CN is bringing back live-action programming.

R Lopez

Active Member
Jan 31, 2022
So it's interesting that Amy Freidman is repeating it this year:
I just read the article that the tweet links to.

Friedman basically says that Cartoon Network, in its current state, only appeals to one demographic (young boys) and that its time the network started grabbing other people’s attention. (She credits Cartoonito for finally bringing pre-schoolers to the network.)

That’s exactly what Cartoon Network executives sounded like in 2006, when “Re-Animated” was announced, and again in 2009, when CN Real was announced.

So, as far as WarnerMedia executives are concerned, that’s where Cartoon Network currently is… in need of big changes.


Sep 26, 2011
Neo Arcadia, USA
I just read the article that the tweet links to.

Friedman basically says that Cartoon Network, in its current state, only appeals to one demographic (young boys) and that its time the network started grabbing other people’s attention. (She credits Cartoonito for finally bringing pre-schoolers to the network.)

That’s exactly what Cartoon Network executives sounded like in 2006, when “Re-Animated” was announced, and again in 2009, when CN Real was announced.

So, as far as WarnerMedia executives are concerned, that’s where Cartoon Network currently is… in need of big changes.
I read it, and the comments. Ignoring the comments, as much as they are right about this mode of thinking is a bad idea, because I want to be optimistic - not a lot of confidence is being inspired for the next couple years here, if not the whole next current decade. I'm going into this with low expectations, unfortunately.
Something about how they treat this medium as a genre and as something people grow out of, instead of recognizing that cartoons ate for everyone, last time I checked - I'm not seeing inspiration to greatness here, unless they can surprise me, somehow.


I don't really FEEL like it
Staff member
Dec 3, 2017
United States
If CN supported their "girls grow out of animation faster" claim with hard evidence, like a survey conducted by children's educational organizations or something, then fair enough. In elementary school, I remember the girls around me seeming to have grown out of animation before the boys did. So I don't believe that statement is entirely false.

HOWEVER, that doesn't mean that EVERY girl will outgrow animation by a certain age. Cartoons are for everyone at every stage of life, and I'm not sure why Cartoon Network is opposed to that.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
If CN supported their "girls grow out of animation faster" claim with hard evidence, like a survey conducted by children's educational organizations or something, then fair enough. In elementary school, I remember the girls around me seeming to have grown out of animation before the boys did. So I don't believe that statement is entirely false.

HOWEVER, that doesn't mean that EVERY girl will outgrow animation by a certain age. Cartoons are for everyone at every stage of life, and I'm not sure why Cartoon Network is opposed to that.
Good point. Their job is to make their cartoon brand as appealing to as many people as possible. Not change the brand to suit people who don't like cartoons. That's not their job. Or at least it shouldn't be.


Misanthrope Supreme
Mar 2, 2018
Because it worked out SO WELL the first time.

But please, tell me more about how CN is a safe haven for animators that treats its shows with far greater respect than Nick or Disney.


Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
Because it worked out SO WELL the first time.

But please, tell me more about how CN is a safe haven for animators that treats its shows with far greater respect than Nick or Disney.
Live-action on CN isn't really that horrendous a concept. Again, the move is largely financial: it was easy for CN to show "cartoons and nothing but cartoons" back when it was first launched, because in its' early years the channel was 90% reruns; all they had to do was pull out cartoons from the Turner vault and show them in assorted packages on a continuous loop. That changed when The Powers That Be in charge of CN decided they wanted to compete with the likes of Disney Channel and especially Nickelodeon. CN realized there wasn't big money to be made as a nostalgia channel and they wanted to attract kids, and the way to do that was with original programming, which had to be made from scratch, which is expensive. Nick and Disney had it easier because since day 1 they've aired both live-action and animation (heck, Nick didn't even have original cartoons until the Nicktoons were launched in 1991).

Again, live-action on CN is not such a terrible idea; a lot of their past attempts at live-action shows, however, have been. CN Real wasn't a bad idea because it was live-action; it was bad because the bulk of its' shows were lame reality-type shows that didn't appeal to kids; the only non-scripted shows kids tend to like are game shows. CN Real's most promising show, Tower Prep, was axed early on because it had a larger viewership with girls than with boys, which Stu Snyder and Rob Sorcher frowned upon because they were trying to appeal mainly to boys and girls would taint things with their cooties. And the less said about Out of Jimmy's Head, which was mercifully canceled before the advent of CN Real, the better. Come up with some entertaining shows which either combine animation with live-action or at least evoke the spirit of animation and they can do just fine.

And once more for those in the back: just because Cartoon Network is implementing live-action doesn't mean that they're turning their backs on cartoons. The plan is to appeal to a broad range of audiences, not turn away cartoon fans. There are still plenty of animated projects being made for CN. Also most of the planned live-action series will be going to HBO Max, while the live-action stuff on CN will be mostly movies and specials.

Sorry to be so blunt, I just get tired of folks turning into Chicken Little, screaming that the sky is falling whenever news like this comes down the pike.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2020
You should Willy Wonka meme that.

willy Wonka's at your service

R Lopez

Active Member
Jan 31, 2022
If CN supported their "girls grow out of animation faster" claim with hard evidence, like a survey conducted by children's educational organizations or something, then fair enough.
We can nitpick that quote about girls all day, but I don't think there's any reason to. Honestly, you can drive yourself crazy trying to make sense out of everything that a network executive says.

But please, tell me more about how CN is a safe haven for animators that treats its shows with far greater respect than Nick or Disney.
That's another example of the type of thing that one shouldn't always believe when its coming from the mouth of an executive.

And once more for those in the back: just because Cartoon Network is implementing live-action doesn't mean that they're turning their backs on cartoons.
This reminds me of something. In early 2009, we didn't know that "Adventure Time" and "Regular Show" were just one year away. I'm not saying they hadn't been announced, I'm saying we didn't know how much these shows would help rehab the network's reputation.

All we knew for sure was that we had a block of reality shows coming our way, something that seemed completely wrong for Cartoon Network. So I can't blame people for being upset at that time.

Are the next "Adventure Time" and "Regular Show" coming soon? We won't know until they're actually here.


Staff member
Jul 14, 2010
Sorry to be so blunt, I just get tired of folks turning into Chicken Little, screaming that the sky is falling whenever news like this comes down the pike.

I agree. I also accept that CN diversifying the portfolio, to get fully in the corporate lingo, may be a necessity for them to survive (however long that's for).

That doesn't mean I have to like it. Cartoon Network launched as the first Network to broadcast nothing but animation, something which, barring a relatively brief period widely considered a misstep, they adhered to for nearly 3 decades. If that's no longer something that can survive, I think it's fair to be a little sad about that.


I Actually Like Pizza More
Aug 31, 2018
Right behind you.
If I can make a statement here? While Jason DeMarco has pointed out that there are statistics claiming girls age out of animation faster but they don’t know why(I think I have answers, but they’re more complex than you may think), I think there’s another reason: to save costs. Live action is cheaper to make than animation, and if I had to choose between CN making 12 shows, but only six of them were cartoons that were still very good and the other six are live action, and them making 12 cartoons but they all look like Johnny Test, I’d pick the live action route. ESPECIALLY since they’re mostly going to be on Max.

R Lopez

Active Member
Jan 31, 2022
Live action is cheaper to make than animation, and if I had to choose between CN making 12 shows, but only six of them were cartoons that were still very good and the other six are live action, and them making 12 cartoons but they all look like Johnny Test, I’d pick the live action route.
Sure... but there have certainly been times when CN felt very comfortable spending lots of money on decent original animated series at once.

I just get the feeling that every few years, the network goes through an identity crisis where they're not even sure that they want to be an animation channel.


Sep 26, 2011
Neo Arcadia, USA
They better start making some damn good animated shows, then. I don't see any of their live action stuff distracting from the harsh reality that CN doesn't know what they're doing if they're putting up gender barrier crap again.
Those live action shows just need to be on HBOMax and they need to be coming up with some new hits, if they know they got the war chest to do so, to state FACTS AND TRUTH. Otherwise, expect to lose more potential viewers and cash to anime (or Disney - Nick ain't got much of nothing going for them, at this point, animation-wise...).


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2020
They better start making some damn good animated shows, then. I don't see any of their live action stuff distracting from the harsh reality that CN doesn't know what they're doing if they're putting up gender barrier crap again.
Those live action shows just need to be on HBOMax and they need to be coming up with some new hits, if they know they got the war chest to do so, to state FACTS AND TRUTH. Otherwise, expect to lose more potential viewers and cash to anime (or Disney - Nick ain't got much of nothing going for them, at this point, animation-wise...).
just wait a few years and cartoon network went back to its 2010 roots like what happened with cn real


I Actually Like Pizza More
Aug 31, 2018
Right behind you.
They better start making some damn good animated shows, then.
From what I’ve seen of the animated slate, they are! And very unique, both visually and even conceptually! The only series that doesn’t look good to me is Gross Girls, which is 1) an ANIMATED show for girls, one of SEVERAL CN is making and 2) does seem to have its heart in the right place, showing that girls shouldn’t be afraid to be gross. The problem IMO is that focusing primarily on being gross gives you grossout cartoons like Sanjay and Craig.
Sure... but there have certainly been times when CN felt very comfortable spending lots of money on decent original animated series at once.

I just get the feeling that every few years, the network goes through an identity crisis where they're not even sure that they want to be an animation channel.
1) Yeah, they did spend a lot on a lot of good cartoons. And they’re doing that here! The problem is, it does get expensive. These cheaper live action series are likely to recoup costs.

2) For the last time, the live action series are going to be Max exclusive. It’s not like CN Real all over again.

R Lopez

Active Member
Jan 31, 2022
For the last time, the live action series are going to be Max exclusive. It’s not like CN Real all over again.
This compelled me to re-read that article with the Amy Friedman quotes. I'm still not used to how WarnerMedia executives always talk about Cartoon Network and the kids-programming on HBO Max at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2016
People forget there's only like four or five live-action shows/specials actually confirmed to air on the network, and there are nearly two dozen animated projects in the works (excluding Cartoonito), all with visual variety and more genres than just comedy.

I don't get why people are acting like CN is just giving up on cartoons, they never did, and they never will.


Sep 26, 2011
Neo Arcadia, USA
People forget there's only like four or five live-action shows/specials actually confirmed to air on the network, and there are nearly two dozen animated projects in the works (excluding Cartoonito), all with visual variety and more genres than just comedy.

I don't get why people are acting like CN is just giving up on cartoons, they never did, and they never will.
Because the internet and social media in general are beds for negativity incarnate, at the end of the day. Thank grifters on YouTube, for example, in general for that, especially.


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