"Teen Titans Go!" Season Eight Talkback (Spoilers)

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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Another meh holiday episode. These used to be bangers. But they keep overusing the 'go to the magic realm to solve the problem' and it loses any omph. Or they zip past the best part, like here the trials. Sure, there's only so much to do with 11 minutes. Football against giant Brussels sprouts. A cornucopia scorpion. lol. Funny stuff. I also loved that while asleep, Raven still manages to save them from certain doom and rubs it in. :D

And season 8 is officially halfway through.
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Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Teen Titans Go! "The Wishbone"

Yogi Bear! I love that not only does this show do WB crossovers at the drop of a hat now. It no longer acts like they're a big deal. As far as the layperson, general viewer is let on, Yogi Bear happens to be a recurring DC Comics character. No foul (although turkeys are fowls).

If Cyborg didn't say "Mooyah!" at least once (and he did twice) I'd consider this not only the worst episode in the show's history, but probably the worst episode in television history too. We're good.

The Crock Cooker reminds me greatly of Badgey from Star Trek: Lower Decks. He's cartoony, cute, openly friendly, and sinister deep down. Miss Minutes from Loki follows a similar trope, except I feel less successfully in both intention and execution.

The episode was predictable, dumb, and like a ton of unimaginative episodes before it. I should probably hate it more than I do. But "Mooyah!" means it passed my minimum standards. Believe it or not, I am not actually impossible to please. ***.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location

Teen Titans Go! "Christmas Magic"
Episode Debut - December 2, 2023

After the Titans get shrunken by Mumbo's magic, they must scale a Christmas Tree to prevent Mumbo from ruining their Christmas.


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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
I liked this, a nice smaller Christmas story - not a big spectacle event with Christmas characters like past ones (not saying they're terrible just nice to do something different). Just one of the classic TT show's villains in the tower. The home made Batman ornament stole the show, lol. From cutting off Mumbo giving his orders and on. heh heh. Even sneaked in BTAS, '66, and Returns nods.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Teen Titans Go! "Christmas Magic"

Thank you producers for understanding the fact that we are allowed nice things once in awhile. As subversive as things can get.

Is this Mumbo Jumbo's first appearance? I can't for the life of me recall him showing up before and like Mad Mod I always felt his absences were WEIRD. I think this show did Mad Mod once using a different voice than Malcolm MacDowell, but like Mad Mod, Mumbo Jumbo is one of those goofy villains from the old show, that would translate perfectly here. And Tom Kenny is affordable. Is this his first appearance? In Season 8? That CAN'T be right. But even if I'm wrong, the fact that I thought it means even if they've used him once or twice, they REALLY should be using him more. He makes a more believable recurring villain for the Go Titans than either The Brain or Brother Blood.

I liked it. ****.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Is this Mumbo Jumbo's first appearance? I can't for the life of me recall him showing up before and like Mad Mod I always felt his absences were WEIRD. I think this show did Mad Mod once using a different voice than Malcolm MacDowell, but like Mad Mod, Mumbo Jumbo is one of those goofy villains from the old show, that would translate perfectly here. And Tom Kenny is affordable. Is this his first appearance? In Season 8? That CAN'T be right. But even if I'm wrong, the fact that I thought it means even if they've used him once or twice, they REALLY should be using him more. He makes a more believable recurring villain for the Go Titans than either The Brain or Brother Blood.

I liked it. ****.
Mumbo's had a # of appearances: Real Magic, Nean, Hey You, Don't Neglect Me in Your Memory, Black Friday, Finally a Lesson, The Titans Show, The Streak: Pt 1, Fat Cats, TV Knight 7, The Great Holiday Escape before yesterday's episode. Tom Kenny reprised Mumbo from the start of TTG in season 1 with Real Magic.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
Check out the first chapter in a new 5-part event, today at 9:30 a.m. on the Cartoon Network! Episodes premiere every week this month.

Teen Titans Go! "Ship"
Episode Debut - March 2, 2024

Starfire is the captain of a spaceship heading back to her home planet of Tarmaran, and her crew is some of Earth's finest specimens.


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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Logically just the set up episode for the 5 parter. Also since it's been months since the last new one aired, took most of the episode getting used to the tone and how mean/weird the show is to these characters.

Did like Folding Paper Man saved everyone by making a giant paper baby bug that fooled the mom. Looking forward to the rest since we hardly have Starfire-centric stories. If could potentially be a recurring event like BB's Doom Patrol ones.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
Teen Titans Go! "Catpin Freak"
Episode Debut - March 9, 2024

Seeing the benefits of being captain, Freak demands the position, worrying the rest of the crew.


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Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
I will give credit to the TTG! team since at this point with how long CN has kept this series going they are fine with experimenting more and more with giving focus to other characters and odd pairings. And you know as gimmicky as the idea of "hey Starfire wants to go on this mission around the universe but we're having her take this assortment of gag characters with her instead of the other Titans" 2 episodes in and it's not quite as "yeah this just didn't work on a pitch" level as I thought. Not saying 50% Chad, Folding Paper Man, Tooth Fairy and Freak would work in a full series as characters but they provide laughs and you know having an actual straight man computer to bounce off who at first likes messing with them but later fits in as more a member of the team is funny. Plus I do give credit that we are seeing a Starfire focused story arc which yeah is something the original Teen Titans never did so props on this show for doing so.

And though not terrible or anything, I am kind of disappointed it's not clicking for me as much as it should. And why am I saying that about this off beat adventure with these random characters? Well seems like between these two episodes the entire arc is being written by Matt Chapman (who even does the computer voice) who yeah even 20 something years later I still recognize most from Homestar Runner. And granted he obviously has done other TV work since then but IMHO something like TTG! feels the most in his wheel house to just make off goofy rompy adventures with more out there slightly backwards dialogue. Not like you have to care that much about continuity or you know structure in this series but yeah he isn't really exploiting his strengths as much as he could to make it pop. Then again he was behind Strong Bad's email "best thing" aka the best cartoon show going to space satire ever so having to actually write about a show doing that which likely can't just always mock the concept won't lead to your greatest material.

Still decent episodes. It's not like I don't get where Fone Bone is coming from; TTG! isn't the kind of show meant to last this long and though it does allow them to be more out there that isn't going to lead to good episodes all the time. Plus this isn't a Simpsons or even South Park the people behind could get a second wind from. Still solid enough for what it is.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
I was also excited for a Starfire-centric multiparter finally but not feeling it either. Yet. So far it's good but not amazing. It could just be a new guest writer for why it's not an instant catch like BB with the Doom Patrol for me. Like the only thing I laughed at today was the Moon Flower Fish being down for a game of Jenga.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Teen Titans Go! "Catpin Freak"

I figure I owe this a little more than my joke review last week.

This is the single worst spin-off miniseries the show has ever conceived, in both premise and execution. The cast selection itself is appalling. I used to have an old rule in my reviews that if the Teen Titans Go! episode in question was just random sitcom nonsense we could see on a show like Regular Show or Gumball, and not actually using the DC Comics premise to its fullest, it got an automatic zero grade, regardless of quality, on general principle.

I whiffed by giving last week one star, but for the remainder of this miniseries' duration, that old rule is back. Luckily for me, the quality IS actually atrocious this week, so the zero fits anyways. 0.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
Teen Titans Go! "50% Crew"
Episode Debut - March 16, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.
*Also, remember to adjust for Daylight Savings Time

A teleportation malfunction causes the spaceship crew to lose their upper halves.


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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
For once, I wish this was shown in one week... so it would have been over already.

Good luck fixing all that Platz and Security Bot.

Well, next week, the Galactic Egg I guess. SHRUG.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Teen Titans Go! "50% Crew"

Zero stars of course, but that's not even the main takeaway. I don't think the series has ever been worse. This miniseries is a series low point. I can't even picture kids tolerating it. If the show is canceled after this season, I'll pinpoint this going on for weeks as being the reason why. 0.


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Almost forgot to listen to this before the day was up.
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Happy 4th of July, Light Lucario. I really hope you get to enjoy the fireworks tonight. Have a wonderful evening.
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Thanks for the following days ago. :)
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