Teen Titans Go! "Matched" Talkback (Spoilers)

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May 26, 2013
Martinez, California
Not every girl, but all I'm asking is SOME attraction shown. They don't have to be perverts, they don't have to even try for a relationship, just something to remind us they're humans. And teenagers at that.

Dearly sorry for the INCREDIBLY late reply, I haven't been on this website for quite some time now. Anyway, I don't think the absence of romance is necessarily unrealistic. There are aromantic people, ya know. And they could have a crush on someone that's not in the team. Doesn't Peter have a crush on Mary Jane?


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Almost forgot to listen to this before the day was up.
Viper wrote on Light Lucario's profile.
Happy 4th of July, Light Lucario. I really hope you get to enjoy the fireworks tonight. Have a wonderful evening.
BlooCNBoy02 wrote on 2 quid is good's profile.
Thanks for the following days ago. :)
Your avatar looks interesting.

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