"My Adventures With Superman" Season Two Talkback (Spoilers)

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Scientist Supreme
Staff member
May 13, 2006
Advanced Idea Mechanics
I was fairly disappointed by this episode, which is a shame since it has a lot of promise. I enjoyed seeing Clark and Jimmy interact by themselves and the expo ambush is a solid idea, but the arguments provided by Lex were weak and could've been easily refuted by Jimmy. The plot with Lois and Sam was stronger, though I don't know why Lois was comparing Sam's misguided attempts at giving her independence with the more understandable situation of avoiding keeping her in danger.

The ending that led to Clark unleashing the beacon to reach Kara was okay, but I felt the road to getting here was contrived, from Jimmy for some reason not even trying to clear things up for something that wasn't his fault to the misunderstanding with Lois. I don't even think you need to bring Clark to an emotional low to have him wanting to learn more about his family. Seeing the Lanes (almost) bonding and the constant delay to the conversation with Lois, along with what happened with Jor-El in the season premiere, should've been enough.

Odd way to reinvent Toyman. Either they're avoiding him altogether or they're having Winn Jr. or Jack Kimball take over. I don't think they brought up the Kryptonite tech exchange for nothing, after all.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I was fairly disappointed by this episode, which is a shame since it has a lot of promise. I enjoyed seeing Clark and Jimmy interact by themselves and the expo ambush is a solid idea, but the arguments provided by Lex were weak and could've been easily refuted by Jimmy. The plot with Lois and Sam was stronger, though I don't know why Lois was comparing Sam's misguided attempts at giving her independence with the more understandable situation of avoiding keeping her in danger.

The ending that led to Clark unleashing the beacon to reach Kara was okay, but I felt the road to getting here was contrived, from Jimmy for some reason not even trying to clear things up for something that wasn't his fault to the misunderstanding with Lois. I don't even think you need to bring Clark to an emotional low to have him wanting to learn more about his family. Seeing the Lanes (almost) bonding and the constant delay to the conversation with Lois, along with what happened with Jor-El in the season premiere, should've been enough.
It also does feel a little repetitive after season 1 where, again, Lois and Jimmy couldn't refute weak arguments against Superman despite having physically witnessed obvious evidence that Lex is wrong and also Clark felt ostracized from people because he's an alien.

I feel like Lois is projecting a lot of her abandonment issues on her dad towards their dynamic now and it'll probably also hurt her relationship with Clark.
Or... y'know, they might just do a take on Hiro...
Who will also be a member of Task Force X, just like in the Suicide Squad video game everybody is talking about :rolleyes2:.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003

Episode 15 "Most Eligible Superman" - June 15, 2024
Lois and Clark's relationship is pushed to the breaking point when Superman is named Metropolis' most eligible bachelor!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2009
Previously on Superman: How's that for a daddy-daughter day?

Dangit Perry!

Going big on the anime slapstick today.

Well, if it's for the children.

It's Kara! And she's wearing Android 18's outfit for some reason.

Jimmy/Kara? Hmm, what would we call it? Kimmy? Jara? We'll workshop it.

So are we gonna talk about how this contest forcibly recruited Superman without him even knowing?

"I do have a strict father. He augmented me and my brother's bodies and kept us in stasis pods for several years."

Silver St. Cloud is THICC.

Gee. Way to spoil the contest, jerk.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2009
"Go back to Krypton!"
"Umm...about that..."

Well, Lois, you can listen to the catty witch or you can listen to the man who has made it explicitly clear how much he loves you.

Yeah, Jimmy can definitely be Kara's Krillin. The power dynamic works too.

"It's Superman! As if it was going to be anyone else!"


Oh great, now he's got two women upset with him.

Uh, Kara, you're acting very Zod right now.

Heat Vision vs. Freeze Breath!

Oh great. Now we're gonna have to do a rescue Superman arc.

Well...that was certainly the wrong commercial bumper.
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Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
What will keep Clark and Lois from finally talking about everything going on and their relationship? Why, covering an eligible bacherlor/bachelorette contest! And of course this is the one episode to primarily feature Cat.

"Get me gossip on Superman!" has strong "get me pictures of Spider-Man energy."

Using Superman's love life to ascertain his secret identity is some strong "Superman's Girlfriend Lois Lane" nonsenses.

Kara Zor-El in the flesh! And dressed like Android 18! And she's got that alien warrior girl unaccustomed med to a normal society and having to get to know it while on a date with a cute boy! With Jimmy crushing hard on her while he shows her the beauty of Earth!

Good thing Jimmy saved that truck from getting smashed by Kara.

The irony that Clark's first view of his cousin is her with Jimmy, only he only focuses on how Jimmy won't talk to him.

Silver St. Cloud!? Why do these Gotham women keep showing up in a Superman show!? Although here she's a Metropolis native, but she's as gorgeous and altruistic as she is in the comics. I guess considering the DCAU had Lois into Bruce Wayne, it was only fitting Supes would have one of Bruce's love interests have the hots for him.

Way to totally hijack the show for your tirade and then storm off like a coward Hank. I mean, doesn't he have a wife so why is he on an eligible Bachelor show!?

Man, they're hitting all the romance beats during this montage and actually selling me on JimmyxKara. Way better than the actual Supergirl show did, at any rate.

Ha, imagine ditching your long-awaited reunion with your cousin (who you're not even aware is your cousin) to deal with your girlfriend.

Ah Lois, don't be downplaying yourself or your impact on Clark or overthinking your relationship just because you're so "normal." That's what Clark loves about you (among everything else). I guess this is the mid-act breakup moment?

So Kara has become completely indoctrinated by Brainiac's Kryptonian programming and raised as the "scion" of the Kryptonian Empire and to continue conquering worlds and culling the weak as the "General." And Brainiac is some twisted "father" figure who she's loyal to and has made her devoted to the cause. Is Zor-El rolling in his grave?

Kara calling Jimmy a "temptation" reminded me of a certain evil Superman calling his wife a "pet."

Really strong Viltrumite/Saiyan offer situation, which of course Clark refuses.

The scaled back version of the armor looks a lot better on Kara. But she would look a lot better in blue and in a skirt.

Now his COUSIN is beating him up! I mean, I get that Clark doesn't want to fight her but...

Oh snap, Clark finally unlocked Freeze Breath to counter Kara's Heat Vision! It's snowing in Metropolis! But why did that pique Brainiac's interest? Did he realize Clark has more untapped potential than Kara?

Now the ending credits is Lois and Jimmy resolved to save Clark.

Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
"Most Eligible Superman" - You know since some of the comedy and bits I do actually find funny if something is lame and feels overly dated I do feel it's worth pointed out. And honestly 80% of this episode falls into the "man is this some weak sauce sort of jokes and comments." Seriously Lois thinking Cat knew the secret but being way off wasn't funny the first time let alone the 5th time they did that bit and though I get the idea of Jimmy wanting to distance himself from Clark, it felt like absolute stalling/fluffy montage nonsense having him have those bits with Kara especially with how the episode ended. Like i get the whole point Kara had of saying it was temptation and maybe that connection will mean something later but quite frankly how it was used in this particular episode was annoying. Like maybe if it wasn't clear to the audience that this lady was Kara aka Clark's cousin right away but yeah even if you didn't know ANYTHING about Superman they make that super obvious the first time she appears so the whole "oh Jimmy finds out when she bends metal" at the end just feels like you're 10 steps ahead of the audience and honestly who really wants that feeling at all? Heck even what should be a very powerful emotional moment of Lois admitting SHE doesn't feel worthy of being with Superman not being this powerful or knowing person seeing him have chemistry with that Silver lady doesn't click when you're juggling Clark thinking they're breaking up when he should be more comofrting her and then getting to the Kara stuff like... yeah so much of this doesn't work for me.

I will say though I do like the ending battle and that whole conclusion. Like it's prefectly in keeping with this take on Superman to not really try fighting Kara thus her getting the advantage and the flying around and her battle suit were cool. And honestly I do like the take on this Kara having been like sort of brainwashed or at least under the influence of her father aka obviously Brainiac to see how Kal is acting and call him weak and knock him out and kidnap him. Like this episode wastes a lot of time but I am glad we are getting to Supergirl meeting Superman and seeing what their conflict is due to her still being conditioned on how Krypton WAS and likely going to eventually break free of that attitude. That stuff works and you know if most of this was about that battle it'd be a solid episode. But you know most of it is on this "most eligable bachelor" stuff which isn't even funny or even good commentary. Like it's fine when Lex Luthor is polluting people's minds with his anti Superman speech but feels off hearing Hank Henshaw even knowing who he becomes spouting that rhetoric here as well and yeah no real good bit like maybe Kara saying to Jimmy "your enemies are now mine" is fine but like her not knowing what ice cream and hot dogs are and loving that... eh that feels so taken from other sources but not given it's own unique polish.

So yeah don't really like this one. How it ends means the next will likely be better but yeah this one is a disappointment and probably the weakest overall this show has been.

Rick Jones

Big Fan
Staff member
Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
Silver St. Cloud!? Why do these Gotham women keep showing up in a Superman show!? Although here she's a Metropolis native, but she's as gorgeous and altruistic as she is in the comics. I guess considering the DCAU had Lois into Bruce Wayne, it was only fitting Supes would have one of Bruce's love interests have the hots for him.
Has Silver been adapted in animation before? The only version I remember outside of comics is the teen version from Gotham.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
It's pretty much a tradition for My Adventures With Superman for something amazing like Kara arriving on Earth but doing so at the worst possible time for our three characters. Jimmy is so guilty about the S.T.A.R. Labs Symposium going sideways that he's avoiding Clark and overthinking how to make things right. To compound it, he meets a girl looking for her cousin and a budding romance forms then realizes he was distracting himself and takes her right to her cousin: Superman. And Superman is beaten up and taken against his will into space back to Brainiac. Meanwhile, Lois is crumbling, falling apart, and at her most insecure so much so she starts think she and Clark should break up because it's not working and she always ends up alone. Kara is tossed into the drama and misconstrues everything going on: the contest, didn't get Superman was putting on an act, sensory overload, taking offense to Superman not listening to her, recognizing her, and brushing her aside and goes on the offensive.

Or perhaps Kara came at the right time and met just the right person that would begin to jilt her from her villainous role to a more benevolent one. The first meeting between cousins may have gone terribly but Jimmy showed her a great time in Metropolis. And we even saw her hesitate when she noticed all the scared adults and children in the streets. Not to mention her impulsion to go to Earth alone to get away from rules and discover new things and the unknown. If anyone can get through to someone, it will be these three. And likely Kara will be instrumental heading into season finale if the final baddie will turn out to be Brainiac and she has to choose a side.

Another eyebrow raising caveat is how Brainiac is intrigued by Superman's freeze breath and bio-electric aura. It seems Supergirl has not manifested that power set because something about living on Earth and developing empathy was something key to unlocking more powers. if he changed his mind from one extreme of 'kill Superman' to the other end with 'I want Superman' - I hope this doesn't lead to a brainwashed evil Superman as a nod to the fears brought on by Lois gleaning several evil Supermen amid the Multiverse. Basically, Brainiac dumps Kara and wants Superman to be his new general and continue conquering worlds with him instead.

Cat Grant had a great feature in this episode. While for the majority of the series, she's been a periphery character and usually used for comedic relief. That still holds for this episode, I mean, even heard Perry whisper about the contest and pressed up against his glass, creeping up on Lois but the episode also showed some unexpected depth and wisdom in reminding Lois about how reporters need to maintain objectivity.

The episode also had a cool deep cut of guest stars among three of the finalists in the Most Eligible Bachelor and Bachelorette Contest. Chandi Gupta is the most obscure choice, better known as Maya in the comics. Byrna Brilyant is a Wonder Woman villain who goes by Blue Snowman in the comics and recently appeared in the fourth season of Harley Quinn. And lastly, the philanthropist Silver St. Cloud who was a recurring guest on DC Super Hero Girls and a rather dramatic cameo in Batman: Soul of the Dragon. There was also a quick cameo of reporter George Taylor from the Metropolis Star who asks Superman the first question. Metropolis Star being the Daily Planet's local competition. Hank Henshaw makes his third appearance of the season and continues Luthor's rhetoric about three cheers to Silver for refuting him and bringing up the events of "Zero Day Part 2" and Ivo. Still a bit reckless of Hank to basically tell Superman that S.T.A.R. is backing Task Force X. Or why was he there at all, I thought he's already married to to Terri based on what he said in the season opener...?

"Most Eligible Superman" brings the splintering of the trio to its breaking point. Hard to say if we needed relationship melodramatics but on the other hand these are two young 20 somethings in their first relationship so it tracks to an extent. And it all imploding when one of the big bads shows up was a perfect storm. Additionally, I admit I was taken aback by such a vulnerable and insecure Lois as she is usually depicted as an unflappable and stalwart person that can roll with anything. I can understand the trajectory of taking Lois and Jimmy reach rock bottom at the halfway point of the season but it was done too quickly and feels contrived. Superman getting kidnapped will likely be the galvanizing event that gets him back to their A-game and working towards a common goal. It stands to reason why it was seeded in the season premiere that S.T.A.R. Labs acquired Amazotech's jump ship. Lois and Jimmy are totally going to use it to man a rescue operation. But how will they find Superman? Some tech in Sam's safehouse? Something Task Force X has? Something left in Antarctica? Can Jimmy's bank account pay for it all and is this what leaves him broke and penniless again? One thing for sure, the clock is ticking.

Has Silver been adapted in animation before? The only version I remember outside of comics is the teen version from Gotham.
In the first DC Super Hero Girls. In the Soul of the Dragon DTV, a brief appearance.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
"Most Eligible Superman" was pretty fun. The whole contest was kind of wacky. But it helped focus more on Clark & Lois' relationship (it even reaches a breaking up point), and allowed for more random cameos, so there's that. Silver St. Cloud was a surprising addition but it worked rather well. You also get the feeling they're building up to something worse in regards to Hank Henshaw.

Kara was nice. I liked her design here, not really familiar with her voice actress but she sounded good to me. Her sub-plot of meeting Jimmy and discovering Earth was fun and they do make kind of a cute couple. Would have been funny if Jimmy lost all of his money on this first date. I must have mentioned this before but I wasn't really expecting them to bring in Supergirl (well, she doesn't have that title yet) considering this still takes place so early during Superman's career.

Clark's fight with Kara was pretty cool. Though I didn't exactly want them to be fighting in their first encounter. I figured things wouldn't be as Clark expecting but didn't realize how dire the situation would get. Brainiac is still behind everything it seems so it should be interesting how things develop from here on out, considering he now has Superman captive as well.

All in all, this was entertaining enough and I think the show continues to have a pretty good balance between the comedy and action. We're now half-way through the season and things seem to be getting even more intense.

Peter Paltridge

Staff member
Sep 24, 2003
Stars Hollow
Well, Lois, you can listen to the catty witch or you can listen to the man who has made it explicitly clear how much he loves you.
She's a TV character, she'll obviously take the first choice.

Silver St. Cloud has some muscles on her. There's this certain subsection of the Internet that really gets triggered by that for some reason, along with the Diversity Of Man in general.

Last Spider

Arachnid Dude
Jul 8, 2018
United States
It's weird how Silver St Cloud is the second Batman related character they've brought into this show, even though they're apparently not allowed to use Batman.

Like why? Vicki Vale at least made sense as a rival reporter from a rival newspaper, but here? Is there not a Superman character that would've made sense here? Could've been an opportunity to bring in Lana Lang.

Then again this is same show that brought over and genderbent Heatwave instead of using Volcana...


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
It's weird how Silver St Cloud is the second Batman related character they've brought into this show, even though they're apparently not allowed to use Batman.

Like why? Vicki Vale at least made sense as a rival reporter from a rival newspaper, but here? Is there not a Superman character that would've made sense here? Could've been an opportunity to bring in Lana Lang.

Then again this is same show that brought over and genderbent Heatwave instead of using Volcana...
I just like to think this is payback for having Lois and Bruce be a thing in S:TAS :p.


Scientist Supreme
Staff member
May 13, 2006
Advanced Idea Mechanics
This was a fun episode and I enjoyed it more than the previous one. I liked the antics of the bachelor contest and the cuteness of the "date" between Jimmy and Kara, especially as it later contrasts with the tragedy of the last third of the episode. The emotional conflicts in this episode also felt very organic, even if some of it was built off from last week's events.

All the flirting from Silver St. Cloud and Clark asking Lois if they're breaking off makes me wonder if the season will end with Clark and Lois breaking off for a bit. They have hinted at both Lori Lemaris and (what seems to be) Lana Lang.

Any negatives? The start with Clark and Lois being interrupted made me roll my eyes, though I'm glad that finally was put to rest. Also, I don't get the point of Hank being in the contest. He just seemed to be there to throw a tantrum and remind us of the anti-Superman conspiracy. Isn't he married?


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Isn't he married?
Hopefully he was only participating to help with raising money for the children's charity...

It's weird how Silver St Cloud is the second Batman related character they've brought into this show, even though they're apparently not allowed to use Batman.

Like why? Vicki Vale at least made sense as a rival reporter from a rival newspaper, but here? Is there not a Superman character that would've made sense here? Could've been an opportunity to bring in Lana Lang.
All the contestants were Josie Campbell's favorite deep cut DC picks.
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Almost forgot to listen to this before the day was up.
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Happy 4th of July, Light Lucario. I really hope you get to enjoy the fireworks tonight. Have a wonderful evening.
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Thanks for the following days ago. :)
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