Teen Titans Go! "Matched" Talkback (Spoilers)

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James Harvey

The World's Finest
Staff member
Apr 23, 2001
An all-new Teen Titans Go! episode debuts tonight at 7:30pm (ET/PT) on Cartoon Network. Discuss it here!

Teen Titans Go!
"Matched" airs Wednesday, September 11th, 2013 on Cartoon Network

Cyborg’s Love Matcher 5000 program pairs Raven with Beast Boy and Starfire with Aquaman. While Beast Boy does everything he can to get Raven to love him, Robin tries to be more like Aquaman to win Starfire’s heart.

Please note this 11-minute episode will be paired with a rerun of a previously-aired 11-minute episode.

Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
You know I hate to talk deep motivation or characterization in what is meant to be a straight forward comedy show like Teen Titans Go, but in episodes like this I feel it's something worth bringing up. Like I said, in the original show Raven actually has made strong connections with all of the Titans as either friends or companions that I could easily see a relationship forming with any one of them. But obviously the one that either got the most episodes about it or the one people liked the most was Raven with Beast Boy. And that's something even on this show that has been hinted at, subtly and with "Terra-ized" made a plot point and now here given focus. And why is there a relationship between the two even when most of the time it seems like Raven is just annoyed by Beast Boy? Because it seems like more then anyone else, he can get her to come out of her shell and actually open. Whether it's because of actions of her own past or just for want of being left alone to her own devices, Raven obviously has a hard time really connecting with people. Even with her team mates whose actions she sometimes has a problem getting into. But unlike in the other series she acutally seems to be making more of an effort just to hang out and be friends and get along with everyone. Even in this one it didn't start out with her just being mad at Beast Boy. It started with her wanting to teach him Chess to play it with her, and him not getting it and that forcing her to retreat into just wanting to mediate. Because even if Raven is trying to make more of an effort, her own irritation and even short temper and sour disposition make her hard for her to want to actually be with someone for long. And makes it easy for her to just want to go and attack and disturb the person who was disturbing her, and that obviously scares away a lot of people. Except Beast Boy since despite her constantly attacking or insulting or reprimanding him he acutally doesn't give up on her thinking they can have a relationship together. He actually takes it in stride and even points out that by pointing out all of his flaws, it shows she knows him more then most other people. Which actually does show she does care because whether Raven wants to admit it, she needs someone like him. Raven may say she wants someone like herself, someone sour or darkened or irritated at the actions of others, but it's not what she really wants. She needs someone more hopeful and positive to balance out her drearyness. Someone who can take her faults and insecurities just like she can take his. And obviously even if she does insult and attack him, the fact she hasn't just thrown him into a portal to nowhere by now proves she does have some feelings for him. And actually why in here she actually does open up to the idea of being in a relationship with BB and even marrying him: actually realizing that connection and that opneness and actually wanting to be more poisitve, to be less dark and mean and bitter seeing how it is hurting someone she cares for. Sure in the end BB proves to be easily distracted and chase someone else when it turns out he wasn't with the real one he was assigned to and Raven is aggreviated in not only his actions but the others, but that doesn't change what actually did and was going to happen. And it may never happen again but for the briefest of moments Raven truely did try opening up and actually tried going with her feelings, tried being honest with herself and be hopeful about what was going to happen. And I have to say, knowing what the premise of this was I didn't expect that to actually happen. Or even if it did for it to actually work but yeah in a weird way, the creators of this show do actual sort of get somewhat the core of the original cartoon version of the character. Not all the time and maybe I am reading into this too much but it seemed like that was the case here and actually did give some pogiency to this episode.

Still again TTG was a comedy and this episode delievered on that. I give props to the writers for actually not just doing the traditional "Aquaman sucks" jokes you'd see anytime Aquaman was brought up in a comedy (though thinking about it shouldn't it have said Starfire's love was Aqualad, not man? That'd make more sense even to the original show and they could of had the same jokes Robin did without need to prefict it by saying it was Aquaman. Really this show has referenced Bwanna Beast and Vixen so it shouldn't be shy now on talking about less known DC heroes) and just have it be Robin going way too out of his way to make himself like Aquaman. In truth I think him just beating up Cyborg's simulator for that was funniest but I also liked Cy's reaction when Robin tried showing off his body, Starfire sort of actually being impressed when Robin said he could speak to fish and wondering if they should scoop him out of the shark tank, or Robin crying with the make shift replica of Robin at the end. And yeah the stuff with BB and Rae was good. See to me physical abuse comedy works if it's to someone who really is asking for it and from his either lazy or stalkerish actions BB was asking for it so I don't have a problem with Raven going all tentacle beast on him or squishing him against the wall and what not. Plus her pointing out how easily he quits and then all of his other flaws and BB trying to woo her with a poem it took him a day to come up with or pretending her was drab and dark, as well as Star and BB fighting over the scratching post at the end were good bits. So yeah again another solid episode even if oddly enough what I found best was what it said about the characters then just the comedy. And again I'm all ofr this show just being a comedy and just doing wacky things with the characters if they're entertaining but honestly I am a huge fan of the original show and of the original team so when these character moments pop up I guess I do have to jump on them.


Staff member
Aug 10, 2003
East Coast of USA
Ya know....I'm starting not to like this show as much as I once did. All the characters are starting to get a little too annoying.


Mar 2, 2004
North Dakota
Really weak episode. I was expecting just a bit more, since "Matched" might have been a bone thrown to the Raven/BB shippers. They could have done a bit more with it.



New Member
May 25, 2013
I highly enjoyed the comedy in this episode, particularly the bit where Robin destroyed the computer. I definitely didn't see the ending coming but overall I liked this episode. These characters have really started to grow on me. Also, I think it helps if you don't expect too much from the show, depth wise, since it is a kids comedy show and taking that perspective really helped me lighten up a bit to enjoy it exactly for what it is.


What up, dog?
Jun 4, 2007
Cartoon Country
Didn't care for this one. It was just shipper bait and mostly made the male Titans look really stupid (Beast Boy) and/or desperate (Robin). It's stories like these that are why I generally think that romance within super hero teams is almost always a bad idea. Having the Teen Titans all living under one roof while also crushing on one another just complicates things, and not in an entertaining way. The only good news was that for once, Aquaman wasn't portrayed as a loser. I was surprised that Aquaman was chosen as Starifre's ideal mate and not Aqualad, but maybe that was the joke.


Feb 22, 2009
I just have to say that this show has been consistently great. It feels like this show is getting some flack for replacing canceled shows or its continuity with the original show. But this show knows what it wants to be and it has delivered what is intended which is just full on comedy. The visual gags, the smart talk, banter, and whatever else hasn't faltered other than if your really nitpicking. Also the characters are consistently represented. This show actually reminds me alot of emperors new groove in the way of its gags, and comedic fun. The only thing to really nitpick is perhaps it's flash animation but I understand why it's used to keep the production of the show cheap. Other than that the animation does still hold up well and it's still able to deliver the visual jokes.


May 26, 2013
Martinez, California
As a fan of Beast Boy/Raven I gotta say, this is one of my favorite episodes. It focuses on Raven (my favorite character) and goes a bit more in depth with her secret crush on Beast Boy (as revealed in Terra-ized). The chess scene was funny and I loved Raven and Beast Boy's wedding even though Cyborg did ruin it, they still managed to end it in a funny way. Another part I liked about this episode was when Robin was trying to impress Starfire and Cyborg got all disturbed. That was hilarious. In conclusion, this was a great episode and I can't wait for the next!


No dice, Cowboy!
Apr 11, 2009
City, State, or Country
There's no lack of pathetic in this series with Robin when it comes to Starfire.

Also, I have never been on board with the whole Raven X BB spiel so hopefully this was just a jab and that will be the end of it.


Nov 15, 2009
United States
1. Truth be told, i've always been a fan of Beastboy's relationship with Terra, and have often thought of ways to bring Terra back to make that happen. But now, i'm think i'm starting lean towards romance between Beast Boy and Raven. I'm so conflicted

2. Here are two reasons why Starfire and Aquaman should not be a couple: A.) Starfire is in her late teens at the most and Aquaman is in his early 40's at the very least. And B.) HE"S MARRIED!!!


Active Member
Jul 13, 2009
Long island
Also, I have never been on board with the whole Raven X BB spiel so hopefully this was just a jab and that will be the end of it.

Well the show doesn't really have any continuity; episodes are fairly self-contained and there is no reason to think that anything will ever develop. Its just another thing that they will just make jokes about


Not if you ask Dan Didio... Ya seriously... =/
Though ya, Aquaman was kinda of an odd choice

Gold Guy

Two is always better than one
Staff member
Dec 14, 2008
New York City
This episode wasn't the best, but not awful. It just wasn't as funny as the last few, although the final image was funny.

Christopher Glennon

Punch Drunk Flounder
Staff member
Nov 22, 2003
My Own Nonsensical World
Although this episode came too close to the Terra one for my tastes, it was still very entertaining. Robin's attempts at being a match for Starfire were funny, although it's still hard to get used to the dynamic that she's not interested in/oblivious to him entirely. BB annoying Raven was funny, but hey, his persistence paid off. At first I thought them getting married was a bit fast, but seeing Silkie officiate at the ceremony and Starfire and Beast Boy fight over the scratching post was the highlight of the episode.

It's stories like these that are why I generally think that romance within super hero teams is almost always a bad idea. Having the Teen Titans all living under one roof while also crushing on one another just complicates things, and not in an entertaining way.

Speaking in general terms and not this show specifically, I think it's unrealistic to have a co-ed team living and working together WITHOUT there being any romantic entanglements. I still don't buy that with all the guys in Ultimate Spider-Man not a single one of them has so much thrown a quick glance in White Tiger's direction. These are teenagers running around with their raging hormones, things happen and they go wrong.

Here are two reasons why Starfire and Aquaman should not be a couple: A.) Starfire is in her late teens at the most and Aquaman is in his early 40's at the very least. And B.) HE"S MARRIED!!!

Not to mention the fact that fire and water don't mix, but I think it was the huge contrast that made it funny (not just contrasting Aquaman with Starfire but Robin as well). Even moreso than if it had been Aqualad because at least they would've looked okay together, but having this much older blond piece of arm candy next to Starfire at the end drove the joke home about how weird the pairing is.


Jul 30, 2013
Although this episode came too close to the Terra one for my tastes, it was still very entertaining. Robin's attempts at being a match for Starfire were funny, although it's still hard to get used to the dynamic that she's not interested in/oblivious to him entirely. BB annoying Raven was funny, but hey, his persistence paid off. At first I thought them getting married was a bit fast, but seeing Silkie officiate at the ceremony and Starfire and Beast Boy fight over the scratching post was the highlight of the episode.

Speaking in general terms and not this show specifically, I think it's unrealistic to have a co-ed team living and working together WITHOUT there being any romantic entanglements. I still don't buy that with all the guys in Ultimate Spider-Man not a single one of them has so much thrown a quick glance in White Tiger's direction. These are teenagers running around with their raging hormones, things happen and they go wrong.

Not to mention the fact that fire and water don't mix, but I think it was the huge contrast that made it funny (not just contrasting Aquaman with Starfire but Robin as well). Even moreso than if it had been Aqualad because at least they would've looked okay together, but having this much older blond piece of arm candy next to Starfire at the end drove the joke home about how weird the pairing is.
This show is on over the top sketch comedy, lets not act like this is canon with anything else(Cyborgs backstory of example). This episode wouldnt exist if it was canon the original show and therefore titans in tokyo...so lets not start now.
This is teen titans in an alternate universe where they are heroic comedic sociopaths...

Christopher Glennon

Punch Drunk Flounder
Staff member
Nov 22, 2003
My Own Nonsensical World
This show is on over the top sketch comedy, lets not act like this is canon with anything else(Cyborgs backstory of example). This episode wouldnt exist if it was canon the original show and therefore titans in tokyo...so lets not start now.
This is teen titans in an alternate universe where they are heroic comedic sociopaths...

I just meant it's hard to get used to the Robin/Starfire dynamic (not just because of the original show but the comics as well). I'm used to all the other weirdness and find it pretty funny, for the most part.


New Member
May 25, 2013
I just meant it's hard to get used to the Robin/Starfire dynamic (not just because of the original show but the comics as well). I'm used to all the other weirdness and find it pretty funny, for the most part.

I find it funny as well and as far as I'm concerned if they pull from anything that's ever been canon in the DCU then I'm okay with it. Since BB and Raven were together at multiple points the comic variations then I'm totally fine with them capitalizing on that. I don't think the writers are limited in pulling just from the previous cartoon either, since this series isn't really canon to it alone. And I also like the weirdness because once you accept the show for what it's supposed to be, it's a lot easier to enjoy it and these shenanigans the characters get into make much more sense.


May 26, 2013
Martinez, California
Although this episode came too close to the Terra one for my tastes, it was still very entertaining. Robin's attempts at being a match for Starfire were funny, although it's still hard to get used to the dynamic that she's not interested in/oblivious to him entirely. BB annoying Raven was funny, but hey, his persistence paid off. At first I thought them getting married was a bit fast, but seeing Silkie officiate at the ceremony and Starfire and Beast Boy fight over the scratching post was the highlight of the episode.

Speaking in general terms and not this show specifically, I think it's unrealistic to have a co-ed team living and working together WITHOUT there being any romantic entanglements. I still don't buy that with all the guys in Ultimate Spider-Man not a single one of them has so much thrown a quick glance in White Tiger's direction. These are teenagers running around with their raging hormones, things happen and they go wrong.

Not to mention the fact that fire and water don't mix, but I think it was the huge contrast that made it funny (not just contrasting Aquaman with Starfire but Robin as well). Even moreso than if it had been Aqualad because at least they would've looked okay together, but having this much older blond piece of arm candy next to Starfire at the end drove the joke home about how weird the pairing is.
Just because they're teenagers that doesn't mean they're all perverts and/or automatically have a crush on every girl (or boy if its a girl) they lay their eyes on. I think it's quite realistic for people to work in a team without any romantic interactions.

Christopher Glennon

Punch Drunk Flounder
Staff member
Nov 22, 2003
My Own Nonsensical World
Just because they're teenagers that doesn't mean they're all perverts and/or automatically have a crush on every girl (or boy if its a girl) they lay their eyes on. I think it's quite realistic for people to work in a team without any romantic interactions.

Not every girl, but all I'm asking is SOME attraction shown. They don't have to be perverts, they don't have to even try for a relationship, just something to remind us they're humans. And teenagers at that.


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