"Masters of the Universe: Revelation" Series Talkback (Spoilers)

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N0t 4 3very1 & Th@t'$ OK
May 28, 2014
Not all bad, but judging from the internet's frenzied reaction, I was expecting a radical departure from the old story, but there was really nothing radical about it, other than Teela's eccentric new haircut and bulging muscles
I've seen a few episodes of each He-Man series, but I didn't get the impression any version of MOTU could be this self-deprecating. Past the initial shock of He-Man & Skeletor supposedly being gone for good, this was a post-apocalypse alternate future story.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2012
Kimberton PA
I just finished Part 2, and I loved it! 8 out of 10 for me. A couple of twists and turns I wasn't expecting and found satisfying and entertaining.

The outrage on the internet over this series I find laughable. "He-Man" the original series was hardly high art, like say, the Lord of the Rings or even the original Star Wars trilogy. It was a kids cartoon, nothing more, a vehicle for selling toys, not unlike Transformers and GI Joe, two cartoons from the same era. That Kevin Smith decided to take a fresh approach with Revelation can hardly be considered "sacrilegious" or "blasphemous", because the original series just wasn't that good to begin with. In short, this was a dull series that was overdue for a make-over. Revelation may not have succeeded in every way, but I appreciate the bold and daring risks taken in making it.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I just finished Part 2, and I loved it! 8 out of 10 for me. A couple of twists and turns I wasn't expecting and found satisfying and entertaining.

The outrage on the internet over this series I find laughable. "He-Man" the original series was hardly high art, like say, the Lord of the Rings or even the original Star Wars trilogy. It was a kids cartoon, nothing more, a vehicle for selling toys, not unlike Transformers and GI Joe, two cartoons from the same era. That Kevin Smith decided to take a fresh approach with Revelation can hardly be considered "sacrilegious" or "blasphemous", because the original series just wasn't that good to begin with. In short, this was a dull series that was overdue for a make-over. Revelation may not have succeeded in every way, but I appreciate the bold and daring risks taken in making it.
(Cough)He-Man 2002(Cough) :p.

Last Spider

Arachnid Dude
Jul 8, 2018
United States
I just finished Part 2, and I loved it! 8 out of 10 for me. A couple of twists and turns I wasn't expecting and found satisfying and entertaining.

The outrage on the internet over this series I find laughable. "He-Man" the original series was hardly high art, like say, the Lord of the Rings or even the original Star Wars trilogy. It was a kids cartoon, nothing more, a vehicle for selling toys, not unlike Transformers and GI Joe, two cartoons from the same era. That Kevin Smith decided to take a fresh approach with Revelation can hardly be considered "sacrilegious" or "blasphemous", because the original series just wasn't that good to begin with. In short, this was a dull series that was overdue for a make-over. Revelation may not have succeeded in every way, but I appreciate the bold and daring risks taken in making it.
It really speaks to how little this series has going for if everyone who tries to call it good needs to say it's better than the original series and insult it and it's fans.
(Cough)He-Man 2002(Cough) :p.
The 2002 series, the DC comics run, they were both good, and fans liked those, unlike this dreck which only seems to be good for people who hate He Man

The Overlord

Staff member
Aug 5, 2002
It really speaks to how little this series has going for if everyone who tries to call it good needs to say it's better than the original series and insult it and it's fans.

The 2002 series, the DC comics run, they were both good, and fans liked those, unlike this dreck which only seems to be good for people who hate He Man

Likewise you can say the Clownfish TV inspired criticism of this show is extremely shallow because it just seems to complain that this show is not just a copy of the Flimation series, rather than judging it on its own merits.

I actually like advancing the story and have different characters change, He-Man is the same character by the end, but Teela, Orko and Evil-Lyn have broken out of their usual roles. Just having Skeletor try to take Castle Grayskull, He-Man punches him and he runs back to Snake Mountain for 10 episodes could get old pretty quick. This kinda reminds me of the Death of Superman, where the main hero is taken our for a while and other heroes have to step up for a bit.

You can't be for more creative freedom and than demand a return to art of committee by wanting creators to bend over backwards to appeal to hard-core fanboys, at that point you may as well have a fanboy focus group be able to overrule them. If you are for creative freedom, you will have to let creators like Kevin Smith with this show and Stevenson with 2018 She-Ra show tell their stories and let them take risks with these characters. If just want a return to art by committee, then you don't support creative freedom.

Treating lore and Canon as a holy text on this series doesn't produce good entertainment, because Masters of the Universe was not founded as a continuity driven story, there was very little continuity in the Flimation series.
Last edited:

Last Spider

Arachnid Dude
Jul 8, 2018
United States
Likewise you can say the Clownfish TV inspired criticism of this show is extremely shallow because it just seems to complain that this show is not just a copy of the Flimation series, rather than judging it on its own merits.

I actually like advancing the story and have different characters change, He-Man is the same character by the end, but Teela, Orko and Evil-Lyn have broken out of their usual roles. Just having Skeletor try to take Castle Grayskull, He-Man punches him and he runs back to Snake Mountain for 10 episodes could get old pretty quick. This kinda reminds me of the Death of Superman, where the main hero is taken our for a while and other heroes have to step up for a bit.

You can't be for more creative freedom and than demand a return to art of committee by wanting creators to bend over backwards to appeal to hard-core fanboys, at that point you may as well have a fanboy focus group be able to overrule them. If you are for creative freedom, you will have to let creators like Kevin Smith with this show and Stevenson with 2018 She-Ra show tell their stories and let them take risks with these characters. If just want a return to art by committee, then you don't support creative freedom.

Treating lore and Canon as a holy text on this series doesn't produce good entertainment, because Masters of the Universe was not founded as a continuity driven story, there was very little continuity in the Flimation series.
The second you start to tell me people don't like the show because it doesn't rehash the original series is the same second I lose all interest in what you have to say, because you're making it clear you don't wanna know why people don't like it, you just wanna generalize them in a way that devalues their thoughts and opinions.

The Overlord

Staff member
Aug 5, 2002
The second you start to tell me people don't like the show because it doesn't rehash the original series is the same second I lose all interest in what you have to say, because you're making it clear you don't wanna know why people don't like it, you just wanna generalize them in a way that devalues their thoughts and opinions.

And I lose all interest in any criticism that is based on not adhering to "lore" or to not being in canon of a show with almost no continuity that ended 35 years ago.

You don't have to like this show, but the criticism from the likes of Clownfish TV is always click bait and never done in good faith.

When had Clownfish TV and other such channels say the new She-Ra isn't hot enough or Teela looks like a dude now, that is petty at best and rather sexist at worst. It makes me think their criticism is not very valid.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I think some of the hate for the show was overblown and excessive, but I think it also had genuine problems:

- Fisto and Clamp-Champ are there just to die and make bad puns. Like literally they're the only good guys that get killed off other than the Sorceress.

- Skeletor gives up his cosmic power because he wants to get laid. Like, I know we're talking about Evil-Lynn here, but seriously? I just don't know if audiences really wanted to know that Skeletor had a sex life or that Evil-Lynn was regularly making out with a skeleton.

- Everyone welcoming Skeletor back into the fold and treating him like an ally despite the fact that this mess is his fault and he killed people they cared about. Like the Adam and Skeletor team-up was cool but the fact that Adam still gave him the Power as a "lesson" that didn't even work was a tad nonsensical.

- Evil-Lynn's motivation basically amounting to "Skeletor never loved me, my family were cannibals, all life has no meaning" and then trying to destroy everything and acting like she's better than Skeletor. Like, she basically destroys the equivalent of Heaven in this universe, but then gets let off the hook with just a slap on the wrist because they made her realize she was being foolish? I guess the only name character she killed that was alive was Panthor so she gets a pass...although I took what she did to Panthor personally :mad:.

- Teela is able to balance being the Sorceress with leaving Castle Greyksull because...she wanted it more than her mother did? So her mother's personal sacrifice was for nothing?

- Turning Beast-Man into a simp for Evil-Lynn that ends with him getting transformed into his own Battle Cat equivalent and then getting thrown off a bridge.

- "It's not about us" was way too on the nose and unnecessary in my opinion.

- There were still a distinct lack of any Masters of the Universe in a show titled "Masters of the Universe." Like, other than Ram-Man and generics of Buzz-Off and Stratos, that's pretty much it.

- Orko doesn't have to stay dead...because Lynn says so?

Ultimately I had enough fun with it and there were some cool action scenes, but it was far from a perfect, "serious," He-Man revival but there were parts about it I preferred to the CGI reboot (Man-at-Arms, Battle Cat, etc.).

Last Spider

Arachnid Dude
Jul 8, 2018
United States
And I lose all interest in any criticism that is based on not adhering to "lore" or to not being in canon of a show with almost no continuity that ended 35 years ago.
This show bills itself as a sequel to the original series, that is supposed to resolve unfinished plot thread from it, if it's not adhering to the lore and continuity then it's not living up to the premise it sold itself on.
You don't have to like this show, but the criticism from the likes of Clownfish TV is always click bait and never done in good faith
You are the only person bringing up that waste of space, which is proving my point that you have no interest in learning why people don't like the series, and just wanna generalize everyone as alt right bigots.

The Overlord

Staff member
Aug 5, 2002
This show bills itself as a sequel to the original series, that is supposed to resolve unfinished plot thread from it, if it's not adhering to the lore and continuity then it's not living up to the premise it sold itself on.

But is He-Man and Skeletor fighting over Grayskull for 10 episodes been better? Relevations did move the plot forward, whether you liked that direction or not is a matter of preference, but it did move the story forward.

You are the only person bringing up that waste of space, which is proving my point that you have no interest in learning why people don't like the series, and just wanna generalize everyone as alt right bigots.

Is your criticism with the show itself or with the show not been slavishly devoted to some MOTU lore, which let's face it, is rather loose and ill defined. MOTU is a setting and a concept, it's not a narrative like Lord of the Rings is.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
But is He-Man and Skeletor fighting over Grayskull for 10 episodes been better? Relevations did move the plot forward, whether you liked that direction or not is a matter of preference, but it did move the story forward.
Probably depends on how you handle it in my opinion.
Is your criticism with the show itself or with the show not been slavishly devoted to some MOTU lore, which let's face it, is rather loose and ill defined. MOTU is a setting and a concept, it's not a narrative like Lord of the Rings is.
I think it's fair to criticize the show's story and use of established characters.

Last Spider

Arachnid Dude
Jul 8, 2018
United States
But is He-Man and Skeletor fighting over Grayskull for 10 episodes been better? Relevations did move the plot forward, whether you liked that direction or not is a matter of preference, but it did move the story forward
By this point you're not even making an argument, you're just saying Revelations is good simply because it moved the plot along.
That doesn't make it good, that just means things happened, and other He-Man media has made conflicts besides just He-Man and Skeletor fighting, to say that's the only other thing this series could've done, you're either entirely uncreative or you're saying the writers here are because they can't do what a comic from 2011 did, what a cartoon from 2002 did, or what the original series did in the 80s did, or that a cartoon on the same platform that released in the same year did.

Is your criticism with the show itself or with the show not been slavishly devoted to some MOTU lore, which let's face it, is rather loose and ill defined. MOTU is a setting and a concept, it's not a narrative like Lord of the Rings is
Again you're not even trying to make an argument, you're just making excuses, excuses that do not work when the series describes itself as a sequel and banks heavily on nostalgia.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2011
Hammond IN
I am going to be nice. I try to respect all opinions. I try to invalidate no one, insult no one. If you hate this show, think is is a train wreck that ruined He-man fine, you be you. What bothers me is the claim that "people who like this show hate He-man."

I love this show. I loved every moment. I love the concept of it taking place after the final battle where He-man and Skeletor fell. I loved the exploration of the world where magic is dying and these characters struggle to save their dying world. The first half was great with great character moments for the likes of Man at Arms and Orko. I liked the exploration of the characters of Teela and Lynn. I loved the fights, loved the designs. Loved that Adam choose to be Adam in Heaven and choose to give up eternity to help save the universe. That is the perfect moment for the character.

The show was a great showing for He-man in my opinion.

The show had it's problems sure. They should never have promoted it as a continuation of the 80s series because it wasn't. But people are too focused on that, like they are unable to enjoy the show for what it is because it did deviate from the 80s cartoon. Also it tried to being in all the characters but most are just cameos or are killed off too quickly.

To me this show is a masterpiece, A love letter to He-man and the masters franchise. I grew up with He-man. I was born the same year the cartoon came out, I remember reruns of it as I was a little kid, I remember my brother's toys. I remember the first revival, the live action movie, the amazing 2002 cartoon. I bought the DVDs of the original series. I am a He-man fan. To claim people who like this show hate He-man is a lie. There are plenty of people who love He-man who love this show. I hate gate keepers, the people who act they are the true fans and if a show isn't made for them it's "betraying the fans."

Like what you like, hate what what you hate, but never claim someone else's opinion isn't valid because you don't agree with them. Thanks.

Last Spider

Arachnid Dude
Jul 8, 2018
United States
Like what you like, hate what what you hate, but never claim someone else's opinion isn't valid because you don't agree with them.
It's just so funny you say that right after saying this

But people are too focused on that, like they are unable to enjoy the show for what it is because it did deviate from the 80s cartoon.
Like it's not the same thing.

And I would being saying people who like thus hate He-Man if literally everyone who defended this didn't do so by saying the original series sucked.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2012
Kimberton PA
And I lose all interest in any criticism that is based on not adhering to "lore" or to not being in canon of a show with almost no continuity that ended 35 years ago.
Not only that, but it wasn't a very good show to begin -- it was just a vehicle to sell toys. We're not taking about Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones here.

Last Spider

Arachnid Dude
Jul 8, 2018
United States
Literally just proved my point, and it is nothing but disrespectful to the people who worked on the original series too.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2002
I loved the original show and even bought the DVD collections from a few years back. It's a fun, light action fantasy series which I really enjoyed, especially the character variety and designs. It shows its age now but it still holds its charm. This new series I love just as much if not more and it does act nicely as a sequel series. I find it dives a lot deeper into the lore of He-Man and developed some of the characters much better over the course of its first season than the original show ever did. I love both the original show and the new one, so that must make me the only person alive if what I'm reading in this thread is true. There's only one person I'm seeing being really disrespectful here in this thread.

Last Spider

Arachnid Dude
Jul 8, 2018
United States
Well, I think you're basically saying that people shouldn't be allowed to like Revelation just because it's a disgrace to those who worked on the original.
Nice putting words in my mouth, funny how that's a typical thing with people who defend this series.
But no liking Revelations as awful as it is, isn't insulting the people who worked on the original series, what's insulting is flat out degrading the original series just to make this look better.
I'd really like an explanation how people flat out degrading and deriding the original series just to say Revelations better and fans of the original shouldn't be upset or dislike it, can't be taken as an insult to those who made the original.


Back with a better image
May 13, 2016
United Kingdom
But no liking Revelations as awful as it is, isn't insulting the people who worked on the original series, what's insulting is flat out degrading the original series just to make this look better.
Well, has anyone involved in the original series even said that Revelation is an insult to their work on said show?


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