"Marvel's What If...?" Season Two Talkback (Spoilers)

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Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
"What If Strange Supreme Intervened?" - You know I said last episode how done I was with the Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers romance and wished they'd stop making that the emotional hook of these Peggy Carter stories... and granted I know these episodes are made obviously before anyone would have seen me say that and even if they did, wouldn't have cared but yeah I am still DONE with that concept. Hell it even makes less sense to bring up here because Supreme Strange's whole point is "oh Peggy you're like me you'd do anything to be with Steve again" even though if he knew where she was and had heard her story of being stuck in 1602 world, she'd know that wouldn't be the case as even if it wasn't by her direct choice she still gave up a Steve for the sake of maintaining reality. It could be that maybe some small rational part of Supreme Strange realized the madness of his plan and needed someone to stop him thus that's why he recruited Peggy to get Kahhori so they could stop the demonic monster part of him but yeah then that should have been more hammered in at the end. Since if that's not the case, that is bad form on Supreme Strange's part. Never mind the idea of if he can collect so many of these universal threats why would he need Peggy's help against Kahhori, but then why not just send her back or if he still needed her knock her unconscious (since like supreme master of mystic dark arts he should have like how many spells for that?) instead of letting Kahhori speak if she knew what he was really up to? You know in No Way Home when Strange was spell casting around Peter it not only was technically a weaker powered Strange but one who really did know on some level they were on the same side but that doesn't really seem to be the case here. People were bothered by how the characters power levels sometimes clashed in Infinity War but at least in those match ups with the upper echelon characters namely Thanos, Dr. Strange and Thor they were always going against other high level powers it'd make sense they'd have trouble against. Captain Carter and Kahhori who last I remembered needed back up against ships that had cannons on them shouldn't really be a threat here.

Speaking of Kahhori... kind of feels like the writers were DEVALUING her as an original concept bringing her back of all places here. I kind of thought the entire point point of this young Mohawk Indian woman gaining powers at such a different point and her entire episode mostly being subtitled was to show a very unique and not really seen perspective on these kind of heroes and offering up something refreshingly different. Granted she didn't have the most defined personality but she still mostly felt like someone who would properly represent her time and that general attitude but... now she's super modern MCU quippy cracking jokes like "oh I didn't do that" or "zombies are universal" like... yeah that's not the person I was following a few episodes before. I'm not going to really question how she is more aware of these modern ways of speaking and phrases since "blah blah blah" magic (even though yeah this is a plot hole not within viewing these as takes from the other movies, but within the show itself so should matter more) because honestly is going to be brought up, but just on the conceptual level having her now be so much more modern and fitting the standard Marvel world takes away from what made her special and unique. Like I'd much rather have a sequel on how she reshaped the world and what the modern era of Marvel would look like under her and the problems that come up because of that then "let's put her in this super dumb spectacle battle and let her personality be pretty much anyone else from the series." It honestly feels like sans having a new character they wanted to promote they brought her around to try and make Strange's plan seem more heinous because "oh I guess he needed to also kill heroes in order to try and power the forge" which... you know it's they're own made up kind of ideas I'm not going to nitpick how they work, but it just feels honestly superfluous having all of these other characters there too. Like I get why Infinity Ultron was brought back but sans drama, why is Kahhori's brother in this device exactly? Besides a way of making what Strange Supreme do look even more evil that he isn't killing off these great threats but is killing off these universal threats and... random people for whatever reasons.

Speaking of Strange Supreme, I have to once again bring up weakening residuals. Look even though I had some problems with "What If Strange Lost His Heart Instead Of His Hands" That was still a really great episode as the drama and sadness of that was really felt and made for this really tragic story. it did feel a bit lessened with Strange Supreme still around kind of cracking jokes and being a part of this other team but it didn't devalue any of that particular story and I get keeping him around for this kind of team. However we now see that Strange Supreme's ultimate plan with all of these threats and again... random people is to utterly destroy all of these worlds and forces and individuals for the sake of bringing back his world, specifically Christine which... we already SAW THAT STRUGGLE! You know I'm now realizing that though it still should have been communicated better, I really get why in Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness the focus was on Wanda wanting to get back her kids. Because if the focus was on her getting back Vision... well we already saw that In WandaVision why are we repeating those ideals here? Like I get a character having a goal and how some will always strive for it no matter what and now instead of having to fight a variation of himself it's this other person he relates to and this time making him more the full villain antagonist but again it's still all for the same goal. The one I saw try and utterly fail at? Like in Avengers Endgame what made the past Thanos work was because this was a Thanos who saw he WON and got what we wanted and then got it taken away from him throwing any attempt he had at that idea in the gutter thus his anger and wanting to change the objective to rebuilding the universe but without those past ideals. Here though Dr. Strange Supreme is giving into these dark forces and having people tell him "you can't reverse this" and him not listening and... that is again literally what I already saw before from this series why would I want to see it again?

So yeah there is a lot of bad in this episode and it is one of the weakest of the season but still it's better then 1602 because in terms of pure amusing amazing spectacle this one had a lot to offer. Like the season one spectacle was also really good having to deal with the team vs Infinity Ultron but honestly Kahhori and Peggy teaming up to let loose these other threats like Hela, Surture, Zombie Wanda, Thanos, Infinity Killmonger and seeing all of these various destroyers fighting one another was really sick. And then having Infinity Peggy get Hela's crown as Kahhori got the hammer and 10 rings led to an epic clash and you know the idea that ultimately Strange Supreme succeeded in bringing back his universe even if he died is at least a decent note to end him on. And if there was a new emotional interseting idea I liked it was Peggy and Strange's annoyance at the Watcher for being an observer and questioning how involved he got and then Peggy seeing the various infinite worlds and actually more understanding how some people do need to act but maybe more on why others can't. And hey seems like the gimmick next time maybe that Peggy is observing these events with the Watcher so could possibly offer some amusing commentary. Admittedly not a lot of jokes in this one worked but Strange turing the ales more into Peggy's beers, Surtur and Hela recognizing and clashing with one another, Kahhori taking away Killmonger's infinity suit to give to Peggy and her realizing she could clone herself like Strange did were at least solid jokes. Still a weaker episode of the season...

Which yeah like Loki, What If season 2 isn't as good as the first. I think a problem is that What If season one had more of an edge that allowed for like bad endings and for characters to loose or go through a more unique form of struggle then we saw before. I don't want that in EVERY episode but it was able to balance that out with lighter episodes. I guess to Fone Bone's delight season 2 either has jsut cliffhanger endings but all more generally positive endings which I do want some but all of them gets old. Especially when they are still trying to hammer in themes and few are just allowed to be fun romps when they really should be. I still see a lot of potential in these series but honestly there should be more new writers brought in to really focus on these scripts nailing the one specific tone and knowing to really not always fall back so much on the jokes and quips or if it is focusing on being jokey just do that. If I were to list my order from least favorite to favorite it'd probably go like

9. "What If the Avengers Assembled In 1602"

8. "What If Strange Supreme Intervened"

7. "What If Captain Carter Fought The Hydra Stomper"

6. "What If Iron Man Crashed Into The Grandmaster"

5. "What If Peter Quill Attacked Earth's Mightiest Heroes"

4. "What If Hela Found The 10 Rings"

3. "What If Kahhori Reshaped the World"

2. "What If Nebula Joined the Nova Corps"

1. "What If Happy Hogan Saved Christmas"

So hoping for better in season 3... and not ANOTHER Peggy and Steve love story trolling cause yeah that well has officially dried up.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Yeah... so that happened. All in all, I only liked 2 episodes this season "What If Kahhori Reshaped the World" and "What If Peter Quill Attacked Earth's Mightiest Heroes". The What If concept can easily becoming tiring if the writing is middling - just pointless character and story remixing instead a real story, obnoxious quipping, but the bad voice direction and I guess releasing it daily in succession exacerbates how bad it was. I know I sound like I'm soured on it but when it comes to the rest of the animated MCU projects, we'll see. I think Marvel Zombies is only 4 episodes? Could be a tighter script and better executed.

I did love Kahhori. Probably the best executed concept of the series so far. And a lot like Cagliostro/O'Bengh making his debut (well sort of since it was AU) and sole appearance in the MCU last season, it was a great surprise seeing Freak and Goliath (yes, I ignored reading news about What If this time if these got spoiled in advance) appear this season. Freak, what an obscure pick. I guess that final shot in the season finale was supposed to be connective tissue to the end of Loki season 2? Seeing that shot did make me wonder if it's a hint Uatu and this version of Captain Carter will appear in the upcoming Avengers movies.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Yeah... so that happened. All in all, I only liked 2 episodes this season "What If Kahhori Reshaped the World" and "What If Peter Quill Attacked Earth's Mightiest Heroes". The What If concept can easily becoming tiring if the writing is middling - just pointless character and story remixing instead a real story, obnoxious quipping, but the bad voice direction and I guess releasing it daily in succession exacerbates how bad it was. I know I sound like I'm soured on it but when it comes to the rest of the animated MCU projects, we'll see. I think Marvel Zombies is only 4 episodes? Could be a tighter script and better executed.

I did love Kahhori. Probably the best executed concept of the series so far. And a lot like Cagliostro/O'Bengh making his debut (well sort of since it was AU) and sole appearance in the MCU last season, it was a great surprise seeing Freak and Goliath (yes, I ignored reading news about What If this time if these got spoiled in advance) appear this season. Freak, what an obscure pick. I guess that final shot in the season finale was supposed to be connective tissue to the end of Loki season 2? Seeing that shot did make me wonder if it's a hint Uatu and this version of Captain Carter will appear in the upcoming Avengers movies.
I think this season they got a little over-indulgent...more Peggy Carter and how awesome she is, more happy endings (and endings that make the main universe look much worse off by comparison because bad guys just needed to become better good guys), more just trying to spin the MCU as much as they can within 30-33 minutes, and just going kind of all over the place because it's animation.

I can't say it hasn't been fun but it also isn't the tight, consistent, and engrossing serialized Marvel shows of my youth that I miss the most.

I'm sure the plan is to fit as many into Secret Wars as they can :p.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Did they really focus on the "scrappier" characters for season 2? It still felt like they were focused on the "big names" aside from I guess the Happy or Hela episode. Darcy was in season 1 too. I mean, Nebula is a big member of the Guardians too :confused:.

"What If... Nebula Joined the Nova Corps?"

So the obvious Blade Runner inspired episode was inspired by Blade Runner :p.

Honestly I feel like a tragic end would've made the episode more memorable. I don't think the jokes or comic relief were as needed :shrug:.

"What If... Peter Quill Attacked Earth's Mightiest Heroes?"

It doesn't surprise me that Feige wanted an 80's Avengers episode although "they needed to make it about Hope Van Dyne" is something I never thought I'd see o_O.

I get where they saw the heart of the story was the two kids though at the same time I feel like it made it a little too cutesy in the process...

"What If... Happy Hogan Saved Christmas?"

I respect Favreau wanting to play the Freak and Sam Rockwell's enthusiasm :).

"What If... Iron Man Crashed Into the Grandmaster?"

I don't know if you could do a story of MCU Grandmaster having the Infinity Gauntlet that didn't feel like a parody story :sweat:.

I see the Odyssey vibes now with Tony stuck in a far off world trying to get back to the woman he loves (Pepper). Does that make Gamora Circe :rolleyes2:?

"What If... Captain Carter Fought the Hydra Stomper?"

I like the idea of the world-building of a universe where the greatest Superhero in human history was a woman...but the episode basically did nothing with it outside Wasp being on the original Avengers team. I guess Natasha and Peggy's friendship and Melina running the Red Room was meant to be a symbolic indication of it, but it rings hollow :rolleyes:.

"What If... Kahhori Reshaped the World?"

I appreciate the effort they went with making sure this story and the culture it depicted felt genuine and sincere, I'm just wondering when they're going to work around how powerful they wrote Kahhori :oops:.

"What If... Hela Found the Ten Rings?"

Finding out the writers were big Hela fans explains a lot about the story bending over backwards to give her the spotlight, make her into a hero, and basically throw all responsibility of her behavior onto Odin :evil:.

Vanessa Marshall, Kari Wahlgren, and Nika Futterman played great Hela's, just saying :cool:.

I feel like a story about What If Shang stayed a member of the 10 Rings would've been a great way to actually, well, use Shang-Chi. I wonder if they could get Simu Liu back :)?

"What If... the Avengers Assembled in 1602?"

Honestly the writers just admitting that they basically just threw some ideas together and didn't even try to do a straight 1602 adaption explains a lot about that episode :robin: .

"What If... Strange Supreme Intervened?"

Honestly I think the contention between fans and the writers is that I think a lot of people came out of season 1 thinking Strange Supreme did learn his lesson and already dealt with enough hardship and loss that they didn't need to back to the well again, especially when in execution it just served to make Peggy and Kahhori look better :ack:.

And also just that the idea of there needing to be a "Final Boss," or an overarching plot to an anthology show in general, rubbed people the wrong way. Especially when it was just another vehicle for Peggy :raven:.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
How was Carter able to use the Infinity Stones in the final battle without dying? Did she combine her Union Jack suit with the Ultron armor after Kahhori teleported Kilmonger away? I think I missed something on first watch.


Staff member
Oct 21, 2010
Silicon Valley
The writing in Season Two seems... good-natured, and IMO very well-done. The artwork is a delight for me. I would have preferred more MCU jumping-off points, but overall I have to applaud Season Two.

Makes me wish they'd do more animated MCU stuff; like a series of small single-episode features similar to the DC Showcase extras.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
How was Carter able to use the Infinity Stones in the final battle without dying? Did she combine her Union Jack suit with the Ultron armor after Kahhori teleported Kilmonger away? I think I missed something on first watch.
And how does she still have a working hand after that punch :p?

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
What If...? "What If... Kahhori Reshaped The World?"

That was amazing and I loved it. But I think I'll hold off on an in-depth review until I've seen both the end of the season and the English dub. But it was excellent. *****.

What If...? "What If... Kahhori Reshaped The World?" (English Version)

Okay, that clarified some things. I had guessed (but wasn't sure) that NONE of the actors actually spoke Mohawk and sounded it out phonetically when speaking it. And the fact that all the same actors have American accents here says they were speaking Mohawk in American accents in the subtitled version. I don't speak Mohawk, and I don't think I ever heard it before. But I could still hear the American accents, although that may have partly been due to the modern line delivery.

The English version most certainly did NOT redo the lip animation to make the English dub flow better. I respect them for not bothering to do that. They are clearly suggesting the subtitled version is the official version.

After having seen the finale, Strange's appearance at the end here now gives me the willies.

I love that in this episode the Conquistadors are portrayed as ignorant and savage and the indigenous Mohawk people are portrayed as enlightened. It's certainly a far cry from how Hollywood used to do things. And that's a good thing.

I like this version too. And I like that it gave me some added context for the official version. *****.

What If...? "What If... Hela Found The Ten Rings?"

I didn't care for it.

The problem of the first half was that Hela was a poor protagonist. We don't want to see her succeed because he goals are abhorrent.

Then the second half turned into a redemption story. My ears pricked up. Okay, this could be interesting. Ultimately, I found not only her complete turnaround at the end far-fetched, but Odin shifting gears so quickly seemed entirely arbitrary too. I guess I didn't like the episode because it reminded me that part of the conceit of the concept is worlds changing based on a different circumstance. For the comic it almost always led to random tragedy, which I hated. I guess my problem with the show is it also doesn't take free will or actual character personalities into account. It's too scenario-based to be credible to me. It cares more about "What If?" than "How If?". Or even "Why If?" I think those latter two things are better questions and integral to good fiction. The show comes up with neat high-concept premises. But an episode like this doesn't make me actually BELIEVE in them. And that's a failing. *1/2.

What If...? "What If... The Avengers Assembled in 1602?"

Most of that was serviceable but the truth is the animation took me out of it.

For fights and action sequences the animation gets the job done. For the characters' facial expressions during both comedic and dramatic moments, it is wholly inadequate. It's awful, is what it is. There I said it.

It's the series biggest weakness and hurts it far more than any recasts ever could. ***.

What If...? "What If... Strange Supreme Intervened?"

The actions sequences were great because the animation lends itself to them.

I like the Marvel Studios "What If...?" titles. Recent Marvel TV shows has been slacking off on their Marvel Studios logos so it was good to see it return.

But the series always struck me as weird for always trying to get me to believe Stephen Strange isn't worth a damn. If I were Feige, I would never be doing that, but I guess that's why I don't run the MCU. Sometimes I think it would be better if I did.

Here's an interesting speculation: Kahhori does not seem remotely surprised or phased by the modern trappings of Captain Carter's tech, or all of the modern tools and weapons she sees used. Her episode suggested she and her people who bathed in the fountain are now Immortal. Is it possible when the Watcher return her to her Universe, it's the same Universe we saw in the earlier episode, but now set in the modern day as a present day utopia? I like to think that's the case. It might also explain (or at least hint) why she now speaks English.

It was fun. And a bit frustrating. Story of this show's life. ***1/2.


Brand New Day on Toonzone
Staff member
Mar 22, 2002
Springfield, MO
Our own Christopher Glennon on the News Team posted his review recently on the AnimeSuperhero.com website:

"Review: “What If…?” Season Two: A Safe But Solid Second Season"​


"The first season of What If…? premiered on Disney+ over the summer of 2021. While the previous MCU shows on Disney+ were live action and ran close to an hour, What If…? went in a different direction. Still relying heavily on movie continuity, it was animated in mostly self-contained half hour adventures. Each episode ranged in tone and quality and only some MCU actors were brought in to voice their characters. It took a bigger chance than the other Marvel shows in the Disney+ stable, but it was successful enough to get a second season.

Premiering on December 22nd, Disney+ decided to air a new episode of What If…? every day for nine days straight. The show’s first season touched upon many corners of the MCU and proved how much potential the concept of the show had. It concluded with a reality-rocking threat that directly involved the Watcher himself. Season two had pretty big shoes to fill for fans who came back for more."

Click here to read the full article.


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