"Marvel's Spider-Man: Homecoming" News & Discussion Thread Part 2 (Spoilers)

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N0t 4 3very1 & Th@t'$ OK
May 28, 2014
I really liked seeing Tom as Peter/Spidey. It feels as though they threw some Miles Morales elements in there watching how he interacts with his friend (is his name Ganke or Ned?).
Hit the nail on the head. Reminded me of Miles, quite a bit.

Looks like they edited in what was supposedly shown during one of those cons because the cafeteria and classroom exchange felt familiar. I guess I'm going through hype backlash. It was alright = same old same old with what's different notwithstanding.

the greenman

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2006
the point of no return
Reminded me of Garfield's Spidey and definitely hope the funny is not wasted in the trailer. Loved finally seeing Keaton in his creepy Beetleguese voice. Color me excited.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2012
Not much to say. Really like the overall atmosphere and tone of the trailer and Tom Holland is clearly going to be the definitive live-action Spider-Man

Although I do hope that the ending of the trailer is just Spidey and Iron Man training and/or testing Spidey's new suit, rather than Iron Man helping to deal with the Vulture


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Yeah, I'm skeptical the team-up will last long. Vulture will probably trigger some doomsday device or something and Iron Man goes off to stop it leaving Spider-Man to fight him alone.

Hmm, still a little not sure, but seems Tinkerer and Glover's character are part of that bank robber crew based on the funky gun(s)? Maybe Glover is Robert Farrell, a known associate of Tinkerer and a genius inventor in his own right.

Is that why they need to go through so much security during that scene with Liz on her phone o_O?
Yeah, I think so - hence the guns aimed at Spidey on the Washington monument. Probably on high alert already because of Vulture.
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Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Hmm, still a little not sure, but seems Tinkerer and Glover's character are part of that bank robber crew based on the funky gun(s)? Maybe Glover is Robert Farrell, a known associate of Tinkerer and a genius inventor in his own right.
I think Glover is playing Hobie Brown, who might be a partner of Tinkerer here. I wouldn't be surprised if he absconds with the Prowler gear by the end of the movie :cool:.

I also think Vulture, Shocker, Tinkerer, and Glover's character might all be part of the same gang, and that's who Toomes is addressing in the International trailer :evil:.


May 25, 2010
Cartoon Headquarters
I'm going to be in the minority, but I don't like it. I can understand why some people think it's perfect and it's doing everything right, but at the same time I think it's actually doing everything wrong. From plot to characters and especially the casting. With this out you can absolutely forget to ever see a decent and mature Venom movie. I was skeptical when they announced the new young actors and now I'm just disappointed. The way they look. I can't take that seriously. And worst part is the animated series likely won't be any better since it's supposed to be similar and support the film. They should have left Spiderman alone for some time to figure out what they really want and let the franchise breathe. This to me just seems rushed and forced and even if I were to judge the trailer solely on its own I would have to say that it was purely okay. Not a trailer that would make me buy a ticket in the slightest. Sorry.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Apparently, a couple easter eggs in the trailer already. Heh, and some claim they saw Gwen walking behind Liz in the hall.

I think Glover is playing Hobie Brown, who might be a partner of Tinkerer here. I wouldn't be surprised if he absconds with the Prowler gear by the end of the movie :cool:.

I also think Vulture, Shocker, Tinkerer, and Glover's character might all be part of the same gang, and that's who Toomes is addressing in the International trailer :evil:.
Cool. That'd be a nice way to seed things going forward.


Staff member
Jul 23, 2008
I think Glover is playing Hobie Brown, who might be a partner of Tinkerer here. I wouldn't be surprised if he absconds with the Prowler gear by the end of the movie :cool:.

I also think Vulture, Shocker, Tinkerer, and Glover's character might all be part of the same gang, and that's who Toomes is addressing in the International trailer :evil:.
That'd be interesting. I've always wanted to see the Spider-Man movies finally tackle organized crime in some fashion, so I hope you're right. It'd also be cool to see the Prowler onscreen, I've been looking forward to that for a while.


Dec 30, 2013
Well, this movie looks pretty great as expected. Peter having a friend that knows his identity works so he doesn't have to sneak around on his own, but he should really be more careful. Keaton's Vulture looks great and hopefully he's a well-rounded character.

It's nice to see Tony and Happy at New Avengers Facility (are Rhodey and Vision still there?). Also the high school setting reminded me of what the Amazing Spider-Man was trying to do.

It looks like Marvel/Sony know exactly what they're doing here to please fans while also mixing it up a bit. The more low-key villains seem pretty intriguing.

I now understand why they gave Vulture a mask. Not only does it allow someone to stand-in for Keaton in the costume, but it makes Vulture look 10x scarier :eek:.

It wouldn't be a Spider-Man movie without an impressive Spider-Man feat, and here we have Spidey holding together an entire ship with his webbing :cool:.

I did not need to see Spider-Man and Iron Man together at the end of a trailer for a Spider-Man movie :shrug:.
Vulture looks pretty cool in a mask. When Vulture was rumored for this movie, I was a little concerned because I didn't think an old man in a green bird suit would translate well on the big-screen. That being said, the final suit looks great and Michael Keaton definitely fits Adrian Toomes in the best possible way (not saying he looks like an old bald guy :p).

Spider-Man holding the ship with his webbing is definitely a throwback to Spider-Man 2. Not surprising since Feige said it was his favorite Spider-Man movie.

I was concerned about this too, but I think it works if the Iron Man armor is used minimally. Plus, you could argue that a bunch of heroes were in Captain America's last movie, Falcon was in Ant-Man's movie or Hulk will be in Thor's next movie. That complaint isn't as valid in the MCU movies as time goes by. I understand what you mean, though.
I think Glover is playing Hobie Brown, who might be a partner of Tinkerer here. I wouldn't be surprised if he absconds with the Prowler gear by the end of the movie :cool:.

I also think Vulture, Shocker, Tinkerer, and Glover's character might all be part of the same gang, and that's who Toomes is addressing in the International trailer :evil:.
I love that idea, man! Prowler's story arc could work quite nicely and continue in a sequel. Kind of the opposite of Baron Mordo from Doctor Strange. This just makes me hope the other New York vigilantes are referenced here and Spidey is referenced in the Netflix shows.
The final shot was also great. Felt like a comic panel (and I also wasn't expecting Tony to suit up).
Interesting that you say that. It reminded me of this comic cover art.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Apparently, a couple easter eggs in the trailer already. Heh, and some claim they saw Gwen walking behind Liz in the hall.
Though going by the call sheet she's apparently Betty Brant :sweat:.

I also thought I saw Felicia Hardy among a group of students Peter was walking among (white hair and black clothing) but that was probably another misdirection :rolleyes2:.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Though going by the call sheet she's apparently Betty Brant :sweat:.

I also thought I saw Felicia Hardy among a group of students Peter was walking among (white hair and black clothing) but that was probably another misdirection :rolleyes2:.
Yeah, there's going to be so many articles claiming so and so is this person... >_<


Dec 30, 2013
So apparently Spider-Man: Homecoming already has a sequel set for 2019 according to Sony's release schedule. So that means we'll have Homecoming in 2017, the animated movie in 2018, and the Homecoming sequel in 2019. That's a lot of consecutive Spider-Man. Hopefully it doesn't feel like too much for the casual audience, since some people are already tired of Spidey reboots.

I was also expecting a Doctor Strange sequel in 2019 since it will be three years since the original came out. I hope we don't start to see other series get pushed back by Spider-Man, as some people feared would happen when Spider-Man joined the MCU. Ant-Man and the Wasp has a sequel set, so that's good. Otherwise, the longest we've had to wait for a sequel is four years from Thor: The Dark World (2013) to Thor: Ragnarok (2017).

Coming off the new trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming, this is definitely exciting but I'm still thinking about the other MCU properties.


Mar 2, 2002
Philly Philly Earth-96
The trailer left more of an impression on me than seeing Amazing Spider-Man 1-2 trailers for the first time.

So Liz Allan is the assumed love interest? Liz and/or Zendaya's character is the best they can do? This feels like scraping the bottom of the barrel for me. Obviously they don't want to do MJ or Gwen again (hopefully only for this movie). After MJ and Gwen, is there even a character worthy of getting attention for being a love interest in a film or series of films?

For years I've considered many of the classic Spider-Man villains "lame". The Vulture is one of the "lame" villains. Does this Vulture look like his comic book counterpart? No. He look's "cooler" than his comic book counterpart, and he's played by Michael Keaton nonetheless. If they have to make classic Spider-Man villains look "cooler", it's just more proof for me to continue to consider them lame. They better throw in some kind of obvious Batman nod in the movie, or have someone call Vulture BIRDMAN!!!!!!!!!!!! Or he simply says "I'm Vulture." (in "I'm Batman" voice).


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
From what I remember Peter and Liz was one sided and Peter was the one with the crush on her like the trailer seems to present. Liz didn't really get too interested until he started dating Gwen or Betty, I forget which. I'm glad they're not going with the same pairings from the last two movie versions.

As for the Vulture, just another in a long line of villains modernized for the movies. I'm more concerned with performance. I'm interested to see the villains' story. It seems like the prevailing theory, which was rumored in early reports, is they're using Chitauri tech. Either S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't get them all like they thought or HYDRA was proliferating them on the side before they revealed themselves and/or after the fall of the agency. It's still fuzzy what Vulture's agenda is only going by the trailer. But Tony seems to think either S.H.I.E.L.D., the JCTC, Sokovia Accords or Avengers will make short work of him. But in any case, I'm happy to see it's focused on street level crime for once, not another white collar scheme.

the greenman

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2006
the point of no return
I actually want to see more characters in general. If Spidey gets to Black Cat thats a simple villain/lover. They need to show both Peter failing in love and Spidey getting girls like Cat and even Jean DeWolf.

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Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
From what I remember Peter and Liz was one sided and Peter was the one with the crush on her like the trailer seems to present. Liz didn't really get too interested until he started dating Gwen or Betty, I forget which. I'm glad they're not going with the same pairings from the last two movie versions.
It's just nice to see Liz be used in the movies for once :).

For what it's worth, Liz started really falling for Peter after word got out about him "pretending" to be Spider-Man to save Betty Brant from Doctor Octopus and got unmasked as a result. Though by then he had moved on to Betty, so he was kind of over her :sweat:.

As for the Vulture, just another in a long line of villains modernized for the movies. I'm more concerned with performance. I'm interested to see the villains' story. It seems like the prevailing theory, which was rumored in early reports, is they're using Chitauri tech. Either S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't get them all like they thought or HYDRA was proliferating them on the side before they revealed themselves and/or after the fall of the agency. It's still fuzzy what Vulture's agenda is only going by the trailer. But Tony seems to think either S.H.I.E.L.D., the JCTC, Sokovia Accords or Avengers will make short work of him. But in any case, I'm happy to see it's focused on street level crime for once, not another white collar scheme.
The key thing to Vulture's plans seems to be the laser Tinkerer's built. We see him demonstrating it and then Vulture uses it to cut that boat in two. And it all seems centered around something in Washington DC o_O.

I think we're going to start to see some more issues with the Accords pop up here, where they prevent The Avengers from directly intervening against Supervillains like the Vulture and Shocker, thus necessitating Spider-Man to stop them.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
The key thing to Vulture's plans seems to be the laser Tinkerer's built. We see him demonstrating it and then Vulture uses it to cut that boat in two. And it all seems centered around something in Washington DC o_O..
And he did say something along the lines of 'we have to change with the times' - likely in reference to superheroes.

I think we're going to start to see some more issues with the Accords pop up here, where they prevent The Avengers from directly intervening against Supervillains like the Vulture and Shocker, thus necessitating Spider-Man to stop them.
True, I doubt they want Iron Man in D.C. given his perchance to blow stuff up. Yet...


Master of MAGnets
Staff member
Dec 31, 2013
I'm going to guess Donald Glover is playing Prowler which would make a lot of sense since he is technically Miles Morales uncle.

Also I like that they remembered New York City is actually very diverse
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