"Stargirl" Season Three Talkback (Spoilers)


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2002
Troy NY
This felt like an interlude episode. Not much of note happening other than story progression.

Mike falling for Cindy after she saves him & Jakeem? How many teen movies did they try to mock in that segment alone?

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Jul 13, 2003

October 12, 2022
"Frenemies - Chapter Six: The Betrayal" - Episode 32

After learning that Courtney has been spending time with Cameron, Pat and Barbara go on a recon mission at the Mahkents. Meanwhile, Sylvester steps in to fill the void left by Courtney, and tensions between Yolanda and Cindy reach new heights.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Stargirl "Frenemies: Chapter Six: The Betrayal"

Ultimately, I'm giving the episode a mediocre two stars, solely for Sylvester's amazing scene with Courtney at the end. But the scene being amazing is a double-edged sword. He is now the prime suspect of being the murderer again in my mind.

There were two things in the episode that totally sucked and wrecked it for me. The first sucky thing was Yolanda in the confessional. I am aware Berlanti shows are crappy at lawyer stuff and police stuff. But do they have to be absolutely crappy at every single profession they choose to portray? All they need for a credible priest is for him to say wise-sounding platitudes. Instead he's this hot mess personally inserting himself into Yolanda's decisions. Perhaps one could argue this is the show's shot at organized religion and it's portraying the priest poorly as a reflection of that message. But that's not actually readily evident to me. I sincerely think it's just likelier the show's writers are so crappy they can't do the SUPER easy job of making a priest sound comforting and wise and staying in his lane.

For the record when Yolanda tells Beth she wouldn't involve her parents in this nonsense she was right to point out the notable difference that her parents actually sucked. Food for thought.

The second thing that ruined the episode for me, was Cindy begging Yolanda to let her explain herself and Yolanda says, "It's too late for that." You know, Yolanda, you don't exactly have the high ground for refusing to hear her out as long as you broke into her house and cast the first blow. This is something that would be evident to any sane person, but this show is badly written, and the producers hope you aren't smart enough to actually know that true thing. The fact that Cindy isn't like "She broke into my house TWICE, and attacked me unprovoked in my own bedroom," shows the writers are sincerely that clueless. This is not a put-on. It doesn't occur to them the specific reason Yolanda doing that is over the line.

As long as Yolanda is doing that, NONE of the team have any business judging Courtney's choices. And I think Courtney's choices regarding Cameron SUCK. But I am not going to for one second pretend those kids have the high ground against her after attacking Cindy in her own damn house unprovoked. Not even a second.

I woulda given that a single star but Sylvester went up and done amazed me. Damn him. Bonus damning points because he's probably the murderer. **.


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Jul 13, 2003
Yeah, it was the stereotypical break up the team cliche and let's rock the boat with trust issues. Been there done that. And I feel like they're dropping the ball with Yolanda.

Whoever the voyeur is, definitely a psychopath. I mean, starting a puzzle from the center?! I kid. :p

Road to Gotham

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2003
For me the fight scene fight between Wildcat and Shiv was the best part.
Cool entrance from Hourman.
Other parts were been there and did that.
Episode gets 'C-' from me.


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Staff member
Jul 13, 2003

October 19, 2022
"Frenemies - Chapter Seven: Infinity Inc., Part One" - Episode 33

After Beth makes a major discovery on The Gambler’s laptop, the team moves forward with a risky plan that effects the entire town of Blue Valley. Elsewhere, Jennie returns to the fold seeking help from Courtney.
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Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Todd! Finally! I've been waiting for him since season 2. I feel like the actor did a great job capturing his character and his difficult emotions in his brief screentime in this episode.

I was wondering how they would address Todd's sexuality but they straight up show him about to have a romantic (albeit illegal) dinner with his boyfriend, who was fully supportive and seemed to genuinely care about Todd (and the reverse was true).

So Todd was looking for Jenny too...only Jenny unknowingly screwed him over by accessing their dads' rings and unlocking their respective powers, only Todd can't control it. But dang it if he didn't recover quick when the police showed up!

When I saw Keith David's name, I knew we were in for some Mr. Bones content! Although I'm so used to him being a grey skull it's weird seeing his skull look...more fleshy? It kind of reminds me of Red Skull from that old, shoddy, Captain America movie. He even dresses like a Nazi.

The Whitmore's are better actors than the Duggans. And Pat's been doing the Superhero game for decades...

Joel McHale had the easiest role of the episode of just talking into everybody's ear and sassing them and the situation, which is peak Joel McHale.

I just seeing Rick, Zeek, and Jakeem on-screen together playing a boardgame. And Jakeem genuinely listening to all the crazy stuff Zeek tells him.

"Operation Blackout Bomb" cool reference, but can we actually get some Blackout Bombs for Beth? So she can, like, actually contribute to action scenes?

Beth gets a first-hand look at how the new 24-hour Hourman is becoming more and more aggressive and unhinged, as Rick "flexes" by smashing a bunch of school property. Will Beth be the one who is able to bring Rick back from this?

Well, Yolanda's mom finally caught her lies about the JSA stuff and gives her the ultimatum...and Yolanda finally moves out. Honestly between giving in to her mothers' demands and leaving, I'd take leaving any day. Courtney's family has been more of a family to her than her own have been in years (minus her brother).

Man, I missed The Shade. And he shows up with the complete top hat and sunglasses look! And he's still kind of a supervillain because he straight up kidnaps Courtney with no explanation. I also love how he's so done with this shows' plot and having to deal with teenagers.

Jenny and Shade is not the hilarious odd couple I was expecting to see on the show, and Jenny hasn't let go of the fact that he helped kill her dad, but their banter was quite fun.

They really just took Courtney...so she could give Jenny a pep talk? Particularly when she is in the worst emotional state to be giving a pep talk? Yikes.

I feel like if Jakeem had wished for "every camera in Blue Valley" they probably would have solved all of this. And maybe caused more problems, granted...

Playing D&D with your grandma sounds like a hoot, but it seems like the main point Zeek was trying to make was to teach Jakeem to have more self-confidence in himself and the Thunderbolt will respond by granting his wish more effectively. Maybe that's why Johnny was never able to master it.

Helix is probably super shady but it seems like in the case of Todd what they were doing to him was a "necessary evil" because he couldn't control his powers. Now, granted, maybe they incited him to that point but they might also be adding some moral ambiguity to Helix here.

So Obsidian is a straight-up rampaging shadow monster? I wonder if Todd, once he's more in control of himself, can form something closer to his comic look.

I was not expecting to return to the Shadowlands with Pat and Shade, but dang it if they won't make quite the dynamic duo as they try to survive together.


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Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Todd can't control his newly activated powers. Sure. Jenny still doesn't have a handle. Sure.

So meta but I'm kinda with Shade and am over the mystery. Or I have TV ADD and just want them to reveal who the watcher is already!

Wonder if the a white skull CG didn't work during test animation and they went with the fleshier color to make it easier to animate.

Even if Helix was trying to purge the ability from Todd... 6 months of doing that? Nah, don't trust them.

What I didn't care for: 2 characters stuck in Shadowland. That's a subplot they haven't done before. Oh wait they did. Meh. Rick's OP rage/learning why just 1 hour storyline. Meh.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Even if Helix was trying to purge the ability from Todd... 6 months of doing that? Nah, don't trust them.
At least I feel like this episode is building up to the reveal that Helix isn't behind the killing/monitoring of them.

The puzzle implies the real killer has a grudge against Bones too. And has an affinity for old cameras :confused:?
What I didn't care for: 2 characters stuck in Shadowland. That's a subplot they haven't done before. Oh wait they did. Meh. Rick's OP rage/learning why just 1 hour storyline. Meh.
But now we've got Pat and Shade stuck together. Comedy gold :p.

I feel like they were inevitably going to have to do this storyline with Rick.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Stargirl "Frenemies: Chapter Seven: Infinity Inc, Part One"

What the hell, man?

I loved that because it raised questions. Good ones. And I love not knowing the answers yet.

Yolanda's confrontation with her mother was a long time coming. I find Mom a far more despicable character than anyone in the ISA. When she talks about "What Yolanda did" she's actually blaming her own daughter for being a victim of revenge porn. It's actually quite sick. If I were in social services I would take Yolanda away to foster care to not have to put up with that level of cruel emotional abuse. I'm not kidding about that. That "What you did" moment was absolutely sick on every level.

I'm worried about Rick, but him punching out the camera was a good act break.

I know the Shade loves complaining about helping the heroes, but I think his problem is that deep down he enjoys it. Not because he's righteous and likes doing good for goodness' sake. But because it's fun. That is pretty much the biggest drawback to being a supervillain in the DC Universe. Superheroes get to punch out talking gorillas. As a rule, supervillains don't. I'd want to be a superhero in that Universe for this reason.

Zeke has turned from annoying to amazing. When did that happen and how did I miss it?

For the record, Keith David should have gotten a "Special Guest Star" credit. If you ask me, he's a bigger name than Seth Green.

Man, I was about as confused by the premise as an average episode of Twin Peaks. Trust me, that's high praise. ****1/2.


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Sep 10, 2010
Lackawanna, NY
Nexstar and our local Verizon provider are presently at odds and we are unable (for now) to watch our local The CW and CBS stations. Thank goodness for streaming.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2002
Troy NY
When I heard Bones, I knew that was Keith David. What's he been doing lately, besides commercials for the Navy?

A quick primer. The "Helix Institute", IMPO, is this show's answer to Cadmus on Superman & Lois, for example. Bones and the other Helix kids from the books were introduced in Infinity, Inc. by Roy & Dann Thomas and artist Todd McFarlane in the late 80's, before McFarlane left for Marvel.

I'm with Frontier. Keith David should've gotten screen credit ahead of Seth Green in the opening credits.

It's clear now that someone in the Helix Institute killed the Gambler, or are they straying too far from that plotline?

Let's just finish this without any more breaks.


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Staff member
Jul 13, 2003

October 26, 2022
"Frenemies - Chapter Eight: Infinity Inc., Part Two" - Episode 34

Desperate to avert a major crisis on their hands, Courtney attempts to help a friend navigate their powers. Elsewhere, Pat and The Shade are forced to face their worst fears.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I did not know I needed the comedic stylings of Pat and shade more than I did in this episode.

So in a two-parter titled "Infinity Inc." we...don't really get Infinity Inc.. Unless the idea is that the Helix kids (those were supposed to be actual Helix family in those rooms, right? Including plushie Critter) become this shows' version of Infinity Inc. to rival the JSA. WHich is kind of ironic since they were actually Infinity Inc. villains to begin with.

What's worse than saying something bad to your sister on her deathbed? How about not even being at your sisters' deathbed to begin with? But I think we see the Shade does have emotions even if he hides them well, otherwise he wouldn't be wracked with so much guilt and resentment, on-top of how he finally gives in to mentor Todd in the end.

Man, I can't get enough of Keith David's voice speaking ominously through an intercom. It's great!

Oof. So Pat's dad was an emotionally abusive parent and constantly belittled him and chewed him out. It's amazing Pat seems to have genuinely never hated or resented him for it, although it's still a sore point. Also it seems like they served in WWII when Pat was a kid? And Pat had a teacher in the 5th grade in 1980 who is implied to be Nurse Love? So Pat is, like, 53?

Some clever camera angles to avoid showing Mr. Bones' CGI skull as much as was humanly possible. Also seems like none of the other Helix kids are his siblings or other experiments by his father in this continuity.

They don't really dwell on Mikes' birth mother much but it does seem to be a sore point for Pat and Mike.

Wow, Courtney's pep talk got through to Mr. Bones and helped save Todd and Jenny! Nice. Although in the end it ultimately came down to sibling love and the legacy passed down to the brother and sister through their father, Green Lantern.

Sandy!? He's in this!? And now they're off to New York to get him. How long are they going to hold of on giving us pure Superhero Jade, Obsidian, and I guess Sand now? Are we ever going to properly expand the JSA?

It's kind of funny how Courtney was acting all high and mighty despite the fact that induction into Helix is willing and people can leave at any time and Helix was never spying on them. Properly researched them, yes, but no spy cameras.

So the killer's been living in the sewers the whole time. Wonder how close that is to the ISA base.

Courtney finally has a win and a newfound resolve to fix everything in Blue Valley, from her relationship with her team, her enemies, and even her boyfriend. Will she succeed? The JSA vs Mahkent family brawl next week seems to indicate...not quite yet.


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Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
So in a two-parter titled "Infinity Inc." we...don't really get Infinity Inc.. Unless the idea is that the Helix kids (those were supposed to be actual Helix family in those rooms, right? Including plushie Critter) become this shows' version of Infinity Inc. to rival the JSA. WHich is kind of ironic since they were actually Infinity Inc. villains to begin with.
Would be kinda weird if they chose "Infinity Inc." Still, rad to see the Tao Jones and Penny Dreadful in the flesh and Carhcaro was the third door. If I remember right, in the comics, all this kids were experiments of Amos Love along with Yolanda.

otherwise he wouldn't be wracked with so much guilt and resentment, on-top of how he finally gives in to mentor Todd in the end.
Loved his reaction to "New York" and a third kid. lmao. Hope we get to see Sandy this or next season if there is one.

Also it seems like they served in WWII when Pat was a kid? And Pat had a teacher in the 5th grade in 1980 who is implied to be Nurse Love? So Pat is, like, 53?
I think they've hinted at the age/looks discrepancy before. Still curious if it's because of mystic radiation from Ian Karkull like in the comics.

the killer's been living in the sewers the whole time. Wonder how close that is to the ISA base.
We running out of suspects, lol. I've even seen theories it's Rick's uncle Matt Harris, lol.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Stargirl "Frenemies: Chapter Eight: Infinity Inc, Part Two"

I LOVED that episode. If the show was always this, I'd never say a bad thing about it.

What an empowering message and story about free will and choice. I love that both Bones and Helix turn out to be reasonable, and it's revealed nobody is held against their will. And yeah, Courtney's idea turns out to be right. And I love that the staff was willing to try it.

I also love that Pat says that Shade helped kill the JSA, and he vehemently denies it, and Pat points out that he was still an accessory. And that's true. And the argument that moves the Shade is that redemption is more than choosing not to do bad. It's choosing to do good.

It was very interesting learning about Pat's horrible father and it was very instructive to understanding Pat's psyche when he claimed to love him anyways. I believe him because I have an abusive person in my life that I also very much love. I've repaired that relationship but I'm guessing part of Pat's regret is that he was unable to. I sympathized and understood his love for that reason.

Man, that was great. *****.


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Jul 13, 2003

November 2, 2022
"Frenemies - Chapter Nine: The Monsters
" - Episode 35
After a recent experience renews Courtney’s confidence, she sets out to make amends with those around her. Jakeem puts his foot down after Mike shares his latest plan. Finally, Beth makes a major discovery that leads to a terrifying battle no one saw coming.


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