4Kids Gets US Broadcasting Rights to "Kamen Rider Dragon Knight"


Active Member
Apr 16, 2006
Unlike Ultraman, Dragon Knight is technically an American production (it uses less and less Ryuki footage as time goes on, so if anyone is "hacking" something foreign, it's Adness, not 4Kids), so the idea of 4Kids actually editing is fairly unlikely. A time edit, maybe, but those are minor.

Disney made some additional edits of their own to the older Power Rangers eps. when they inherited the rights by absorbing Fox Family into their being, so it wouldn't be unlikely if 4Kids made additional edits to Ryuki. Frankly, I think Adness has already contributed to the ruination of Ryuki by giving it the Power Rangers treatment.

TMNT got to get away with what it did because of Peter Laird, the guy running the show. He happened to care about his story a fair deal, and it shows because he made a great series. The Adness fellows are Laird-esque in that they love Kamen Rider. While the love of your franchise by no means makes you immune to suits, their love combined with the fact that this is an American production (and it is, don't fool yourself) make me think that it won't become "hacked".

If Adness really love Kamen Rider as they've claimed, then they wouldn't have Americanized Ryuki or grant the airing rights to some sleezeball company like 4Kids in the 1st place! They would've just gave it a subbed release instead!

Besides, the show's finished production anyway, and it's been made with a child audience in mind. So, on that front, I STILL don't foresee a problem.

Again, it's not unlikely that 4Kids would make some additional edits to Ryuki, as Disney made some additional of their own to the older Power Rangers eps. when they've inherited the rights by absorbing Fox Family into their being. Also, Japanese children's shows can usually get away with more content than our own shows ever could.

Unlike you, I'm going to wait for the episodes to actually air before I jump to conclusions.

Then, let's just wait and see what happens afterwards!


Member of the 10,000 post club
Feb 21, 2008
As this has just come out of nowhere, I also have to quote Undrave and say "NANI?"

But I'm fine with any broadcast release as long as 4Kids doesn't touch it, change it or influence it in any shape or form. Just show it on TV, advertise it and that's it. Nothing else. No "creative changes" to what has already been made or anything that they think might be hip with the kids (like a certain rap). Again, just broadcast it, advertise it and that's it.

EDIT: Oh yeah, if I find out that 4Kids calls this show Masked Rider...


Active Member
Apr 10, 2004
Dr. Manhattan's New World
Disney made some additional edits of their own to the older Power Rangers eps. when they inherited the rights by absorbing Fox Family into their being, so it wouldn't be unlikely if 4Kids made additional edits to Ryuki. Frankly, I think Adness has already contributed to the ruination of Ryuki by giving it the Power Rangers treatment.

Saban edited things as well due to things like 9/11 and such. You sure these edits weren't carried over from there? I'd like some examples.

If Adness really love Kamen Rider as they've claimed, then they wouldn't have Americanized Ryuki or grant the airing rights to some sleezeball company like 4Kids in the 1st place! They would've just gave it a subbed release instead!

Not everyone has the same idea of love as you do. The guys behind Adness actually love Kamen Rider and want to craft their own story. Nothing wrong with that, especially since they seem to be working well with it. Not everyone has a ridiculously purist view of things to the point that you do. Some people don't want to watch Ryuki twice and wouldn't actually mind the adaptation having a completely different story.

Also, calling 4Kids "sleezeball" makes you look incredibly stupid. Just saying.

Again, it's not unlikely that 4Kids would make some additional edits to Ryuki, as Disney made some additional of their own to the older Power Rangers eps. when they've inherited the rights by absorbing Fox Family into their being. Also, Japanese children's shows can usually get away with more content than our own shows ever could.

If they were airing Ryuki, I'd actually read the rest of the chunk.

Then, let's just wait and see what happens afterwards!



Active Member
Apr 16, 2006
Saban edited things as well due to things like 9/11 and such. You sure these edits weren't carried over from there? I'd like some examples.

Wait a minute, Saban was doing the 9/11 edits:confused: ? I could've sworn Disney was the one behind them!

Not everyone has the same idea of love as you do. The guys behind Adness actually love Kamen Rider and want to craft their own story. Nothing wrong with that, especially since they seem to be working well with it.

You mean crafting their own American remake of Ryuki? Crafting your own story doesn't mean purposefully remaking an existing story into your own image, ya know!

Not everyone has a ridiculously purist view of things to the point that you do. Some people don't want to watch Ryuki twice and wouldn't actually mind the adaptation having a completely different story.

I'm against xenophobia and localizations of foreign media properties, FYI!

Also, calling 4Kids "sleezeball" makes you look incredibly stupid. Just saying.

There are reasons why I called them that!

If they were airing Ryuki, I'd actually read the rest of the chunk.

Dragon Knight is essentially Ryuki, just that it's an American remake by Adness with different actors and settings!
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D Dubbs

Wish Upon A Star
Mar 23, 2007
Chances of editing are very small. 4Kids' other live-action acquisition The Adrenaline Project (a YTV production) was run uncut here on 4Kids TV, so Kamen Rider should be fine.


Active Member
Apr 10, 2004
Dr. Manhattan's New World
Wait a minute, Saban was doing the 9/11 edits:confused: ? I could've sworn Disney was the one behind them!


You mean crafting their own American remake of Ryuki? Crafting your own story doesn't mean purposefully remaking an existing story into your image, ya know!

Power Rangers did it and you seem to watch that, judging from how much you've talked about it in this thread.

I'm against xenophobia and localizations of foreign media properties, FYI!

What's xenophobic about it? They're not saying they hate Ryuki, they're just making an adaptation in the style of the old Saban shows. As long as the show's plot develops differently and becomes its own thing, HOW is it xenophobic?

Not like there'd be a point in licensing Ryuki anyway, since most of the target demographic for it have already watched it illegally. That REALLY gives someone the urge to release it on Region 1 DVD!

There are reasons why I called them that!

Say what you will about company policies, but many of them are talented people just doing their jobs, and you insulting them just makes you look like a complete ******. Stop it.

Dragon Knight is essentially Ryuki, just that it's an American remake by Adness with different actors and settings!

Oh, you've seen the show? Cool, how is it?


Active Member
Aug 22, 2006
St. Petersberg
NANI? 4Kids airing Kamen Rider? Is it really the right place to air there? I know 4Kids won't have control on the show itself but what about a time slot, would they give it a decent one?

I was hoping it would air on Cartoon Network but oh well, it's better than nothing.


Active Member
Apr 16, 2006

What do you mean by that:confused: ?

Power Rangers did it and you seem to watch that, judging from how much you've talked about it in this thread.

No, I don't watch it that much! I only mentioned how similar KRDK is to Power Rangers!

What's xenophobic about it? They're not saying they hate Ryuki, they're just making an adaptation in the style of the old Saban shows. As long as the show's plot develops differently and becomes its own thing, HOW is it xenophobic?

Just like Power Rangers, it's an American remake of a foreign live-action TV series, replacing the original Japanese actors with Americans, removing most, if not all, of the cultural references in order to make it look more American and splicing in new American footage!

Not like there'd be a point in licensing Ryuki anyway, since most of the target demographic for it have already watched it illegally. That REALLY gives someone the urge to release it on Region 1 DVD!

Maybe most people wouldn't have tried to watch it illegally, if there was an uncut version available!

Say what you will about company policies, but many of them are talented people just doing their jobs, and you insulting them just makes you look like a complete ******. Stop it.

Relax! I only meant the company's execs/bosses!

Oh, you've seen the show? Cool, how is it?

No, I was just pointing out that Dragon Knight is simply just a derivative of Ryuki.

NANI? 4Kids airing Kamen Rider? Is it really the right place to air there? I know 4Kids won't have control on the show itself but what about a time slot, would they give it a decent one?

They would probably try to make it one of their biggest cash cows, but how they'd probably treat the show content-wise ain't gonna be pretty, I can tell you that:( !

I was hoping it would air on Cartoon Network but oh well, it's better than nothing.

I'd rather it air on Nickelodeon instead, as their lineup is sadly lacking in diversity.


What up, dog?
Jun 4, 2007
Cartoon Country
Lord Glalactus said:
I'd rather it (Kamen Rider) air on Nickelodeon instead, as their lineup is sadly lacking in diversity.

I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for any toku series to air on Nickelodeon. Nick has no interest in toku, nor is there any need for them to take an interest in such. Cartoon Network is firmly lodged in 3rd place, after Nick and Disney Channel, so the circumstances were different with them.


Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
NANI? 4Kids airing Kamen Rider? Is it really the right place to air there? I know 4Kids won't have control on the show itself but what about a time slot, would they give it a decent one?

I was hoping it would air on Cartoon Network but oh well, it's better than nothing.

I don't necessarily see this as a bad thing (but then, I guess I wouldn't, would I? :sweat:). I mean, just as many, if not more, people will see KR on 4Kids TV, since not everyone has cable and many fans of toku don't watch CN. Plus, with KR not coming to CN, all of the animation nuts like myself and others will now shut up and stop complaining about more live-action on CN.

I personally never thought Kamen Rider would've been a good fit for CN, anyway. Also, consider this: Power Rangers exploded on Fox Kids, not on cable. If KR is handled well, the same thing could happen for it on 4Kids. This could just be the mega-hit that 4Kids needs.

As was posed previously, does it really matter where Kamen Rider airs, just as long as it's airing somewhere?


Active Member
Aug 22, 2006
St. Petersberg
I personally never thought Kamen Rider would've been a good fit for CN, anyway. Also, consider this: Power Rangers exploded on Fox Kids, not on cable. If KR is handled well, the same thing could happen for it on 4Kids. This could just be the mega-hit that 4Kids needs.

You know what? You're right. Power Rangers worked for Fox Kids so why not the same with Kamen Rider and 4Kids?


Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
I guess 4Kids didn't realize how much Masked Rider sucked over on Fox back in 95, so they're going to make it suck even more.

Aw, come on. Give this company the benefit of the doubt. Masked Rider was Saban's doing. I've been hearing that this distribution company actually cares about this project so I heavily doubt that they'd let that same dreck happen again, and anyway, the production on the show has already been done, so it's not like 4Kids could ruin it all that much. At the most, you may have to endure a few poorly edited network promos for the show, but that just comes with the territory.

Look at this bright side: at least now you no longer have to listen to folks like me barking and moaning about keeping CN "pure" and live-action-free. ;)


Active Member
Aug 22, 2006
St. Petersberg
Aw, come on. Give this company the benefit of the doubt. Masked Rider was Saban's doing. I've been hearing that this distribution company actually cares about this project so I heavily doubt that they'd let that same dreck happen again, and anyway, the production on the show has already been done, so it's not like 4Kids could ruin it all that much.

Yeah and unlike Saban. The Wang Bros. actually know what they're doing with Kamen Rider.


Forever Burning Heart!
Feb 27, 2006
Quebec, Canada
I guess 4Kids didn't realize how much Masked Rider sucked over on Fox back in 95, so they're going to make it suck even more.

WTH?! Did you even see the new official trailer? This show is gonna KICK BUTT AND TAKE NAMES!

Heck they even bothered to get Mark Musashi on the stunt team! MARK FRELLIN' MUSASHI!!

Space Cadet

Staff member
Aug 25, 2002
I guess 4Kids didn't realize how much Masked Rider sucked over on Fox back in 95, so they're going to make it suck even more.

Well, 4Kids isn't producing the show themselves, only broadcasting it. Plus, the people behind the new series knows how much Masked Rider sucked and won't make the same mistakes again.


Active Member
Apr 10, 2004
Dr. Manhattan's New World
What do you mean by that:confused: ?

I mean you're wrong.

No, I don't watch it that much! I only mentioned how similar KRDK is to Power Rangers!


Just like Power Rangers, it's an American remake of a foreign live-action TV series, replacing the original Japanese actors with Americans, removing most, if not all, of the cultural references in order to make it look more American and splicing in new American footage!

Yes. That's what it is. This is not necessarily bad as long as it becomes its own story, and seeing as how the show uses more and more homegrown footage as it goes on, that's what it seems like it will be.

Maybe most people wouldn't have tried to watch it illegally, if there was an uncut version available!

Your logic is faulty: There was no market for it before fans discovered it online, and when they discovered it online they nabbed it for free, thus eliminating the market for it.

Relax! I only meant the company's execs/bosses!

No, you relax. I'm getting sick and tired of those exclamation points after every single sentence. I get the impression you're shouting at me constantly, and it's extremely rude. Stop it.

No, I was just pointing out that Dragon Knight is simply just a derivative of Ryuki.

Physically. But we have to see the show to claim if it is from a narrative perspective. Something you CAN'T vouch for.


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