"Pryde of the X-Men" Classic Talkback (Spoilers)

"Pryde of the X-Men" - Rate & Comment

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Jul 13, 2003
New York City
spyke said:
I agree. I also thought the animation and art of Pryde of the X-MEN was very well done. The art and animation of POTX was a whole heck of a lot better then the crappy art and animation of the 90's x-men TAS. IMO, the art and aniation of POTX is equal to that of x-men evolution.
I should mention that the animation of both POTX and Evolution was done in Japan. Which explains why the animation is well done and why I prefer many 80's American cartoons to a lot of the crappy cartoons from the 90's and today.

The animation quality of "Pryde of the X-men" seemed to be equal to that of "Transformers the Movie". Which is easily as good X-men EVO's animation. Pryde's style looks a little like John Byrne's, especially the way they designed Juggernaut.


Aug 6, 2003
POTX certainly looked great but the reason for that is because it was a pilot. In other words, Marvel was using it as a commercial to entice someone to buy it. THAT'S why it looked so good. They paid big bucks so that it would look good. If a network had bought the show there is no way it would have been economically efficient for the other episodes to look as good. So, of course, it looks better than most other Marvel cartoons.

Oh...and had it been syndicated, which I think was the plan, you could have expected it to look MUCH worse.


Jul 13, 2003
New York City
Spider-Friends said:
POTX certainly looked great but the reason for that is because it was a pilot. In other words, Marvel was using it as a commercial to entice someone to buy it. THAT'S why it looked so good. They paid big bucks so that it would look good. If a network had bought the show there is no way it would have been economically efficient for the other episodes to look as good. So, of course, it looks better than most other Marvel cartoons.

Oh...and had it been syndicated, which I think was the plan, you could have expected it to look MUCH worse.

Like I said before in this thread, The cost of the animation may have been one reason it did not get picked up. However as far as the animation being much worse if it had been picked up all I can is Maybe or Maybe Not. We will never know now will we?


Jan 29, 2002
Hi, this is my first time posting on this Marvel board. I wanted to tell anyone who is looking for Pryde of the X-Men on VHS that they have quite a few copies of it on a website called www.half.com. All you do is go to the site, and type in the title, and it lists all the different copies on the site. They also have a bunch of those Marvel Matinee Classics and Marvel Library titles that someone mentioned earlier. The best part is, Half is pretty inexpensive. You can get POTX for about four dollars including shipping for a Like New copy.


Aug 6, 2003
Ssrn53 said:
However as far as the animation being much worse if it had been picked up all I can is Maybe or Maybe Not. We will never know now will we?

Not for sure. But we can certainly take an educated guess. My opinion is that NO other cartoon series of the time looked as good as POTX. So I seriously doubt, if the series been picked up, that it would have maintained the same quality.


Jul 13, 2003
New York City
Spider-Friends said:
Not for sure. But we can certainly take an educated guess. My opinion is that NO other cartoon series of the time looked as good as POTX. So I seriously doubt, if the series been picked up, that it would have maintained the same quality.

Makes sense. After the pilot, the animation probably would have been reduced to the quality of an average Transformers episode. Kinda of reminds of the animation for the opening sequence of Thundercats. Which is much better quality then the animation of the average TC episode.


Who you gonna call?
Sep 17, 2002
A, A
It looks like PofX was animated by the same people who did G.I. Joe. Hell, the guy who voices Duke also voiced Cyclops!


Active Member
Dec 23, 2002
Yeah, I noticed that too! A much more suitable voice actor for Cyclops than the one in Spidey and His Amazing Friends.
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Marvel Animation Age Webmaster
Staff member
Apr 15, 2002
The Marvel Animation Age
They guy who voiced Cyclops also did Bruce Banner in the 80's Hulk cartoon.

What a guy :cool:


Mighty JLU memba
Jan 9, 2002
tulsa oklahoma
I thought it was a cool pilot. if it had been picked up it would have been pretty good. It was kind of cheesy though. I liked Cyke's voice in the pilot it was as good as his TAS and Evo voice. much better than the one in Amazing friends. I hated wolvies voice though.


Active Member
Nov 21, 2001
Detroit, MI USA
ah.. great animation, better than SABAN's cheaper stuff.. ah well..

I remember the MARVEL ACTION HOUR showed this pilot-- the syndicated show where they showed Spidey 80's reruns, ROBOCOP, DINO RIDERS.. the x-men pilot slipped in there one week..

Stan said there were tentative plans for a toy line that fell through... the series was supposed to have been syndicated from jump--


Riding on my ice-slide
Apr 12, 2004
San Fernando Valley
"Pryde of the X-Men"

I'm not sure how many people here saw this late '80s pilot, but for those who remember it, do you think that it would've been successful if it had been made into a series? IMO, yes. It had alot of things going for it (Superb animation, fairly good voices), the only problems were Wolverine's australian accent, and no mutual respect between Xavier and Magneto. I would've loved to have seen how other mutants would've looked in that "G.I.Joe" animation. Does anyone know exactly why it wasn't picked up for a series?


Aug 6, 2003
freezeface said:
I'm not sure how many people here saw this late '80s pilot, but for those who remember it, do you think that it would've been successful if it had been made into a series? IMO, yes. It had alot of things going for it (Superb animation, fairly good voices), the only problems were Wolverine's australian accent, and no mutual respect between Xavier and Magneto. I would've loved to have seen how other mutants would've looked in that "G.I.Joe" animation. Does anyone know exactly why it wasn't picked up for a series?
I'm not sure how syndication shows are sold but I think someone contacts tv stations around the country to see how many want to purchase the show. If there are not enough stations interested in the show then, obviously, it never gets produced.

Sage Shinigami

Active Member
Jan 30, 2006
Yo mama's house
Pryde of the X-Men

Okay, after sitting down and watching the Pryde of the X-Men pilot, I started to wonder....would that show have been good if it had actually gotten its own series? It seemed to embody all the fun of the 80's X-Men. Would it have hurt the chances of there being an X-Men:TAS in the future, or would it have just been a footnote in the pages of history that would change X-Men: TAS about as much as the Spider-Man solo cartoon of the 80's changed the Spider-Man: TAS? (That is to say, not at all.)


Super-Tech Cat Ninja Guy
May 19, 2001
Back in Brooklyn
Spidey2099 said:
Yeah, I noticed that too! A much more suitable voice actor for Cyclops than the one in Spidey and His Amazing Friends.

Which one? Two different guys played Cyclops on Spidey and His Amazing Friends.


Aug 6, 2003
Sage Shinigami said:
Okay, after sitting down and watching the Pryde of the X-Men pilot, I started to wonder....would that show have been good if it had actually gotten its own series?
I think I would have seriously enjoyed it as a kid but I don't think comic fans would have liked the stories as much as they liked the stories of X-Men:TAS. Despite having complete freedom in syndication, Marvel Productions never seems to be willing to take a chance with the 1981 solo Spider-Man series. Some of the episodes were as dumbed down as other cartoons. I can't seem them having taken stories from the comic as much as TAS did.

Sage Shinigami said:
It seemed to embody all the fun of the 80's X-Men. Would it have hurt the chances of there being an X-Men:TAS in the future, or would it have just been a footnote in the pages of history that would change X-Men: TAS about as much as the Spider-Man solo cartoon of the 80's changed the Spider-Man: TAS? (That is to say, not at all.)
I think it would have depended on how successful it was. If it was as successful as G.I.Joe, Transformers or even Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends...I don't think you would have seen X-Men: TAS in 1992 since "Pryde" would have been out in '88. There most likely would have been a greater gap between the shows....and that gap could have made the next X-Men cartoon completely different than TAS.

Sage Shinigami

Active Member
Jan 30, 2006
Yo mama's house
Spider-Friends said:
I think I would have seriously enjoyed it as a kid but I don't think comic fans would have liked the stories as much as they liked the stories of X-Men:TAS. Despite having complete freedom in syndication, Marvel Productions never seems to be willing to take a chance with the 1981 solo Spider-Man series. Some of the episodes were as dumbed down as other cartoons. I can't seem them having taken stories from the comic as much as TAS did.

I think it would have depended on how successful it was. If it was as successful as G.I.Joe, Transformers or even Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends...I don't think you would have seen X-Men: TAS in 1992 since "Pryde" would have been out in '88. There most likely would have been a greater gap between the shows....and that gap could have made the next X-Men cartoon completely different than TAS.

Did Pryde debut in 88? If so, then you're right, and there's no way X-Men: TAS would've come out, because a season wouldn't have come out until at least a year and a half later. If it bombed so hard it wasn't given another season, I doubt seriously that Marvel would be up to making yet another cartoon with it.


Aug 6, 2003
Sage Shinigami said:
Did Pryde debut in 88?
Well, it never had an official debut. I first saw it, heard about it, at a comic book convention in 1987. So I think the earliest it could have debuted as a series would have been fall of '87. Since the series never got picked up, the episode was shown on the Marvel Action Universe in '88 or '89.

I often see it regarded as "that early 80's X-Men pilot" when it should be referred to as "late 80's."

EDITED TO ADD: And it was released on VHS in 1988; available to the public for the first time.
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Jon T

Friendless Spidey
Jul 11, 2003
Spider-Friends said:
Despite having complete freedom in syndication, Marvel Productions never seems to be willing to take a chance with the 1981 solo Spider-Man series. Some of the episodes were as dumbed down as other cartoons. I can't seem them having taken stories from the comic as much as TAS did.

While that is true for the 1981 Spider-Man series, I think a number of factors came into play for the show not being too adventurous. Marvel Productions probably decided to play it safe with the series since it was their first (and one of the first) action-adventure shows made purely for syndication. Also, the fact that one of the reasons that show was made was to advertise what they could do with Spider-Man for a NBC show could have contributed to MP not pushing things far enough story-wise.

A more likely comparison would be what MP were willing to do on both Transformers and G.I. Joe. A potential late-80s X-Men series for syndication, with that sense of slightly more adventurous storytelling, and without the need to advertise toys, could have been a decent addition to Marvel animation. Of course, as has been said, is a certainty the series would never have looked as good as the pilot!


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