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  • I got your PM. I was busy having lunch, so I didn't reply back yet. And don't worry. You weren't bothering me.
    It's no problem. I just didn't want any more fights to break out, as has been happening a lot in the Vortexx thread. And I really don't think it's idiotic to want to enjoy a block or network you can't access, considering that there are threads around ToonZone talking about networks in other countries and people praise them all the time, not to mention I know people in real life who were excited for the '90s Are All That block on TeenNick but don't have it.
    It's no problem. I just didn't want any more fights to break out, as has been happening a lot in the Vortexx thread. And I really don't think it's idiotic to want to enjoy a block or network you can't access, considering that there are threads around ToonZone talking about networks in other countries and people praise them all the time, not to mention I know people in real life who were excited for the '90s Are All That block on TeenNick but don't have it.
    It's no problem. I just didn't want any more fights to break out, as has been happening a lot in the Vortexx thread. And I really don't think it's idiotic to want to enjoy a block or network you can't access, considering that there are threads around ToonZone talking about networks in other countries and people praise them all the time, not to mention I know people in real life who were excited for the '90s Are All That block on TeenNick but don't have it.
    I'm doing pretty well. Thank you for asking. I'm sorry that you feel miserable though. I've had days where I feel emotionally down and I don't know why either. I hope that you'll feel better soon.
    I'm doing pretty well. Thank you for asking. I'm sorry that you feel miserable though. I've had days where I feel emotionally down and I don't know why either. I hope that you'll feel better soon.
    I'm doing pretty well. Thank you for asking. I'm sorry that you feel miserable though. I've had days where I feel emotionally down and I don't know why either. I hope that you'll feel better soon.
    Yeah, my inbox was full again. Sorry about that. I really need to organize it better one of these days. I was able to clean it out a bit, so could you please send that message again? Thank you.
    Yeah, my inbox was full again. Sorry about that. I really need to organize it better one of these days. I was able to clean it out a bit, so could you please send that message again? Thank you.
    Yeah, my inbox was full again. Sorry about that. I really need to organize it better one of these days. I was able to clean it out a bit, so could you please send that message again? Thank you.
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