The portrayal of black people in anime


Active Member
Jul 10, 2002
Lake Charles, LA

DNA Evolution? I didn't know there was something... up, with it. Other than Sylphymon, the DNA Evolution with Hawkmon (Boy) and Gato/Tailmon (Girl) that's all I can think. And I'm a yaoi boy. >.> I do have something for Guilmon, he's just so kyoot and glompable.

*Points to Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune* Those are the coolest lesbian anime girls I ever saw, even though Uranus is mean sometimes. ^.^

Back to the subject, though. Err... Actually, I've said all I had to say in my last post. ^^;


Master of Flying Guillotine
May 1, 2001
LA. it still sux here
Re: >.>

Originally posted by Kaiser0120
DNA Evolution? I didn't know there was something... up, with it. Other than Sylphymon, the DNA Evolution with Hawkmon (Boy) and Gato/Tailmon (Girl) that's all I can think. And I'm a yaoi boy.

When Ken and Daisuke's digimon first jogressed/DNA'd, there was a whole thing about "hearts beating as one". I assume that's what happened with the other 2, but I never ran into a translation when I watched the tapes, so I'm not sure.

*Points to Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune* Those are the coolest lesbian anime girls I ever saw, even though Uranus is mean sometimes. ^.^

Always was fond of U and N, but the whole butch/femme thing's not something I'm big on.


Rabbit in a box
Apr 1, 2002
In a small room
Originally posted by RZetlin
There's something to be said, "if you don't like how minorities are being protrayed you can always try and create your own."

Just like Aaron McGruder's anime influenced Boondocks.
Thankyou finally someone who's on the same line I'm on. I get so sick of hearing the other blacks whine an complain about how we are portrayed. My adivce either shut up about it or do somethign yourself that's that's I'm doing or at least trying to do. Not only for blacks but for other races that get stuck in sterotype land. The way I see it your eihter part of the problem or your part of the soultion. And I wanna be apart of the soultion.

Mynd Hed

Holy blue on a popo!
Aug 5, 2002
Tucson, AZ
Of course, there's always the ultimate solution to any such problem. If the way a particular race, ethnicity, or creed is portrayed in a given program offends you, you can always refuse to watch it. In the short term, that will prevent you from being offended, and in the long term, if enough people are offended enough that they don't watch certain programs, the creators of those programs will take notice. In the long run I think such an approach is far more effective than complaints.

Digu Volz

is yo' mama
Sep 27, 2002
Originally posted by Mynd Hed
Of course, there's always the ultimate solution to any such problem. If the way a particular race, ethnicity, or creed is portrayed in a given program offends you, you can always refuse to watch it. In the short term, that will prevent you from being offended, and in the long term, if enough people are offended enough that they don't watch certain programs, the creators of those programs will take notice. In the long run I think such an approach is far more effective than complaints.

Probably... If we lived in Japan... And they cared...

Anywho, it's fairly obvious that animes lack of non-Japanese is pretty much because there aren't a lot of non-Japanese people in Japan, although, when they choose to use non-Japanese people, that's more of an excuse than anything, just as it is up here, though I would say cartoons are more varied merely given the fact that the US is more varied.

As far as representation goes, it's about equal, though I'd give cartoons the edge, as in the difference between a D+ and a C-.

Originally posted by RZetlin
Just like Aaron McGruder's anime influenced Boondocks.

This will teach me not to read a thread entirely before I post !

Heh, while I've read that strip for two years, on and off, I didn't even notice until last weekend...

Mynd Hed

Holy blue on a popo!
Aug 5, 2002
Tucson, AZ
Probably... If we lived in Japan... And they cared...

Actually, lots of anime relies on overseas revenues to keep going. Big O is the best example-- I understand it did quite poorly in Japan, but it did well enough in America that they're making a second season courtesy of an American company, namely Cartoon Network-- but there are plenty of others. Because of the culture and language gap, it might take a little longer for Japanese animators to get the message than it would for American animators, but if enough people are displeased enough, the message will get across sooner or later.
And if they don't get the message, who cares? If something offends you, don't watch it and you won't be offended any more. Instead, spend your time and money on a program that you don't find offensive. This will reward them for catering to your desires and encourage them to keep on doing it. All those entertainers out there are salivating for your greenage like Pavlov's dogs. Use that to your advantage.

Nik Jam

Playing the Angel
Jan 18, 2002
The Black people in the Gundam shows (Admiral Cowen for example) don't seem too bad. Don't know for sure.

All-Star 1.5

Active Member
Aug 25, 2002
Medabots, has it's fair share of enthincity throughout the first and second season, but mostly the second.


Mar 11, 2002
New York
Being Latino, I don't even get in anime! Except probably the most hated character on Transformers Armada, or the cliche Mexican guy.


Nice Jigglypuffs! ¡
Jun 11, 2002
In through the "out" door.
Originally posted by Beatdigga
Being Latino, I don't even get in anime! Except probably the most hated character on Transformers Armada, or the cliche Mexican guy.
You've clearly never seen Excel Saga or The Mysterious Cities of Gold.

I guess the Tequila Gundam was kind of cliche, but so was every other Gundam in G Gundam.


ep 14 is out ep 15 due Nov 03
Mar 26, 2002
Remember when you're talking about some anime, is the fact that stuff like dbz and especially db, and G Gundam are 80's anime. Political corectness and the overseas market weren't factors when the original manga/anime were made.

Chris Wood

Jun 11, 2002
Washington DC
Originally posted by Mike Toole
Yeah, a lot of minorities just don't get a fair shake in anime. As has been stated, it's mostly just because the Japanese creators aren't really aware of some ethnicities, or just don't really take them into consideration. How many Jewish anime characters are there?

Why is it necessary to have Jewish anime characters just for the sake of having them? It's not like we're talking a huge demographic, and even less so in Asia. Surely there is no requirement for cartoons to represent every kind of person under the sun. It's entertainment, not education.

My all-time favorite anime is Star Blazers, and for the first two seasons all the human characters were Japanese. Did I care? Did I feel left out? Did I have trouble relating? No! I loved it! Great entertainment wins out every time.
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Chris Wood

Jun 11, 2002
Washington DC
Originally posted by RockItShipper
Hollywood opinion overall is that projects with black leads will not do well in foreign markets, especially Japan. That's part of why there's the genre of interracial buddy film like "I Spy" and the "Rush Hour" movies. It's a way of making a sure bet overseas and make a picture with cross-demographic appeal in the US. The likes of Barbershop and Undercover Brother don't get extensive overseas distribution. Also, foreign markets do have access to stereotypical studio output unavailable in the US- such as Song of the South. For all I know, Stepin Fetchit(sp?) scenes may not be trimmed outside the US.

Don't kid yourself. Hollywood knows movies with black leads tend to be risky ventures in the US as well. That's why a white sidekick or buddy almost always turns up. Films like Undercover Brother don't get much exposure in Japan because they are comedies, which normally do not translate well and tend to flop. Song of the South does seem to be available in areas with less PC hysteria.

Leaping Larry Jojo

Searching for a map
May 10, 2001
Originally posted by Beatdigga
Being Latino, I don't even get in anime! Except probably the most hated character on Transformers Armada, or the cliche Mexican guy.

I have heard that Ed from Bebop is part latino.


ditching the "wing"
Jun 21, 2002
Same planet as you're in
Originally posted by Leaping Larry Jojo
You know what? I'm Asian and basically, we are stereotyped and portrayed idiotically in 75% of North American entertainment (Or, we are boring). But I'm not really insulted. Personally, I'd rather they write INTERESTING Asian characters rather than "positive" portrayals. That's why I like Khan in King of the Hill. He's loud, he's annoying, his accent is stereotypical, but he IS interesting! You don't see many Asians like him on TV.

So in the end, I just blame the writers when I see poor or boring ethnic portrayals. Rather than being insulted, I just feel exasperated at the lack of creativity and skill shown by today's writers.

I'll say. Being thought of nothing more than just kung fu fighters is plain stupid to me.(One guy in my school ridiculed me by doing stupid poses that he thought was kung fu. God, I felt like punching his lights out, but then classes started. Yea, I'm also Asian.) But the portrayal of Asian characters are starting to change (especially when the whole entire sports media focused on Yao Ming). Whether that's for bad or good, I don't know. But it is changing.


With Soar-Throat Ghost
May 1, 2001
There are mythological figures resembling mr.popo that have nothing to do with african americans.

I'm indifferent to this subject though. I'm incapable of being offended by anything myself...


Apr 18, 2002
Sunny California
Akio Ohtori and Anthy Himemiya from Shoujo Kakumei Utena are both designed to be Indian (as in India, not American). I though the bindi on Anthy's forehead would have been a dead giveaway about that, but I guess not.
Anthy was re-designed for the Utena movie. In the series she looked black but in the movie she looked Indian.


Active Member
Jul 24, 2002
Defending the Sea
Let me put it in this way. Do you really think the Japanese animation staff would gather together and say, "Gee, we don't have any Black characters in our Japanese show do you think that would upset the Black population in America?"

Don't forget that anime is aimed at the Japanese audience. The majority of the Japanese population isn't Black.


Rabbit in a box
Apr 1, 2002
In a small room
Yet peopel seem to forget that one little detail. The Japense make their show for the Japense since those are the prople that live in Japan. The don't think about other races because they don't have many other races to look at. So untill someone gets out there and makes a show the represnet the races not shown much in T.V either you watch the show or you don't. Besides it's not like we're going to die just because a certian race isn't shown enought on T.V


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