"Captain Marvel" Feature Talkback (Spoilers)

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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003

Higher. Further. Faster.

Captain Marvel
Release Date: March 8, 2019 (March 7 advance screenings)
Home Entertainment Release: May 28, 2019 (Digital); June 11, 2019 (4K/Blu-ray/DVD)
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures, Marvel Studios
Directors: Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck
MPAA Rating: PG -13 (for sequences of sci-fi violence and action, and brief suggestive language)
Screenwriters: Anna Bode, Ryan Fleck, Geneva Robertson-Dworet, Nicole Perilman, Meg LeFauve
Starring: Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn, Lashana Lynch, Djimon Hounsou, Lee Pace, Jude Law, Gemma Chan, Annette Bening, Clark Gregg
Runtime: 124 minutes

Plot Summary: Carol Danvers becomes one of the universe's most powerful heroes when Earth is caught in the middle of a galactic war between two alien races.

Discuss Captain Marvel right here!

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-Ant-Man and the Wasp News & Discussion Thread
-Avengers: Infinity War Talkback Thread

-Marvel Cinematic Universe News & Discussion (Spoilers)
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Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
WARNING: Per usual super long and rambling review below.

You know if you go back and look at all the information about why various characters were created that became big Marvel staples mostly from that Silver age of comics you'd find all sorts of amazing inspiring or at least really solid reasons why each of these guys were made. Fantastic Four was made because it was a super hero family series based on values Lee always wanted to write about; the X-Men were about predjuice and civil rights which was becoming a big deal at the time; Iron Man was about focusing on a character you'd hate at first but then grow to enjoy; Hulk was about what if the Frankenstein Monster was a hero; Black Panther was about pushing said civil rights forward with a an Africian hero; Doctor Strange was about doing unique visual mystical ideas you couldn't do anywhere else; Ant Man originated from a popular horror story; Thor was about challenging themselves to do stories on gods to prove they had the mightest heroes; Daredevil about giving ones for disabled people to look up to etc etc etc. Thus surly there was some big idea behind the original Captain Marvel from Marvel Comics right? Oh there sure was; and it's something that's actually still a thing involved with Marvel today. A little thing of course called RIGHTS ISSUES.

Yeah see back in the 40's even at the time Captain America came out, Marvel wasn't Marvel Comics. They were Timely comics and though having popular heroes were by far not a part of the big 2 most well known comic companies known today. And really the only major Marvel hero wasn't from their staple but from another staple entirely from Fawcett Comics. There's a whole story about that we'll... have to touch on next month as it relates obviously to another super hero whose getting their first big movie this year but as a result, the name Marvel was sort of up for grabs in the 50's which Timely comics took to give themselves a more recongizable moniker. And of course with all of those other big heroes they became one of the big beloved comic book companies in time and decided to captalize on how popular the name was by having their own Captain Marvel character. Especially since again that was the name of a popular comic book hero. Thus in 1967 Mar-Vell aka Captain Marvel was born and... you know how though a lot of comic book characters even if they never reached the mainstream acclaim of Spider-Man or Batman or even to a lesser degree X-Men or Wonder Woman were still beloved and well known heroes within the printed media? Yeahhhhhhhhhhh that was never really the case for Marv-vell. It's pretty clear even at the time writers and artists just saw him as a tool to be used for the sake of the company's name that no one really cared about. Really the only reason the guy stuck around for as long as he likely did was because there was still this contract that there had to be a Captain Marvel book from Marvel at least every couple of years to keep using that name but no one really did anything from it. So famously or infamously there really isn't much the original Marv-vell is known for in comics other then having that name, having some space battles and yeah being one of those deaths that actually stuck for quite a while. Yeah in the 70's Captain Marvel Marv-Vell died and no one at the time really cared because no one really had any interest in the character. But what to do when you don't have a popular character but still need to keep making a title to retain the rights? Well in the movies you reboot but in the comics you just give it to other people. As yeah Captain Marvel is a legacy character that has been passed around. Unlike other legacy characters though like Ant Man or Blue Beetle or heck even the Doctor of Doctor Who I don't think for like... 40+ years there was a very particularly popular Captain Marvel around as likely every other person associated with the name gained more popularity away from it. In the 70s you had Monica Rambau more known as Spectrum then you got Genis Vell aka Photon and Phylva Vel aka Quasar and it just kept getting passed on and on like that for awhile without anyone really finding anything to really attach or care about in regards specifically to Captain marvel. So yeah there were still comics being made but that was for a reason and it wasn't ever a character though that was expected to be popular or be actually pushed or you know have a following behind it until literally this decade. Like yeah it was only around the time the Avengers was a thing that even in the comcis Captain Marvel found someone attached to it people actually gave a crap about; Carol Danvers aka the original Miss Marvel.
Again Captain Marvel back in the day was never a prominent title for Marvel but again they still plugged away from it so there were enemies and supporting characters made for Captain Marvel. One of those was Carol Danvers who absorbed some of the Captain's power and became her own super hero Miss Marvel who oddly enough even back in the day took off way more then Marv-Vell ever did. It's really hard to say why but maybe Carol's look or personality actually stuck more with characters since unlike the original Marv Vell she became part of the Avengers and heck even had story lines people would know about. Kind of like Ant Man though most known for awhile for that time he hit his wife it wasn't really anything positive though. There was Avengers 200 where she wound giving birth magically to a man who enforced himself into her womb through magic alien mysticism that in the end she was hypotnized to go along with that yeah was thankfully rectifieid awhile later. And then she spent years upon years in a terrible coma. Why? A brotherhood of evil mutant wound up absorbing her powers and draining her mind that she even within real time wasn't back up in the fray for ages. That mutant BTW wound up being Rogue so yeah those wondering why Rogue can fly and is super strong in some mediums but not in others there you go; Carol Danvers isn't in those mediums. However eventually the Marvel writers (not exactly sure who but that staple) around the 2000's brought Carol back and framed her as this really tough hard bad ass character who got through her mental adversity and issues and emerged all the stronger for it and became this cool cmpelling character. Enough so for Marvel to realize they could put two and two together; they finally had a Captain Marvel relatted character that was actually popular so why not make HER Captain Marvel? That happened in 2012 and since then Caorl's actually been a pretty big part of the general comic storylines and series and heck giving her Captain Marvel allowed Marvels to introduce a new Miss Marvel Kamala Kahn the first major muslim super hero who became insanely popular as well. But yeah it was only then that the Captain Marvel name meant anything and where you really saw Carol start getting incoperated in more storylines as well as outside the comic franchises in shows and games and getting more notority. Enough so that yeah she became the first major push for a Marvel Female Super hero starring movie. Since she's not the first Marvel super heroine (heck not even the first female Captain Marvel) but has become this popular outside the box character that she seemed like the perfect fit to have a movie made. Which yeah despite a few delays wound up finally happening and we're finally seeing now. Honestly the delays were really because of having to schedule other films because once the directors were chosen and the thing was shot I didn't hear any complaints and the film processed along the same as usual. There's this... weird backlash now because of honestly a lot of creeps online thinking Marvel's pushing some agenda with Captain Marvel that's trying to rob them of their manliness because... yeah toxic masculainity is still a thing. Not realizing that with Captain marvel there's always been a very profit and generally not for the sake of the character goal but this one actually is about caring for who is the hero and what their mission are and really it's sickening people have a problem with that in ******* 2019. However the movie still seems on tract for doing well and now having seen it...

I admit it's a lot more underwhelming then I've seen a Marvel movie be in awhile. It's not bad and there are some amusing and entertaining moments in it but... nothing really that works on a really interesting/incredible level like I was hoping for.

I will give credit that this movie feels a lot like a Carol Danvers Captain Marvel movie. The idea of her powers coming from Mar-Vell though in this case Mar-Vell being a female Kree scientist instead of just... some guy (and one of the better jokes in the movie was Fury pointing out liking the name Marvel over Mar-Vell obviously referencing regular Marvel but then singing that Marevlous song so you know it wasn't just a confusing 4th wall reference) I think worked well. And though kind of obvious that from the moment you saw him in the movie Yon Rogg was a bad guy (I really have a feeling even Marvel knew that thus why they wouldn't tell you the name of the character that Jude Law was playing since even if you didn't know who it is just seeing him for more then a minute of screen time makes him the villain) I guess it's not supposed to be that much of a twist if you know Marvel history anyway. I mean Guardians of the Galaxy made it clear the whole fued with the Kree and the Skrulls had a lot of bad blood on either side (BTW besides providing more things for Carol to shoot at Ronan was kind of a waste in this movie. Like he just comes with his troops they get demolished and he goes "yeah I'll get her next time" which we know doesn't happen. It's also kind of dumb to try and present the guy as a serious threat considering how we know he went out in GotG) so I like the idea of actually trying to present the Skrull more as the victims here just looking for a home. Since I kind of figured that all sides would be kind of wrong and was not expecting the Skrulls here to just be looking for a home and Carol's main mission in the end trying to protect their way home and then later find them a new planet so that was a good twist. But yeah this ties into what I was saying before; if you know anything about the history of Carol Danvers a lot of it resolves around her being screwed around taken and used and having others exploit her powers and rising above that. So I like how that was the overall theme of this movie and the focus of her arc; actually giving into instincts and her own personal feelings without restraint and that allowing her to tap into her own hidden potential. And I also like this tying into her flashbacks showing her never going up even like getting into a car crash or falling down or nearly being beaned in softball and still standing up and using that against the supreme intelligence and Yon Rogg and the others. And honestly I do like the tie back with Maria who I am surpirsed was as in as much of the movie as she was as yeah I knew she'd be important in a few scenes but she's in the entire third act. Which is a good thing as her whole "I lost my best friend who was the strongest person I know" and Carol's connection with maria and Monica is probably the strong emotional of this film. And you know I do find it surpirsing that the first female led Marvel movie is like the first without a focus on ANY romantic interest whatsoever. I mean what's the closest Carol had to that? a throwaway boyfriend in like a scattered memory since yeah her and Fury are friends along with her and Maria and... yeah no romance whatsoever. A first honestly for a marvel movie as even Dr. Strange and Black Panther had like some bits of romance but this movie didn't so yeah props here for not needing it any and for trying to still try an empowering tale... though without any major super cool or impressive scenes really.
Yeah a big problem I have with this movie is that there really isn't any sort of wow factor for it. And you don't need to have a major Avengers esque battle for there were still usually those bits in every Marvel movie. Even Ant Man and the Wasp had some pretty impressive chase scenes and impact shots but... this movie really didn't. I mean there were some cool bits every now and there from Carol taking on those 20 Skrull in arm bands and blasting through them and taking out one guy who was trying to escape and then blasting up the train car and blasting back Talos while he was impersonating Fury's boss. And the final ending battle had a couple of good moments from the cat eating all of those Kree Soldiers to Maria getting the best of Minnerva's sniping and Carol's "come on" motion imitating Ronan and then blasting Yon Rogg saying she doesn't have to impress him and then sending him home but... those were very brief and a lot of the chasing and firing leading up to them weren't particularly impressive. There's honestly a quality of action that now 21 movies in Marvel usually strives better for that you don't see here. I mean last year had all of these great car chases but the one here felt so standard and honestly a lot of the comedy wasn't really top notch either. There were some barbs but some of the bits with Carol talking about Blockbuster and Fury continoulsy playing with the cat got a bit old and honestly felt like stuff we should not really need right now. I mean there thankfully isn't really al ot stupid "fish out of water" bits with Carol but sometimes it gets close to that and honestly there aren't a lot of super witty zingers oranything. I mean Carol at least has a sort of unique sense of energy and humor that besides a couple of lines in the opening I wouldn't call like Tony Stark or Thor esque like others were saying but there wasn't like anything really hilarious I can reflect back and think on. Some amusing bits sure. The Stan Lee cameo especially Carol smiling at him worked and I admit I actually did think all the interactions with Talos after finding out he was a good guy worked from him pointing out wanting to be cautious knowing how powerful Carol is to being freaked out by the cat and Fury using that to taunt him as well as them all waiting for the dial up to start as I admit the couple of "man the 90s took forever for the internet to turn on humor" I did find really amusing but yeah there were more dry spells on this sort of thing. Especially since sans the whole importance of Carol's arc this wasn't a particularly serious or deep moving with like an important driving theme. Since at the end of the day even the whole bit about war and soldier though reflected a bit with Carol and Fury and even Talos doesn't really come off to build to anything other then just mentioning it and the whole idea of Carol being looked down and rising up again though sort of empowering is really just that without a more unique or interesting context to go about it. Plus sometimes they really did hammer it in too much. I mean did we really need Carol to be the one who was behind the Avengers name? Wasn't Captain America supposed to be the first Avenger (who BTW since they show the Tessrect in this story and it's what gave Carol her powers and what was used for the engine that Lawson/Marv Vell was making that means there should of been a Steve Rogers reference since you know he was the one last tied with the cube and all) why do it with Carol? That feels a bit too much even for me who feels even if this movie is underwhelming it getting a bunch of dislike is sort of BS when it's nothing terrible just... fine.
Honestly to me this is probably on the level of say a Doctor Strange of being nothing grand or great but okay with some good moments though this one works better on telling a different sort of story and having a unique sort of character focus and isn't as much the standard marvel formula and does some new things but in the end it doesn't stand out extradiorinary well. This isn't a BP level movie honestly since even third act effects of that movie the characters and themes and even comedy and cast worked better then what we got here but it still works well as a movie. Though honestly seeing Carol pop up in the Avengers Endgame teaser makes me glad we're finally getting to that movie next as yeah that is going to be where all the epic amazing stuff is coming so curious how Carol will tie exactly into that and how she'll work going forward since sometimes Marvel movies need that first introduction dusted off to really hit the ground. So yeah probably a weaker entry (not as weak as Thor still my least favorite MCU movie since I didn't totally know where the third act was going and Carol at least had a solid reason for leaving and a reason to be brought back more then Thor did in his first film) but one that ranks... okay and not bad or anything as it didn't do anything to really set me off and had some moments but nothing that great


Master of MAGnets
Staff member
Dec 31, 2013
Im pretty upset they changed Mar Vell since it most likely means no connection to Hulkling Phylaa Vell or Genis Vell

Gold Guy

Two is always better than one
Staff member
Dec 14, 2008
New York City
First off, it makes me really sad that the discourse surrounding this movie is so toxic, because it's honestly a really solid installment in the MCU. And I guarantee, many of the "complaints" the film had pre-release won't be a factor.

I know a lot of people felt Brie Larson was wooden in the trailers. I promise, she's really, really good here. There's a reason they chose her most monotone scenes for the trailer. But she has real chemistry with Sam Jackson, which is actually a highlight of the movie. I swear, it's intentionally 90s buddy cop.

And some were worried that the story was too straightforward. It does indeed have a lot of common origin story tropes...but the way they're presented is different from other MCU films, but to into that would be spoilerish too. But Danver's hero journey takes some different turns from her predecessors.

Some people like to cherry pick select scenes to show how bad the effects are - but on the whole, they're solid, and the de-aging technology is the best yet in the MCU. It's seamless for Jackson. And the space scenes in the climax make GotG look mild.

Besides Brie Larson and Sam Jackson, the rest of the cast hold their own as well. The two standouts are Lashana Lynch and Ben Mendelsohn, the former who gets some emotional scenes, and the latter who has more fun with his villain role than you would expect. Yes, the villain work is strong in this installment, because the MCU continues their string of villains who aren't just evil to be evil. The Skrull twist actually helped elevate this movie for me, because otherwise it would have been too straight-forward.

The movie takes advantage of it's 90s setting (90s kids, keep watch for all the references and cameos), although I don't think the soundtrack is as strong as Guardians of the Galaxy.

For complaints, I wish Ronan had more to do, and Jude Law didn't stand out like I thought he would. Also,there are some continuity issues (I think Yojimbo will notice more than I did.)

It doesn't make my top 5 MCU, but Captain Marvel is a really strong film. The hero is far more likable than people initially assumed, her hero's journey is interesting, Nick Fury may be at his best in this one, the action scenes are great, the character interactions are prime MCU, we get another strong MCU villain, and the ending leaves me wanting more. I can't wait for Endgame,

And avoid spoilers, please.

P.S. Yes, the cat is cool.

P.S.S. That Stan Lee tribute is beautiful. And film buffs will enjoy his cameo.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Love the movie but quite frankly i am unsure of Carol future in the MCU for the simple reason once she gain control of her powers she became overpowered she tore through ronan's ships and took out the lead villian in one shot once thanos is take off the board how can they use her?

and they seem to be setting ronan up as a few enemy in a captain marvel sequel expect they killed him in gotg.

so again good film but it shows signs marvel flims are losing their touch at setting up future movies.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2002
The behavior of certain people online toward this movie is beyond disgusting. These petty little men are the saddest of the sad.

The movie was great though I thought it could've been a little better paced. Aside from that I enjoyed everything else about it. Lots of fun and great performances by the cast and a good story. I'm not worried about Captain Marvel being overpowered. She's just as powerful here as she is in the comics and they manage to find plenty of suitable threats for her. She'll be fine. She's not overpowered either especially when you consider there's a God of Thunder in the universe too. The worry that she'll be too powerful is kind of ridiculous if you ask me. She'll still deal with strong foes and I imagine she'll have a hard time against Thanos. It's worrying over nothing. Trust the MCU braintrust. The movie has a great and powerful message and I think it's a great and maybe even an important movie for both boys and girls to see. The 90s setting was a great touch and the first end credit sequence has me counting the days for the next Avengers movie.

I'll admit that I teared up during the Stan Lee tribute at the start of the movie and I thought his cameo later in the movie was a nicely understated.


Oct 4, 2018
I just got back from watching the movie and I enjoyed every minute of it. Couple more things I was a little surprised that Yon-rog wasn't killed off in this movie. Also, online hate for this movie is ridiculous.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2012
For me, this movie is in the same league as Ant-Man and The Wasp. Completely serviceable movie, which doesn't do anything horrendously wrong, but doesn't leave strong impact either. I will add this movie to my DVD collection, since I'm a crazy collector, but I will not rewatch it outside of larger MCU marathons. Although, I do want to show this movie to my big sister someday, who I'm sure will find it more personally resonating, and I don't mean that in condescending way.

A big problem of the movie is that the main hook of the drama is a mystery, which the audience already knows answers to and are impatiently waiting for the main character to catch up, so the main conflict can actually move on. And no, I don't think my knowledge of the comics helped me, since it is pretty obvious who the actual villains are and what Carol will find out about her past.

The action scenes left a lot to be desired. At the begining, they were shot at close and with shaky-cam, making them hard to make out. I will never understand why this trend in modern Hollywood action movies refuses to die, even though the first Jason Bourne movie is 17 years old and even back then nobody liked it. During the climax, in turn, the effects were great, but the main character herself had become so powerful that there was no tension whatsoever. Hopefully, in the sequel they will introduce villains who can actually challenge her in a fight (especially since Marvel now has access to big guns like Galactus and his heralds).

I also have some fanboy complaints. First of all, what was even the point in putting Ronan into this movie? They had a golden opportunity to make a much criticized villain retroactively more compelling character, but he is pretty much just a cameo and since he died in the first Guardians movie, it's not like they can bring him back in the sequel. Secondly, more I think about it, more I hate how the handeled Fury losing his eye. In The Winter Soldier, they heavily implied that it was this big turning point for him, which made him so mistrusting of everyone. Now that we know that it was just this silly joke, the intense scene between him and Captain America is so much less cool and I will enjoy one of my TOP-5 MCU movies little bit less.

Despite of these flaws, the movie gave me great performances (with Ben Mendelsohn as the MVP of the cast) and some cool eye candy. Not to mention, my inner child squealed with delight when we got to see skrulls in live-action for the first time and the plo-twist regarding them worked really well. Like I said, the movie isn't bad, but nothing remarkable either.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
Overall the film was good. Like others, I think it’s somewhere between Doctor Strange and Ant-Man. It could have been much much better.

The big problem I had with Captain Marvel was the decision to use flashbacks instead of a chronological origin story. I understand that there is origin story fatigue out there, but just like you need an origin story for Doctor Strange and Ant-Man, you need one for Captain Marvel. The way they did it is like if Captain America started in WWII and there were a few flashbacks of a scrawny kid getting his ass kicked, enlisting, falling on a fake grenade, and stepping out of the super soldier machine. I understand the allure of an amnesia based mystery but that element of the film just didn't deliver. The film worked in spite of it, definitely not because of it.

There are two reasons it didn't work. First, much of the movie was spent teasing this badass fighter pilot named Carol Danvers who throughout her life got knocked down and got right back up. The ads teased this hard. I didn't realize the film would basically be what we saw in the ads. It would have been much stronger if it had started with Carol as a little girl and followed her as she worked her way up past 70s and 80s misogyny and into the Air Force. I wanted to see that Carol Danvers. Whenever we see Captain America, we remember that scrawny kid. I wanted the same for Captain Marvel.

The second reason it didn't work is that they clearly wanted to set up the Kree-Skrulls twist, but they had already spoiled it in Guardians of the Galaxy and the whole last season of Agents of SHIELD. Any loyal MCU viewer who saw Korath in the opening scene had to think, "He was a bad guy in Guardians of the Galaxy. He's probably one here too." If they didn't question it then, it was confirmed when Yon-Rogg was working with the accusers. That twist was unnecessary.

Now the Dr. Lawson twist was good, but it would have been much better in chronological order after becoming invested in the relationship between Carol and Lawson.

After writing this out, I've convinced myself that the movie we got should have been Captain Marvel 2 and Captain Marvel 1 should have been lady Top Gun with what surely would have been a controversial interracial lesbian love story. Through in some Air Force d-bags as stereotypical 80s/90s movie villains and you've got the right stuff. Midway through the film, Danvers gets her big break when Lawson tags her for a secret mission. Then she gets abducted to Hala. Then meeting the Supreme Intelligence would be emotional for the audience. The film could end with a big victory over the Skrulls and an after credits scene could show that everything isn't what it seems. Even better if this film happens before Guardians of the Galaxy. Maybe the opening scene would be another mid-credits scene for Captain Marvel 1.

Anyway, some other thoughts. The CGI for young Fury and Coulson was excellent. Disappointed Coulson didn't have more scenes, but whatever. The "cat" was cool. All the supporting casts were fine. Monica was a highlight and suggests a much bigger role in the sequel.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2002
Troy NY
Im pretty upset they changed Mar Vell since it most likely means no connection to Hulkling Phylaa Vell or Genis Vell

Gender-flipping Mar-Vell/Lawson is just a common thing Hollywood does now. Just accept it.

Kept waiting for Fury to use Capital One's catchphrase, but no.

Well, there have been some good Skrulls, or some that reformed, in the books, so having a group of Skrull refugees was a good move.

Good fun.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Really enjoyed the movie. The Stan tribute with the Marvel Studios logo was a tearjerker.

I liked that they made the Skrulls sympathetic and even had some funny moments like "science guy" or Talos freaking out about Goose.

All those 90s songs that played gave me flashbacks to my childhood, from stuff my mom played on the radio or what I heard on some channel called MTV. The hat tip to Mallrats! Blasting Arnold's head off on the True Lies standee, lol. The original Game Boy. Pagers! Oh my. The CD loading scene was my favorite. lmao.

I loved that they were able to do a couple touchstones on the canon, reveal some tidbits about Fury's past, and even bring up more questions like make us reconsider the adventures of the Tesseract. I think we all assumed once Howard Stark found it in the ocean, it went from Stark Industries to the SSR to SHIELD to Project Pegasus. And now we're left with a question how it goes from Howard to Mar-Vell's cruiser in space. Then again, I guess Mar-Vell as Lawson requested to work with the Tesseract as part of her project because she claimed she could get it ignited and she lifted it from base right before the crash. Just enough Coulson and I'm glad they didn't contradict any of the canon AOS established.

I actually liked the amnesia/fragmented flashback format rather than a straight forward origin story because it all culminated in that beautiful moment when it's revealed in every instance of Carol falling, she got back up then she pwns the Starforce at full power. Casting Annette Bening as Mar-Vell didn't phase me, since it's common at this point. One past casting, the Ancient One.

I don't have too many gripes. Mainly yeah, if you've watched past movies or kept up with AOS, the Kree twist wasn't much of a twist. I wish Agent May had a cameo among the agents at Pegasus, that would've been cool. I was a little confused about Keller. Yes, it was clear he was Fury's superior, but was he just the SAIC at the LA field office or a higher up or even the current Director of SHIELD? Or Carol being estranged from her parents, I wanted to know more about that bit.

Also, I was surprised no Far From Home or Endgame trailers played. I think it was Shazam!, Dumbo, Ugly Dollz.

and they seem to be setting ronan up as a few enemy in a captain marvel sequel expect they killed him in gotg.
This movie took place in 1995. GoTG took place in 2014. There's a large span of time in which the two could meet again before he becomes a religious extremist disavowed by his people. I get why a lot think the sequel is taking place in the present post-Endgame but they may continue in 1995, 100% in space.

I also have some fanboy complaints. First of all, what was even the point in putting Ronan into this movie? They had a golden opportunity to make a much criticized villain retroactively more compelling character, but he is pretty much just a cameo and since he died in the first Guardians movie, it's not like they can bring him back in the sequel.
Based on footage we saw from trailers/clips and stills, it looks like his scenes were trimmed when they edited the final cut of the movie.

Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
This movie took place in 1995. GoTG took place in 2014. There's a large span of time in which the two could meet again before he becomes a religious extremist disavowed by his people. I get why a lot think the sequel is taking place in the present post-Endgame but they may continue in 1995, 100% in space.

Eh I have a feeling the sequels are going to take place in the present especially since Feige says they want to have following movies show a grown up Monica Ranbamu and introduce Kamala Kahn's Miss Marvel into the mix. Plus I kind of thought Ronan's whole plot in GOTG to use the power stone makes more sense as I'm sure he also intended after wiping out Xandar to take out Captain Marvel as well. Plus (this spoiler is just pure speculation/what iffery on my part but it's not out of the range if possibility)

There is rumor that Endgame is going to have the Avengers time travel/go through the past to reacquire all the Infinity Stones throughout the various movies. So what if it was up to Carol to go back to get the power stone from Ronin at the end of GOTG? Because I can just imagine this goofy what if scene where Peter tries his dance distraction and then Carol comes in and starts beating the crap out of Ronin and taking the stone. Probably won't happen just like that but still thought it was worth bringing up as a what if amusing joke

and that's really all you'd need of them again. And again I really kind of am hoping other MCU movies only have bits of them again taking place in the past not the entire thing. It wold be rather annoying to have all of Black Widow and Eternals just take place in the past same with a Captain Marvel sequel.


Active Member
Dec 3, 2014
My house, DUH!!!
Honestly, I enjoyed it. For me, this is tied with Into the Spider-Verse as the best modern superhero movie.

I really enjoyed Brie Larson's performance as Carol Danvers. She brings a lot of humanity and likeability to the role while also having a wicked sense of humor at times.

Plus, one of the many factors (and boy there are many) that make me like a superhero actor or actress more than others is the way they smile. When a superhero (or his/her alter ego) smiles, I always felt that it should be a smile that looks warm, kind, yet with a bit of playfulness. That's what I always liked about George Reeves' Superman, Nicholas Hammond's Spider-Man and Bill Bixby's Banner; and Brie does have that kind of smile that makes you like her immediately.

The use of the Skrulls here really surprised me. I really liked what they did with them here. Talos in particular is really well developed, and I really liked him more than I originally thought I would.

Although I'm more attached to Caucasian Nick Fury, Black Fury was pretty nicely handled here. He was the source of comedy relief and excelled at that. Though I'm still kinda bummed about Fury not being the classic version, I thought he was pretty enjoyable.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
There was an idea to have Yon-Rogg end up on Sakaar instead of back to Hala in a post credits scene.

Eh I have a feeling the sequels are going to take place in the present especially since Feige says they want to have following movies show a grown up Monica Ranbamu and introduce Kamala Kahn's Miss Marvel into the mix.

There is rumor that Endgame is going to have the Avengers time travel/go through the past to reacquire all the Infinity Stones throughout the various movies. So what if it was up to Carol to go back to get the power stone from Ronan at the end of GOTG? Because I can just imagine this goofy what if scene where Peter tries his dance distraction and then Carol comes in and starts beating the crap out of Ronan and taking the stone. Probably won't happen just like that but still thought it was worth bringing up as a what if amusing joke
True, that's all likely.

and that's really all you'd need of them again. And again I really kind of am hoping other MCU movies only have bits of them again taking place in the past not the entire thing. It wold be rather annoying to have all of Black Widow and Eternals just take place in the past same with a Captain Marvel sequel.
Yeah, I agree with what you mean, but at the same time these are characters with a past and if it's an important story that matters to the overall MCU or the characters' arc, I'm fine with one set in the past.

EDIT: 15 facts from the directors.

EDIT 3/12: Feige on the Stan tribute and cameo.
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Rick Jones

Big Fan
Staff member
Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
I went in not knowing what to expect. The trailers were okay but didn't wow me. I was excited to see Skrulls vs Kree, and I knew it would factor into Endgame.

I have to say, I really enjoyed myself. It was a fun movie and looked good on screen. They got me right off the bat with the opening fanfare, actually doing something I joked that they should in the past and I loved it. The movie never felt slow or boring or anything. I had a good time throughout and while it may not be flawless, I can't see myself ever thinking of this movie as less than good. I thought it was a weird choice to change Mar-Vell and I didn't like Fury losing his eye over a goof but I have no other real complaints here.

I have never been a fan of this costume, and I'm probably still not super crazy about it, but I thought she looked really badass once she threw the bomber jacket on. I was a 90s kid that loved the Avengers and X-Men bomber jackets though, so what can I say? I look forward to seeing how she factors into Endgame.

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Brand New Day on Toonzone
Staff member
Mar 22, 2002
Springfield, MO
First off, I enjoyed it. I was aware of the internet flaming going on ahead of the film. Also was aware that Brie Larson has recently said some stupid and insulting things (like many Hollywood actors and actresses tend to do).

None of that mattered to me - I wanted to see this because it was a Marvel film. That's all.

I thought it was a weird choice to change Mar-Vell and I didn't like Fury losing his eye over a goof but I have no other real complaints here.

Yeah, that sums it up for me as well.

I think making Mar-Vell a woman...feels a lot more of a betrayal to the source material than making "The Ancient One" a woman in Dr. Strange (or Heimdall a black man, or the Mandarin a white man, etc). Maybe if they had at least made Mar-Vell a badass warrior woman, but...she was an old scientist lady. Plus, Mar-Vell's supposed to die of cancer (like in the comics).

And Fury seemed a little too...nonchalant about being permanently scarred. One minute he's getting disfigured, the next he's washing dishes with Carol and smiling, even though his eye is now hideously swollen.

I also didn't like what they did with the Kree/Skrull relationship - The Kree/Skrull war is supposed to be a metaphor for the Cold War (Two Cosmic Empires who's war threatens to destroy Earth, caught in the middle - aka Two superpower nations who's nuclear arms race threatens to destroy the entire Earth, including all the other nations caught in the middle).

Instead, we got "Big Evil Empire annihilates smaller civilization, and the smaller civilization resorts to terrorist activities, blending in and killing people, but all they really want is a new homeland where they can be left alone" (which sounds a little bit too similar to how Hollywood would picture a certain real-life conflict of the last 20 years).

Okay. Stuff I liked: I enjoyed Carol Danvers. I enjoyed Fury. There was some great interaction between the two and some great comedy segments. I really enjoyed Monica Rambeau (it worked well with having her as a kid here). I liked seeing Ronan again. I did like the Skrulls as good guys (I just think it alters the dynamics from the comic books too far). Would've been nice if they could've somehow done elements of the "Secret Invasion" story-line from the comics (and included the Skrull Queen impersonating Spider-Woman - but they would've had to introduce Spider-Woman first)!

Overall...I think I enjoyed it more than "Ant-Man and the Wasp", but slightly less than "Incredible Hulk". Which means it's a "middle of the pack" Marvel movie, for me.
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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
I think making Mar-Vell a woman...feels a lot more of a betrayal to the source material than making "The Ancient One" a woman in Dr. Strange (or Heimdall a black man, or the Mandarin a white man, etc). Maybe if they had at least made Mar-Vell a badass warrior woman, but...she was an old scientist lady. Plus, Mar-Vell's supposed to die of cancer (like in the comics).
3/13: I'd counter that The Ancient One in the first Dr. Strange movie was just the current one and it as intimated she came from a long line of. So it's not like there weren't any male Ancient Ones before her - we already know there was Agamotto. And we know the Mandarin in Iron Man 3 was a fake and an actor and the real one exists as revealed in the follow up All Hail the King One Shot.

But what Feige said and the directors said on recasting and choosing Bening for Mar-Vell.
Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige added: "We had already started some initial casting discussions for an actor, a male actor to play Mar-Vell. No one specific, but we’d started looking at lists. And we were struggling with it, frankly." The filmmakers reportedly felt that the parts of the story involving Lawson and Brie Larson's Carol Danvers weren't working, so Boden suggested casting a woman and combining the roles of Mar-Vell and The Supreme Intelligence, the all-powerful being that rules the Kree alien race
It was really about the development of this story, and about how best to showcase Carol Danvers growth, and development as a hero, and the notion that she had a female best friend, a female mentor, seemed important to us, and was something that was an idea that Anna had as the script is as she and Ryan were doing their pass at their script, and it all sort of fell together, particularly then with Annette Bening being able to play both of those spoilery parts
And as for seeing Mar-Vell as an old woman -- oh well, we saw her first at the end point of her life. We already know Marvel Studios likes to skip around the timeline so we could see a younger version of Mar-Vell in the future.

The Kree/Skrull war is supposed to be a metaphor for the Cold War (Two Cosmic Empires who's war threatens to destroy Earth, caught in the middle - aka Two superpower nations who's nuclear arms race threatens to destroy the entire Earth, including all the other nations caught in the middle).
Well, the undercurrent going into this movie from past MCU appearances, I wasn't surprised to see it a bit more apparant the Kree are a bunch of fascists. As for the Skrulls, yeah that was shock. But going into World War II, the USSR were regarded as allies despite it being obvious they were ideological counterparts to most of the Allies then of course the Cold War. So I can see the possibility that here in Captain Marvel, this small patch of Skrulls we meet are sympathetic but if Talos did succeed and unite the Skrulls, in 24 years time -- I think it's possible they may show up again but in a more antagonistic role.

3/14: Original ending had Carol flying into space alone.

3/15: Andy Park talks about the Starforce suits.

EMPIRE's podcast with the directors.

On using the Tesseract
You knew that something needed to give Carol her powers and I think that we were at a point when we were brainstorming with the team at Marvel and just like "why create a whole new thing? Like we have all this powerful stuff that's already in the Marvel universe. Do we really need to create a whole new energy source for her to gain her powers, we have some to choose from, and so we decided to go with the Tesseract
On the Skrulls
We knew from the beginning that this was so much about Carol's journey towards finding her own humanity. But part of that is seeing humanity in other people even people you don't expect to. The idea of having Carol go through that journey and seeing the unexpected humanity in Skrulls, realizing that she's been wrong and having to face that was really powerful for us. If we can make an audience member have that same experience of assuming that they were one thing and having their expectations subverted, we thought that would just be all the more powerful.
On Goose
It was one of the very very first ideas when we were all getting in a room together with the guys at Marvel and our co-writer. We were throwing ideas on a blackboard with no idea what the structure of the story is gonna be, just like what might we want to see from the comics in this movie, that was definitely one of like the very top things we always wanted to see in the movie. It's so awesome in the comics. I mean...a cat...who's a Flerken...who has pocket dimensions? I mean that is, there was no way that wasn't going to end up in this movie
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the greenman

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2006
the point of no return
Okay, I saw this earlier this week, but between work & gathering my thoughts on it. Honestly, the film was okay, but Marvel needs to pay attention to detail. This is the first time I felt I was watching another episode of the MCU television show. Yeah, it felt just a little lower.

Nothing to do with SEXISM, more forcing a message. The same way I felt about that whole sequence with the animals in Last Jedi. First off Larson had no personality for Carol Danvers. Instead of alluding to her having a certain life, they should've showed it. I feel there could have been some scenes dropped or something. Nothing fleshed out Carol Danvers.

I woke up when she went to the Blockbuster. The meat of the film is here, but now we're being knocked upside the head with a 90's soundtrack. Also oddly placed songs. The "buddy cop" stuff was funny, and cool. I found it interesting, showing Fury's ID card left his last name off (Interesting). The cat almost got annoying like a "Men in Black" joke. The reveal of how Fury lost his eye made me upset. I expected something more serious. Another upset for me was the reveal of Supreme Intelligence/ Mar-Vell. Huh?! Why do they waste a chance to show that character. . . maybe money. Oh yeah, we can't visibly see it. Yeah, whatever. On the soundtrack, I was coming into my YA years in the 90's, dealing with death in my family. I listened to alot of music, female artists were coming into prominence. Sheryl Crow in particular. Even the one hit wonder What's Going On? by 4 Non Blondes. Salt N Pepa, TLC, Hole, Des'ree, and No Doubt (before Stefani went solo) wasn't quite doing it for me. Besides, you allude to grunge but don't hear? Except 1 Nirvana song.

All in all the film doesn't exactly leave me to revisit it.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Nothing to do with SEXISM, more forcing a message. The same way I felt about that whole sequence with the animals in Last Jedi. First off Larson had no personality for Carol Danvers. Instead of alluding to her having a certain life, they should've showed it. I feel there could have been some scenes dropped or something. Nothing fleshed out Carol Danvers.
The message being people can tell you who to be but only you can decide that? But they did show her past life... No personality and not fleshed out? Wha...


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Almost forgot to listen to this before the day was up.

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