Naruto "Losing Is Not An Option" Talkback (Spoilers)

Screw Losing! Spider-Man Based Poll For A Spider Fight!

  • *** Stars (Guess It's Worth Stealing Money For Your Sick Daughter Money If This Is The Medicine)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • **.5 Stars (It Does Beat Tobey McGuire Strutting His Stuff To Prove His Dark Spider Influence)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ** Stars (Wish you'd Get Convientant Dues Ex machina amenisia of the events of this ep)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • *.5 Stars (So Bad You'd Rather Hear About Great Power Comes Great Responsiblity Again)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • * Star (Look It's Gobby... I mean Hyugga Junior. You Going To Cry?)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • .5 (This Has Radioactive Blood? More This Was One Radioactive Dud)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 0 Stars (Your Stinky Sense Got You Away From This. Nuff Said)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Staff member
Aug 10, 2003
East Coast of USA
It probably will.
Man, I haven't seen this since it originally aired in Japan. I can't wait to see what the other characters have in store.


Mar 24, 2005
So neji bites the dust too. Man the show's gonna run out characters if this keeps up.


Active Member
Feb 26, 2004
In your hearts
So neji bites the dust too. Man the show's gonna run out characters if this keeps up.

Whether Neji lives or dies would be a spoiler, but anyone paying attention could see he was still alive at the end of the episode.

You can faintly see his Curse Seal through the glare of the sun in the final scene, and that disappears upon death.


Mar 24, 2005
Whether Neji lives or dies would be a spoiler, but anyone paying attention could see he was still alive at the end of the episode.

You can faintly see his Curse Seal through the glare of the sun in the final scene, and that disappears upon death.
Yeah I know his outcome, I just wanted to see what everybody else would have thought. :D

Thanks for the input anyway.


Active Member
Dec 1, 2006
Beyond the Pale
Indeed there's no proof that Neji dies, and the fact his curse mark still remains shows that he survives, albeit barely.

Once again Neji proves to be a genius, and the would be spider man proves that one should really get better trademarks. That or hire Marvel lawyers to keep you alive or clone you.

In any event I did wish Neji would cut off Kidmaru's head. Dying of internal bleeding doesn't do much for me. Still I dub thee Neji "The Spider Slayer."

To honor Neji here's my music video choice for this hour long episode.


Active Member
Oct 5, 2005
Neji's like the energizer bunny. He keeps going and going and going.
and was that 'Kimimaro' I heard somewhere in this episode? tehehe.

But really, I hate it when somebody begins comparing them self to Naruto (especially in this case). Unlike Neji, who's at his wits end here, Naruto has the fox inside of him to give that little energy boost when he's on the brink of death. Or at least, when Naruto uses his brain to bring the power out. Neji can't really tap into some unhidden source and BAM. He's growing claws and sharp teeth.

I hated that spider guy though, and he deserved every inch of what he got.


Active Member
Dec 1, 2006
Beyond the Pale
I would say Neji won. He's not dead. Kidomaru is most certainly dead.

Neji got his 10th level Spider Slayer in my book.

*yes you heard correctly. Kimimaro is mentioned and next week I expect to see him*

Master Moron

Active Member
Aug 5, 2002
I would say Neji won. He's not dead. Kidomaru is most certainly dead.

How do we know he's dead, though?

Anyway, why does Naruto act as though the numbers have changed in their favor? Hasn't the Sasuke retrieval squad ALWAYS outnumbered them? They started out with 5(6 counting Akamaru) and the sound village dudes started out with 4.


Active Member
Dec 1, 2006
Beyond the Pale

Didn't you hear Kidomaru's heart give out? I know I did.

As for the numbers...well technically, considering Kidomaru's comment, it's actually tied in the beginning since Sasuke joined them. So now it's even with Sasuke still out of commission.

Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
Originally posted by Megaman X
You put the same original title as the blind spot episode. The original title for this episode is Reason for Not Being Defeated.

Okay, FINALLY fixed that. Sorry about not doing it before. Didn't realize till now I had the same title for both episodes. I'll have to be more careful of that in the future.

Orignally posted byXO_MissSamantha
But really, I hate it when somebody begins comparing them self to Naruto (especially in this case). Unlike Neji, who's at his wits end here, Naruto has the fox inside of him to give that little energy boost when he's on the brink of death. Or at least, when Naruto uses his brain to bring the power out. Neji can't really tap into some unhidden source and BAM. He's growing claws and sharp teeth.

Well it's everyone job that's important in this series to have some connection to Naruto. I find it kind of annoying too but not something the author's gonna stop. Although there have been times when Naruto couldn't just pull the Fox's power out for a win (like against Kiba for instance even if that was sort of a joke way to end it). Also the point was that if someone with Naruto's reputation had been able to grow so much and beat him, Neji felt that even if his opponent was stronger he could still defeat him if he had that level of determination to win like Naruto had. Or something.

Originally posted by Kyuss
Didn't you hear Kidomaru's heart give out? I know I did.

Also he reverted back to his original state from his second stage curse mark. So like with Jirobou once you revert back like that chances are you died.

As for the numbers...well technically, considering Kidomaru's comment, it's actually tied in the beginning since Sasuke joined them. So now it's even with Sasuke still out of commission.

Also since the sound four are down to two, that means that even if we do have another round of one staying behind to stall there's still only one left to carry Sasuke's case. And the one who does that is going to be double teamed no matter what. Besides after last time maybe the team finally figures they can get the jump on the sound four and not get caught like those last two times. Guess we'll find out in the next ep or so.

The weaker of the two tonight really. Okay yeah this ends the kind of drawn out battle between Kidomaru and Neji as our heroes have now taken down two of the Sound Four. But there felt like there was a lot more exces then last time around. Mainly since we've already gotten the "character's past on this show flashes back before they're eyes" and "Naruto has inspired me and changed me to be a better person blah blah blah" scenes before and this didn't offer too much different (besides proving that Neji is not nearly as much of a jerk as he use to be and sort of parelling Sasuke's struggle of being in the darkness). Not to mention the whole last part was really drawn out poetic stuff already done with Choji, just with birds instead of butterflies. (It also seems kind of cheap we have two fights end with the hero just barley defeating his opponent and about to die because of it. Really could of worked to make it different). That's not to say there weren't enjoyable parts of the ep: The 100 and 120% arrows were pretty cool attacks (and the 3D view of Neji and the chakra throwing the web is some of the better computer animated tricks they've put into this show) and Neji taking the blow to release Chakra to Kidomaru and finally taking him down was some good stuff. Just a lot of more wasted scenes then last time. Like they expanded this just enough for it to be an entire ep. Well anyway next time around our heroes look to be meeting yet again with the Sound Four. Will there be another chance of the teams splitting up for one on one fight or will we actually see some teamwork bouts in this show? I really doubt the later but we can still hope for some good action all the same right?


Active Member
Oct 5, 2005
Although there have been times when Naruto couldn't just pull the Fox's power out for a win (like against Kiba for instance even if that was sort of a joke way to end it). Also the point was that if someone with Naruto's reputation had been able to grow so much and beat him, Neji felt that even if his opponent was stronger he could still defeat him if he had that level of determination to win like Naruto had. Or something.

I understood completely, I just don't think it's very fair to the characters in certain circumstances because Naruto does have something they don't. There's a better chance of the fox demon coming out when Naruto's life is in danger, like Neji's was towards the end, rather than in a simple fight with Kiba.


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