said before, it's for dramatics and finishing off (sort of like the Dark Signers End) it's terribly written. If Jack and Crow were so badly hurt, they should have used a phone, radio, or some other way to communicate with Yusei. Driving their runners makes it look painfully bad and stupid.

- Going with the above, I absolutely cannot stand the end with the show practically saying that we have to worship Jack, Yusei, and Crow. While I get they were dueling, did most of the duels, and worked really hard, the announcer said TEAM 5D's won. Even though Leo, Luna, Bruno, and Akiza did hardly anything at all, they deserve SOME recognition. At least put their pictures up instead of just the big three. Their part of the team, so give them some credit.

-The final attack felt rushed, especially when I noticed there was about 2 minutes left and he suddenly went, "I might lose!" and a moment ago he felt fine. This isn't too disappointing, but it still was a bit odd. Not to mentioned I let something slip that I can't post here.

Overall, petty good how they finished 65 minutes or so into 60 minutes. The rushed parts weren't too bad and the only question that was left was who the man with the eye was. Other than that though, it came out better than I thought.

The only problem is the Yusei, Jack, and Crow God-like vibe I got from them/team. I liked how Jack said, after the 3 girls confronted him, said, "I'll cash that in later." I'm going to guess that he was following Martha's advice that he was given quite a few episodes back ;);).

I was hoping, for a while. that Yusei's big attack (which had like 9.000 points or something) could be the end, but I knew that it wasn't going to happen. I wish the writers could have slipped a Yusei x Akiza line in at the end, especially since they didn't do
"the scene." :(
At least there was a moment or two in the episode and I know they would get together regardless.

(sigh) Well, I guess, better than I thought, but didn't care for what was really pushed at the end. So, a good episode, I guess. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2009
Greenwood,IN USA
Just heard that Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's is continuing online. They said so after the final scene and in the final promo. But what confuses me is that are continuing it dubbed or subbed?

Things might get very interesting in the next weeks folks!:)


Active Member
Sep 13, 2008
Just heard that Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's is continuing online. They said so after the final scene and in the final promo. But what confuses me is that are continuing it dubbed or subbed?

Things might get very interesting in the next weeks folks!:)

I saw that too, but it's probably subbed at best. The voice actors confirmed they are done with 5D's. Sorry. :sad:


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2003
It doesn't shock me they are going to continue/hopefully finish it subbed online, but I am kinda shocked they're advertising it on TV.


Active Member
Sep 13, 2008
It doesn't shock me they are going to continue/hopefully finish it subbed online, but I am kinda shocked they're advertising it on TV.

That's what I thought. Why not write a big sign that says, "We didn't finish the series! Go look at what we decided to skip over!"


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