Generator Rex - "The Day That Everything Changed" - Talkback [4/23]

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Gold Starz

"Evil Resides In Crystal Cove"
Apr 2, 2010
Ahh! Stalker!
I hope to see one time to see Rex, the Pack, etc. have headace's in which they have visions of their former lives. That would be a fun hint into these characters and the mystery.

Who says the Pack has a memory problem? Van Kleiss seems to remember EVERYTHING about what happened previously. As such we can imply that the others do as well...


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
New York
Who says the Pack has a memory problem? Van Kleiss seems to remember EVERYTHING about what happened previously. As such we can imply that the others do as well...

Van Kleiss is a mad scientist type person that created or recruited them. Who knows the Pack origins just yet, but I think they were once humans just like everybody else.

If they were always monsters, where is the moral delema? It makes it too easy for Rex, a little moral delema is what I want to see, like when Ichigo discovered the origin of hollows. "But he was human once." "Yes, but now he is a monster that has to be taken out." That was awseome back than.

Gold Starz

"Evil Resides In Crystal Cove"
Apr 2, 2010
Ahh! Stalker!
Van Kleiss is a mad scientist type person that created or recruited them. Who knows the Pack origins just yet, but I think they were once humans just like everybody else.
That or another living creature, but Breach was definitely human... I mean... Look at her! She's a schoolgirl!


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
New York
That or another living creature, but Breach was definitely human... I mean... Look at her! She's a schoolgirl!

Yeah I know. She has to be humans, and the other might be just more mutated.

I don't think the Pack are just evil for the sack of evil, I think there is some sympathic backstory to them. I guess a way to look at it, Van Kleiss is like Magneto, and the Pack are like Magneto's followers, some pissed off mutants that have reason to be pissed off that Magneto take advantage of their justified anger.

Rick Jones

Big Fan
Staff member
Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
I think this show has a lot of potential. At first, I thought I might be a little turned off because it seemed like Rex might just be a cocky and reckless protagonist but I totally buy the reasoning for it. He feels empty and really lonely and he's desperately trying to fill the void. He's just a kid, despite the insane abilities, and this duty placed on him is robbing him of the opportunity to live like one.

I really like the designs, particularly Breach and the first evo, and the story looks like it will be going in some very interesting directions.


Total Drama Llama
Jun 14, 2008
United States
I think that's the real reason for it.

I just thought that that was a place to put the guys they can't/don't want to/don't need to cure. It's probably also a place to study EVOs, so they know more about them.

Since every living thing on the earth is infected with nanites, the creatures in the Petting Zoo could be animals, rather than humans, that became EVOs. And one of the EVOs definitely looked like it was originally a tree.

The commercials for the next episode imply that there are some EVOs Rex can't cure easily, so they may also fall into that category.


Apr 28, 2010
Well,it was ok for a pilot,but it does give a strong Ben 10 vibe to it.
Mainly the main characters cocky personality.

Action scenes were interesting and monsters design was terryfic.
But Rex has a dull generic design,so do most humans on the show.
But the villian was very intriguing,my only pet peeve(as someone stated here) that revealed himself a bit too early.
Agent Six is also a quite an interesting character,it would like to know more about him threw the series.
Wise cracking monkey was alright,but talking animal sidekicks are getting a bit tiresome.

If Rex doesn´t grow a personality,I can see how the wise cracking monkey could steal the wholl show.

Whatever,Ill probably check out next episode to see how it goes


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