"Star Wars: The Mandalorian (Disney+)" Season Two Talkback (Spoilers)

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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
The Heiress

Very glad to see Frog Lady got a happy ending with her husband and their progeny. Can't say the same for Razor Crest.

Once that Quarren snickered in the bar after agreeing to help Mando, knew there was a double cross coming up. I mean, a moon with a bunch of Mon Calamari? It's totally a trap. lol. Still, lot of sweet action in this episode then a mini-pirate heist movie in the 2nd half.

So what I've gathered, the short story about Bo-Katan is: Bo-Katan was a lieutenant in Death Watch, who were considered terrorists, and they were against Mandalore's pacifist government during the Clone Wars. But Death Watch allied with Darth Maul who usurped rule of Mandalore. Bo-Katan changed sides and ended up as Mandalore's new leader and wielded the Darksaber. Then it seems after the Great Purge that came up last season, Moff Gideon came into possession of the Darksaber.

Ok, so Sasha Banks was just playing a Mandalorian allied with Bo-Katan Kryze, portrayed by Katee Sackhoff, which I've gathered is a major character in the CG animated shows. Rad to learn Sackhoff voiced her and now gets to portray her in live action. Must be pretty rare of an achievement. But yes! Finally a confirmation that Mando's group were a cult of religious zealots and only they observe the helmet rule. Apparently it's Death Watch, who were in opposition with Bo-Katan in the shows. Intriguing. And interesting Bo-Katan is out to free Mandalore. But oh, the sweet irony they have a shared enemy in Moff Gideon and we saw him with the Darksaber in the season 1 finale. Kinda hoping they cross paths again.

That was some great Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. connections with Simon Kassianides, who played Bakshi in season 2, as one of the Mandalorians and Titus Welliver as the Imperial captain. Totally chuckled when Axe reiterated the old joke about Stormtroopers having terrible aim.

Definitely some brutal tactics by Gideon. Not gonna bother trying to retake an Imperial cruiser that's 2/3 taken. Just crash it. Woof. Also learned this kind of cruiser first appeared in Phantom Menace. It was also neat to see an AT-AT repurposed as a crane.

Very awesome that the Jedi Bo-Kotan points Mando to is Ashoka Tano, another heavy hitter. Can only imagine what Dave Filoni is feeling seeing these characters appear in live action. And I bet the hardcore fans of the animated shows feel really "rewarded" as well.

EDIT: The episode had a Battlefront II easter egg.
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Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
The Mandalorian "Chapter 11: The Heiress"

It's good I am allowed to love the Child and think he's cute again. Thank goodness.

This episode explains some of the differences and questions I had about Mando and the Mandalorians from The Clone Wars and Rebels. It's interesting that Mando himself seems to be the one with the mistaken impressions about Mandalorians.

Ahsoka is coming. I would have preferred the Jedi in question being Luke, but that wouldn't have worked for about a million reasons.

Dark Saber is a big want for Bo-Katan. Watch your back, Gideon.

Was that alien cook Admiral Ackbar? His voice sounded the same. Maybe after the fall of the Empire he opened his own seafood restaurant.

When the soup squid jumps on the Child's face I thought it served him right after the last episode. Love Mando quipping to him to not play with his food.

I liked this week which is something I am very relieved about. ****.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2002
I usually wait to comment once a whole season or arc is done but I have to say this episode is one of the best Star Wars adventures in the last few years. A great episode that really starts connecting different bits of the universe together, and seeing some Clone Wars characters in the flesh was something I never expected to ever see. After a good season premiere and a good/alright episode last week (I don't see the problem with the Child eating those eggs - he's a baby and doesn't know what he's doing - but there's a lot more to it than that and it seems like a conversation for another time) I wasn't expecting to be so wowwed! We know The Mandalorian is a consistently good show but this was definitely a step up. Really can't wait for Ahsoka next week. It's unreal we're getting this stuff.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003

Chapter 12: The Siege
The Mandalorian rejoins old allies for a new mission.
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Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
The Mandalorian "Chapter 12: The Siege"

Carl Weathers directed this? Neat!

Gina Carano is SO freaking hot. I cannot get over it.

Who is Gideon's source? I guess we'll find out soon enough.

The stuff with Baby Yoda and the wires was hilarious. Mando is such a dope. I love how much the Child enjoys flying and blowing stuff up too.

The Empire fell, right? Why are there still Stormtroopers and Empire bases? Who does Gideon actually work for?

That was a fun episode. The visual effects were good too. ****1/2.

Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
The Empire fell, right?

*Sighs* Since technically Rise of Skywalker is canon for this series, no. Because the Emperor is still around at this point making his Final Order Fleet in secret and also manipulating events that likely involve building up some new fleets that are eventually going to evolve into The First Order that "becomes it's own thing" for awhile. So guess they could be hinting at that here.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
The Mandalorian takes place 5 years after Return of the Jedi. And as it's been implied by characters like the Cobb and X-Wing pilots, the galaxy is still in chaos and up for grabs. So it's not like the whole Empire just gave up when the 2nd Death Star blew up and everyone bowed to the Rebels. Some of the Empire turned into warlords clutching to little fiefdoms, some fled to the fringes (a la real life Nazis fleeing to South America) to become the First Order, some kept fighting I guess.

Cara's a 'Marshal' now, eh? Heh, lot of that going around this season. Aw... once that mechanic looked at them walking away -- knew it was a spy. Nice little continuity nod with that hole in the wall having been patched up from the season finale. A school. Interesting. lol, the bounty from the premiere. 350 years to work it off, lmao.

Rofl, his speeder. Ho ho, more of those Stormtroopers from ROTJ. Never looked so good Razor Crest.

"I lost everyone" Dammmmmmn. What a line.

Yeah, looks like Gideon could be in this Sith cult and/or he's helping build up the First Order or Final Order. And must be part of the Snoke cloning that the Sith cult enacted to resurrect Palpatine and the Child's blood/midichlorian count was the basis of creating stable Sith clones?!

EDIT: Ah, it seems the ending was another Legends nod in part. Those scientists with Gideon had the patch of the Imperial Department of Military Research who worked something called Dark Troopers. Perhaps Gideon is trying to create cyborg Troopers to cement his power - part resurrecting the cloning program for the Clone Army, part using the DNA of a high count Force sensitive for some reason.
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Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
"Cara Dune: Marshal of Nevarro. Premiering exclusively on Disney+." Complete with an animal sidekick ;).

Mando's now relying on The Child for technical support. You know he's desperate :p.

Din lifting his helmet off to eat was kind of cute :).

That IG-11 monument was...was everything :crying:.

"Baby Yoda goes to school!" And in Star Wars schools, everyone gets tablets! And Baby Yoda then uses the Force to steal some macarons :rolleyes2:.

I wasn't expecting that guy Mando captured at the very beginning to pop up again and join the team, as it were. That moment he sees Mando again was priceless :D.

So...cloning and The Child's Blood? It looks like Gideon is trying to make people Force Sensitive or create his own Force Sensitive army, and as a side project develop the Snoke clones o_O.

Those Scout Troopers looked so epic up until some of them died during the descent :sweat:.

Razorcrest vs Tie Fighters :cool:.

Considering Cara lost practically everything on Alderaan, it makes sense why she's so gung-ho about going after the Empire at any opportunity. I wonder if she ever met Leia :ack:?

I wonder if the Republic could've nicked the First Order in the bud if the Senate had been more on the ball and people in the Outer Rim were more honest about Empire remnants. I mean, I get our protagonists need to be the underdog, but the Republic should probably know about Gideon's network :confused:.

Oh hey, it's Major Grey from Black Lightning. Still working with fascists I see :mad:.

Wait...are those Dark Troopers from the old Star Wars video games!? Are we going to see Ahsoka fight Dark Troopers :eek:?


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
I mean, how many among the Rebels were politicians vs. number of the entrenched who supported Palpatine? That was probably another big upward battle to establish their government and to sweep the old government away. They must have been so focused on establishing the new government that the pilots should have been transitioned to the new military and deal with the Empire remnants they knew were out there but they had their hands tied and you can kind of see it on The Mandalorian with them reduced to beat cops, traffic cops, and mop-up crews.

I can see everything building up to this episode being a red herring to make us think it's connected to the recent trilogy but it's its own thing. It's just one guy trying to consolidate power who isn't be privy to this Sith cult stuff and he has his own vision of where to take the Empire, and this is him taking the opportunity to make it a reality after probably being kept quarreled for decades in his former position due to the system Palpatine used to stay in power.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
The Mandalorian "Chapter 13: The Jedi"

Grogu? It's weirdly how that feels anticlimactic and entirely apt at the exact same time.

I liked it but I didn't love it. Rosario Dawson was a good Ahsoka. It's weird learning her hair was never actually hair.

Thrawn survived Rebels? He was that mediocre show's best character. I will say this: If and when he does appear in live-action they are gonna need to be VERY careful who they cast. I would suggest Wayne Pygram, or someone like him. Somebody completely frightening / spooky-looking who speaks in a soft British voice.

I am unhappy to ponder the idea that Ahsoka is selling that the Child is far more conscious and self-aware than a mere baby. It simply makes him eating those eggs a couple of episodes ago even more excusable. I think the reason that hit me so wrong is because I already believed the Child was smarter than he was letting on. He's 50 years old. From supposedly the smartest race. You telling me he doesn't know you shouldn't eat people? The entire thing makes me very unhappy.

I like Mando saying the Child was his good luck charm to explain him to the nosy soldier. Because even if he wears clothes, Baby Yoda IS animalistic enough to be confused for a pet. Easily.

A Mandalorian and a Jedi? They'll never see it coming. I like the guy saying Mando "threw in" with the Jedi. I like that people in this Universe say "threw in".

It was good, but not great. Because it's clear the Child actually belongs with Mando, and until he realizes that for himself, the series is going to be spinning its wheels until he does. ***1/2.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Wow, did not think we'd get the Child's real name and some insight into his back story! Grogu. (Funny enough, that made me think of Rogu from American Dad upon hearing it) And he was at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Very intriguing someone managed to hide him away during Order 66 and perhaps it turns out this person hired those mercenaries to protect Grogu on Arvala-7 whom Mando and IG-11 killed in the series premiere. I suppose this may start/restart theories Grogu is Yoda's son.

Like with Bo-Katan, this must have been a real treat for fans for Clone Wars and Rebels getting to see Ahsoka Tano in live action. Those white lightsabers were dope. From what I gather, Tano's mission to find intel on Thrawn is a continuation of the finale of Rebels when he and Bridger are pulled into hyperspace. I can understand now those rumors from months ago that Tano would get a spinoff series, her story in this episode could well be the core of that spinoff.

It's very interesting Tano could sense fear and she alludes to the trouble that could lead to, Anakin, and that turn to the Dark Side is still in her thoughts. We got a sense of that sort of like when he Force choked Cara Dune. But holy cow, would be cool if Grogu ends up as a student of Luke but seems more likely at this point, it will go the other way and he'll stay with Mando and his powers will fade over time.

Tython was also an intriguing name drop. I'm pretty sure that was from a Doctor Aphra comic and was allegedly believed to be home to the original Jedi temple. And from the Legends canon that they seem to be cherry picking from more and more.

Again, loved the influences of Westerns - the scared town under the thumb of the villain. Loved the fights between Tano and Elsbeth's men and the one-on-one at the start and the end respectively. Well done. And Michael Biehn as her #2, Lang! So cool. His demise was so Western, too. Ha.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
The Mandalorian "Chapter 13: The Jedi"

Grogu? It's weirdly how that feels anticlimactic and entirely apt at the exact same time.

I liked it but I didn't love it. Rosario Dawson was a good Ahsoka. It's weird learning her hair was never actually hair.

Thrawn survived Rebels? He was that mediocre show's best character. I will say this: If and when he does appear in live-action they are gonna need to be VERY careful who they cast. I would suggest Wayne Pygram, or someone like him. Somebody completely frightening / spooky-looking who speaks in a soft British voice.

I am unhappy to ponder the idea that Ahsoka is selling that the Child is far more conscious and self-aware than a mere baby. It simply makes him eating those eggs a couple of episodes ago even more excusable. I think the reason that hit me so wrong is because I already believed the Child was smarter than he was letting on. He's 50 years old. From supposedly the smartest race. You telling me he doesn't know you shouldn't eat people? The entire thing makes me very unhappy.

I like Mando saying the Child was his good luck charm to explain him to the nosy soldier. Because even if he wears clothes, Baby Yoda IS animalistic enough to be confused for a pet. Easily.

A Mandalorian and a Jedi? They'll never see it coming. I like the guy saying Mando "threw in" with the Jedi. I like that people in this Universe say "threw in".

It was good, but not great. Because it's clear the Child actually belongs with Mando, and until he realizes that for himself, the series is going to be spinning its wheels until he does. ***1/2.

By the logic, the series has been spinning its wheels this whole time. And that’s been fine.

The last two maybe even three episodes seen like set up episodes for spin-offs for strong women characters. Take out their plot lines and there are three plot lines that could be wrapped up in the next three episodes or go into Season 3: finding a Jedi to train Grogu, dealing with Moff Gideon, and the Boba Fett teasers. That’s plenty to sustain the show.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I was honestly expecting we'd get a slower burn into live-action Ahsoka, but no, they immediately jump into her slicing and dicing fools :D.

It really was surreal seeing Ahsoka, a character who so came to define the Star Wars animated universe and has developed so much from that part of the franchise, featuring in live-action. But at the same time, it didn't feel as jarring as I was expecting to. Even hearing someone other than Ashley Eckstein playing her didn't feel as wrong as I was expecting, as Rosario Dawson managed to somehow just sound like Ahsoka. I should've expected as much from having Dave Filoni so involved in the production :).

HK Assassin Droids! All we're missing is one of them calling somebody a "meatbag" :cool:.

Baby Yoda has a name! Grogu! Perks of Force Telepathy ;).

So now only was Grogu an actual youngling, but he was actually trained by Master's, so his knowledge of the Force isn't purely instinctual. I wonder if Yoda trained him to some extent? And how did he get out of the Temple during Order 66? It doesn't seem like Palpatine had anything to do with him :confused:?

Ahsoka won't train Grogu because he's become too attached to Din and she's worried he'll become another Anakin if they're not careful. Considering we saw him Force Choke Cara after perceiving her "hurting" his father figure, she might have a point :ack:.

Although I wonder if Luke would view that as a reason not to train him. Does Ahsoka even know about Luke? He feels like the elephant in the room as far as the most prominent Jedi still left in the galaxy and who would want to rebuild the Jedi Order with new Force Sensitives or be interested in one. Ahsoka said someone who was Force Sensitive would likely sense Grogu on Tython, so I have to assume that's teasing that someone significant will show up as a result, if not Luke...although the only other known Jedi who would be alive are potentially Ezra and Cal Kestis :eek:.

Mando being so proud of Grogu lifting the piece was such a sweet dad moment :anime:.

You thought Moff Gideon was the only Big Bad in the Mandalorian's galaxy? Well, think again, because Ahsoka is hunting for Grand Admiral Thrawn! Which begs a lot of questions...is Thrawn active in the Outer Rim? Is he working with the Empire remnants? Has he reunited with the Chiss? I can only think that Ahsoka is hunting him because she thinks Ezra is with him, but will we see that followed up on? And will we be able to get Lars Mikkelsen in some makeup to see Thrawn finally realized in live-action :evil:?

Mando is totally going to use that Beskar Spear to fight Gideon with the Darksaber, isn't he :proud:?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
It would be simple enough for The Mandalorian to make up yet another Jedi who survived Order 66. They don’t have to use Ezra, Cal, or Luke.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
The Mandalorian "Chapter 14: The Tragedy"

Seriously ominous episode title that hit us out of nowhere and delivered. The good news is they can never unexpectedly use that specific episode title again.

So Boba Fett's a good guy now? Okay. Sold on that idea immediately. Not TOO good if he's threatening the life of the Child though. But we got there in the end.

Am I right in thinking that is Boba Fett's original "actor" from the original trilogy? Has he ever been given lines of dialogue before this? If not, they got a pretty good performance out of a guy who used to basically be a costume model.

Although he's gotten kind of beefy in the decades passed. I am well aware that armor is not actually the same size as it used to be.

Nothing sets me against Gideon more than him ordering one of his goons to shoot the Child unconscious. Based on the Stormtroopers being thrown around like dolls, there is every possibility next week is gonna be an homage to O Henry's The Ransom Of Red Chief. Will there be a point Gideon is begging Mando to take the kid back? If the show were a comedy, yes. As it is, I'm skeptical.

So glad we only have to go through that episode title once. ****.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003

Holy smokes, for only half an hour, there was a lot that happened! I think this was the one Robert Rodriguez directed.

Clearly, Din Djarin is in denial about parting ways with Grogu if that first scene in Razoe Crest was any indication.

Tython turned out to be the real deal and Grogu connected with the Force on the seeing stone. Groovy. But I guess that leaves the question of did anybody hear him...

Boba Fett's back, baby! Had a feeling he was the one who found Fennec Shand last season. And to boot, he saved her with some cybernetics modification... okay, cool. The battle was a less than subtle reminder that Fennec was reputed as a top assassin for a reason. But wow, the big one. Felt so surreal to see Boba Fett back in his armor and giving the Stormtroopers the business. Knee rockets! And that classic Western line, "I was aiming for the other one." :D I think that was an Eastwood line?

RIP Razor Crest. That was a gut punch. At least the beskar spear made it. Definitely still feel like in the season finale we're gonna see Din vs. Gideon, beskar spear vs. Darksaber.

Had a feeling taking off his pack would come back to haunt him. Could only watch as the Dark Troopers, who turned out to be all robot and all menacing, flew back to the cruiser with Grogu.

Had no clue Jango Fett was a foundling, too, but that helps resolve things and now we got a lovely little temporary alliance. Sweet.

Dug that Cara Dune would slip the intel on Mayfeld for Grogu. But boy, I get misgivings from that choice to spring him but what else choice does Din have? Not like he's swimming in leads. I guess Mayfeld would know some Imperial codes or whatever is needed to find that cruiser.

And after all that carnage, add two more Stormtroopers. Gideon taunting him with the Darksaber, urgh! Then anestizsied and shackled. The sadness. And they're off to sync up with Dr. Pershing from last season for god knows what. I'll still wager it's to transfer midi-chlorians into Gideon so he can be the successor to Vader and the Emperor, restore the Empire, mass produce the Dark Troopers, and instill a true order upon on the galaxy. How things could have been different if Din didn't spare his life in "The Sin" last season.

My only gripe was the fight on Tython... idk, seemed 'too daylight'? Seemed kinda odd for some reason.
Am I right in thinking that is Boba Fett's original "actor" from the original trilogy? Has he ever been given lines of dialogue before this? If not, they got a pretty good performance out of a guy who used to basically be a costume model.
No, in the movies, Jeremy Bulloch portrayed Fett and the voice was Jason Wingreen. Temuera Morrison was later dubbed in as the voice of Fett for the special edition of Empire Strikes Back. This series is the first time Morrison physically portrayed Fett.

12/5: Rodriguez reveals he came into help at the last minute after the original plans for the episode fell through.

And so the Jedi who are/might be alive post-Return of the Jedi who might sense Grogu:

Unlikely (duh) to appear

Former Knights/Padawans who might still be/are alive
-Cal Kestis - probably not appearing since another Fallen Order game is being made
-Cere Junda - probably not since another Fallen Order game is being made
-Naq Med
-Kira Vantala
-Ka-Moon Kholi
-Selrahc Eluos
-Ahsoka Tano
-Ezra Bridger

Masters who might still be alive
-Quinlan Vos
-Oppo Rancisis
-Coleman Kcaj

And I suppose Palpatine depending on what his status is at this point on Exegol is. But I mean just trying to make a list of possibilities. Not like it's a 100% given anyone will answer Grogu's call.

12/6: It appears the chain code Boba presented to Din had another Legends easter egg and had a nod to Jango's mentor Jaster Mereel.
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Yeah, I still can't believe that was a thing.
Paramount and Skydance have officially merged. Does this mean that Brian Robbins got the boot?
Season 6 of Total Drama (production code-wise), Pahkitew Island, made its American debut a decade ago.

It's my favorite season of the show (behind all 3 of Total Dramarama's) and has the best cast of the series, which includes the 2 best characters of the franchise, Leonard and Max (who should've been the finalists).

Happy 10 year anniversary to The 7D.

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