Disney bought 21st Century Fox for $71.3 billion in stock

Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
Uh I never saw the South Park team and the Simpsons team on super good terms with one another. Each obviously knows of the other's existence and respects the other's work but I wouldn't call either huge fans. Matt Stone and Trey Parker have even said they don't really even have time to watch much Simpsons so don't even know the series as well as most of their staff, and the Simpsons team is totally fine poking fun at them like they are pretty much everyone else. Maybe SP will do a joke about Disney owning Fox like they have done with Star Wars but as long as the Simpsons team is given the same amount of money and time to make the series as they were before Disney I don't really see them having any reason to complain or want to back out of the deal any.

Also you have to remember that Disney actually does give most of the other projects they own free range to do mostly whatever they want as they want fans and creators to enjoy working for them in order to ensure they're product. They obviously have tight restrictions on they're own specific brand from network to animated shows/movies to the live action series specifically created/made for Disney studios, but stuff from Marvel and Star Wars among other places is kept fairly in line and the same would be true for this merger as well.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2014
If this deal does go through, I'm wondering what'll happen to the Fox Network, Fox used it's own production studios for most of their programming, with their longest running show, The Simpsons, being produced in-house. Without any in-house production, what'll Fox do for programming? I think Disney buying another company like this is a bit much. Marvel, Pixar, and LucasFilm are one thing, but this just feels like a hostile take over.

Then again as others have pointed out, it wouldn't be the first time Fox sold one of its assets to Disney. Fox Family Worldwide was bought from them following the failure of the Fox Family Channel, which gave Disney ownership of said channel, along with Saban, The international Fox Kids Channels, and the Fox Kids Network in everything but name. Fox lost their entire children's division to Disney, now they could loose all their other divisions to them.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Of course if the deal goes through Disney would own the rights to The Orville, a homage to Star Trek, a rival franchise to Disney's Star Wars, which could be a conflict of interest.
How is that a conflict of interest? Show your work.


Putting Bleeps on a Streaming Show Is Stupid
Jul 9, 2008
How is that a conflict of interest? Show your work.

Well the company that owns the rights to Star Wars would be owning the rights to a Star Trek parody - which is a conflict of interest because the owners of Wars are trying to outshine Trek at any cost. To address this, the company that owns Wars would sell off the Trek parody to Trek's owners.

Meaning, Disney would sell The Orville to CBS (which would mean that the show itself moves to CBS, possibly taking the 8 PM slot on Sundays vacated by Wisdom of the Crowd),


Staff member
Aug 10, 2003
East Coast of USA
The amount of illogical thinking in this thread has gone off the charts!
You think a massive media company is really concerned over a parody? Heck, is The Orville even being renewed?

As for the Fox network, they’ll still have the rights to air the show, just not to the IPs themselves. Although history could end up repeating itself. Fox didn’t want Disney to manage their Saturday morning kids block, which led to the network getting 4Kids to run it.
I don’t think the same thing will apply again. Because Fox has to air something, and the network won’t get rid of whatever hit shows they have to air. They still make money from airing it.
Instead they’ll likely pick up shows from various other producers. There’s certainly no shortage of production companies to fill a prime time slate with. This could be a good opportunity.

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Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Well the company that owns the rights to Star Wars would be owning the rights to a Star Trek parody - which is a conflict of interest because the owners of Wars are trying to outshine Trek at any cost. To address this, the company that owns Wars would sell off the Trek parody to Trek's owners.

Meaning, Disney would sell The Orville to CBS (which would mean that the show itself moves to CBS, possibly taking the 8 PM slot on Sundays vacated by Wisdom of the Crowd),
You have no idea how any of this works. I said to show your work about how this is a conflict of interest. Those were your words. That is a legal definition. And your response is Star Wars is trying to outshine Star Trek at any cost? Star Trek has nothing to do with anything! Your argument boils down to 2 + 3 equals 17 because mango banana ice cream secretly contains ketchup. Your entire post is the punchline to an LDS riddle. Because ice cream has no bones.
The amount of illogical thinking in this thread has gone off the charts!
I'm at the point where I'm just about to bow out because about half of the opinions offered here are crazy nonsense.
You think a massive media company is really concerned over a parody? Heck, is The Orville even being renewed?
Actually, The Orville has been renewed. It was the first show renewed for the 2018-19 season. And The Orville is NOT a parody of Star Trek. It is a legit sci-fi show simply done in the same tradition. With more jokes. Why the hell people think CBS, which isn't even related to the Disney / Fox deal, needs to get their lawyers involved is completely illogical.


Staff member
Aug 10, 2003
East Coast of USA
Oh and for the record, AT&T buying Time Warner is bad because that means a company that makes content accessible will CONTROL the content, and can then raise the licensing fees of their channels to competing cable companies, which will hurt the consumer forcing them to buy DirectTV, or just pay more for cable.
Now this is different from Comcast owning NBCUniversal. Comcast isn’t accessible everywhere in the country, but I’m pretty sure anyone can get DirectTV satellite. Meaning AT&T can strong-arm consumers into getting their service.
However, competing cable companies could just drop Time Warner channels, which could hurt TW in the long-run. All in all, it’ll be interesting to see how this all plays out down the road

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Putting Bleeps on a Streaming Show Is Stupid
Jul 9, 2008
Whatever happens, I just want to say The Simpsons predicted this merger happening 19 years ago in "When You Dish Upon a Star". A sight gag near the end of that episode shows TCF as a division of Disney. Just another prediction by the show about to come true.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2002
If The Simpsons gets acquired by Disney, I wonder how this would affect them doing Disney parodies.


Putting Bleeps on a Streaming Show Is Stupid
Jul 9, 2008
Well The Simpsons is about to surpass Gunsmoke's episode count. I would think that would be enough for Matt Groening, so he might take it upon himself to end his show soon. Not to mention acknowledging that your cast members aren't immortal.


Staff member
Aug 10, 2003
East Coast of USA
Well The Simpsons is about to surpass Gunsmoke's episode count. I would think that would be enough for Matt Groening, so he might take it upon himself to end his show soon. Not to mention acknowledging that your cast members aren't immortal.

If it was REALLY up to Matt, the show would’ve ended long ago.
Either way it’s not up to him. I don’t even think he’s involved much in the show anyway.

I don’t know how well Simpson’s does ratings wise, but if it’s still strong, they’ll keep it going. Probably reduce the season order to 13 episodes to save money.
They might make more Simpsons movies, since the first one did so well.

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Rick Jones

Big Fan
Staff member
Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
If this goes through, I hope Disney would continue to treat the studio, and its branches, as a separate entity at least in the way that they used to treat Miramax, Hollywood and Touchstone.

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Staff member
Aug 10, 2003
East Coast of USA
Also to those who are against the deal, just remember that Fox is willingly selling its assets away to Disney, and they also considered selling to Comcast as well, which is currently bigger media company than Disney. The upside of selling to Disney is that we get X-Men in the MCU. What’s the upside of Comcast or Sony, or Verizon, buying Fox’s assets?

And don’t say it’s because Disney will kiddify everything. Disney released R-rated movies before.

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Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Also to those who are against the deal, just remember that Fox is willingly selling its assets away to Disney, and they also considered selling to Comcast as well, which is currently bigger media company than Disney. The upside of selling to Disney is that we get X-Men in the MCU. What’s the upside of Comcast or Sony, or Verizon, buying Fox’s assets?

And don’t say it’s because Disney will kiddify everything. Disney released R-rated movies before.

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Excellent point. Better Disney than Comcast.

the greenman

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2006
the point of no return
Well, FOX cannot sell Marvel IP to some other companies anyway. It's like you rent a car from Hertz, you can't turn around and sell that car. Either way, at this point, X-Men and Fantastic Four are returning to Marvel.

Which means no Dr. Doom solo film, and no Fantastic Four kids film. I believe they have a 7 year time period to produce these as of 2015 . . .so not happening. I'm kinda sad we may not see a New Mutants trilogy unless Marvel works out a similar deal with Donner at Fox like Pascal at Sony.

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Ten, count em', ten years!
Jun 28, 2007
Earth Two
Also to those who are against the deal, just remember that Fox is willingly selling its assets away to Disney, and they also considered selling to Comcast as well, which is currently bigger media company than Disney. The upside of selling to Disney is that we get X-Men in the MCU. What’s the upside of Comcast or Sony, or Verizon, buying Fox’s assets?

And don’t say it’s because Disney will kiddify everything. Disney released R-rated movies before.

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Not to mention that they already own the Fox Kids library so it makes sense.


Putting Bleeps on a Streaming Show Is Stupid
Jul 9, 2008
So I had an idea. The terrestrial, news and sports TV assets could be purchased by Lionsgate which would help make them a major player in TV and give the Fox network another major supplier.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Fox is not giving up the news and sports. They are keeping that for a reason. Lionsgate studio isn't worth a hundredth of what Fox News is worth to Murdoch.


Putting Bleeps on a Streaming Show Is Stupid
Jul 9, 2008
Fox is not giving up the news and sports. They are keeping that for a reason. Lionsgate studio isn't worth a hundredth of what Fox News is worth to Murdoch.

They could just as easily buy out Lionsgate too.


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