Marvel's Spider-Man "The Road to Goblin War" Talkback (Spoilers)

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Mar 8, 2009
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Catch a new episode of Marvel's Spider-Man, tonight at 9:30PM ET on Disney XD! The episode will also be available on DisneyNOW before its debut on TV.

Marvel's Spider-Man "The Road to Goblin War"
Episode Debut - November 3rd, 2019

Spider-Man has to take down the slick new villain, Slyde, who is stealing various chemicals from around the city in an effort to create a deadly virus that could wipe out New York.


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New Member
Aug 5, 2018
Why couldn't Peter ask Miles to launder equipment from Horizon? He's the only one who knows about Spidey-Ock and would be willing to cut Peter some slack.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
South of Europe
Peter should force Otto to confess what he did, but by doing it, Peter's secret identity would be at risk. I hope they can find a solution through the Goblin War's saga.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
For an episode titled "Road to Goblin War," it really didn't feel like they were setting up Goblin War much beyond Peter and Otto's developing relationship and the reveal at the end, which just felt kind of tacked on. Were those logos really randomly placed throughout the episode? I guess points for subtlety even if it also just felt kind of random when they brought it up :shrug:.

I get why Peter is determined to get back into Horizon but I feel like they can still mine a lot out of him being at Midtown now (and it doesn't seem like Max is going to budge anytime soon). Although it would be nice if they remembered there are other relevant characters at Midtown other then Flash and Anna Maria Marconi, like Randy, Liz, and...Mary Jane :mad:.

I love how one of Peter's goals was making Jameson hate him again, and he succeeded :p.

Shouldn't Otto still be under investigation for criminal charges after what he pulled at Horizon early in season 2? How is he a free man with the prospect of teaching at Midtown? Didn't Peter tell Yuri that he was behind the threat before the Superior bodyswap too :confused:?

Slyde is a pretty obscure Spider-Man rogue so it was cool to see the show give him the spotlight here, and his powers definitely made for a visually cool and slippery villain, and it was nice to hear Phil LaMarr in a Spider-Man cartoon again :).

"Beemont Chemical?" Kind of feels redundant to have yet another dubious corporation be behind the origin of a new Supervillain so soon after Cloak and Dagger and Alchemax (which apparently the show has no plans to do anything more with). I guess at least it's not OsCorp's fault for the umpteenth time :rolleyes2:.

Kind of weird that they'd have Chris Edgerly and Eric Lopez playing such bit parts in this episode. I mean, Lopez went from being Molten Man to "random bad guy scientist who just happens to be a goblin cultist" :(.

The show is really not going to sell me on heroic Doc Ock if it means Spidey needing even more help from Spider-bots or a voice in his head. I mean, Otto basically handled the major stuff in this episode as far as curtailing Slyde's destruction and stopping the bad guys, and Peter ended up doing the bare minimum. Whose show is this again :sad:?

I'm surprised Otto needed to be so insistent on not being Peter's sidekick. Has he forgotten the last time they worked together where he called Peter his sidekick? Actually, it kind of seems like the writers have forgotten that this version of Otto actually started out a hero :sweat:.

I did like the bit where Peter and Otto come together in light of their dual inspiration from Uncle Ben, even if Otto feeling an attachment to Ben and going to see his grave is kind of weird when you think about it o_O.
Why couldn't Peter ask Miles to launder equipment from Horizon? He's the only one who knows about Spidey-Ock and would be willing to cut Peter some slack.
Did you see how Miles treated Peter when he showed up at Horizon? He seemed to want as much to do with him as everybody else did :rolleyes:.
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Staff member
Aug 10, 2003
East Coast of USA
I agree with Frontier, that Goblin Nation thing felt very “tagged on”. They shouldn’t have named the episode after the group.

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Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
You guys are mad because the episode title sucked? Man, and people think I'M picky. That was a solid-ass week.

Marvel's Spider-Man "The Road To Goblin War"

Wow, I was very satisfied with that. It was just solid the whole way through. Not every episode needs to be mindblowing. Cranking out solid standalone episodes is important too.

I like that Peter is offended that Otto claims Uncle Ben as his own, but suddenly realizes that the guy's influence is real and so big that he has no right to deny it to anyone.

And it's nice that that makes him open to repairing their relationship and helping Otto out in other ways. And Otto is open to it because as said before, the legacy of Ben Parker cannot be denied of anyone.

That symbol thing was great. As far as I can tell, nobody ever picked up on it before. I've seen nothing about it online. When I get around to rewatching the series, that is going to make it fun.

I am not ready to call this a great Spider-Man series. I am not sure he's had that yet, and a great deal of this show's earlier stuff was lousy. But it's still probably the best Spider-Man show we've gotten so far. That might not be saying much, but the show is delivering solid episodes on a weekly basis now which is not true for any earlier series. We'll see how the rest of the season and series shakes out. ****1/2.


Scientist Supreme
Staff member
May 13, 2006
Advanced Idea Mechanics
I wonder if the writers realize how much of an unsympathetic jerk Max tends to come off as. I mean, he's seriously THAT petty about the words spouted by, from his perspective, a stressed-out 15-year-old with financial problems who lost two shots at paying his tuition because of circumstances beyond his control?

I should've questioned this weeks back, but can a minor even quit school like that? Wouldn't they need parental consent to do so?

That symbol thing was great. As far as I can tell, nobody ever picked up on it before. I've seen nothing about it online. When I get around to rewatching the series, that is going to make it fun.

I've only seen the symbol when Peter and Otto go to Uncle Ben's grave, and only because the commercial pointed it out. It was super blurry and barely legible. I wonder if the others have been around throughout the season or if that montage was just made up on the spot.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
You guys are mad because the episode title sucked? Man, and people think I'M picky. That was a solid-ass week.

Wow, I was very satisfied with that. It was just solid the whole way through. Not every episode needs to be mindblowing. Cranking out solid standalone episodes is important too.
I thought this one was rather weaker then the last few episodes, personally :(.
I like that Peter is offended that Otto claims Uncle Ben as his own, but suddenly realizes that the guy's influence is real and so big that he has no right to deny it to anyone.
It is still kind of weird to see a guy find inspiration in, and go to the grave of, the uncle of the person he switched bodies with and whose life he promptly made a mess of...
And it's nice that that makes him open to repairing their relationship and helping Otto out in other ways. And Otto is open to it because as said before, the legacy of Ben Parker cannot be denied of anyone.
It would be nice if Otto made as much of an effort to help Peter Parker as he did Spider-Man, especially when it was Peter's life he messed up more then he did Spidey :shrug:.
I am not ready to call this a great Spider-Man series. I am not sure he's had that yet, and a great deal of this show's earlier stuff was lousy. But it's still probably the best Spider-Man show we've gotten so far. That might not be saying much, but the show is delivering solid episodes on a weekly basis now which is not true for any earlier series. We'll see how the rest of the season and series shakes out. ****1/2.
I think it's a solid Spider-Man cartoon and a good one at it's best, although I don't feel like this episode was a winner :sad: .
I wonder if the writers realize how much of an unsympathetic jerk Max tends to come off as. I mean, he's seriously THAT petty about the words spouted by, from his perspective, a stressed-out 15-year-old with financial problems who lost two shots at paying his tuition because of circumstances beyond his control?
Especially since he really seemed to like Peter before, almost to the point where I'd call them friends (at least much friends as a kid and an adult could be). Maybe Peter reminded him too much of Otto Octavius :p.
I should've questioned this weeks back, but can a minor even quit school like that? Wouldn't they need parental consent to do so?
I am really surprised Aunt May didn't make more of a fuss about it, especially since on paper Horizon is a much better school for Peter and he seemed to be enjoying it before the bodyswap. I guess she's a casual parent if it comes to what Peter wants :confused:.
I've only seen the symbol when Peter and Otto go to Uncle Ben's grave, and only because the commercial pointed it out. It was super blurry and barely legible. I wonder if the others have been around throughout the season or if that montage was just made up on the spot.
I think it would have definitely been clever if the symbols have been spread out across the entire season, but somehow I suspect they've only been there since this episode :sweat:.


May 15, 2014
I wonder if the writers realize how much of an unsympathetic jerk Max tends to come off as. I mean, he's seriously THAT petty about the words spouted by, from his perspective, a stressed-out 15-year-old with financial problems who lost two shots at paying his tuition because of circumstances beyond his control?

I agree. Max is being a bit immature and petty. Who doesn't get called nasty names? He is within his rights to cut ties with Peter, but he is being over dramatic.

Peter isn't innocent either. I have a problem with Peter stalking Max at the beginning. That kind of behavior would not end well in the real world. I cringed when he said he refuse to give up. Following a person around and harassing him/her is never a good idea. It will make the person dislike you even more. Peter could be in legal trouble if he keeps harassing Max.

Btw, assuming Norman Osborn is back, how did Norman know Slyde would go psycho and murderous once Allen fires him? What if Slyde had took his termination well and moved on with his life?
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Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Peter isn't innocent either. I have a problem with Peter stalking Max at the beginning. That kind of behavior would not end well in the real world. I cringed when he said he refuse to give up. Following a person around and harassing him/her is never a good idea. It will make the person dislike you even more. Peter could be in legal trouble if he keeps harassing Max.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed Peter basically turned into a stalker :p.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2002
So nitpick on my part - when Otto is looking up the chemical companies on his computer, he says Beemont is in Manhattan. However the red dot on his computer clearly shows it in The Bronx. Hunts Point to be exact.
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Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
I wonder if the writers realize how much of an unsympathetic jerk Max tends to come off as. I mean, he's seriously THAT petty about the words spouted by, from his perspective, a stressed-out 15-year-old with financial problems who lost two shots at paying his tuition because of circumstances beyond his control?
Max is the worst and I've been complaining about him this entire time. I'm glad it's not just me. It would be nice if the show itself acknowledged he is a terrible person. They have no problem doing that for Jonah so I don't see why the show is always trying to make Max seem all right.

Rick Jones

Big Fan
Staff member
Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
LOL. When Peter talks about the Ultra-Powerful Regent, it sounded plural to me and my mind automatically went to the old New York City High School tests and not the villain from the last two episodes. It took me several minutes to realize that.

We've gotten so much Anna Maria and I can't get a single minute of Mary Jane.

Peter is so lame sometimes. Max is a grown man running a school for kids and acting like a hurt 14 year old with Peter. If he can't take the apology, screw it.

I really like the sleekness of Slyde and I like his power set. It's really cool to see in fast paced action. I was actually liking everything about this scenario but the Goblin Nation revelation was pretty out there.

I honestly wouldn't be mad if Miles, Gwen and Anya were written out but I wish Peter Parker had more people shown in his life. What are they really doing with those guys? Miles, knowing the predicament that Peter was in, doesnt try to cover for him but just goes with the flow of everybody else. None of these kids seem to be doing any superheroing at all.

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Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
We've gotten so much Anna Maria and I can't get a single minute of Mary Jane.
I wonder if the writers ever had any plans to show her after that mention of Anna Watson and that cameo last season. It seems like they were kind of building up to it but now they seem to be avoiding having to deal with her at all even if, by all logic, Peter should be passing by her in school :confused:.

But I guess it's that same logic that makes Flash the only kid in Midtown Peter really interacts with :sweat:.
I honestly wouldn't be mad if Miles, Gwen and Anya were written out but I wish Peter Parker had more people shown in his life. What are they really doing with those guys? Miles, knowing the predicament that Peter was in, doesnt try to cover for him but just goes with the flow of everybody else. None of these kids seem to be doing any superheroing at all.
I thought to myself that Midtown would provide a valid reasoning for writing out the other Spider-Heroes, but I'm not sure if that's what the writers were intending when it came so soon after they established Miles, Gwen, and Anya as a crime-fighting team that they then proceeded to do nothing with :ack:.

It makes no sense that Peter never calls Miles whenever he needs help unless he assumes Miles is as mad at him for what SpOck did like everybody else is. I do think it's kind of sad that Peter doesn't seem to have much friends or a social life beyond Miles, Gwen, and Anya.
Oct 28, 2010
New York
J. M. DeMatteis
Another solid episode. Not as great as some of the others before it but I still enjoyed it immensely. Especially the scenes with Peter and Otto. I can tell that was J.M. DeMatteis right there. Very interesting that Slyde had an episode devoted to him with a lot of his origin intact but with some tweaks. He was also portrayed as a legitimate threat here whereas in the comics he's more of a nuisance.

It is still kind of weird to see a guy find inspiration in, and go to the grave of, the uncle of the person he switched bodies with and whose life he promptly made a mess of...

It is weird and I love how they showcased that. Peter and Otto have been through an experience neither of them ever could have foreseen and it rocked both of their worlds. I like how they highlight how awkward and uncomfortable it is for both of them. By the end, it seems they are going to work with it rather than run from and avoid it.


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