"Teen Titans Go!" Season Eight Talkback (Spoilers)

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Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Teen Titans Go! "Haunted Tank"

Haunted Tank, huh? DC has the weirdest premises.

Haunted House learns you do NOT want the Teen Titans as houseguests.

I thought the ending was kinda sweet.

Cool. ****.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location

Teen Titans Go! "Warner Bros 100th Anniversary, Parts 1-2"
Episode Debut - October 14, 2023

The Titans are in charge of the 100th anniversary party for Warner Bros on the studio lot, and everything is going well until the magical WB Shield is broken into pieces.


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Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
Well, CN finally aired the WB 100th Anniversary episode, and now that I've seen it, I can safely say it was...OK. It was pretty much what I expected: an extended episode of TTG with several nods and allusions to WB studios. The "plot" was silly, but I wasn't expecting it not to be, plus anything that gives Daffy Duck a lot of screen time I can't hate on.

I wasn't aware of any backlash about the scene with Robin and Craig, Kelsey and J.P., but despite any such noise, they kept the scene in.

I give it a 3 out of 5. Not the best, but still a fun way to kill 20 minutes. Now, I wait for Disney's 100th anniversary short.
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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2014
With the way Michigan J. Frog acted, I can't help but think David Zaslav is working for him and they're both INTENTIONALLY trying to destroy the studio.

I know that's not ACTUALLY the case but it feels like that in real life.


A Little Meatwad
Oct 2, 2020
Miramar, FL
I wasn't like a huge TTG fan, I did watched Season 1 episodes a couple of years ago, and I do remember enjoying it. Not the best series, but coming from someone like me who wasn't into Teen Titans as a kid, it was fine. Yeah, the jokes were cheezy, but it did give me a laugh.

Nonetheless, I wasn't really that interested in the WB 100th Special, but I decided to give it a shot anyway just to see how it is.

Just like what @Silverstar said, it was okay. It was like your typical TTG episode, but as a celebratory event in honor of Warner Bros’ 100th anniversary. Seeing all Hanna Barbara characters, Looney Tunes characters, DC characters, and now Cartoon Network characters all coming together is such a nice treat to see (the animations of the CN characters were a bit off to me).

Also, SPOILER ALERT: Michigan J Frog is the antagonist of this special. I find that so hilariously ironic considering that back in 2005, The WB Network dropped Michigan because “it didn’t fit their lineup of dramas” or whatever the junk, and WB no longer wants nothing to do with him. Now, the TTG crew brought The Frog back for this special, and I thoroughly entertained by him, in a more cathartic way. Until the end, it was revealed that Michigan was invited to the party even though he thought he didn’t. Well at least thankfully Michigan is now part of the WB family again.

I personally think OK KO’s Crossover Nexus is a much better special in my opinion (I know, I’m biased), but TTG WB 100th Special was alright.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
It was ok. Just the spectacle of seeing tons of Looney Tunes, Hanna-Barbera, and CN characters sharing the screen. Couple of classic TTG stuff did crack me up like Raven pulling the yoink on the Wizard of Oz and snatching the piece of the shield or the deal being helping the sea creatures move their couch up the long stairwell. Just pivot, lmao, memories... Or the single velvet rope joke. The Gremlinmissiles from the mecha Brain Gremlin fired were a nice touch. Impressive reference with the incantation to revive the shield was a line from a classic WB movie, The Maltese Falcon and it played well with the task at hand - restoring magic to the MacGuffin of the story.

I wasn't aware of any backlash about the scene with Robin and Craig, Kelsey and J.P., but despite any such noise, they kept the scene in.
What backlash was that?


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Like I said in my previous post, I have no idea. I just read that there was some flack about that gag in an earlier post, but I personally haven't heard anything.
Got it. Maybe it's just fans of that show being angered the scepter got destroyed in the scene because it has significant importance?


Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
Got it. Maybe it's just fans of that show being angered the scepter got destroyed in the scene because it has significant importance?
Yeah, that's probably it. Fans feeling that Robin was being a jerk to the Creek kids by burning their 'sacred' stuff in an oil drum.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2014
I was just thinking that if Jeff Bennett played Brain Gremlin then maybe there was a scene where Johnny Bravo talked but got deleted or something.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
The WB 100th anniversary was pretty good. It was nice seeing all those characters together, from Warner Bros., Hanna-Barbera and Cartoon Network though I was hoping more would actually play a role in all of this, other than just short cameos and quick gags towards the start of the episode. The focus on Daffy Duck, Yogi Bear and Gremlins (and the Titans of course) did work out pretty well. The story was decent enough. It was kind of fun seeing the settings based on various genres, and all those allusions to classic movies were pretty entertaining.

I was a bit surprised they made out Michigan J. Frog as the villain though I can understand his frustration (he was the mascot for the WB channel for like a decade!). I recall there was an episode of Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries where he was the star and was kidnapped and the main characters had to rescue him. He did kind of play a more villainous role on Wabbit/New Looney Tunes.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Teen Titans Go! "Warner Bros. 100th Anniversary, Parts 1 and 2"

After all the hype and delays I'm trying to think of a single thing to recommend about that loud, noisy piece of junk. I can't do it. It's indefensible.

Do you know the messed up thing? The show OFTEN does GOOD crossovers. I don't understand why this was as bad as it was. 0.

Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
"Warner Brothers 100th Anniversary" - You know especially with this releasing literally the day right before Once Upon A Studio made it's official general TV premiere, you gotta compare the Disney 100th Anniversary to this one. Which... you know I may go more in depth with an actual thread on the two (and what it says when Disney wanted this as a theatrical short still gathering up at least a few dozen professional voices throughout the year and various archives while this was done as a TTG episode with only 5 different other voices then the Titans) but I will say there are several things I did enjoy about this one.

- I do enjoy whenever they give someone just as pompous and full of themselves to bounce off Robin to try and out jerk or crazy him. I thought that was done well in the DC Superhero Girls crossover with Batgirl but works better here with Daffy Duck because he would be that chaotic yet also annoyed presence and also allows for a more two sided rivalry.

- I really like the idea of the villain being Michigan J Frog which... I don't think any of the kids who watch this show get why that's especially funny. Like even if they saw One Froggy Evening (which seems doubtful even if they have Boomerang as I don't think they play the short that often) what makes Jackson Frog (also love the guest list jokes.... kind of sad the guest list referencing Space Ghost is sadly the closest Space Ghost Cameo we've gotten on regular CN in maybe two decades) the antagonist here against WB is if you knew he was the mascot of the WB Network. Which what 8-11 year old is even going to remember there WAS a WB network considering how that's CW now?

- I also like the idea of having various other characters join the Titans and tracking down these pieces... guess they wanted to be careful in how much they could reference Harry Potter considering they just say Magic castle and then end with Wizard of Oz head of all things but pretty clear that was suppose to be Harry Potter. And then Friends jokes which I am glad extend past just the intro and fountain as honestly referencing pivot and smelly cat are much better then Family Guy's Friends jokes from "Peter and Lois's Wedding" though yeah Blockbuster Land was really lacking. I get wanting to build up to the Michigan J Frog fight but... didn't feel like they really had any actual joke bits for that idea.

I mean it's certainly not a bad episode and for a 100th celebration I do like how this celebrated more the full studio instead of just one area but despite being longer this feels like it couldn't cover as much ground due to well having to still focus on the TT and having to get rid of so much of the other cameos through most of the running time. Again I want to make more a direct thread to compare the two head to head as both do have interesting strengths and weaknesses to compare but eh just a pretty good two parter. As a TTG ep pretty good though honestly feel like a more general special would have worked better but guess WB wasn't going to flip a bill like Disney for that.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003


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Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
I think it's from the Looney Tunes Cartoons segment "Pain in the Ice" starring Sylvester & Tweety. He only appears in one scene and I am not sure if he appeared anywhere else; another pretty random and obscure character to include.
View attachment 303516
Props, RoyalRubble! And I thought Buddy was a random choice.


Staff member
Jul 14, 2010
I enjoyed the 100th anniversary special, but I have mixed feelings about the Hanna-Barbera characters being included. It was good to see them, especially in an approximation of their original designs, but to me it sort of seems to imply they've always been WB characters. It's already kind of icky that the corporation tries to claim ownership or credit for the "magic" of characters that were created by employees they didn't necessarily treat with the proper respect or reverence when it mattered, but some of the HB characters were around for 40 years before WB had anything to do with them. Same goes for The Wizard of Oz, which was over 50 years old by the time WB got involved. Would be a bit like OG Star Wars characters appearing in Once Upon a Studio. (I don't feel the same way about the DC Characters because they're clearly the TTG incarnations)

I know, I'm taking it a bit seriously, but it's honestly how I felt.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
I enjoyed the 100th anniversary special, but I have mixed feelings about the Hanna-Barbera characters being included. It was good to see them, especially in an approximation of their original designs, but to me it sort of seems to imply they've always been WB characters. It's already kind of icky that the corporation tries to claim ownership or credit for the "magic" of characters that were created by employees they didn't necessarily treat with the proper respect or reverence when it mattered, but some of the HB characters were around for 40 years before WB had anything to do with them. Same goes for The Wizard of Oz, which was over 50 years old by the time WB got involved. Would be a bit like OG Star Wars characters appearing in Once Upon a Studio. (I don't feel the same way about the DC Characters because they're clearly the TTG incarnations)

I know, I'm taking it a bit seriously, but it's honestly how I felt.
Speaking as a fellow serious taker, I feel you.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location

Teen Titans Go! "Wishbone"
Episode Debut - November 18, 2023

The Titans use their wishes on a wishbone, but realize it's broken! They travel to Gobble-Gobble Land to set things right.


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Almost forgot to listen to this before the day was up.
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Thanks for the following days ago. :)
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