"Teen Titans Go!" Season Eight Talkback (Spoilers)

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Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
Use this thread to discuss the 8th Season of Cartoon Network's hit show, Teen Titans Go!.

Tune in to a new Teen Titans Go! Halloween episode, tonight at 8:45PM ET on Cartoon Network!


Teen Titans Go! "Welcome to Halloween"
Episode Debut - October 7, 2022

Continuing their adventure with Pepo, the Titans escape the cold in a nearby castle, where they meet Krampus.


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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Welcome to Halloween

Missed the first 3 minutes but can't go wrong with a Scooby-Doo chase sequence with a random Sticky Joe cameo, lol. And yeah, it was endearing to learn he hated being Krampus but it was a job handed down in his family but naturally they all figure out he's better suited for Halloween, lol. Wonder if we'll see a Santa vs. Krampus episode at some point.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Teen Titans Go! "Welcome To Halloween"

Meh, I say! Meh!

For a supposedly fringe holiday character, Krampus has been getting a lot of play in popular culture lately. I'm not going to say the musical number at the end was outright theft from "Minstrel Krampus" from American Dad!. But it felt like it it was, which is why it bugged me.

I would only accept Robin as the new Krampus if they wrote him out of the show for it. Since he'll be back next week, I don't care that he's living his dream.

Just to be clear, the Original Teen Titans Series actually made fun of Scooby Doo chases too. This show is NOT breaking new comedy ground with that.

On a scale of meh to meh, I'd give it a meh. **1/2.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location

Teen Titans Go! "The Great Holiday Escape"
Episode Debut - December 9, 2022

The Teen Titans must help Santa Claus escape a tricky situation or risk ruining Christmas for everyone.

Teen Titans Go! "Looking for Love"
Episode Debut - February 6, 2023

When they receive an alert that Love is missing, the Titans set out to find her using musical clues.

Teen Titans Go! "Teen Titans Action, Parts 1-2"
Episode Debut - February 20, 2023

Teen Titans Go! "TV Knight 8"
Episode Debut - February 27, 2023

Commissioner Gordon has to work, so Batman joins him at the GCPD for fun and crimefighting.

Teen Titans Go! "A Stickier Situation"
Episode Debut - March 6, 2023

When Sticky Joe tries to clip his pet rat's nails, it leads to a wild adventure.

Teen Titans Go! "Winning a Golf Tournament Is the Solution to All of Life's Money Problems"
Episode Debut - March 13, 2023

The T-Car is towed due to outstanding parking tickets; Robin has Cyborg enter a golf tournament for the cash prize.

Teen Titans Go! "Always Be Crimefighting"
Episode Debut - March 20, 2023

Looking to motivate them, Robin tells the Titans to solve some crimes or they're fired.

Teen Titans Go! "Easter Annihilation"
Episode Debut - March 27, 2023

When Cyborg's egg hunt tech stops working, the Titans go to their satellite to find out what happened.

Teen Titans Go! "The Brain of the Family, Parts 1-2"
Episode Debut - May 6, 2023

The Brain's home life is disrupted when his slacker brother Brian comes to visit; the Brain and Mallah have to deal with Brian's messes and keep him from ruining their secret scheme.

Teen Titans Go! "Arthur"
Episode Debut - May 13, 2023

Robin threatens to fire Dr. Light unless he starts coming up with more inventive schemes.

Teen Titans Go! "Toilet Water"
Episode Debut - May 13, 2023

When the Titans dog-sit for Superman, Robin tries to keep the others from spoiling Krypto.

Teen Titans Go! "Plot Holes"
Episode Debut - May 20, 2023

After learning about movie plot holes, the Titans have some fun but end up throwing their world into chaos.

Teen Titans Go! "Utility Belt"
Episode Debut - May 20, 2023

Worried that he's only special because of his utility belt, Robin donates it to a thrift store.

Teen Titans Go! "Our House"
Episode Debut - July 24, 2023

The Brain becomes a home inspector to try to get the Doom Patrol's house condemned.

Teen Titans Go! "Beard Hunter"
Episode Debut - July 25, 2023

On a camping trip, The Chief shows off his beard and warns the Doom Patrol about the Beard Hunter.

Teen Titans Go! "Elasti-Bot"
Episode Debut - July 26, 2023

After ElastGirl is pushed to her limit, The Chief builds a robot replacement.

Teen Titans Go! "Negative Feels"
Episode Debut - July 27, 2023

Negative Girl starts feeding on negative energy, so the Doom Patrol must stay positive before it's too late.

Teen Titans Go! "New Chum"
Episode Debut - July 28, 2023

To prove he is extreme, Robotman becomes friends with King Shark and his gang of suckerfish.


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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Looking for Love

Favorite bit was Robin being disgusted with using non-violence and the whole Care Bear moment with saving Love. Rest was eh.


While not an episode, there was another NBA special like last year, on 2/19/23
Cartoon Network's version of the NBA Slam Dunk Contest, highlighting the best slam dunks, hosted by the Teen Titans.

Viewed here or here.

Teen Titans Action

Didn't really care for it. Feels like they stretched a 1 parter into a 2 parter by adding in the antics in the satellite or the competitions with the JL. Those killed the pace for me. Others I'm sure enjoyed that stuff because it's totally TTG material. Did love the ending with Raven's toy's head turn deflecting the laser and Toy Master promising to get revenge once his insurance check cleared.

TV Knight 8

With each new TV Knight, I find it harder and harder to comment. But it was funny the chef for Starfire's restaurant turned out to be Glord Nor from TV Knight 6. Was pretty surprised by the Simpsons reference on the board behind Gordon in his office.

A Stickier Situation

lol at the random Hawkman and Aqualad cameos. A rare appearance of Kitten and a talking role but yipes at the shot of all her pets. Return of the Bug Beam and a hilarious nod to that season 2 ep "The Mask" when Robin's face turned to be too handsome. Or the Skeletor pastiche returned and all his gym gear, lol. And or course, Howdy's long nails ends up saving the Titans.

Winning a Golf Tournament Is the Solution to All of Life's Money Problems

Gotta be the longest episode title ever. Glad they're still doing more episodes that don't have all the Titans in them. Wish there was a bit more of Robin getting beat up by mistake but all in all, a solid episode. Was a little surprised it didn't end with the golf course blowing up as a nod to Caddyshack but eh.

Always Be Crimefighting

Eh kinda bland episode but pretty neat it took inspiration from Glengarry Ross of all things and the Monet Brain recreated was real, The Water Lily Pond.

Easter Annihilation

So so weird. Yes, a total nod to Alien and Aliens but just please stop using the Easter Bunny.

The Brain of the Family

Mmm, bit of a 90s family sitcom inspiration with the younger adult brother who can't do anything right coming to visit. Thought of sure it would be a whole episode without any Titans but Robin pops in for a cameo on the TV at the end homaging Jason Todd's death. Still, must be the least amount of screentime ever. Poor Mallah. Kinda funny notion that the robot henchmen start out as kids but still peppering in robot logic they weren't programmed to drive so they were in grave danger or the knit playset was great for them because it wouldn't scuff them like an ordinary one.

It sure was different. Sure, we've seen villains being the main feature before like that villains getting gelato one. But the idea of one duo carrying 2 episodes instead of the Titans who are barely in it, I could get behind that be a reoccurring concept with some of the TT villains.


Hate to admit it but kinda like when the supervillain gets one over the Titans.

Funny reference with the Titans and their love of Steel Magnolias. And enjoyed Robin loving supervillain tropes like the evil monologue and henchmen being hired. And of course bashing the henchmen in order of his comrades unaware they were the Titans. And the send up of some of the recurring stuff like Robin having to say "Titan, go!" in the absence of the others.

Toilet Water

Interesting way to frame how even a Kryptonian dog needs a regimented life or he'll go bad.

Lot of hilarity with Robin getting beat up by one of the grizzly bears that recurs in this series. But got kinda heavy, Aquaman and Topo I guess in counseling and the severed hand gripping the stolen pizza. At least it ended funny, with mad Superman and the PSA.

Our House

Ah, a commentary on the dreaded HOA.

Totally in character for Chief to booby trap the whole house.

Beard Hunter

Just wow, they used Beard Hunter on the show and was meta at the end about it. Lmao.


Poor Brain. The random DC hero cameos in these DP episodes are funnier by the episode.

Ok, the typical family comedy series episode where one episode keeps the house in order and when they're not around: chaos. Got it.

Negative Feels

What a weird cutaway use of Captain Cold.

What a call back. The lyric Beast Boy sings before they put on the packs is his "Fade Away" song for Terra in season 1 episode 40's "Be Mine".

Rofl. Right on Titans Tower.

New Chum

Titans Tower can't catch a break.

Have a feeling this episode was written around the Free Wily ending. Lol.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Teen Titans Go! "The Great Holiday Escape"

It's bad enough they didn't do a dedication card for Kevin Conroy. You'd figure they'd at least have done one for Robert Morse.

For the record, I am aware the show didn't actually steal my idea of a jacked, bare-armed, tattooed, badass Santa. But he's been in Gilda And Meek since at least 2016. That's a damn fact. Check my site if you think I've jiving. I'm not.

Bane with the prison gift basket was funny. Because that's what prison's like, right? American Dad's Jeff Fischer also expects poetry slams.

The ending was freaking dark.

Nonsense per usual, and yes, I like whenever popular culture uses an idea I already had, telling me I'm not crazy for seeing its value. But the truth it is was a disposable episode otherwise. ***.

Teen Titans Go! "Looking For Love"

It's stupid to do an episode about love songs on a show with such a tiny budget. They can't actually clear the music rights.

The Love Train reminded me how much I miss Infinity Train.

Dracula is kind of cool, and Love is kind of cute, but the ending was neither. Blah. **1/2.

Teen Titans Go! "Teen Titans Action"

Justice League Unlimited did not just produce the greatest DC cartoon of all time. It also produced the greatest DC toyline of all time too. Loved the homage.

And Flash's reason for helping at the end is sound: The Titans can't even win a sack race. "We're pathetic!" cries Cyborg. Oh, so you just noticed?

For the record, this reiterates something I've mentioned before. The action sequences on this flash animated show are better boarded and animated than the original Murikanime from the original series. It's true. Animation techniques have improved, and action sequences have gotten inexpensive enough for a show this cheap to animate them far more cinematically than much of DC animation from its heyday. And that's just a fact.

I'm not sure this needed to be a double episode, but whatever. ***1/2.

Teen Titans Go! "TV Knight 8"

Robin's outfit IS ridiculous.

Gordon and Batman's gay comedy duo bit never fails to amuse me.

I liked the riff of March of the Penguins. Using... the Penguin. Of course.

Pocket Robin suits are the leisurewear in Hell.

Pretty funny stuff. ***1/2.

Teen Titans Go! "A Stickier Situation"

Roger Smith on American Dad had a VERY good measure of when Beverly Hills, 90210 went downhill. When they started giving the guy who ran the Peach Pit his own storylines. "Like I care that Nat can't read."

Take that moral to this show, and I believe once we're dealing in Sticky Joe centered episodes, the show has pretty much run its course.

What was up with that weird He-Man parody? Why? Or better yet WHAAA?!

Haven't seen Kitten in awhile. I'd say I'd missed her, except that would be an easily disprovable lie. Because it's freaking Kitten.

Robin's reaction to Joe cleaning Howdy with his toothbrush is funny enough. But when the rat licks him I love that he acts like Lucy having just been kissed by Snoopy. Blech! Rat germs! Get the disinfectant!

But seriously, Sticky Joe isn't the only thing long in the tooth. The show giving up airtime to him means it is too. **1/2.

Teen Titans Go! "Winning A Golf Tournament Is The Solution To All Of Life's Money Problems"

TTG Writer's room pitch: "Maybe an episode where Cyborg and Robin play golf could be funny."

Me seeing the results: "Nope."

I hate golf. I understand why people enjoy playing it. Like Bowling, it is a sport that requires zero athleticism to play, which is why is it favorite among the lazy, the fat, and the rich. I understand the appeal of that. What I don't get is why there are golf tournaments on TV, or how a person could possibly enjoy watching somebody ELSE play golf. Yeah it takes a high level of hand-eye coordination. So does brain surgery. Tiger Woods does that on camera and I'll watch it. Watching a loafer's sport however, is not my jam. *.

Teen Titans Go! "Always Be Crimefighting"

I love that the Teen Titans have crimefighting leads. That's SO freaking mundane.

I also loved Killer Moth bumping up against the florescent light like an actual moth.

The Titans realizing how easy it would be to steal the wave-skipper was a pretty good comedy of ill-manners.

Funny. ***1/2.

Teen Titans Go! "Easter Annihilation"

The Easter Bunny is scary, so the horror movie motif is a logical extension of that, but the Easter Bunny is also creepy and off-putting, and makes a lousy Freddy Krueger.

But it's "Alien" they are actually channeling here. I liked the self-sacrificing climax, but the horror movie cliffhanger annoyed me.

Easter episodes are where comedy goes to die on this show. *1/2.

Teen Titans Go! "The Brain Of The Family"

I like that the Titans are entirely absent during the first 11 minute part.

That being said, despite the premise being both goofy and subversive, and turning the idea of DC Comics on its head, I still weirdly felt like the episode fed too much into cliches and was too predictable. Based on the weird premise, it shouldn't have been.

A little disappointed. **1/2.

Teen Titan Go! "Arthur"

I love that this version of Dr. Light is lovable, sympathetic, cute, and that the Titans (outside of Robin) actually seem to like him. The comic version is.... NOT any of that. So... Yeah... Better stick with this version.

I laughed at Robin being mad Arthur's quoting Steel Magnolias. I never saw that movie so I had no idea that's what he was doing.

Funny stuff. ****.

Teen Titans Go! "Toilet Water"

Krypto! I love that the Titans' bad habits didn't just turn Krypto into a bad dog. They turned him evil! It was also super cute when he was chasing around Beast Boy as a cat.

The PSA at the end was amusing because it was nonsensical.

Cute episode. ***1/2.

Teen Titans Go! "Plot Holes"


Just for the record, using Scott Menville as the celebrity guest is fine. Simply because I believe the dude deserves to be a household name at this point.

Never noticed those specific plotholes about Independence Day and Armageddon before. Good points.

Silliness. ***1/2.

Teen Titans Go! "Utility Belt"

The ending was nice, and the Utility Belt IS cool. But honestly? The rest of the episode was too mean. Didn't enjoy it. **.

Teen Titans Go! "Our House"

I love that the Chief randomly has a giant Starro trapped in one of the floors of his underground lab.

I also loved the fight between the mecha-house and Mallah's bulldozer. I love that the animators used the dozer's claws to make it look like it was running like an ape.

Funny. ***1/2.

Teen Titans Go! "Beard Hunter"

Some episodes of the show are stupid. Some are tiresome. Some are both. This was both.

I might have forgiven it if it was also funny, but no. Even learning this was an actual DC Comics character at the end wasn't actually funny. *.

Teen Titans Go! "Elasti-Bot"

It's amusing enough, but I somehow don't feel right about the Doom Patrol being portrayed as useless as the Teen Titans. Even in this continuity, I feel like the Titans' uselessness must remain singularly theirs and not actually a problem for other superheroes and teams in the Universe. Am I wrong for thinking that? Some cute comedy (much of it clearly designed after Richie Rich's crazy and easily corrupted robot maid) can't help me feeling this is feeling too much like the nonsense the Titans themselves would do. ***.

Teen Titans Go! "Negative Feels"

Can you believe it's been four episodes since we last saw the Teen Titans?

I never understood the celebrity casting of Rachel Dratch as Negative Girl. It would be one thing if ALL the Doom Patrol was voiced by celebrities or comedians, but despite Cree Summer and Larry Kenney being well-known voice-over vets, they aren't former SNL cast members or people who were on The King Of Queens like Dratch is (although Summer was on A Different World). After seeing what she did here, I see the point in casting her. She was cast a couple of seasons ago, and I'm not dumb enough to believe this was planned from way back then, but I will say I now think the exact right person was given the role.

No, you know what? I take that back. I also would have accepted Brooklyn Nine-Nine's Chelsea Peretti here. For the record.

Interesting episode. ***1/2.

Teen Titans Go! "New Chum"

Quick take: You know how THIS version of Robotman is inferior in every way to the live-action one from Doom Patrol? That's the same way this version of King Shark is inferior to the one on Harley Quinn. ***.

Cartoon Network Special Edition All-Star Slam Dunk Contest 2023

Wait, the white dude won? Are we sure this wasn't fixed?

If I produced Scooby Doo, I would be VERY unhappy with how Scooby and Velma were used here. Velma's classic groaner "My glasses! I can't see without my glasses!" sounds even more trite when it's repeated several times in the same damn cartoon. I feel like it was such a mean joke about how bad that show is, that if I produced it, I'd worried it would damage the brand.

Then again, looks at HBO Max's Velma, and decides to keep my mouth shut.

Raven claims Batman is so popular his villains get movies. Let's see. Catwoman. Joker. Harley Quinn. That checks out.

I missed last year's special, and it was impossible to track down. This year's was fun. ****.
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Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location

Teen Titans Go! "Warner Bros 100th Anniversary, Parts 1-2"
Episode Debut - September 23, 2023

The Titans are in charge of the 100th anniversary party for Warner Bros on the studio lot, and everything is going well until the magical WB Shield is broken into pieces.

Teen Titans Go! "Intro"
Episode Debut - September 23, 2023

Control Freak leads the Titans on a chase through various cartoon intro sequences.


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Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
It is weird that they are still going forward airing Looney Tunes, Yogi Bear and Scooby Doo regularly today despite not airing the 100th WB Anniversary episode. Maybe they're waiting for Disney's 100th episode special first or something?

"Intro" though was still a... mixed bag of an episode. I do feel they should have skipped the Jetsons intro (funny bit of them just having the entire family go in that little flight car down to the mall) and went with one of the more standard CN shows intro. Like Dexter's Lab or The Powerpuff Girls (I would say Samurai Jack but guess that's technically Adult Swim now by CN standards) to you know go through more different kinds of history of various CN related intros then just some of the 60's classic series. Plus like eating the sandwitch and the ice cream to try and parallel the Scooby Doo intro weren't that funny. I will say messing with the BTAS intro to having BTAS Batman beat up Control Freak or making that BTAS squint with the Titans admitting how much Robin sucks is great. I am split on the end though. I will say it must have felt super cathartic and just "ha ha f u original fans" amusing for the team to take the original Teen Titans intro and then have the TTG characters goof all over it. Like this is the kind of bit where if they could get away with it probably would have had middle fingers constantly appear in the background. Plus unlike older episodes like "Let's Get Serious" (which is playing now as I'm typing this on CN) it's clear the point they are trying to make; "yeah we know the original series looks better and probably has better stuff... but screw those guys they aren't as fun we're going to let our characters mess aorund" thus how easy TTG Raven just warped away the others (like if they were less humble the bit should have been TTG Raven tries warping them away but they come back and TTG Raven says "oh right they're Raven is much better then me" and THEY get warped away) so I get that in a pure trolling level. Like the Titans mock Control Freak for being a troll but clearly they're the even bigger ones but also... as someone who has loved and enjoyed that intro for 20 years it does feel kind of messed up seeing the TTG goof all over it. We've seen jokes done before but them going all out with the full intro and just referencing the wonkiest moments of their show... man just hits so weird. I do kind of respect it for fully going out but can't deny it does leave an impact so yeah again split.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Agreed, I'd say the highlight is the opening intro being extended and the TT intro at the end. Dug the nods to Robin's parasitic twin from "The Mask" and Starfire's scooper from "The Scoop" as well as the silhouettes of Birdarang, Beatbox, Sticky Joe, and Silkie swapped in just before the end of it. As well as Pretty Pretty Pegasus in Raven's b.g. in intro.

The rest was eh. How dare they do that to Rosie. Scooby stuff went a bit overboard. Wonder why they used Charlie instead of Creeper since Charlie was a robot. BTAS part, meh. I'm sure the last bit really irks the diehard TT fans.

I think this was the first time the writer-director credits don't appear at the start of the episode and only in the end credits.
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Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Teen Titans Go! "Intro"

Oh, I love that they used actual cartoon intros.

The Teen Titans Go version of the Teen Titans theme is an instant classic. When it hits YouTube, I'm watching it on a loop until my eyes bleed.

I was delighted to see Batman: The Animated Series' opening. Was the episode dedicated to Kevin Conroy? If not, it should have been.

I love that Control Freak pronounces BTAS "Bee-taz".I'm gonna do that now.

Anyone else noticed they used the theme for The New Scooby Doo Movies over the visuals for Scooby Doo, Where Are You?

I love Cyborg telling Rosie he'll call her.*

I loved the episode. Pure cartoon fun and the show at its best. *****.

*He won't call.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2019
Čonoplja near Sombor
TTG somehow survived the Warner Bros.-Discovery merger and got its eighth season, huh? Did TTG became the longest-running show based on a DC property?


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location

Teen Titans Go! "Haunted Tank"
Episode Debut - October 7, 2023

At a Halloween festival, the Titans meet the famous Haunted Tank and its ghostly inhabitant, General Tucker.


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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Neat blink and miss official debut of Scarecrow in one of the booths.

Wonder why they created a new ghost for Haunted Tank. But still hilarious his brother was Haunted House. As well as the plan was to mess with his stuff, classic.

Harry's bedroom in particular, that was a nod to Kevin's brother Buzz's bedroom in Home Alone, right? The tarantula, the Bulls jersey, etc. I think it was. Funny to hear Starfire mention Echo Park but then like oh yeah, Jump City is in California.

EDIT: lol, when Harry picks up the Haunted Tank, he opens the window, then chucks it through the whole wall. :D

Funny ending with Tucker and Harry taking the T-Car. Had a feeling the pumpkin would get destroyed at the last second.
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Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
Pretty good Halloween episode this year.

I was wondering if this General Tucker was a newer version of Haunted Tank from the comics I didn't know about. It's a minor nitpick though. Harry the Haunted House was a nice enough setting. I was also expecting them to throw in Danny the Street in there for good measure.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Pretty good Halloween episode this year.

I was wondering if this General Tucker was a newer version of Haunted Tank from the comics I didn't know about. It's a minor nitpick though. Harry the Haunted House was a nice enough setting. I was also expecting them to throw in Danny the Street in there for good measure.
Ha ha. At first, I thought the house was going to be House of Mystery or House of Secrets but nope, a new creation. It's just plain funny Haunted Tank's brother was Haunted House.


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Almost forgot to listen to this before the day was up.
Viper wrote on Light Lucario's profile.
Happy 4th of July, Light Lucario. I really hope you get to enjoy the fireworks tonight. Have a wonderful evening.
BlooCNBoy02 wrote on 2 quid is good's profile.
Thanks for the following days ago. :)
Your avatar looks interesting.

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