Ultimate Spider-Man "Back in Black" Talkback (Spoilers)

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James Harvey

The World's Finest
Staff member
Apr 23, 2001
Check out an all-new episode of Ultimate Spider-Man inside Marvel Universe on Disney XD today starting at 11:00am (ET/PT)!

Ultimate Spider-Man "Back in Black"
Episode Premiere Date - May 13th, 2012
When the terrifying Venom returns, Spider-Man tries to stop the villain and save his best friend. Spidey must decide if he can trust his new teammates with the shocking truth about Venom before asking for their help.


Mod Note: We appreciate and encourage discussion, but please keep your posts civil, relevant and insightful. Feel free to comment as the episode airs, too, providing your own commentary, though avoid successive posting. However, do not post any improper or inflammatory material, as we will issue warnings if we believe it necessary. And please remember to keep the discussion ON-TOPIC!


Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
Jul 20, 2007
Spider-Man Unlimited throwback?

And why do they make Venom talk in that stupid voice? Its lame.

Still wish they went with the actual Venom story from the Ultimate comics.

The show definitely works a lot better with Spidey solo though.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2011
Union, NJ
The episode was Ok, but it made me face palm way to hard. The way everyone was acting made me ask why alot
-Why does JJ hate regular Spiderman, but like Venom as soon as he got there?
-How did no one notice that was Venom, besides Spiderman?
-Why is Nova such a jerk to Peter?
-Why did no one the team or at shield help Peter when Venom was going crazy?
-Why didn't Peter just tell Harry his secret ID?
-Seriously why is Nova such a jerk to Peter?
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Chaos Yoshi Mage

The Lonely Raven
Jul 19, 2009
Still really bad, but it does do a lot a better as a solo Spidey show, mostly because they have no idea how team dynamics work. I will give the show some kudos for trying something different regarding Venom even if it wasn't executed all that well.


I see you!
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
This one made my head numb. I'm going to think about this one for a while before I try to form a proper response.


Mar 24, 2007
Not bad. I really like the idea of Harry as Venom to begin with - sort of the same riff as Eddie Brock being Peter's friend in Spectacular, only in the opposite direction. Still enjoying the Harry/Norman dynamic, but, well, how can you not?

Unremarkable; middle-of-the-pack among episodes so far.


Active Member
Oct 13, 2002
Columbus, Ga
The episode was Ok, but it made me face palm way to hard. The way everyone was acting made was like what.
-Why does JJ hate regular Spiderman, but like Venom as soon as he got there?
-How did no one notice that was Venom, besides Spiderman?
-Why is Nova such a jerk to Peter?
-Why did no one the team or at shield help Peter when Venom was going crazy?
-Why didn't Peter just tell Harry his secret ID?
-Seriously why is Nova such a jerk to Peter?

Yeah I was wondering all of those same questions especially why Peter never revealed his idenity to Harry, it would make things so so much similar.

No one even considering that Venom was the new Spider-Man was stupid and to me bad writing. If this is going to be a team show than it needs to be a team show, if not if should just be a Spider-Man solo show. I've been watching Spider-Man and his Amazing friends on Netflix latley and I'm amazed at how well they handled the team concept on that show, I'm not sure if they made the "Ultimate" team too big or just picked the worng characters or what but this just doesn't have the feel to it that I think it should.

I don't know why Nova is such a jerk to Peter. I know they don't all have to be friends but it goes back to what I was saying a bout the "feel" of this "team" and really it seems like the only reason they are together is because Fury said so, Iron Fist is the only one that actually treats Spider-Man with any respect(never really get too much out of Cage) White Tiger's aditude towards Peter/Spider-Man feels real and it's a natural contrast between her "over-achiver" persoanlity and his more laid back attitude.

Also while some of the cut away gags where fun they still did too many of them. And even the enjoyable ones went on for too long.

Mad Hatter

O Frabjous Day!
Feb 29, 2008
New York
I...I...I...HATE...this show. You know, I gave it a chance. In the beginning, when people were like "Oh, it's gonna suck, it's nothing like Spectacular Spider-Man, muhmuhbuhmuh," I was like, "Come, on guys, give it a chance. Remember what we all said about Batman: The Brave and The Bold? We all thought that would suck, but it was awesome, right? Let's give it a chance and hold hands and singsongsaboutpeaceunderneatharainbowwwwwTHIS SHOW SUCKS!!!!! GOD!!! It's...it's terrible. Just...GOD.

You ruin one of my FAVORITE Spider-Man villains with this garbage. No. NO. NOOOOO!!! This was terrible. You actually had some nice, soft moments in the show, like Peter and Harry in the bathroom, and that great responsibility perversion that Norman put out, but then, Peter's gotta go all Zach Morris on us and ruin the moment with his stupid, STUPID fourth-wall interruptions. And there's more, OH, there's more. But I don't think I can do it. I have not the necessary amount of nerd-rage within me to finish this in one blow. I began to hate this episode literally within the first 2 minutes of it. I hate it. I HATE IT. I HATE IT ALL!!!!

I...I think I'm going to cry in the corner now.

On the upside, the Avengers episode was EPIC :)D).


Scientist Supreme
Staff member
May 13, 2006
Advanced Idea Mechanics
and that great responsibility perversion that Norman put out.

SSM did it better, and in a far more subtle manner ("Never apologize").

As for this ep, WOW this was painfully bad. I had stopped watching this episode and was hoping this one would be better, but nevermind.

I'll go into much more detail later.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2009
Long island
No one even considering that Venom was the new Spider-Man was stupid and to me bad writing. If this is going to be a team show than it needs to be a team show, if not if should just be a Spider-Man solo show. I've been watching Spider-Man and his Amazing friends on Netflix latley and I'm amazed at how well they handled the team concept on that show, I'm not sure if they made the "Ultimate" team too big or just picked the worng characters or what but this just doesn't have the feel to it that I think it should.
I think the problem is that they seem to treat the teammates like props instead of characters. Its like their only purpose in existence is to provide support to spiderman and/or to help him look better. They don't really exist for themselves; instead of being part of the show, they are just some form of added flavor and it just leaves a bad taste. I mentioned this before, but one example of this is how they almost always seem to do everything together; even when they are out of uniform they are almost always moving around as a group. They don't come off as having their own friends, their own family, or even their own lives. Being spiderman's team IS their only life. Hell one of the reasons why i think the Taskmaster episode was one of the better episodes is because it allowed one of the characters to break off from the team to do her own thing

Another factor would be the dynamic that exists within the team... it does come off like they are just being forced to work together as opposed to them actually liking each other. Sure they don't need to all be friends as their are teams with members who do not get along with eachother, but i would think atleast some friendships would form amongst the group... in essence it feels like they all treat eachother the same exact way. Not friends, but not strangers... their just, together.

Really take this episode. Spidey had a fairly good reason to think the black spidey was venom; but the rest of the team was just there to dismiss his arguements and just say he's being jealous and paranoid. God forbid that one of them might have a different opinion to the others and would be willing to back up spidey and maybe even support him. Hell it could even work out as a good character moment... Say for instance White Tiger chose to back up spidey's suspicion and thus chose to help him hunt down venom; she'd be doing it more because of the potential threat, but the two would seem like they are getting closer... but then Spidey finds out Harry is venom, and now he doesn't want Tiger's help because he doesn't want to expose Harry. What was a potential bond, now becomes a new source of tension as Tiger becomes offended because Spidey can't explain why he doesn't want her help. There are other things that could have been done, but that's the first the pops off of my head

Mad Hatter

O Frabjous Day!
Feb 29, 2008
New York
SSM did it better, and in a far more subtle manner ("Never apologize").

As for this ep, WOW this was painfully bad. I had stopped watching this episode and was hoping this one would be better, but nevermind.

I'll go into much more detail later.

Dude...EVERYTHING in SSM was better. I'm not debating that at all. I'm just saying, THAT was one of the best parts of the episode, and the most subtle scene in the episode. That is, until Peter barges in with another OBVIOUS analysis via his stupidZachMorrisfourthwallcrapinahatandonastickandaaaaAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHIIIIIIIHATETHISSHOW!!!!


Active Member
Apr 15, 2011
This was absolutely horrendous. I mean oh my G-D was that bad. Venom is completely wrong in both motivation and character, spiderman's 4th wall antics are getting worse and worse along with these sorry excuses for jokes (especially the bathing scene and that face spidey had when he was on the window, they literally made me angry. IHowever I did like the secret identity joke when they did it the first time and then they ruined it of coarse), the acting is getting just bad (venom sounded horrible and bell throughout the episode kept going in and out of his sick voice, just bad)and just the two sentences Nova got to say made me hate his character more and more. Everything is going down hill and there is nothing even slightly good about it, this show is bad in every way and I would dare say this is one of the worst episodes they have put forward. I watched because of Venom and I will admit it took two five minute breaks in the middle of the episode just to make to the end.

Mad Hatter

O Frabjous Day!
Feb 29, 2008
New York
This was absolutely horrendous. I mean oh my G-D was that bad. Venom is completely wrong in both motivation and character, spiderman's 4th wall antics are getting worse and worse along with these sorry excuses for jokes (especially the bathing scene and that face spidey had when he was on the window, they literally made me angry. IHowever I did like the secret identity joke when they did it the first time and then they ruined it of coarse), the acting is getting just bad (venom sounded horrible and bell throughout the episode kept going in and out of his sick voice, just bad)and just the two sentences Nova got to say made me hate his character more and more. Everything is going down hill and there is nothing even slightly good about it, this show is bad in every way and I would dare say this is one of the worst episodes they have put forward. I watched because of Venom and I will admit it took two five minute breaks in the middle of the episode just to make to the end.

Oh, God, I forgot about the mouth on the window thing AND the shower scene. God. GOD!!! I feel your pain, man. I FEEL YOUR PAIN.


Still thwipping!
Feb 22, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
Terrible. Just terrible. About the only things I liked were the black suit Spidey design, and Venom's design. Otherwise, this is just trite stuff.

Gold Guy

Two is always better than one
Staff member
Dec 14, 2008
New York City
This episode reminds me why this show would be better if it was more of a serious show. The fight scene actually wasn't that bad, and all the quiet scenes actually work.

Its just that the comedy wrecks everything. Did we need all those snot jokes? I mean, really?


Still thwipping!
Feb 22, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
This episode reminds me why this show would be better if it was more of a serious show. The fight scene actually wasn't that bad, and all the quiet scenes actually work.

Its just that the comedy wrecks everything. Did we need all those snot jokes? I mean, really?

Spider-Man sneezing at the camera and snot covering the screen made me cringe, crude and unnecessary.


Pangoro's Bizarre Adventure
May 8, 2010
Well I'm done, I'm sorry I tried to give this show as much of a chance as I possibly could, but this show is a travesty and is very mediocre. It has no idea what it wants to be, either make it a team up show or a Spiderman show, you can't have both. The cutaways ruin the experience and make this show feel way too kiddy and crude. As it stands now, I am done with this show, but I might tune in to the season two premiere just to see if any drastic changes are made, like hopefully the removal of the cutaways and making Spiderman a solo hero again.


kiva fan
May 23, 2005
See guys, have Man of Action in Charge you will expect something like this, it's just a mix between Ben 10 and Generator Rex with a known character like Spidey......making it worst they are mentioning that if they get a 2nd season they won't change the humor because they say the show it's doing well.......is it?

Anyway guys if you want your comments be seen by Man of Action go to facebook and comment of how you really feel about this show which i'm surprise how many are giving them alot of negative comments, i thought only a few but wow they are mad.


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