Designs for "Wolverine and the X-Men" Season Two Posted!


Mar 1, 2011
That was really one of the turning points of when the whole X-Men franchise started getting really soap opera-ish. Of course, that was also when they were still hugely and rapidly growing in popularity, so the decision was made to get the original team back together, so they could add yet another new mutant title.

Back on the subject of the thread, some of those plans for Season 2 really sounded cool. So sad we'll never get to see them.

Bat-Fan Beyond

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2008
Philadelphia, PA, USA

Pretty much all of 80's X-Men. He left them in the early issues of X-Factor, to be more specific.

Thanks guys. Between the beginning of X--Factor and The Fall of The Mutants is right around when I was first getting into comics and The X-Men, but my reading was inconsistently spotty, so I either never read about any of that or had totally forgotten it. Definitely sounds like one of Claremont's many story threads he likes to throw out there, but never expanded on or just abandoned.


Staff member
Oct 21, 2010
Silicon Valley
Thanks guys. Between the beginning of X--Factor and The Fall of The Mutants is right around when I was first getting into comics and The X-Men, but my reading was inconsistently spotty, so I either never read about any of that or had totally forgotten it. Definitely sounds like one of Claremont's many story threads he likes to throw out there, but never expanded on or just abandoned.

Oh, the whole Maddie Pryor thing was expanded on... it was the lame mega-crossover called "Inferno".

And yeah, Claremont threw a lot of [crap] against the wall to see if any of it would stick. When he couldn't re-create the success of his "Dark Phoenix" saga he just started re-treading his old plots - which he still does to this day, for the most part. Pays the bills, and a man has to eat.

Mod Note: Watch the language.


Wing Commander
Jun 2, 2010
And Maddie Pryor was one of the dumbest things they ever did in the X-Men comics. Like "Spider-Man: One More Day" dumb.

Monte said:
Y'know, thinking about it, this bit makes me REALLY skeptical of how well cyclops would turn out. I mean sure they say they would let cyclops a hero and born leader, but it feels like they are building him up just to tear him down all over again. I mean, Season 1 basically showed us that cyclops can not even function without jean, and yet, after she has returned and he his regaining his life, its only THEN that he starts to pin for someone else? Ya pining for Emma after going through such an episode with Jean and getting her back probably would not earn him a lot of points... not to mention i can't help but think it would be wolverine of all people who will be the one to confront him about it (once again, make others look bad so wolverine can look good)...

Furtharmore their is the issue of his future with Apocalypse. We saw in the future that Cyclops was to eventually become one of Apocalypse men along side sinister. Considering how we would likely see things come to the brink of Apocalypse's victory before they manage to thwart him and avoid a horrible future, I can't help but think this means we would see Cyclops get tempted by the dark side... hence again, being built up just to be broken down... and wolverine will probably play a key role in making him see the light again.
Yeah, it sounds like they really didn't have a good idea of what to do with Cyclops in this series. When they were promoting the show they said his big arc was getting over his grief and getting back to being a hero, but it never happened. He started his tenure sitting in the back of the Black Bird, and in the three part finale he was still sitting in the back of the Black Bird, with Iceman giving him a dirty look. He never overcame his flaws and thus had no growth, and that's not good storytelling. And as Monte points out we also saw Cycke was mixed up with Apocalypse in yet another bad future, which makes it even harder to believe that they would allow him to become a legitimate hero when they wouldn't even let him be a legitimate hero in flashbacks. Magneto and Mr. Sinister came off as more noble, heroic characters than Cycke did in this series, and when a genocidal terrorist and crazy sadistic geneticist come off as more noble and heroic than one of the main protagonists, that's not a good sign.

Some more shots of Jean -

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Active Member
Nov 8, 2009
On the bright side at least this version of Cyclops did not abandon his wife and son to be with his undead girlfriend,so he could have been worse

Anyway its amazing how both the 90s show and this show Jean have the same uniform yet this version looks so much better on her than the 90s one.The same goes for Angel and Rogue


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2009
Ontario, Canada
Anyway its amazing how both the 90s show and this show Jean have the same uniform yet this version looks so much better on her than the 90s one.The same goes for Angel and Rogue

Not quite, since in the 90's series Jean's uniform was more flesh toned than yellow.


Active Member
Sep 1, 2009
Some more shots of Jean -


Oh gosh, I'm sorry, but those proportions are just... ugh. Look, I realize stylizing designs is a perfectly normal and usually acceptable practice in superhero animation, but this just takes it to a whole new level.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2009
I am pretty sure Jean would look different in the actual show .The show is not as stylized as most recent Marvel shows


Active Member
Apr 14, 2008
I am pretty sure Jean would look different in the actual show .The show is not as stylized as most recent Marvel shows
Why would her character design in the show look different from her character design for the show?


Active Member
Jul 13, 2009
Long island
Heh... come to think of it... What exactly could actually cut off wolverine's hand?... An adamantium is not exactly easy to cut through and sever the hand.

Yeah, it sounds like they really didn't have a good idea of what to do with Cyclops in this series. When they were promoting the show they said his big arc was getting over his grief and getting back to being a hero, but it never happened. He started his tenure sitting in the back of the Black Bird, and in the three part finale he was still sitting in the back of the Black Bird, with Iceman giving him a dirty look. He never overcame his flaws and thus had no growth, and that's not good storytelling.
Well techncially they may have been talking about the series as a whole and we never got to see season 2 and thus him return to being a hero... however, what they said was still not accurate. Cyclops never got over his grief and grew; the source of his grief was just removed. He was technically the same exact person at the start as we be later; only difference is that one scott had Jean to hold his hand while the other didn't. If he lost jean again he would turn into the pile of mush he was all over again. That's not character growth but really just showing us different sides of the same character. The most evolution he made was becoming slightly less rage filled, but I feel like he never really seemed to ever get over Jean and move on.

If they really did want scott to go through depression, down to the dark side(well as i think it would based on what little we know of season 2) and toy with a relationship with Emma, it makes me feel like they got it backwards. Season 1 should have had cyclops with jean as hero and leader with the season ending with jean's "disappearance/death"... Season 2(Age of A) as part of his weak emotional state would involve him becoming vulnerable enough to fall to apocalypse/sinister's influence (maybe sinister tempt's scott with a jean clone ;) ).... but in the end, Emma helps scott realize how far he has let himself fall over the loss of Jean and helps him to move on from Jean and thus opening up scott to finding a new genuine love in Emma which would occur over the course of the next season. I feel like that would make for a more sensible character arc for scott

Rick Jones

Big Fan
Staff member
Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
Heh... come to think of it... What exactly could actually cut off wolverine's hand?... An adamantium is not exactly easy to cut through and sever the hand.
I never read Age Of Apocalypse myself (never got into it as a kid) but I believe that Wolverine was supposed to take out one of Cyclops' eyes while Cyke blasted off his hand.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2009
Ontario, Canada
Ah I see flesh toned ,no wonder she looked silly in the 90s show

Well, it's just like Sabertooth had a flesh-toned suit and I remember quite a few of my friends and I growing up thought that he was running around the show naked, with just the brown in the right area to cover you-know-what.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2007
Heh... come to think of it... What exactly could actually cut off wolverine's hand?... An adamantium is not exactly easy to cut through and sever the hand.

He probably had it cut off from the joint. Since there's no way the Adamantium covered the joint part too since he wouldn't be able to move.

So it's feasible that Wolverine could lose body parts if it was done at the joint, but I'm no doctor so I can't say exactly how accurate a mutant with a healing factor that can grow him back from a skeleton and indestructible bones can lose a body part. ;)


Active Member
Jul 13, 2009
Long island
I never read Age Of Apocalypse myself (never got into it as a kid) but I believe that Wolverine was supposed to take out one of Cyclops' eyes while Cyke blasted off his hand.

heh, is that so... I wonder if Cyclops can even do that. I mean if I understood correctly a concussive blast should not be good at all for severing a limb, much less one that is covered in adamantium

So it's feasible that Wolverine could lose body parts if it was done at the joint, but I'm no doctor so I can't say exactly how accurate a mutant with a healing factor that can grow him back from a skeleton and indestructible bones can lose a body
Eh the writers were probably using an interpretation of wolverine before his healing factor became so insane. It think in earlier incarnations, wolverine was much less invulnerable... Cuts, broken bones, internal injuries, and diseae he can handle, but a severed limb is beyond him.


Active Member
Apr 23, 2004
heh, is that so... I wonder if Cyclops can even do that. I mean if I understood correctly a concussive blast should not be good at all for severing a limb, much less one that is covered in adamantium.

Well, cutting is done by applying force with an edge. So if Cyke could focus his concussive (force) blast into a fine point or line...And then hit a joint between the bones....And of course, he was raised evil in the original AOA, so he was probably a bit more aggressive and violent there.

At least that's what I gathered from the one AOA trade I read back in the day...

...Anyways, since Cyke is my favorite of the X-characters, is sounds like I wasn't missing much, not watching this show...


aka Chris Kent
Jul 5, 2002
I'm actually okay with that. That's better than just Wolverine. Don't know who Armor is, so I'm looking forward to finding out ...
While that may be the case, the Cyclops I'm familiar with is the more than capable leader from X-Men: Evolution, Astonishing X-Men (Joss Whedon's run, haven't read any other AXM) and the first 12 issues of Ultimate X-Men (haven't read the rest yet)..

Then you know Armor (although probably don't realize it). Armor is Hisako Ichiki who debuted in Joss Whedon's fourth issue of Astonishing. She's a Joss Whedon creation.

Christopher Glennon

Punch Drunk Flounder
Staff member
Nov 22, 2003
My Own Nonsensical World
Wow, those designs and plans for season 2...this certainly was a gutsy show. They had a lot of cool ideas for how to approach certain famous X-Men stories and events, and it stinks it only got one season.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2011
Hammond IN
heh, is that so... I wonder if Cyclops can even do that. I mean if I understood correctly a concussive blast should not be good at all for severing a limb, much less one that is covered in adamantium

Eh the writers were probably using an interpretation of wolverine before his healing factor became so insane. It think in earlier incarnations, wolverine was much less invulnerable... Cuts, broken bones, internal injuries, and diseae he can handle, but a severed limb is beyond him.

Yeah as I don't think regrowing limbs has ever been part of his healing factor. he can't regrow bone as far as I know and even if he could those new bones would not have animantiam and would not be unbreakable. I believe when he loses limbs he has to reatach the limbs before his skin heals over the wound.

Though it was the ultimate Universe there was a long long LONG delayed Wolverine vs Hulk comic that dealt with that very issue. Hulk rips Wolverine in half and Wolvy tries to find his bottom half so he can attach them before he heals.


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