C&C - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - "Entertainment District Arc" [1/13/24-3/23/24]


The kids are all wrong
Sep 3, 2006
Tanjiro's acting is a bit too convincing.

And you thought your boss was horrible.

Some performance review.

If that's "irritated," I'd hate to see "mildly annoyed."

And here I thought Inosuke would get found out first.

"There's a murky scent in the air."
That's probably from the customers.

One of your dimples is a bruise now.

It's something any man would do! Which I am not! I am a girl! But I would still do it!

Oh oh.
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Apr 9, 2005
About a month late for a Christmas story, you guys. (And right after that cliffhanger, no less.)


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Villain of the arc established. Pretty logical the demonic threat of the Entertainment District arc turned out an Upper Rank demon acting as an oiran, or an upper ranked courtesan, for many generations. As the highest ranked courtesan, she could easily conceal her murders as she's the breadwinner of the house and the heads would bend over backwards to keep the status quo.

Between the lines, Daki does ascribe to class structure prejudices of that era and looks down pretty harshly on the little girls that work there and Zenitsu incognito, being touched on the arm by Zenitsu, and the scene where the proprietor is on his hands and knees begging Daki to let him handle the punishment so they can get ready for the night is another example of how much power the oiran commanded until they lost influence in favor of the geisha, the changing times, new laws, etc.

Threat level established. Killed seven Hashira. Yikes. That does make some sense in that I'm sure they battled in those tiny rooms. Not much maneuverability with swords. Not that it matters, as we saw in the flashback, she's rather mobile outside compared to most demons -- seemingly levitating in the air. I hope whatever element Uzui is the Hashira of, it's the winning edge. Hmm, wonder if other Hashira are going to be called in to take down Daki.

Curious if Daki's obi is part of her body, a special cloth, or maybe even a sentient monster. Sorta of similar to Doctor's Strange's Cloak of Levitation. Also intriguing, it seems that while Daki was in the Kyogoku House where she is based as an oiran the whole time but her obi sash was able to traverse all the way to the Ogimoto House to capture and interrogate Makio? Speaking of, odd we haven't seen the other 2 wives yet in the other houses.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2009

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Episode 37
2/3 at 12:00 AM

Previously on Demon Slayer: Inosuke investigates Makio’s room and discovers something moving through the ceiling and walls; he pursues it but it evades him. In his own house, Zenitsu defends a girl from being scolded by Warabihime, the house's beautiful but intimidating oiran. He recognizes her as a demon but is attacked by her and knocked unconscious. Days before the mission had begun, the madam of the house confronts Warabihime, having determined her true identity, but Warabihime drops her onto the street to her death. She returns inside and is greeted by Muzan. He praises the demon, noting her strength and beauty, and addressing her by her demon name Daki: the Upper Rank Six of the Twelve Kizuki. Zenitsu wakes up some time later and is tended to by the girls he had defended, who thank him for standing his ground. After they leave, Zenitsu is captured by Daki.

Tonight: Tanjiro and Inosuke further continue the investigation even after Uzui's disapproval of their participation in the mission.

I better not see any spoilers tonight. Or any other night.


The kids are all wrong
Sep 3, 2006
Last time: I shudder to think what she'd do if they had any wire hangers.

Aww, such sweet young girls who hopefully won't work here when they grow up.

*sees title*
Now I've got that Genesis song stuck in my head.

This was the day before company health care plans.

They just stamped your hand so you could leave and get back in.

I don't think this is what Zenitsu had in mind when he wished to die surrounded by pretty girls.

She dies in the net scene, doesn't she?

I thought Inosuke would be the first to get found out.

Thanks. You try not to disappear, too.

Had a feeling.
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The kids are all wrong
Sep 3, 2006
Mice. With muscles. Just when you think you've seen everything.

Jeez. Didn't even hear him come in.

You can trust me, the guy holding a knife to your throat.

Oh, and he's gone.

"I don't devour dirty people or anyone ugly for that matter."
Is that body shaming or reverse body shaming?

What a surprise, she thinks you're cute.

"I'll cut your fxxxing head off, cutie pie."

I'd hate to see her judge any beauty pageants.

A Hashira who trains rats.
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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Is the buff mice an inside-joke? -- so weird. But then again, this show has talking crows. But on top of the mice, Inosuke's method of contacting them, plowing his head through the ceiling, makes it the typical DS oddball humor I've come to enjoy, lol.

I did appreciate that the nice oiran knew Tanjiro was a dude the whole time because of the bad disguise.

Did not guess that's how the demon's been eating people. It's also a frightening set of implications. Is she the only demon that can eat people like that or are there more and/or is Muzan trying to create more demons like her? So I wonder if there's a way to save the oiran and restore her to normal i.e. by killing the demon or she already dead?

Tanjiro held his own pretty well against Daki in the air but the longer fight is, the more her advantage. She has killed several hashira and is an upper. Then again, if the obi sash has the same weakness as a standard obi, Tanjiro has a certain dance that would give it fits. I guess another question is who will show up first, Inosuke, Zenitsu, or Uzui.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2009

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Episode 38
"Things Are Gonna Get Real Flashy!"
2/10 at 12:30 AM

Previously on Demon Slayer: Realizing Zenitsu is missing, Tengen dismisses Tanjiro and Inosuke, not wanting them to risk their lives for the mission. The two refuse to abandon him and prepare themselves. Tanjiro gives his reason for disguising himself to his house’s oiran and explains his true mission, before bidding her farewell. Tengen questions the master of Zenitsu's House at knifepoint, who tells him about Warabihime. Having just left his House, Tanjiro detects a demonic scent coming from its direction and returns, only to see Daki absorbing the oiran into her obi. The two fight but she overwhelms Tanjiro with her numerous obi sashes. With the impact of her attacks, one of the straps on Nezuko's box breaks, forcing Tanjiro to leave her behind as he confronts Daki. Realizing she will be the strongest demon he will face thus far, Tanjiro readies himself to face Daki alone.

Tonight: Tanjiro continues to fight with Daki while Tengen saves one of his wives stuck in Daki's belt. Inosuke, Zenitsu and Tengen's other wives fight the belt demon.

NOTES: Demon Slayer moves to 12:30 A.M. starting tonight.

Things are gonna get real crappy if you post spoilers.


The kids are all wrong
Sep 3, 2006
Last time: The Animals didn't mention demons when they sang "House of the Rising Sun".

I'd say start typing your resume, but I'm not sure courtesans use resumes.

Way to wreck your sword, rookie.

Okay, they're all around 15. How are they that buff?

Fake the rainbow. Taste the rainbow.

Starve a cold, swing a sword at a fever.

Lord Almighty, I feel my temperature rising.
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The kids are all wrong
Sep 3, 2006
You think that's disturbing? There's a bunch of bulked-up mice infesting the building!

Inosuke should have taken that left toin and Albukoikee.

It has eyes and a mouth now.

Don't tell me you're falling for him.

Two more stooges.

You're awake, are you? ...oh that's right, you're not.

Kunoichi not as strong as male ninja? Maybe in a shonen series.

Why is one of them weepy?

Don't pet them on the heads. They're not dogs.

Watch where you swing those! They're standing right there!

That's right, kids! Become a ninja and you too can be a polygamist.
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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
And we're at the halfway mark of the season.

Back to Inosuke doing odd things like dislocating his bones to get in the tunnel. Glad to see him get a bit of focus but he again still had his limits. Good thing he happened to free Zenitsu, Makio, and Suma then Uzui shows up. Always impressive when Zenitsu goes to sleep and uses his ability. Definitely loved by the animators.

Uzui's sound abilities looked really impressive, too. Neat parallel that he has good hearing like Zenitsu. Though as a sound hashira, makes sense his hearing would be enhanced compared to others. Dug the animation at the end of Uzui 'juggling' his blades -- nunchuk cleaver thingies? Made short work of the sentient obi creature.

Like the title sequence implies, Tanjiro switches up to hinokami kagura. But still not fast enough. Hm, wonder if that means Nezuko will bust out a new ability when she enters the battle. Don't recall those red vines we see in this season's title sequence. Though that exploding blood art thing alone she did in the mountain mission could be useful against Daki's obi attacks.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2009

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Episode 39
"Layered Memories"
2/17 at 12:30 AM

Previously on Demon Slayer: Tengen finds Hinatsuru on the outskirts of the district, having poisoned herself to escape but remaining unable to contact him. Battling Daki by himself, Tanjiro tries to use his Hinokami Kagura but realizes the fatigue on his body is preventing him from fighting effectively. Elsewhere, Inosuke discovers an incredibly narrow passageway under his House, leading to a cavern that appears to serve as a holding cell, full of obi that Daki has used to absorb her victims. This obi turns out to be an entity that can function independently from Daki's body; Inosuke first attempts to slay it but decides to prioritize freeing the people trapped inside. Overwhelmed, he nevertheless manages to free Suma and Makio – two of Tengen's wives – as well as Zenitsu, all of whom assist him in his fight, before being joined by Tengen himself.

Tonight: As the fight between Tanjiro and Daki continues, Daki causes immense damage to the district resulting in Tanjiro turning berserk due to rage.

You don't need to have layered memories to remember not to post spoilers.


The kids are all wrong
Sep 3, 2006
Last time: Gives new meaning to the phrase "fashion victim".

*reads title*
Just temember to label your memory layers when you're in Photoshop.

"A Hashia really did show up!"
Another one for my autograph book!

You can't have a sword here! This is a public place! There oughta be a law!

Thanks a lot, male Karen.

Oh, he's back. And he's sorry.
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The kids are all wrong
Sep 3, 2006
Dude, your eyes are bleeding...

Eee-evil woman, dununununununow, dun-nah...

And now a Bleach episode breaks out.

I'm getting a powerful scent of a demon backstory.

Here comes the sun, and I say, it's all right.

He's not going to do that thing he unwraps her obi and makes her spin around, is she?

If you're taking this long to decapitate her, you're not going to decapitate her.

Bad time to get an asthma attack.

"All I can hear is the sound of my heartbeat...and me thinking to myself."

And sister for the save.

Oh. Gee. Thanks, Nezuko.

She was always a quick healer.

Uh oh. The muzzle's off.

And suddenly she has cleavage.

Kicking is one thing she does, but she does it well.

Inosuke, you should never wake up a sleepwalker.
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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Tanjiro was fierce as well in his idk berserker mode even though Daki powered up. But of course, his stamina hit its limit right at the crucial moment. How many more arcs are we gonna see him leveling up only to be horribly wounded and unable to finish off the big bad? That will get repetitive suffice to say.

Nezuko was able to massively power up to a new form just from the time she spent sleeping the past 4 months or so? Her speed and regeneration were crazy. Though as their sibling ghost seems to imply, maybe her current form overwrites the spell not to harm humans. And with Tanjiro knocked out who exactly is going to be able to calm her down? Uzui might opt to put her down once Daki is taken care of. Vine tattoos on her skin? I guess that will her next blood art, making constructs to fight Daki's obi and burn them up on contact?

Yeah, Nezuko's new look got some flack online when this episode streamed on CR. Biologically, as a demon, she's locked into age 12 isn't she? But chronologically, she's around 14 I think. Yet, in her demon form she's a bit more... matured. No matter which, still wrong and 'anime cliche' of Gotouge to do. And that's not even mentioning Daki's demon design...

Still looking forward to seeing what Uzui's sound attacks will be.

Also, it was intriguing that Daki saw flashes of Muzan's past. Answers how he knew about the earrings that Tanjiro wears. An ancestor perhaps. Can't be a coincidence the mark on his head came up, too, in relation to his late father's.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2009

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Episode 40
2/24 at 12:30 AM

Previously on Demon Slayer: As Tanjiro and Daki battle, Daki causes immense destruction at the cost of numerous innocent lives. Angered at her callousness, he retaliates, using Hinokami Kagura to enhance his speed and power. During their confrontation, Daki sees distant memories of a similar figure to Tanjiro, memories which she surmises belong to Muzan's cells in her body. Tanjiro pushes Daki on the defensive and almost beheads her when he collapses in exhaustion; he had been fighting without remembering to sustain his breathing pattern and a vision from his late sister only saves him from suffocating to death. Daki prepares to kill him as he is downed when Nezuko suddenly attacks her. Remembering Muzan’s mention of a rogue demon, she begins fighting her. Daki bisects Nezuko with her obi but is stunned to see her already standing. Nezuko matures in appearance and faces her.

Tonight: As Nezuko rushes to aid Tanjiro during a critical moment, her appearance begins to gradually take on a demon form as she sustains Daki's attacks.

No spoilers or Nezuko will be most displeased.


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Happy 4th of July, Light Lucario. I really hope you get to enjoy the fireworks tonight. Have a wonderful evening.
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