"Masters of the Universe: Revelation" Series Talkback (Spoilers)

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Arachnid Dude
Jul 8, 2018
United States
If you think it's bad, that's your opinion, but clearly a lot of people here disagree with that opinion and like Relevations. They don't hate MOTU because they like Relevations, they like that it seems to advance the story and puts the some of the characters in new roles.
Again is there a point here?
Because I don't care if you agree with me, it's garbage, and I'll continue to call it as such, so either say something meaningful or stop replying all together, because all you've done is either repeat the same BS that's already been said or just switch goalposts.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2011
Hammond IN
Again is there a point here?
Because I don't care if you agree with me, it's garbage, and I'll continue to call it as such, so either say something meaningful or stop replying all together, because all you've done is either repeat the same BS that's already been said or just switch goalposts.
I am fine with people hating this show. I will continue to call it a masterpiece, which I honestly believe it is. I will defend this show and I will gush about how great I think it is. But that is my opinion and I am fine with people having different opinions then mine.

Just never claim I hate He-man because I love this show. My love of the franchise is part of the reason I love this show.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I think there's probably a fine line between enjoying this for what it is while still acknowledging it had flaws (which is my take).

Last Spider

Arachnid Dude
Jul 8, 2018
United States
I am fine with people hating this show. I will continue to call it a masterpiece, which I honestly believe it is. I will defend this show and I will gush about how great I think it is. But that is my opinion and I am fine with people having different opinions then mine.

Just never claim I hate He-man because I love this show. My love of the franchise is part of the reason I love this show.
Again is there a point here?
I don't care if you like it, it means literally nothing to me, so stop writing replies just to keep repeating that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2006
Revelations makes a complete mockery of the whole franchise, even if you ignore the PC elements. It is just crazy, when Teela looks more muscular, while Adam looks more feminine. Looked like even the Horde will be effected, judging by the last few scenes.

In particular, we finally get to see Skeletor winning, but all he does is obsess over He-Man, I wanted to see what Skeletor would really do, but Skeletor was completely out of character.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2011
Hammond IN
Revelations makes a complete mockery of the whole franchise, even if you ignore the PC elements. It is just crazy, when Teela looks more muscular, while Adam looks more feminine. Looked like even the Horde will be effected, judging by the last few scenes.

In particular, we finally get to see Skeletor winning, but all he does is obsess over He-Man, I wanted to see what Skeletor would really do, but Skeletor was completely out of character.
Adam generally is more feminine relatively speaking then Teela. Personality wise he is a foopish prince (an act) while Teela is a warrior. Having their appearances match works. Also obsessing over He-man and doing nothing with great power once he has it is completely in character for Filmation Skellator the man was incredibly short sighted.

Now I am fine with people hating the show and your opinions are yours but clearly I don't agree. I see this as a love letter to the franchise by people who love the characters and the world.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2006
Adam generally is more feminine relatively speaking then Teela. Personality wise he is a foopish prince (an act) while Teela is a warrior. Having their appearances match works. Also obsessing over He-man and doing nothing with great power once he has it is completely in character for Filmation Skellator the man was incredibly short sighted.

Now I am fine with people hating the show and your opinions are yours but clearly I don't agree. I see this as a love letter to the franchise by people who love the characters and the world.
I'm talking physical aspects of the characters, it doesn't make any sense for Adam to actually appear more femine, when it is all an act. I don't recall Skeletor obsessing over He-Man when he was winning in the Filmation series, only when he started losing, although I didn't watch a large amount of it.

I couldn't disagree more, if you even consider what we could have got instead of this rubbish. Imagine a series where we had He-Man and Teela fighting together (only shown by a few brief flashbacks) against Skeletor, with Orko actually been a useful fighter (only shown briefly again). They only needed to add more background, and depth to the existing characters, rather than switch the focus to only Teela.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2002
Most MotU material over the years has had Adam be physically different. It usually isn't all "just an act," he's not Superman hiding in Clark Kent's clothes.

Skeletor's obsession is also something that's been very prevalent over the years, first noticed by fans and doubled down on over the years.

I'm not sure why people are still harping on the Teela focus. She gets the most but the rest are along for the ride too. Evil-Lyn got a lot as well, both of them really needed it. The surprise was Orko, I cried twice over him.

There are so many respectful homages in this show to the entire franchise that I'm still blown away hours later. Pigboy even got in.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Masters Of The Universe: Revelation "Cleaved In Twain"

That's more like it.

It was a mistake to split up the season. The first five episodes would have been better received if we had gotten this one too.

The Sorceress dying was a big moment. Skeletor is more evil here than he's ever been. But him asking what they were laughing at shows that deep down he's still a goofball.

I liked it. ****.

Masters Of The Universe: Revelation "Reason And Blood"

I loved the scene with Adam and Randor at the end. I was not a big fan of the original series, but even I found it rewarding.

Cringer isn't doing that. Funny.

I like that Skeletor is keeping Duncan alive as a sign of respect. Skeletor is crazy, but there is definitely some psychological nuance in this series' portrayal of him.

Speaking of which, I found the ambiguous scene at the end of Beast Man and Evil Lynn utterly fascinating.

I am very glad the series played it safe and didn't have Savage He-Man kill any people. I think if they had done that, the series would have lost me completely.

It was interesting. ***1/2.

Masters Of The Universe: Revelation "The Gutter Rat"

That episode was shaky as hell. There were great things in it and equally awful things in it. It couldn't decide if it wanted to suck or not. My final grade will probably split the difference.

We'll talk about the good first. Some exists.

--I like that Duncan and Beast Man are framing Lynn's relationship to Skeletor as that of an abused woman. He's gonna go nuts and kill her someday. Duncan's disgusted pity doesn't move her, but Beast Man's genuine concern does. Whatever else Lynn does from that point forward, them putting her in that position is real-world relatable.

--Skeletor at the end. Hilarious moment.

--While I'm not crazy about Randor and the Queen imploding, what I did notice is that Randor's gained some wisdom in the intervening years, and probably wouldn't have been as useless as he used to be even if Adam hadn't come back. The things he said struck me as wisdom and experience rather than revelations or realizations.

The bad. A LOT exists.

--Skeletor and Evil Lynn making out. Let me just say that after that, whatever else you want to say about Kevin Smith or his films, popular culture is now worse for him existing. I'm not even saying I hate the show. But that specific moment made me regret the day Kevin Smith was born. We are all worse off for it.

--The Queen's tired speech about being ghosts wandering alone or some equally lame nonsense is SO freaking tired and overdone, that if you did a parody of the trope using those exact words, the comic interpretation would be indistinguishable from the "pathos" here.

--The idea that Evil Lynn escaped her parents eating her. Upon that revelation I very audibly wondered aloud who this series is for and who it could possibly appeal to. That's not an idea you use on a kids show. And it's certainly not one you use in a serious adult production. The series is suffering from an identity crisis if it thinks any of its viewers will think that's a fine origin story. And let me say something about Kevin Smith that I love. I will never tire of giving that jerk negative feedback in everything he does. He's earned it.

That was the hottest of messes. Scratch that. Upon Evil Lynn and Skeletor groping each other, the turtle is definitely back in the shell, if you get my drift. Ick. **1/2.

Masters Of The Universe: Revelation "Hope, For A Destination"

Awww! Skeletor actually loved Panthor! Who knew?

Skeletor definitely works better as the wacky sidekick than the Ultimate Evil. Comes by it more honestly.

I liked Beast Man insightfully telling Lynn she sounded just like "Him". Because she did.

Was I the only one getting serious Fire Marshall Bill vibes from Skeletor saying "Let me show you something!"?

That was good. Curious how they are going to wrap things up in a half hour. ***1/2.

Masters Of The Universe: Revelation "Comes With Everything You See Here"

That was one of the best episode titles I've ever seen. It makes me laugh. It was so clever, the producers of Psych could have come up with it. And what do you know? It actually fits.

I liked everything but the Horde cliffhanger. If this IS a one and done series I don't like being left hanging. And if there WILL be a season two, I don't appreciate the bait-and-switch.

The animation in the previous episodes were pretty shoddy, and it's clear to me they saved the entire budget for this episode and the battle climax. I think that was probably the right call. It was pretty amazing.

I like Orko returning and getting a Crowning Moment Of Awesome and some funny one-liners ("You're gonna be in trouble!" "I probably should have opened with that!") I like that Lynn is the one who saved him at the end bringing her redemption story full circle. And I am very glad we got back to her redemption story.

Needed some Beast Man closure. I refuse to believe he died. Disappointing.

Earth was mentioned but I seem to recall the only time we visited there on the old show was the Christmas special. Interesting call-back if that's what it was.

Skeletor cannot ever be a hero simply because he's too crazy. If everything he does is irrational (and it is) then making peace for the greater good can never happen. Not merely because he's evil. But because he's nuts.

I'm taking a half-star off for the last scene, but everything else was pretty satisfying to me. Not sure how He-Man fans would respond to it, but speaking as someone who doesn't usually like He-Man, the finale mostly worked. Now if I can just unsee Skeletor and Lynn grinding and Frenching... ****1/2.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2008
Prior to this series, I was really looking forward to it. Then, when it first came out, I was kind of disappointed in it. Now, especially after rewatching it, I've really come to enjoy it. I hope the rumors of a second season end up being true.


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Season 6 of Total Drama (production code-wise), Pahkitew Island, made its American debut a decade ago.

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