Designs for "Wolverine and the X-Men" Season Two Posted!


Active Member
Apr 14, 2008
Even if they got punked by ninjas in every episode the show is still more mature and adult than most Marvel shows

The ninja stuff is not a big deal to most people ,you seem to be the only one bringing it up every time,but its cool at least Rogue and Logan kicked some Ninja butt later on
I also think ninjas punking the entire X-Men team, including Nightcrawler who can teleport, Shadowcat, who phase through anything and Emma Frost who can read minds just to make Wolverine look good was stupid, contrived and lame. Although I will admit Rogue did have her moments in that episode.

You keep saying that WatXM is so mature, but what exactly makes it more mature than other Marvel shows? And even if it's more mature by your standards, does that alone make it a superior show to the rest?

I personally rate Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, X-Men: Evolution, Iron Man: Armored Adventures and Spectacular Spider-Man as superior Marvel cartoons. Those 4 shows do (and did) a lot better job at showcasing the entire cast. Even SSM and AA which were solo shows. WatXM propped up one character (guess who) at the expense of all the other ones, which I think led to some poor storytelling.

That's not to say that I didn't enjoy the show, since I did, I just wish they focused less on Wolverine and more on the other characters that they had such as Storm who was basically a background prop, and Shadowcat, who I think was the most fun character on the show.

Mistah K88

Jan 17, 2009
I know there was a Deadpool artwork floating out there somewhere... I do kind of like Jean having long hair. I suppose with Emma out of the way they could have Jean Grey with longer hair.

Well the unused plans were revealed now that the show is dead. I'm sure by now everyone has seen them but here's a just in case.

LUCAS: Towards the end of season one, Mr. Sinister took the DNA samples from Scott and Jean. Would we have seen Cable and/or X-Man in season two? What kind of role would he have had in the show?

JOSH: The goal with Season 2 was to create our version of a season-long Age of Apocalypse story, much in the same way as Season 1 was inspired by “Days of Future Past.” Cable / X-Man were obviously very connected to that storyline and that Age of Apocalypse world, so your guess is correct. We had some plans for Cable (and even a design) although we were still hammering out his exact role in the show.

LUCAS: How was Emma Frost's return going to happen?

JOSH: Wait, wait, wait, who said Emma was coming back? :)

Man, this was actually one of the coolest ideas that we had during development… okay I guess I’ll give you this one. HUGE SPOILER AHEAD that doesn’t matter anymore.

The thought was that just as Emma shattered and released the Phoenix Force into the aether, she was able to reach out and implant her consciousness on Jean. Through the beginning of the second season episodes, we were seeding some very subtle hints about this—showing a few of Emma’s mannerisms, memories, and knowledge seeping out into Jean’s thoughts and actions. Ultimately we planned to show Jean realizing what had happened, but deciding to keep Emma repressed—imprisoned essentially—in her mind, until some critical moment when Jean would finally realize the need for Emma and help to revive her. We were also planning to homage the memorable scene from the comics of Beast rebuilding Emma’s shattered diamond form.

LUCAS: Would we ever see Professor X come out of the coma in the present day?

JOSH: Yes. This was planned for the beginning of the Season 2 finale. With some…. complications.

LUCAS: How would the show's Age of Apocalypse differ from the iconic comic storyline?

JOSH: The comics treated AoA as an alternate present should Charles Xavier have been killed before forming the X-Men, rather than as a possible alternate future. Part of our task in adapting the story was figuring out which elements to pull into our present day storyline and how we were building towards this dark future. Greg, Boyd and I also did a lot of work fleshing out the details of that Age of Apocalypse future, including (amongst many other things) how and where the Infinites were created and how Apocalypse was using them to exercise an iron fist over the world.

LUCAS: Besides Havok, Deadpool, and Magik, which were all announced to premiere in season two, were there any other new characters we would've seen in season two?

JOSH: To quote Emma, “Yes. Many.” I hesitate to dive into all the other characters that would have appeared, because I don’t think it’ll do anything other than make folks even angrier and more depressed that season 2 isn’t happening. But I’ll give you a few, because I’m cool like that.

Unus the Untouchable
Nemesis (aka Holocaust)

LUCAS: Also, would we have seen Cyclops start a relationship with Emma? If so, how would Jean take it?
JOSH: This was actually still a bit up in the air when we closed down shop. Part of the plan for Cyclops’s arc in the present day was to start to return him to the way that he used to be—a hero and a born leader—now that Jean is safely back on the team. We were even going to introduce a new costume for him, putting him back in the blue and yellow as he shed the black and grey of his mourning. We’d designed that costume as well as a Yellow and Blue look for Jean, both inspired by the Jim Lee era of X-Men comics, some of my favorite costumes for them. The Jean one in particular was one of my favorites that we’d ever done.

But part of Cyclops was of course going to be pining for Emma, and Jean (being a psychic and, you know, a somewhat observant gal) would certainly pick up on this. And it would likely play into the timing and manner of Emma’s return.

I did like the show, but it did indeed take the other X-Men fall in order to have Wolverine rise...specifically Cyclops...he was NEVER shown as a competant leader, so I was wondering were they were to take him in the show.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2007
OK I know the time travel aspects of this show were screwy anyway (especially the season final) but this:

LUCAS: Would we ever see Professor X come out of the coma in the present day?

JOSH: Yes. This was planned for the beginning of the Season 2 finale. With some…. complications.

Would just cancel out the entire show into a time paradox. Yeah it's just an idea and we have no way of knowing how it would be executed or what those "complications" would be. It's still a big WTH moment for the time travel fan in me.


Nov 11, 2006
LUCAS: Would we ever see Professor X come out of the coma in the present day?

JOSH: Yes. This was planned for the beginning of the Season 2 finale. With some…. complications.


It's also a shame that we've missed out on seeing Holocaust in animation. Someday, perhaps...


Active Member
Jul 13, 2009
Long island
I personally rate Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, X-Men: Evolution, Iron Man: Armored Adventures and Spectacular Spider-Man as superior Marvel cartoons. Those 4 shows do (and did) a lot better job at showcasing the entire cast. Even SSM and AA which were solo shows. WatXM propped up one character (guess who) at the expense of all the other ones, which I think led to some poor storytelling.

That's not to say that I didn't enjoy the show, since I did, I just wish they focused less on Wolverine and more on the other characters that they had such as Storm who was basically a background prop, and Shadowcat, who I think was the most fun character on the show.

This has always been my major issue with the show. I Enjoyed the show, but for this reason alone I do not want to see it return. Because the more time marvel spends on WatXM, the longer we have to wait for a REAL x-men show; a show that places its focus on the ENTIRE TEAM, sharing the spotlight evenly amongst the team members...

Mistah K88 said:
I did like the show, but it did indeed take the other X-Men fall in order to have Wolverine rise...specifically Cyclops...he was NEVER shown as a competant leader, so I was wondering were they were to take him in the show.
Ya it always irritated me that the show did not show us cyclops BEFORE he lost Jean. Honestly, sympathizing for a character is much easier when you actually SEE how far they fell. This is in regards to leadership, his character and his relationship with Jean... Honestly even in the flashback episode we got for cyclops I never got the idea that he was a strong leader and no more than a VERY tiny idea that he and jean had a strong and healthy relationship...

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I like the idea of Emma Frost being in Jean's subconscious. That sounds like it would have been a nice way to keep her in the show, at some form, and allow for her to be revived at some point. Plus, it would have given more insight into Jean's character, given that another person is inside her mind now, as well as see how Emma deals with being confined inside Jean's subconscious. It definitely would have had a significant impact on Scott and Jean's relationship. Having Professor X wake up in present day also sounds kind of cool, but I agree it just would have caused so much confusion about the time traveling, even more so than there already was with just the first season. It's still a shame that this series couldn't have a second season since they had some really great ideas planned out and they were foreshadowing a huge event with this new future, but it just was too hard financially to do so. It's quite a shame.


Active Member
Apr 14, 2008
This has always been my major issue with the show. I Enjoyed the show, but for this reason alone I do not want to see it return. Because the more time marvel spends on WatXM, the longer we have to wait for a REAL x-men show; a show that places its focus on the ENTIRE TEAM, sharing the spotlight evenly amongst the team members...
Hopefully the Anime'll be better at character distribution.

Ya it always irritated me that the show did not show us cyclops BEFORE he lost Jean. Honestly, sympathizing for a character is much easier when you actually SEE how far they fell. This is in regards to leadership, his character and his relationship with Jean... Honestly even in the flashback episode we got for cyclops I never got the idea that he was a strong leader and no more than a VERY tiny idea that he and jean had a strong and healthy relationship...
The flashbacks did nothing for Cyclops. He was still a loser. He was the one picking fights with Wolverine (who was the better man and wouldn't fight back), being scolded at by Jean for said behavior, and even further back when he was teen he was shown to basically be an emotional pansy, who couldn't do anything right. For all that I'm conflicted on season 2 Cyclops could've been like. They could either have redeemed him and and made him an awesome strategist and leader, or they could've continue to give him the shaft in order to make Wolverine look good.


Peace Loving Shinobi
Mar 8, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
As far as Cyclops acting like a loser, the comics did it to him first :p .

Yeah, guy gets married and has a kid and dumps his wife after he finds his believed dead girlfriend is really alive. Joins a team with her and neglects to tell Jean Grey he married and had a baby with someone. Nothing deadbeat dad or loser-ish about that :D .


Jul 9, 2010
The way Wolverine didn't actually use his claws but kept unsheathing them and the watered down fight scenes in "Wolverine vs. The Hulk", especially when compared to "Hulk vs. Wolverine" are things that very much made it feel like a kids' show.

Agreed. I enjoyed the show, but the action was toned down and kid friendly--and often not as well choreographed as TSSM or most of the DCUA shows.

I absolutely would have watched a second season had one been made, so I'm not saying the show wasn't good, but I did see it as more "all ages" then adult in nature. I did like the ongoing story lines and character building, and the action wasn't bad, it just could have been better/more intense.

Definitely deserved a second season. Hopefully we get a replacement for it sometime.


Peace Loving Shinobi
Mar 8, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
How is that any different from the 1990's series or pretty much Wolverine in any other animation before Hulk vs.?

Also let's not forget the Ninja Turtles carrying around deadly bladed weapons and never slashing anyone. I remember talking with Chris Yost about this, and he said Leonardo and Wolverine have blades and Yost basically said in their shows, "They can rip to you shreds but they just don't." I think Yost meant that the threat of them doing it was there, but Wolverine and Leonard (in the new TMNT) series chose not to rip people to shreds instead. Take it or leave it I suppose.


Active Member
Apr 14, 2008
Its not really. Its mostly about Cyclops, Emma, and Armor and is less interesting than Wolverine and the X-men though still decent.
I'm actually okay with that. That's better than just Wolverine. Don't know who Armor is, so I'm looking forward to finding out.
As far as Cyclops acting like a loser, the comics did it to him first :p .

Yeah, guy gets married and has a kid and dumps his wife after he finds his believed dead girlfriend is really alive. Joins a team with her and neglects to tell Jean Grey he married and had a baby with someone. Nothing deadbeat dad or loser-ish about that :D .
While that may be the case, the Cyclops I'm familiar with is the more than capable leader from X-Men: Evolution, Astonishing X-Men (Joss Whedon's run, haven't read any other AXM) and the first 12 issues of Ultimate X-Men (haven't read the rest yet). So I don't think that's a valid excuse for WatXM poor portrayal of Cyke.

Definitely deserved a second season. Hopefully we get a replacement for it sometime.
We do have the upcoming X-Men anime, so there's that.

How is that any different from the 1990's series or pretty much Wolverine in any other animation before Hulk vs.?
That doesn't make it any less annoying.

Also let's not forget the Ninja Turtles carrying around deadly bladed weapons and never slashing anyone. I remember talking with Chris Yost about this, and he said Leonardo and Wolverine have blades and Yost basically said in their shows, "They can rip to you shreds but they just don't." I think Yost meant that the threat of them doing it was there, but Wolverine and Leonard (in the new TMNT) series chose not to rip people to shreds instead. Take it or leave it I suppose.
I don't care about the threat being there, I actually wanna see it. Especially with a guy like Wolverine, who's the type of guy to follow through with those threats. It woudn't have been so bad in WatXM if Wolverine didn't constantly unsheathe his claws at the drop of a hat, only for him to do nothing with them.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2009
Long island
LUCAS: Also, would we have seen Cyclops start a relationship with Emma? If so, how would Jean take it?
JOSH: This was actually still a bit up in the air when we closed down shop. Part of the plan for Cyclops’s arc in the present day was to start to return him to the way that he used to be—a hero and a born leader—now that Jean is safely back on the team. We were even going to introduce a new costume for him, putting him back in the blue and yellow as he shed the black and grey of his mourning. We’d designed that costume as well as a Yellow and Blue look for Jean, both inspired by the Jim Lee era of X-Men comics, some of my favorite costumes for them. The Jean one in particular was one of my favorites that we’d ever done.

But part of Cyclops was of course going to be pining for Emma, and Jean (being a psychic and, you know, a somewhat observant gal) would certainly pick up on this. And it would likely play into the timing and manner of Emma’s return.
Y'know, thinking about it, this bit makes me REALLY skeptical of how well cyclops would turn out. I mean sure they say they would let cyclops a hero and born leader, but it feels like they are building him up just to tear him down all over again. I mean, Season 1 basically showed us that cyclops can not even function without jean, and yet, after she has returned and he his regaining his life, its only THEN that he starts to pin for someone else? Ya pining for Emma after going through such an episode with Jean and getting her back probably would not earn him a lot of points... not to mention i can't help but think it would be wolverine of all people who will be the one to confront him about it (once again, make others look bad so wolverine can look good)...

Furtharmore their is the issue of his future with Apocalypse. We saw in the future that Cyclops was to eventually become one of Apocalypse men along side sinister. Considering how we would likely see things come to the brink of Apocalypse's victory before they manage to thwart him and avoid a horrible future, I can't help but think this means we would see Cyclops get tempted by the dark side... hence again, being built up just to be broken down... and wolverine will probably play a key role in making him see the light again.

Its not really. Its mostly about Cyclops, Emma, and Armor and is less interesting than Wolverine and the X-men though still decent.
Y'know only saw the first few episodes of the anime. And interestingly enough, like WatXM, it starts with scott after he lost Jean and fell to depression... however, even with just the first few episodes, they handle it much better than WatXM did with an entire season. Scott was still angry and angst over the event, but he did not let it consume him. He shows signs that the loss of Jean to influence his character in a POSITIVE way (instead of being consumed by it, it's more like he's learning from it); atleast that's the feeling I got from those first few episodes... Also one thing we get in the very first episode is a flashback where Jean and Scott have a moment together. Sure they are not talking about eachother, but the whole atmosphere of the short scene just screams "These two are in love"... that's something i felt was lacking in WatXM
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Active Member
Nov 8, 2009
As far as Cyclops acting like a loser, the comics did it to him first :p .

Yeah, guy gets married and has a kid and dumps his wife after he finds his believed dead girlfriend is really alive. Joins a team with her and neglects to tell Jean Grey he married and had a baby with someone. Nothing deadbeat dad or loser-ish about that :D .

Wow so he did that in the comics thats awful,and people think WATXM Cyclops is bad.I can't even take the WATXM Cyclops complaints seriously anymore after what comic book Cyclops did.This show went easy on him


Now all I/You can do
Oct 11, 2002
It's cool to see more of what they had planned for season 2 but it's also depressing that it'll most likely never be finished.
What I find most ironic is we're getting comic soon with the same title long after the show has been scraped.

Bat-Fan Beyond

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2008
Philadelphia, PA, USA
As far as Cyclops acting like a loser, the comics did it to him first :p .

Yeah, guy gets married and has a kid and dumps his wife after he finds his believed dead girlfriend is really alive. Joins a team with her and neglects to tell Jean Grey he married and had a baby with someone. Nothing deadbeat dad or loser-ish about that :D .

Wow, I never knew that! When did this happen? What series? What issues? Who wrote it?


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