"Klaus" News and Discussion thread (Spoilers)

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
I realize there is not a talkback on Anime Superhero for this yet. That is wrong.


I liked almost all of that. I'd go so far as to say I loved almost all of that. This is going to be a VERY positive review. But it probably won't be a rave one. And that's okay. People demanding perfection in order to enjoy something are stupid and unreasonable. There, I said it.

This movie pulls off the impossible for a Santa Claus story. Let me state for the record how much I utterly loathe Prep & Landing and Arthur Christmas. They work my last nerve, particularly the former. They spend all this time and extravagant budget to figure out a way to lie to kids every year. If there is a Santa Claus movie that I'll enjoy, it will be because it doesn't try to rationalize everything, which is full-on dishonest. And this movie is special because it doesn't do that. I felt like the last 30 seconds broke the reality a bit, and sort of lessened a bit of my goodwill, but I'm not gonna slam the movie unmercilessly for not ending exactly the way I think it should have. That's not up to me. That's up to the creators. And maybe I didn't respond to those last few seconds as well as I would have if the movie didn't have them. But that's perfectly okay. The movie was well within its rights to briefly feed into magic, especially because they kept themselves a TINY bit of plausible deniability there.

I think Jesper is a very tough character to like, and I don't feel it was the best move to center the entire first part of the movie around him. Alva is also shockingly unlikable as far as female leads go, and when she is all disappointed at what a phony Jesper turned out to be I was like, "Glass houses, lady. Beware them."

I like that instead of explaining the magic of Santa, the movie sort of says it's a Tall Tale and The Stuff Of Legend. Which suddenly makes this the first plausible Santa origin story ever. That's just great, and I don't feel like the producers are just invested in telling kids things they want to hear to please their parents. They let them know that there is a rationality and story behind actual beliefs, and that doesn't make the beliefs less magical if you understand that. This movie did an admirable job describing how good acts from some people, even if done in the hopes of reward, can lead to good acts from people who don't necessarily believe or want that. Goodness is contagious, and in the era of Trump and Covid-19, I would very much love to believe that (and yet I don't). But it's a solid moral for kids whether I personally believe it or not.

I feel this is the new animated Christmas tradition we've always wanted but that Pixar and Dreamworks always fail to live up to. I would put it up against A Charlie Brown Christmas, Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, The Muppet Christmas Carol, and the original Grinch any day. And it's even a good deal better than many holiday specials that are considered classics like Frosty The Snowman, Olive The Other Reindeer, and Mickey's Christmas Carol. It's good stuff and I'm thinking I might set aside time to watch this every year the way I do The Grinch. A little early to watch and review this, I know, but that will just give me another opportunity to rewatch it in two months. ****1/2.


Staff member
Sep 10, 2006
In A House
There was a discussion thread here.

Anyways, like I said in the other thread I really loved the way the movie was animated. I would love to see other movies this way.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2012
Kimberton PA
Threads merged.
Just saw it tonight.

Words cannot begin to describe how INCREDIBLE the animation is. My eyes were literally bulging from their sockets for the entire duration of the film. Simply ASTOUNDING.

I'm trying to think if I've ever seen a movie with comparable animation. Most recently, I thought "The Illusionist" was a truly beautiful movie. In the past, I thought Disney's "Sleeping Beauty" was an amazing piece of work, considering it was done in the 1950s and it was one of the last completely hand dawn animated movies.

But Klaus might even edge out these two.

An absolute must see for animation fans.


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Almost forgot to listen to this before the day was up.
Viper wrote on Light Lucario's profile.
Happy 4th of July, Light Lucario. I really hope you get to enjoy the fireworks tonight. Have a wonderful evening.
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Thanks for the following days ago. :)
Your avatar looks interesting.

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